Dangerously Delicious

By nerdyflirtykari

1.3M 52.9K 26.4K

Filled with street smarts and book smarts, Arianna Lincoln reached her dream of owning her own restaurant. Re... More



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By nerdyflirtykari

Arianna was lost for words. She wanted to say something but the hope and seriousness in his eyes silenced her questions. Slumping against his body, she smiled when he instinctively held her in a protective hold. The world around them was quiet, awaiting her answer but the two were in their own bubble. Loving stares with small smiles, light touches with promises of a future, the two were goners.

Miles away with the only connection of video call, Michael was enclosed in his office witnessing a side of his best friend he never saw. Overnight she bloomed into this woman who was probably hidden and it took one man to lure her out. Though his heart ached when the question escaped Raizon's mouth, he knew her answer before she can even voice it. This was her dream. To be loved by a man who was on the same wavelength as her, a man who saw her as his and only his, a man who saw her worthy enough to be his wife. Ari was head over heels in love with Raizon. Though they loved each other once as lovers, their connection was never as strong as the one she had with Raizon. She was actually with the right man. When they were together, he knew that's what she really wanted but wasn't ready to give her. He was enjoying their flexible relationship too much. Life wasn't ready for him to settle, but it was ready for his best friend. Smiling at the scene before him, he gingerly leaned back into his leather chair and waited with everyone else.

The inset on his screen showed the wide giddy smiles of Gianni and Stephen.

Gianni was excited. Ari will officially be his sister, once she says yes of course. He was initially shocked by his older brother's actions but it slowly ebbed away to happiness. Raizon was in love and actually smiling, he was learning to live. 'Father would have been so proud of him,' he thought to himself. Beside him, Stephen was already musing about wedding details for the two, he may be an excellent marksman but he still had his feminine side thanks to his sisters and the woman in his boss' arms.

Arianna raised an eyebrow at the man looking down at her with so much adoration in his eyes.
"Is this proposal some sort of 'to do' thing before we do this op?" She asked.

"It's a 'can't live without you' thing," he replied with a twitch of his lips.

"Don't lie to me, Delacourde. I will shoot you in the balls if it is," she said poking his chest playfully.

"Are you deflecting my question, Miss Lincoln?" Raizon teased before kissing her nose.

Shaking her head, 'no, she nuzzled her nose into his neck before releasing the happy sigh that formed in her chest.

"Yes, I will marry you," she finally answered.

"Fuck yeah," Raizon said aloud before crashing his lips onto hers. Cheers erupted in the room as their boss claimed his queen, solidifying that Arianna was indeed his.

Breaking away from her hold for a moment, Raizon retrieved the ring from the box and reverently placed the ring on her finger.

"Perfect fit," he whispered before placing a kiss on her ring finger. It didn't matter how long they've been in a relationship, Raizon didn't doubt Arianna's love and allowed his heart to lead him. She will always be his.

"Congratulations, ma'am but we must get on with your training."

The steady voice of Night Angel, the only female under Raizon to have a high rank as team leader interrupted their little moment. She along with her brother were a formidable duo in which they are claimed as deadly. By the mention of their names, respect and fear usually follow.

"Certainly, Angel," Arianna replied giving the always stoic woman a soft smile before returning her attention to her fiance.
She gave the couple a slight nod before leaving them be.

"After this shit, I'm going full bride mode," Arianna said with a grin.

"Can't wait. We'll take a trip to my family home and spend some time with mother. You, me, Gigi, Stephen, even Michael. A vacation," he murmured against her cheek.

"Mr. Workaholic, did you just plan a vacation?" She teased, giving his lips a quick kiss.

"Hush." Nipping at her lips, he laughed when she moaned against his lips then pulled away.

"I will finalize the plan with Angel and the four we chose. I'll be home a bit late. Don't forget you have a meeting in two hours."
Raizon simply watched on with adoration as she fixed his tie and tried to fix his messy hair.

"I won't. See you tonight, my future wife," he said for her ears only. He heard her breath hitched right before that gorgeous smile took over her face.
One last kiss, she sashayed her way out of the room, along with the warmth he always felt with her around. Shaking his head out of the daze he was in, Raizon turned to see the toothy grins on the guys' faces. It was a bit disturbing to see ex-mercenaries and soldiers strapped with guns and a full-on armory behind them, acting this way.

"Get back to work!" he shouted, trying his best to hide the smile forming on his lips. 

She said yes.

The next few days found the entire Delacourde compound in a frenzy. All eyes were on Washington. They kept track of everything Monroe did. Whether it was bugging his house, office, and cars or getting drone surveillance of his whereabouts, everything was covered. Between his legal business and the Mafia side of his life, Raizon was back and forth with everything. What made it worthwhile were the nights of going home to his woman. Different types of greetings always met him whenever he enters the door to their townhouse. A sleeping Arianna with Vinny standing guard, home cooked meal laid out on the table with her sitting in a sexy as hell lingerie or her poring over information on Monroe or any minor threats to the empire, a smile was always on his face those past nights. 

Presently he was in the office at one of his clubs handling a little leech problem. Her training was over and was meeting him there for a little date night. Raizon felt guilty because they never did go out on an official date and yet they were engaged. "So we do things differently, either way, we're still meant for each other," she said when he confessed it all on the phone. Again he was struck by her point of view of their relationship. From observations of other couples, he saw constant fights in public, the airing of dirty laundry and the crazy use of social media, he didn't know what to expect when he told her this but he was happy with her response. What took him by an even more surprising was her request of a prepared dinner at the club he was presently at. The club only saw the richest of men, classy interior, music to match the ambiance and class all the way. It was made up of three floors, each with a different theme, his office, his private suite per se was on the third floor. He had the view of all entrances and of the patrons coming in and out. 

Thankfully he had an exceptional chef for the kitchens and placed his meal request after Arianna's askance. 

Standing at the floor to ceiling window, he kept an eye on a certain group of men in the corner on the first floor. He chuckled by the sense of deja vu, at the present scene. The four men he was surveying were reselling his drugs for their own personal gain, boldly in one of his clubs, Raizon never mixes his two lives together. It was a night similar to this, he met Arianna and it turned out to be a life-changing moment for them both. This club was his first business. He built it from the ground up when he nineteen, it flourished beautifully. After two years of its opening, it was a well-known club for the best night you will want to have.

'Coming up north with the boss lady.'

Raizon smirk grew wider by the relayed message. It was amusing when they called her 'boss lady', they took to her fairly well. He expected resistance from the older heads but it seems they saw her true self just like he did.

"I'll meet her at the front entrance. I need four men circling to the ground floor. Spook the four huddled in the corner," he said into his earpiece.

'Very well, sir,' Arianna's driver said before ending all communication. Fixing the black and red vest over his white dress shirt in which he paired with black jeans and black boots, Raizon took a quick check of his office space. Quickly he rushed over the table for two and shifted the silverware nervously. The room was sound proof, they had their own romantic ambiance better than the club vibe downstairs. He had a surprise for her in which he silently prays she will love. 
Taking his time, he walked down the hall and through the security door, only to hear laughter and music from the three VIP rooms on the 3rd floor. One of the guards followed him while the other stood guard at the door which separates everything. Moving to the second floor, he was greeted by acquaintances who were spending their money wildly to impress the scantily dressed girls on their laps. The woman eyed him greedily as he talked with their dates, he ignored them completely. They had nothing on his kitten. He knew they were attracted to the danger of him, he was in his own place, he wore his guns proudly. 

"Baby. Introduce me to your friend," a black haired woman whined. The man Raizon was talking to was an arms dealer he connects with. Raising an eyebrow at her bold move by stepping towards him, the arms dealer roughly pulled her back, causing her to stumble. "I'm sorry, Mr. Delacourde, my date seems eager to meet my friends," the man said with a slight stutter. By the mention of Raizon's name, the woman perked up even more. 

"Apologies. It's not every day I get to meet a young smart billionaire as yourself, Mr. Delacourde," she purred, trying her best to go after Raizon once more.

"I don't believe you do. Cherkov, expect my call in two days," Raizon said coldly before leaving the two.

"How do you know him? He's the hottest and youngest billionaire in Boston," the woman asked, eyeing the back of Raizon like a meal.

"Its no importance of you, Connie. Here. Find your way home. Can't take you anywhere," Cherkov snarled throwing three hundred dollars on the table for her like a common whore. He didn't really care about her, her rudeness probably cost him his biggest client. Delacourde's patronage kept him afloat after the feds were close to bringing him down.
Connie rolled her eyes and snatched up the money before going over to the chrome rails of the balcony, trying to spot the billionaire. It wasn't hard to find him, he walked with his head held high and with a purpose. The crowds parted on their own accord when he moved towards them. His eyes didn't linger to the females trying to get his attention, she followed the path in which he was heading. Connie's envy sparked upon seeing the woman who was approaching him with two men in black following her closely. The outfit she wore was worth hundreds, Connie knew because she priced the exact fitted high waist skirt and matching crop top, along with the heels, earlier that day. Her brown skin complimented the colorful outfit well, plus her natural curls made her exotic. 

"Perfection for perfection," she muttered, boldly looking on as the couple greeted each other with a sensual kiss. A commotion in the corner distracted her. Four men were being physically removed from the club by armed men in black. They were screaming profanities at the men and claims of injustice. One got loose, spotting Delacourde through the crowd, he probably saw the error in his ways of whatever they were doing for him to have the face of fear now. Connie frowned at this. The man pushed his way to Delacourde and his woman, the two stood calmly waiting. When he got close, the woman smoothly unholstered one of the guns at his sides and aimed it at the man confidently. Queen protecting her King, Connie thought to herself. She wasn't new to guns thanks to her Army veteran father. The crowd gasps, silly women screamed but most stood by and watched. The man stopped and went to his knees. Connie can hear his begging thanks to the DJ's action of stopping the music. "We're sorry, sir. We thought nothing of it. We won't do it again. Please. Spare us. We're sorry, Mr. Delacourde," he pleaded, his eyes darting between the gun the woman held and Delacourde who stood behind her with a bored expression.

"Disrespect isn't taken lightly where I came from," Raizon voiced out, his French accent coating each word. He slid his arm around the brown beauty and kissed her neck then her temple. Connie envy grew, even more, anyone can see how reverently he kissed her. She wanted that, she needed that. The woman didn't speak out loud, she slowly made her way to the fearful man and whispered in his ear, tapping the gun over his chest before leaving his side. The man's eyes were still wide as he cried his thanks to the woman. Like clockwork, two armed men came for him, this time he didn't fight their hold. Delacourde took the woman back in his arms, kissing her head so lovingly that Connie felt rude for witnessing their moment. "Lucky girl," she said before making her way out of the club. 

Arianna allowed Raizon to lead her to his office suite, taking in the club he prized so much. She remembered coming here once with Gianni and was treated like a queen. Her best friend told her in a pride-filled voice how his older brother worked hard to be his own man. She smiled at the memory, glancing at the man now holding her hand. Her day has been an emotional one after watching the news as they covered, Winifred Monroe's funeral. Douglas gave a wonderful performance of a grieving widow. It angered her how he had his poor daughter in the spotlight. Her skin was pale, her eyes were blank and her movements stiff. If she didn't know the terror the girl was living in, she would have brushed it off as grief. What tore at her heart was Dana's breakdown begging to be buried alongside her mother. Arianna's tears rolled freely as herself and Zane watched on. The man who accompanied her for the first half of the day broke down with Dana. It nearly killed her. Her parents' funeral came back to mind along with the death of her adopted brother. She knew pain. She wished no one will ever have to go through that pain but it is part of life, planned or unplanned. Watching Dana only enforced her determination to get the girl out of there. 


Focusing back into the present, she found herself outside a heavy door with Raizon's hands framing her face tenderly.

"I'm sorry, baby," she said turning her face into his palm to kiss his wrist. The guards opened the door, allowing Raizon to escort her further in. Squeezing her hand nervously, he waited for her to say something at the set up he designed for their romantic night. Arianna stood in the middle of the dimly lit room and took in the candlelit dinner with her favorite flowers as the centerpiece, soft music in the background and a pair of low cut converse in the corner. She chuckled lightly but tears were rolling down her cheek. Raizon began to panic and immediately he rushed to her side.

"What's wrong? Arianna, please tell me what's wrong? I hate to see or hear you cry. It pains me so much," he said desperately to her while drying her tears.

"I love you so much, Ray. Beyond words," she cried.

"I love you too, kitten. Thank you for being my queen and loving me. The good and the bad," he returned, kissing her lips tenderly. Delicately, he escorted her to the sofa then rushed for the converse he brought for her. Kneeling before her, Arianna watched on with tear-filled eyes as he took off her heels and gave her a foot massage before placing her feet in the shoes. He knew how much she preferred comfort after work, she was happy to dress up for him after wearing heels all day.

"Tell me what's going on in that mind of yours. The guys told me after your training with Angel you have been in a pensive mood ever since," Raizon said taking a seat beside her. Squeezing the hand he held hers with, she took a deep breath and got to her feet. 

"Today's training was... let's say insightful. I-I didn't know I was keeping so many things bottled up. Angel was the one to point it out. Shadow was my sparring partner and they both kept commenting as to why I was being trained when I was instinctively doing every move they have been taught. They asked of my background and why I had to go through such intense training as a teen. I explained to them why but they were still confused. Shadow said I was a natural fighter, a perfect candidate for an operative but I laughed at his words," she said wrapping her arms around her waist. Arianna was positioned by the window smiling at the patrons enjoying their time.

"I've watched your training, baby. You're impressive. Do you know how tough that brother and sister duo truly is? They were top mercenaries, before that, feared SEALs. For Shadow to compliment you, says a lot," Raizon pressed.

"I laughed because I didn't believe him. I've been trained all my teenage and adult years so far, yet I was beaten like a weak bitch by Ricardo. I felt like a fraud after each beating, a weak and pathetic useless slip of a woman, when I refused to tell the boys and unworthy when his insults came raining down on me. Where was the fighter then?" She screamed the last part before falling to her knees. "You keep on praising me, the boys always have this proud look on their faces whenever I see them and having Angel actually considering me her friend, I feel unworthy of your praises."

Raizon was conflicted. His heart ached for the forlorn woman on the floor, plus anger and vengeance with witnessing what that bastard did to his kitten.

"As Michael's girlfriend, how did you feel?" he asked.

She looked at him confused but answered. "Laidback. I felt like something was missing, that we can be more. More than the typical best friends loving each other. We loved each other but wasn't in love with each other. We both realized that we both wanted different things and was too busy with our careers that we called it quits."

"Did he make you feel weak? Make you be someone you're not?"

"No. I was with my best friend every day," she answered with a small smile.

"And Melvin?" Raizon saw a dramatic change in her expression. 

"I wasn't myself. I wanted to please him so much. I was caught up in a bubble with him but felt my happiness draining. I believed that things will get better, I believed he was the one to have a family with at first then the abuse started. He was so convincing, I just let it happened," she explained in a soft voice.

"You gave up. You felt downtrodden about it all," Raizon was now sitting by her, lifting her head to look at her brown eyes which he loved so much. "You lost your brother around that time, didn't you? The boys were always busy. You had no contact from your other brother. You began missing your parents," he continued.


"I listened. The boys also told me how bad they felt by not paying attention to you better. I pieced the timeline together. Your parents' wedding anniversary and their deaths were around the same you were with Melvin," he answered.

"Yes." It was less than a whisper but he heard.

"You wanted comfort and love and Melvin was the only one available. You're human, my love. We all have our weak moments when we forget everything we've been taught, every instinct shuts down. I had that moment when father died in my arms. I forgot where we were or who was around. I was losing, father. I became scared and weak not knowing what to do. The son of a Mafia King scared. You are a fighter, love. You gained the courage to

leave, many don't or they end up dead. I'm so proud of you kitten, still, am and forever will be."

Leaning into his embrace, an exasperated groan escaped her after assessing their current position. "I ruined our date night. The emotional outburst supposed to be after the nice dinner and a hot makeout session, " she said against his chest.

"There's a pattern of us doing things unconventionally. I see no problem in it," he returned with a soft laugh.

"Stop!" Arianna was beyond embarrassed of her breakdown, she wanted Ray to see her as his equal, his strong woman. She was thankful for his patience as she told him of what bothered her.


"Yeah?" She returned loving the slow caress of his hand on her bare skin.

"How do you feel with me?"

Turning to look up at him, Ari's heart thundered in her chest when she got the first glimpse of his vulnerability and his nervousness. She always saw this side of him when he's not sure of the emotional side of their relationship. He understood the love and trust between them but being the man for her, he was unsure about things but tried even though.

"Complete. I feel and am complete with you," she confessed. His body visibly relaxed by her words. Her Ray.
"You're doing great, Raizon. I don't need grand gestures or major declaration of your love for me. Simple things made me fall so hard for you. That and this gorgeous body of yours."
A silly grin was on his face as he allowed her to push him back onto the carpeted floor, she straddled his waist, allowing her tight skirt to slither up her thighs.

"Did I mention how fucking sexy you look tonight?" He asked. A laugh escaped her as his eyes took in the bright yellow skirt moving her brown thick thighs.  The white crop top with a pink haired unicorn showed off her smooth brown skin. He loved her hair in its natural state, her eyes were so full of joy and love.

"I think I'm feeling it right now," she said softly. She shifted her hips slightly against his growing member, smirking at the sound of his tortured groan.

"Jesus woman," he cursed aloud, gripping her waist when she continued.
Sitting up, he placed his hand behind her head and pressed his lips against hers. She responded immediately, fueled by his hasty movements. His hands scorched her body through her clothing as he ran them down her body before going between the juncture where they were joined. There's always an underlying hunger for her, Raizon couldn't get enough of her body, he loved how she was perfectly made for him. Each touch from him resulted in such cock-twitching moan. Feeling her soaked thong, he growled under his breath and released himself quickly from the confines of his jeans. Glancing at her flushed and lust filled face, he watched on as he plunged his fingers in her, who would have thought that she was going to be so slick after their very busy morning under the sheets and shower. They were both insatiable. 
Ripping her thong from her plump ass, Raizon plunged into her roughly, wrapping his hand around her throat. His thumb was over her pulse, he can feel it begin to pick up, he moved it to her lips in which she seductively took it in her mouth. Faster he pumped in her, memorizing her moans, her screams, and her begging, she was his very own drug. Switching positions he had her on her back, thighs parted as he relentlessly drove into her, his hand still around her neck in a chokehold. Her brown eyes showed how fucking turned on she was, never once did he lose his stride in her. She was bucking her hips upwards to meet each thrust he gave her, his kitten was matching his pace wonderfully.

"God, you're perfect in every way, kitten," he said aloud.

Gathering her in his arms, he got to his feet and walked them over to the window. Slamming her against the reinforced glass, she wrapped her legs around his waist, his hand was still around her neck, caressing the skin over her pulse while the other held her hands above her head. Their heavy breathing mingled together in perfect symphony before he was cut off by her surprised gasp. Again he began, chasing both their orgasms. Her core tightened around his cock, she was near to her release. Burying his face into her neck, she wrapped her arms around his neck, whispering, more like whimpering her need. She was begging for more. Knees weak from the pleasure she gave him, Raizon held her firmly against the window, smirking at the thought of fucking her for everyone to see but the window was one-sided. A sharp bite on his shoulder brought him back to her. Kissing her neck, he shuddered in pride by her screams of his name as she released all over his cock.

"Shit!" He shouted. His grip became tighter on her thighs as he followed right after her. Their breathing was labored mixed with breathy laughs.

"Date night saved," she joked.

Kissing her neck then bringing her to her feet, he opted for trapping her between him and the window, showering her with small kisses. He loved the small smile was on her face as he kissed her, her hands roamed his body, the mingled scents of their lovemaking filled the air. What an intoxicating scent that was, it left the room feeling even more intimate than it was before.

"Who are you planning to have you walk down the aisle on our wedding day?" He asked softly. Her body tensed like he knew it would. Lifting her back on his waist, he walked them to his private bathroom and gently began to clean her up.

"My imaginary wedding plans consisted of daddy then after the accident I saw Kory in that role. He has always been my protector even miles away. I hate how I can't just call him up and tell him my news." Arianna was once again lost in memories.

"What if he already knew and moving closer to be near  his little sister?" Raizon offered, trying to hide his smile.

"WHAT!! He- he can't.... they will capture him. No...."

"Why would the feds fuck up the agreement we have?"

Arianna eyed her fiance closely, the smile on his lips was threatening to widen to his signature crooked smile. Her heart soared when she understood what he was trying to portray. 


"I say, having your sister as a Mafia queen opens a lot of doors. In this case, a new position and freedom. Not to mention immunity from all law enforcement," Raizon said tucking his hands in his pockets. They have both finished cleaning up themselves and have been lost in their conversation.

"How? I was about to ask you about his situation but didn't want to overstep my boundaries," she confessed.

"Boundaries? Baby, you do know you have the same advantages as me, right? You have an entire army at your disposal, cops and agents alike at your fingertips, billions of dollars to roll in. Angel, you're a fucking queen," Raizon said confused at how she hasn't understood what she gained.

"Dude, all I care about is the fact that I'm your woman, that's it. You can have a crummy job as a waiter and I will still be yours. In reality, you were blessed to have riches when others don't," she argued, folding her arms with a huff. 

"If I go bankrupt tomorrow, will you love me then?"

"Yes, I will. You will have to find a job after I let you have yourself a pity party," she replied with her head held high.

"Throw all my riches away will you love me the same?" Arianna can tell he was trying to clarify something, to each honest answer, his brows furrowed. 

"Ray. I love you. Not your bank account. Who the fuck played you? What's her name?" she began to shout getting angrier. The possibility of Raizon being used by a female didn't settle easily with her. Raizon was surprised by her outburst then registered her last two questions. 

"The last girl I had relations with was purely sexual on my part but she wanted more. She kept on hinting at things she wishes for me to buy her. I ignored her whining then ended the situation we had going on. It's just humbling to know that you love me no matter what," he replied. Grinning like the luckiest girl in the world, she found herself in his arms, receiving his warm kisses on her head. 

"And I'm falling deeper in love with you, Raizon Delacourde. You helping my brother become closer to me, just completed my family. Thank you for this. Thank you."

Arianna was lost in his olive green gaze and captivated by his loving smile. Her future husband. The love of her life.

"You, Arianna Lincoln, own me, completely. Heart, body, and soul. I'll always be yours," he returned, wrapping his arms around her body. Burying his nose in her hair, he loved just having her in his arms. His new vice. 

That and so many more.

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