Breathe Me Back To Life •Patr...

By leavenowordsunspoken

954K 36.5K 42.2K

After being attacked at a house party, Cole Wentz has been diagnosed with insomnia, severe anxiety, and is sh... More

Prologue: Maybe Just Maybe
Chapter One: Shoulda, Woulda, Couldn't
Chapter Two: Funny How It Rained All Day
Chapter Three: Just A Sliver Of Who I Was
Chapter Four: It's Not 'Speak Or Forever Hold Your Peace'
Chapter Five: She's My Best Friend
Chapter Six: Driving Me Crazy
Chapter Seven: What If I Wanted To Break?
Chapter Eight: Thanks To You I Am Not Myself
Chapter Nine: The Best Of Us Can Find Happiness In Misery
Chapter Ten: I Give Up On Me Too
Chapter Eleven: Stop Dragging Around, I Think That Somebody Knows
Chapter Twelve: I'll Sing Along Cause I'm Barely Hanging On
Chapter Thirteen: All The Concrete Words Around Here
Chapter Fourteen: She Paints Her Fingers With A Close Precision
Chapter Fifteen: I'm The Bad Seed; I Think I Swallowed It Whole
Chapter Sixteen: Wake Up, Take My Hand And Give Me A Reason To Start Again
Chapter Seventeen: Your Eyes Are Swallowing Me
Chapter Eighteen: Somewhere Between Happy And Total Freaking Wreck
Chapter Nineteen: Nobody Said This Would Be Easy
Chapter Twenty: I'm A Loose Bolt Of A Complete Machine
Chapter Twenty One: Trying Numbness Instead Of Pain
Chapter Twenty Two: I Will Change Everything Till It's Perfect Again
Chapter Twenty Three: Cause You Are Perfect Porcelain
Chapter Twenty Four: You Build Me Up And Then I'll Fall Apart
Chapter Twenty Five: Can You Feel My Heart
Chapter Twenty Six: Second Chances Won't Leave Us Alone
Chapter Twenty Seven: Anything You Say Can And Will Be Held Against You
Chapter Twenty Eight: I Would Never Let You Drown, Even If We're Going Down
Chapter Thirty: I'd Be Good To You
Chapter Thirty One: I Thought I Buried You
Chapter Thirty Two: You're Getting Stuck, And You F-cked It Up
Chapter Thirty Three: I'm Not Okay, And It's Not Alright
Chapter Thirty Four: You Say I Would Make A Better Liar
Chapter Thirty Five: My Bag Is Ripped And Worn, Then Again Now So Am I
Chapter Thirty Six: You Make Me Sick, I Make It Worse By Drinking Late
Chapter Thirty Seven: I'm The First Kid To Write Of Hearts, Lies, And Friends
Chapter Thirty Eight: I Know It Won't Ever Change, But It Hurts The Same
Chapter Thirty Nine: Ain't It Good To Be On Your Own?
Chapter Forty: This Was No Accident, It Was A Therapeutic Chain Of Events
Chapter Forty One: Just Close Your Eyes, The Sun Is Going Down
Chapter Forty Two: I'm Awake And Trying
Chapter Forty Three: The Ocean Is Black and Black The Sky Is Too
Chapter Forty Four: Sometimes Quiet Is Violent
Chapter Forty Five: Sometimes To Stay Alive, You Gotta Kill Your Mind
Chapter Forty Six: I Put My Faith In You- So Much Faith
Chapter Forty Seven: As Clumsy As You've Been, There's No One Laughing
Chapter Forty Eight: You Haven't Seen Any Of My Best
Chapter Forty Nine: What A Twisted, Twisted, Twisted Game
Chapter Fifty: And Boy You're So Not The One
Chapter Fifty One: I'm The Option You Shouldn't Have Chosen
Chapter Fifty Two: I Want To Hate Every Part of You
Chapter Fifty Three: I Ponder of Something Terrifying
Chapter Fifty Four: So Progress Report: I Am Missing You To Death
Chapter Fifty Five: I'm Dying To Live, Something's Gotta Give
Chapter Fifty Six: As Long As You're Here With Me, I Know I'll Be Okay
Chapter Fifty Seven: Better Off As Lovers
Chapter Fifty Eight: Look Alive, Sunshine
Chapter Fifty Nine: When You Wake Up The World Will Come Around
Chapter Sixty: Every Ounce I Have, I Invest In You
Chapter Sixty One: You Know That I Could Use Somebody
Chapter Sixty Two: Defiant To The End We Hear The Call...
Epilogue: Put Me Through Hell And I'll Make You See
Chapter One: Open Your Eyes, Child, Let's Be On Our Way
I'm Giving Up On You(NOW UP!)
Fanfiction Awards 2017

Chapter Twenty Nine: I Wanna Be Your Lost Boy

22.9K 610 947
By leavenowordsunspoken

Dedication to AbbiT2049 for being just amazing and everything! And the comments too! She's a lovely person haha!

||Cole Wentz|| First Person||

He actually kisses me.

The funny thing with this whole scenario is that majority of people say that they've been waiting for this kind of moment to happen for their entire lives. I think that it's different for me and Patrick. The thing is that Patrick and I never really knew that this was something that we kind of needed to happen. We hadn't really realized how much we truly needed each other until our lips collided and we never wanted to part. We thought we loved other people, when really, we were trying to ignore the fact that we loved each other more than just a friend. Can you tell from the look in our eyes that we're going nowhere?

Patrick's hands travel down to sit at a respectable and comfortable position on my waist while my own find their way over his shoulders. I deepen the kiss by leaning into him much more, cherishing the feeling of his lips over my own. I feel myself begin to smile against his mouth, and literally a second later, we're both grinning.

"When you two are done making out," Pete begins, the door to the living room swinging open as he walks in, not even giving us a second look before he's searching through his carry on for something. "We kind of want to start the movie."

I stumble backwards, Patrick and I letting go of each other almost immediately. We blush extremely hard, our faces some sort of matching shade of ruby red. I'm hearing Where Did The Party Go lyrics in my head when I think of how flushed Patrick is. Patrick's head swings in the direction of my brother, also known as his best friend, worry etched in his facial expression. "Pete!"

"Don't act like nothing happened- everyone was pressed up against the door the minute you two walked out." Pete smiles at the both of us, pulling out his black, faux leather wallet and tossing it up in the air just for him to catch it. He continues to repeat this action over again as he continued to speak. "It's about time, though."

"God, Pete." I sigh, leaning against the table, chancing a glance at a still red faced Patrick Stump. He looks over at me with a sheepish grin, twiddling with his jacket zipper slightly as Pete crosses over to us.

"Pizza should be here in half an hour." Pete informs us, grabbing the six pack of Coke bottles off the table. "Congratulations on that cold that should be coming in by tomorrow." Pete smiles, pointing at Patrick, who rolls his eyes and groans. "Didn't think of that one, did you, Stumpy?"

"Shut up," I tell Pete, grabbing a package of skittles in the bag and whipping it at him as he walks away. Pete squeals but catches the candy, running off into the living room. The second Pete is gone, it's quiet between us, and I'm almost certain that Patrick won't say a word.

And then he does.

"Told you I could take it from there." He smiles, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he becomes the sun from the Teletubbies. Well not necessarily because nobody can be like that sun. The Teletubbies were the epitome of creepy; Dad would have an aneurism whenever that show would come on. He thought they were a bunch of child molesters and such. Yeah.

"And you did," I say, turning around to pretend to inspect the contents of the bags. "Just hope you don't regret it."

"And why would I?" Patrick asks with genuine curiosity as he shuffles closer to me. He tilts my head up again when he tries to look me in the eye.

"Because I'm... me." I admit, trying to fascinate myself with one of the many family pack bags of chips. This one was Ruffles, Sour Cream & Onion. Doesn't sound appealing, but it really is delicious. I poke at the top with my fingers, feigning struggle to open the bag. Patrick sighs and takes the bag from me, pulling it open easily.

"And you're-" Patrick's voice is deep and husky, kind of like the time he did an Elton John impersonation for Save Rock And Roll and sounded amazing. "perfect." Patrick completes, leaning in and pressing his lips against mine lightly. God, was he having fun with this.

"Yeah," I say sarcastically. "Perfect."

"Yes, perfect." Patrick smiles, wrapping me up in a giant hug. "Just the way you are."

"Aww, don't go all Bruno Mars on me." I whine, feeling the rumble of his chest as he bursts out in laughter. I smile, basking in the feeling of knowing that I can pull that specific sound out of him.

"You know I have to," Patrick mumbles, kissing the top of my head lightly. I giggle because he kind of has to stand on his tip toes to do that, since we're nearly the same height. "So, Hayley is probably going to burst through that door in five seconds to drag us out-"

True to his word, Hayley does burst through the living room door clad in a pair of navy skinny jeans, a white tank top, and a red flannel. Her hands land on her hips as she glares jokingly at us. "There is time to be cute later- Nicholas D'Agosto is on screen in ten seconds." When I hear that, I tear myself out of Patrick's arms.

"Are we watching From Prada To Nada again?" I ask, knowing Nicholas D'Agosto acted in that movie. Hayley shakes her head, testing my D'Agosto skills. "Final Destination 5?"

"You got it." Hayley grins, crossing over to the two of us and grabbing a the Cream Soda six pack along with a bag of chips. "Now let's go look at cute guys."

"I'm still here, you know." Patrick laughs, picking up the rest of the snacks and following close behind us as we make our way back to the living room.

"Press play," Hayley motions to Taylor, who rolls his eyes but nevertheless hits the play button. I sit on the floor in front of the couch with Andy, Patrick, and Hayley. I'm going to be honest right now- I am absolutely terrified of Final Destination movies. They're always gruesome and really chilling, and I honestly can't tolerate horror movies at all. The movie begins with the whole premonition thing that the main character, Sam(Nicholas D'Agosto), has about a fatal bus accident on a bridge that's under construction. I mentally and physically cringe at the way the bus crash would have happened over the construction bridge. It isn't real, I know, but still. What makes it worse is that this scene was filmed in Vancouver, where we are right now. The thing with Final Destination is that when a character is meant to die, they die in gruesome ways(both premonition and in real life).

"Yikes," Andy winces, squeezing his eyes shut as Sam envisions the bridge accident. Sam sees his best friend get killed gruesomely right next to him, and then Sam dies brutally moments later. I bite my bottom lip and shut my eyes closed as well. Why do horror movies have to be so bloody?

"Oh my God, who chose this movie? I mean, yeah, Nicholas D'Agosto, but shit." I mumble to Hayley, who points at the boys behind us while cringing and burying her face in the bag of chips. I grit my teeth and throw my hands up over my eyes. There's a knock on the door to the hotel room minutes later, and right as Pete's about to get up, I grab his wallet from him and say, "I'll go get the pizza!"

"Aww, is little Colby scared?" Joe tries to tease me. I look my friend right in the eyes and practically sneer.

"Yes," I respond, not even caring that the guys all burst out in laughter. Pete gets up and off the chair, following me out of the living room with a cheesy grin. Pete and I walk to the door, unlocking it after checking who it was first. The pizza man was young, that's for sure. He looked probably around my age or slightly older. His hair was brown is all I can tell from because of his hat with the pizza store's name on it. The shadow his hat leaves over his face blocks majority of his facial features from me.

"Six Extra Large pizzas?" He says, zipping open his giant bag and trying to get a good grip on the boxes. Pete nods and smiles, graciously taking the heavy boxes from him and walking back into the room to set the steaming cardboard down on the table.

"How much?" I ask, opening Pete's wallet slightly.

"Seventy two, ninety three." Seventy eight dollars and ninety three cents. Since Canada got rid of their pennies, that would make it ninety five cents because we round. I look up just as the pizza man takes off his hat to ruffle his brown hair. It reminds me of Patrick for a moment. Then he smiles at me, something far too familiar to be coming from a stranger. And then, he winks. That wink.

"Cash or...?" I ask Pete, who comes back over to us thankfully. I can't stop looking at this man in front of me. He looks like Derek, but it can't be Derek. He's back in Chicago, surely. Why would he be in Canada and delivering pizzas? Nobody can get a job that fast.

"I didn't convert my money yet, so debit." Pete smiles at the pizza guy, who nods and gets the debit machine out of his bag. He pushes a few buttons and then passes the machine to my brother. Pete slips his debit card into the machine and chooses which account, punching in his pin number and waiting for the transaction to be approved. When it is, Pete removes his card and passes the machine back to the pizza guy. He waits for a minute while a receipt prints out, and then he separates the customer copy from the original and passes it to us.

"Thank you guys," he smiles because Pete tipped him. Pete's nice to almost everyone. "Have a great night." He says to Pete. And then he looks at me. "You too, sweetheart." My heart stops in my chest as the guy leaves down the hall and Pete closes the door. Pete turns around to go and get some pizza, but I suddenly lose my appetite.

"You good?" Pete asks me when he sees my distraught, dear-in-headlights look. I snap my head up and look at my brother, nodding. It wasn't Derek. It's not Derek. It never will be Derek. He's gone and he is not going to come near me ever again.

"Yeah," I breathe out, walking towards my brother who is opening up the first box. I hate pepperoni pizza, and Patrick dislikes it as well, so we decided to order majority cheese and veggie. Pete pulls out a slice of cheese from the box, slapping it onto a paper plate that the guys brought. He offers the large slice to me, and my stomach twists at the sight of it. Don't get me wrong, I love pizza, but I feel sick thinking about Derek and Elisa.

"I know that you're scared," Pete says, busying himself with getting a paper plate from the pack and getting some pizza onto it. "I know that this is scary for you and I understand that you have all the right to be scared."

"I'm not scared." I lie to him. Pete looks up at me for a moment, laughing lightly.

"You're stronger than we pegged you for, sis." Pete says, setting his plate down onto the table. "I just hope it doesn't get you killed one day."

"And you have a bigger mouth than I pegged you for." I laugh, shoving his shoulder before he engulfs me into a brotherly hug. "It will get you killed one day."

"Ahh, you're right there, Princess." Pete says, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "I just hope I can keep it at bay for a little longer until we kick that asshole's ass."

"Nice one, Pete." I tease him, and Pete laughs at that.

Derek Skinner was looking for me, and I didn't believe that he would eventually find me.


Really crappy chapter, very introductory, tests every fuuCKING WEEK! Gosh, new high school has to be the worst thing ever. Plus taking public transport xD

Soo, I have reached about THIRTEEN THOUSAND READS ON THIS BOOK LIKE OMG THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! And over sox hundred votes and comments? Thank you so much! I think I had nearly NINETY comments on the last chapter which is like a record for me, so thank you, and let us continue to break more records!

-Stay Classy, Young Volcanoes


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