
By lightningearth

17.7K 452 882

He had to get away from it all... More



2K 62 145
By lightningearth

Jay's POV

This really isn't good... Nobody knows I'm down here and I'm about to get beaten up by three thugs down a pitch black alleyway.




The tallest of the three slowly stepped towards me. I could feel my heart beating fast. These guys look like they could stand on a squirrel. I may be a ninja but I don't have anything to defend myself with. Well unless a toothbrush counts. Yes, I packed my toothbrush. Personal hygiene is a thing, you know.

"S-step back. I-I'm a ninja. I-I know Spinjitzu." I got into fighting stance. Okay, I definitely wasn't ready to fight these guys. There was no way in the land of the First Spinjitzu Master that I would go against them and win. I don't stand a chance.

"Aw, he thinks he's a ninja." One of them laughed.

"He's just a wannabe." Another joked.

"I mean it." I threatened.

They all burst into laughter. What was so funny? Did they seriously think I was just a wannabe ninja? Have they never even heard of Spinjitzu? Dude, if they haven't heard of the Green Ninja let alone me, they clearly do not come from this realm. That or they are really distant from everything that has happened in the city or even across Ninjago to be honest.

"Okay so if you really are a ninja, which one are you?" The smallest one asked.

"I'm Jay Walker the lightning ninja." I responded proudly. Not that it matters anymore. I've run away so...

The three of them exchanged looks as if they were confused.

"The blue one." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh." They all said in unison.

Really? Am I really that important that people wouldn't even be able to tell me by my name? Whatever.

With every second, they all stepped closer and closer towards me with grins on their faces.

"There better be someone behind me other wise I'd be pretty creeped out right now." I giggled awkwardly.

"Nope. Just you." The closest one tilted his head to the side slightly.

"Is this some kind of nightmare? Am I going to wake up in a minute and be at home like nothing ever happened?" I wondered as I backed away a little.

"Once we are finished with you, you won't even wake up." One of them grinned.

Oh great! I'm going to die! This would be a great time to scream, Jay. But what's the point? Nobody is going to find me. Nobody would care if I was dead, right? Hahaha, no I need to be here for Ninjago. Don't you dare think of leaving now. Even if I was to die, it wouldn't be to these guys' satisfaction.

"That means I can take a nap right?" I hoped.

The one that was a few meters away from me grinned, "A permanent one, yes."


Nya's POV

This is all my fault. He wouldn't be gone if it wasn't for me. He'd still be here if I hadn't of shouted at him. He didn't deserve that. It was only an accident. I took it way too seriously. Plus, it was just a robbery. We are all responsible for what happened. I don't know if anyone else feels the same way as me but I really want to find him. I just want him to be safe.

Poor Jay is out there all alone. When it gets dark in Ninjago City, there's nobody there. Yes, its strange for a city but it happens. During the night is the perfect time for muggers and murderers to come out. I cannot imagine Jay being killed. I need him home. I need him here with me.

But what if he was kidnapped whilst he was on his mission? What if someone took him and has him locked up somewhere? What if Jay is hurt? What if he needs help?!

We shouted at him, it was a mistake. Instead, we should have accepted his many, many apologies but we didn't. We are all jerks. Huge jerks.

There was a knock at my bedroom door.

"Who is it?" I asked, expecting there to be a reply.

The door opened slowly. Cole's head peeked round. I gave a small smile to show that I was okay.

"Could you meet in the main room? We may have found some evidence to figure out what happened to him." Cole explained. I nodded and followed the earth ninja down the corridor. As I entered the room, I sat beside Kai on the large white sofa.

"What is it?" Lloyd asked.

"So Zane and I have had a look around the house." Cole looked at Zane.

"And?" I sounded eager.

"We noticed that a few of Jay's stuff is missing." Zane continued on.

"What stuff?" Kai questioned.

"His backpack, his toothbrush and his portable charger." Cole explained.

"What does that mean?" I wondered.

Zane and Cole exchanged looks. I looked over at Lloyd, who shrugged his shoulders.

"He most likely ran away." They replied in unison.

"Ran away? But he said he was going on a private mission." Kai frowned.

Why would Jay run away? I thought he liked it here. Although, I'd run away too if everyone was shouting at me. I'd at least leave a letter to say I was running away, just like the kids in the movies. Is that a real thing or just a stereotype? I don't have time to care about that right now, Nya!

"I'm pretty sure his private mission was to get out of here." Cole said to Kai.

"He's out there all alone! We have to find him!" I exclaimed.

"We don't know for sure yet." Zane interrupted.

"Has anyone tried to track his phone? He probably took it with him." Lloyd suggested.

I instantly took out my phone and entered the app that allows you to do just that. Why didn't I think of this before?! Jay could never be that smart to disconnect from it!

"It says he's... disconnected?!" I exclaimed.

"He must have deleted the app." Cole face palmed.

"NO!" I yelled.

"Don't worry, sis, we'll find him." Kai rubbed my arm to comfort me.

"This isn't fair." I mumbled.

???s POV

I'm waiting to hear something from the news. Nothing about the subject yet. Maybe I should head out. I know I shouldn't. It's a bad decision. I have to stay in the house. NOPE! Scratch that. There's a new news report on it!

"The ninja team have managed to find out what has happened to lightning ninja, Jay Walker. He has in fact run away. The police are desperately trying to find him right this moment, as well as the ninja." The news reporter read.

Jay has run away? That can't be possible! Why would he run away? That's ridiculous! It's unbelievable. Well, the rest of Ninjago are helping to find him, it's time to do my part too.

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