Fated Mistake

By pab0panda

41K 2K 507

Four strangers. Two Weddings. A fated switch. A millionaire's son isn't supposed to marry a gang leader. A g... More

{ Introducing }
You may kiss the grom
Did you see it coming?
Well and Alive
I'm by your side
Maybe it's love
Just a little longer
One step
Not Today
Good Human
♡ One step away
♡ Family (Part 1)
♡ Family (Part 2)
♡ Family Part 3
♡ Ouch
♡ The secrets you keep
♡ The real you
♡ The bad boy he chooses to love
♡ Before the storm
♡ Love you to death
♡ Crash
♡ Brothers
♡ In the dark
♡ Countdown
♡ 12 O'Clock
♡ Calm after the storm
♡ 12:01
♡ By your side
♡ Three words. Eight letters.
♡ Empty & Abandoned
♡ Your Silence
♡ My Promise
♡ Blank
♡ Treat him right or set him free
♡ Abyss
♡ When Spring Comes?
♡ Till death do us part
♡ Mosaic


901 46 20
By pab0panda

Baekhyun slammed the door shut behind and threw himself on the bed. No one had made him so angry since his father had gone to prison. How often had the guys he'd slept with acted like they had a hangover? Just so they could pretend nothing happened. Until now, he was fine with it. Yes, he was even glad every time he could avoid an embarrassing conversation. However, he hadn't expected Chanyeol to be one of them. Especially not after Chanyeol had confessed to him. It was just another lie to get into his pants. Sex didn't matter to him. It was just sex. Yet, lying and playing with his feelings was unforgivable. He should have punched that jerk much stronger.

Still hearing Chanyeol's voice through the closed door, Baekhyun put on his headphones to block any upcoming lies. He stared at the ceiling, thinking about the next step. In the end, he decided upon an early return. Tomorrow morning, he would call the airline and book the next flight home. The music in his ears soothed him and without noticing, he fell asleep.

When the wind flung open the window, the slam ripped Baekhyun from his sleep. "It's raining," Baekhyun thought of the obvious. He carefully approached the window and closed it, after making sure that no one or nothing was standing outside. Nightly thunderstorm on the beach was kind of creepy.

He was about to go to the living room to check the other windows as he found Chanyeol right next to the bedroom door. The older one was sitting on the floor with his hands behind his neck and his face looking down. He looked like a criminal who had been caught and was now waiting for his interrogation.

Immediately, Chanyeol noticed Baekhyun. He was silent, but his eyes were like those of a puppy when it asked for a treat.

"You were here the whole time?" Baekhyun asked, trying to avoid those eyes.

"Please listen to me." Chanyeol pleaded.

"Why? So you can tell me more lies? "

"I never lied to you. I really forgot what happened last night and it seems like we had slept with each other. But I didn't want to draw premature conclusions. That's why I ask you if we did? "

"I understand," Baekhyun replied. His voice was calm. Yet inside, he was burning in anger.

"Well, you know, sometimes there are situations that are not what they look like. And yesterday ..." Baekhyun paused. Yes, he had to admit he was a drama queen.

"It was exactly what it looked like." Baekhyun saw clearly how hope returned in Chanyeol's eyes and how it was immediately extinguished by his words. Even though he felt a touch of bad conscience, it was still a pleasure to punish Chanyeol. Suddenly, he was afraid of himself. Was he a sadist? A psychopath? When Chanyeol didn't know what to say, Baekhyun saved him from his suffering.

"You know what? Let's just pretend nothing had happened. You go your way and I go mine. "

"But that's not what I want." Chanyeol finally said.

"Then what do you want from me?"

"I want to know what happened. I want to know what to do. "

"Oh, and before you know that, you've decided to act like an ass?" Baekhyun roared.

"I was wrong, I know. But I really don't know what happened after the kiss. I want you to tell me. I don't want to pretend nothing happened between us." Chanyeol explained.

"You didn't forget the kiss?" Baekhyun asked in amazement. Now it occurred to him, Chanyeol hadn't had a chance to speak at all.

"No, I didn't, neither the kiss nor what I said before. Was that the reason you're so mad at me?"

"Well ... yes." Wasn't it obvious? Everything seemed as if Chanyeol had only confessed to get Baekhyun into bed; and the morning after, he chose the easiest way to get out of the mess.

"Kyungsoo, I'm not that kind of man."

"If you'd know how many times I've heard that," Baekhyun stated.

"Would I ask you to tell me everything if I wanted to pretend I forgot everything?" Chanyeol mounted the decisive argument. For a brief moment, Baekhyun relaxed. Just then, something came back on his mind.

"And what exactly do you expect from me?" He asked curiously. By that Chanyeol breathed in deeply, as if he were afraid to ask the coming question.

"Do you regret it?" He asked.

"Do you regret it?" Baekhyun returned the question.

"No," Chanyeol answered without hesitation. "I mean, I can't remember, but I'm sure wouldn't regret it."

"Good, because I don't either," Baekhyun replied. Finally, an answer that made them both happy.

"So, that was 'Much Ado About Nothing'?" Chanyeol asked. This was less a question than a statement. The whole argument suddenly seemed ridiculous.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, nothing. I just meant I should have said it all from the start. Then, we probably wouldn't have fought. Can you forgive me? "

To be honest, anger can't fade so quickly. However, Baekhyun was also a reasonable person. There was no reason to continue being angry at Chanyeol. Even if, he wouldn't be able to say no to these puppy eyes.

"Of course." Chanyeol felt stones falling off his shoulders.

"Thank you," he said.

"That was our first fight as a couple ... well, a couple on a test run" Baekhyun pointed out.

"You're right."

"Do you know what's the best thing about fighting?" Baekhyun asked with a deeper voice as he approached Chanyeol.

'Please say, make-up sex ', Chanyeol thought. He wanted to be a gentleman. But even a gentleman had a desire.

"Make-up sex," Baekhyun whispered in his ear. Even without looking, he knew Chanyeol was smiling. The next minute eerily passed as Chanyeol pulled him in for a kiss that took away his breath. Next thing he knew was lying on the bed, between Chanyeol's legs. Chanyeol, kneeling over him, bent down to give him another wet kiss on his neck.

"Should I tell you something about last night?" Baekhyun said breathlessly. Chanyeol let out a sound as a signal that he was listening. His attention, however, was focused on Baekhyun's flawless skin.

"I was very surprised. I didn't think you would be so wild in bed." Baekhyun said and conjured a smirk on Chanyeol's lips.

I'm just gonna leave this sexiness here to make up for the none-existing smut hahaha


Kyungsoo opened his eyes as his cell phone didn't stop vibrating. He hated this sound. Since he slept with music, he always set his alarm on vibration so that he could separate the sounds. Whoever was woken up by this noise for years would also hate it. With half-opened eyes, he looked at his phone. He'd just missed the call by a second. Including it, he had 15 missed calls, 5 kakaotalk messages, 3 SMS as well as notifications that he had new voicemails. And all were from Jun Myeon. Sometimes he wondered if Jun Myeon weren't an old man. SMS was still acceptable, but Voicemails? Who still used the mailbox nowadays?

Taking a look at the clock, Kyungsoo couldn't believe it was already after 11 am. He almost missed half of the day. After the long call with Jun Myeon, he clearly felt the need for a glass of water for his dry throat. It wasn't easy to convince Jun Myeon that he was fine; apart from the broken leg, of course. It was also not easy to explain to him that everything was just an accident. In the end, Kyungsoo still didn't know if Jun Myeon believed him.

Step by step, he walked toward the door. He paid attention, not to put too much pressure on his left leg. Fortunately, he already had some exercises in it. This wasn't the first time he had broken his leg. It was his right leg last time though. As he stood on top of the stairs, looking down, he realized for the first time how high it was. Kyungsoo couldn't help but felt a little dizzy.

"Don't be a wimp. You won't be afraid of stairs. "

After he took the first step, the next ones seemed to be no problem until he, suddenly, tripped on thin air. It was difficult to keep balance if you could barely feel your leg. Kyungsoo, however, didn't panic. He knew he wouldn't fall as long as he wouldn't loosen his grip on the stairs. Yet, out of the blue, he felt a strong arm around his waist. In shock, he let go. Shit, he thought; this time he'd fall. Instead, he only sensed those strong arms pulled him closer to the man behind him. Even without moving his eyes, he knew it was Jongin. He had immediately recognized Jongin's unique perfume. The scent was fresh and intense. It reminded Kyungsoo of a Tom Ford cologne he had a few years ago, but still, it was different.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jongin asked, without intending to let go, although the smaller man was now standing on his own feet. Kyungsoo had to admit, he enjoyed Jongin's warmth.

"I wanted to get myself something to drink." He answered and turned his head to Jongin. At that moment, he realized how close they were. If he were standing one step higher, their lips would touch. So, thank God he wasn't.

"You should have called me."

"You would have helped me?" Kyungsoo tried not to sound too surprised. But in fact, he was. Jongin didn't answer and Kyungsoo took his silence as a confirmation. He hadn't shared a house with Jongin for a long time, but he could already notice some habits Jongin had. For example, he always read something on his iPad while eating; he disappeared every day for at least 3 hours in the training room, and he'd keep silent when he was embarrassed. Kyungsoo didn't want to push his luck though.

"You can let go of me. I can walk by myself." He changed the topic.

"Yes, you can, but you shouldn't," Jongin replied and bent down to lay his arm behind Kyungsoo's knees. The next moment, he lifted Kyungsoo up and embraced the injured man tightly as Kyungsoo screamed with fright.

"It's all right, I won't let you fall," Jongin stated.

"Even if you're heavier than you look." Kyungsoo wasn't sure if Jongin had actually made a joke until he saw Jongin's smile. He didn't understand why someone would want to hide such a beautiful smile. It took Kyungsoo a whole minute to realize that he was staring at Jongin and his heart began to pound violently. He feared Jongin could hear his heartbeats or even feel it, as close as he was held to Jongin's chest.

"I do sports," he replied, looking away.

"Not in the next days."

"Are you worried about me?"

Jongin kept silent. This side of the boss, the one everyone was afraid of, Kyungsoo liked it. It was nice to know that he lived in a house with a man and not a cold machine. Jongin laid him on the bed with caution and went into the kitchen without a word. He came back with an empty glass and a water bottle.

"I'll fill it when it's empty. You stay in bed today." Jongin put the glass on the nightstand and poured the water in.

"Here, drink. I'll tell my men to get you something to eat." With that Jongin disappeared just as suddenly as he appeared. Kyungsoo wondered why Jongin was so caring today. The gang leader must have a terrible bad conscience. Kyungsoo knew he should tell Jongin that he forgave him. However, he wanted to be spoiled for a little longer, as an act of revenge on Jongin for treating him so badly at the beginning. He remembered what Jun Myeon used to say about him; that he was passive aggressive.

"Kyunggie, I'd never dare to mess with you", Jun Myeon always said.

It barely took Jongin 30 minutes to return with a tablet full of foods. Kyungsoo loved the idea of Jongin as a nurse, but when Jongin tried to feed him, he had to protest.

"Please let me eat by myself, okay? My leg is broken, not my arm. "

"Fine," Jongin said, handing him the spoon. After that, he didn't move but watched as if to make sure that Kyungsoo really ate. This was an unfortunate habit he owed to his younger brother. Yoogeun was often sick and every time, he refused to eat when Jongin wasn't there. Thus, Jongin had to go home every single time the little one caught a cold, only to take care of him. He hated visiting his father and his third wife, but he loved his half-brother ... his younger half-brother. Not the older one. Since Yoogeun was sent to boarding school, he' has missed him every day. The only advantage of this was that the contact to his father was restricted to business matters.

A tender touch on his arm brought Jongin back to reality.

"Did you say something?" He asked.

"I was just wondering why you don't have a housemaid?"

"I do. But she only comes to clean once a week." Jongin explained.

"And where do you get your food?" Kyungsoo asked. He had noticed Jongin's kitchen. It surely had never been used.

"I have a private cook. He just doesn't come here."

"Why? Isn't it more complicated that way? To have the food delivered."

"Because I don't like having strangers in my house. And the cook only works for me. He just doesn't live here. "

"I see," replied Kyungsoo. Actually, he had the suspicion that Jongin wouldn't trust anyone. Even his security personnel only went into the house in case of emergency. In some regard, Jongin's paranoia was quite similar to his mothers.

"Why don't you eat?" Jongin asked as he noticed that the spoon was still empty.

"Well, I can't eat when I'm looked at," Kyungsoo answered honestly.

"Understandable," Jongin said. "Then I'll let you eat in peace."

Jongin went back to his office. He sat down on his chair and leaned back. The thought of Kyungsoo's sight as he tried to walk down the stairs appeared on his mind. He could see the pain on Kyungsoo's face. He shouldn't have been so harsh yesterday.

When he saw the LED lamp on his phone light up, he knew he had missed a call. Suho had tried to contact him. Quickly, he called back. Perhaps Suho had found out something about Woobin.

"What do you get?" He asked impatiently as someone picked up.


"Yes, you called me."

"Oh, yes, I just wanted to ask if you're sure I shouldn't pass by," Suho said.

"Yes, I am. Don't show up the next week either and until then you better get something about my brother." Jongin commanded and hung up without waiting for an answer.

To be honest, he liked Suho, but since he had entrusted Kyungsoo to the elder's care, he began to like Suho ... less. He hated the imagination of Suho followed Kyungsoo's every step and nursed Kyungsoo. Yet, following and protecting was exactly the job Jongin had given to Suho. Jongin wondered, since when did he act so irrational? And why?


The rain had already stopped, and the moon had shone again in the night sky. The two men gasped as they dropped themselves on the soft bed.

"Don't you dare to forget tonight too," Baekhyun said breathlessly.

"I would never forget this," Chanyeol replied as he placed another kiss on his husband's lips.

"I'm looking forward to our next fight." He added, laughing.

"Me too," Baekhyun lied. He doubted that there would be another fight.

Chanyeol's sight made his heart hammer even louder than it already did. That was the second he realized that the farewell on the tenth day would kill him, like the cigarette's cold turkey three years ago.

"It's my own fault," he murmured, kissing Chanyeol while his hand found its way down Chanyeol's body.

"What are you doing?" Chanyeol asked in surprise. For such a small person, Baekhyun had greater stamina than expected.

"Enjoying my last cigarette," Baekhyun replied.

The remaining days flew by. Their fake honeymoon turned into a real one, in every respect. The next day, Chanyeol had even bought this bucket with tools for building sand castles. Oh God, how glad Baekhyun was that they had a private beach where no kids could give them strange looks for playing a children's game. Last day, when they returned, Baekhyun insisted on taking the toy bucket home.

Finally arrived, they both were so tired that they didn't even have the strength to look at their new home. Chanyeol had chosen the building, but he hadn't seen it equipped with furniture yet. After the shower, all they wanted was to sleep. It didn't take long until Chanyeol fell deeply asleep. Baekhyun gently kissed the beautiful man next to him and freed himself from his embrace.

"I hate myself," he thought as he got dressed and grabbed his bag.

When he was standing at the threshold, only one step away from leaving, his legs felt incredibly heavy, as if they couldn't move forward. He took a last look at the sleeping Chanyeol.

"Thanks for the memories," he mumbled quietly and forced himself to move on.

Two blocks down the road, he got into a taxi. Only when the driver asked him if everything was all right, did he notice the tears on his cheeks. He had to wake up. This dream had ended. The prince wasn't his.

And I'm leaving this here because... well just because *evil author mode activated*

I wish you all have a nice weekend. I hope you still like chapter despite Baekkie leaving. What do you think?

I'd be very happy about every comment and vote. I love you guys. 

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