Moments (Harry Styles) **ON H...

By ari5t0crat

5.4K 84 76

"I'm talking about fate here - when feelings are so powerful it's as if some force beyond your control is gui... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three PART 1
Chapter three PART 2
Chapter four
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen

Chapter five

390 6 3
By ari5t0crat

Nicole’s POV

The next morning I woke up in a really good mood. And I didn’t mind at all that I had to go to school. Alex usually comes over before we hit the road, but not this morning. She couldn’t be grounded, she hasn’t done anything wrong! I tried to call her, but her phone was turned off. I was starting to worry. I walked to school by myself ‘cause I didn’t have any other choice. It was really windy and it made it hard to walk. I got into school and sat on the desk looking at my phone. Alex hasn’t texted me. Something’s wrong about this situation.

I’ve never been the popular kid in school. I’m known as that bastard whose parents left ‘cause they couldn’t handle the fact I was their child. Popular kids in school really enjoy destroying my life. So, because of that I don’t have many friends - everyone thinks I’m a freak - and I’ve been bullied a lot, actually I still am.

“Oh, there she is! Our little Miss Popular!” I heard a high-pitched voice coming from behind my back. I turned around to see what’s going on when I saw her - Veronica Roberts, a captain of our cheerleading squad. That says it all. She’s more popular than the rating of our school. She looked at me with so much hate in her eyes. I don’t know what have I done to make her hate me. I honestly don’t. She waved with a magazine in her right hand.

“From being nobody’s friend to being One Direction’s friend? Our little freak is getting through...” her voice annoyed me more than anything in the world.

“What?” I asked looking blank at her. How does she know that I’ve met the members of One Direction? She threw the magazine in my face. I picked it up and saw the headline ‘Harry Styles’ new girlfriend?’ I widened my eyes in shock when I saw a picture of Harry and myself. The picture was taken yesterday when he held my hand and led me to the tree. Of course, from the media! I should've known. It’s over now... I totally forgot that Veronica is obsessed with him and how many times have I heard her talking about how Harry will fall in love the moment he sees her. Then, I didn’t know who this Harry was, but now I know. Now, she definitely hates my existence. Oh God, please help me! What did I do to deserve all of this?

She has slept with more than a half of our she’s a slut - like everyone else thinks. It’s just that they are too afraid to tell her in the face. And one of them is me.

“You better stay away from my Harry or you’ll regret it.” She threatened me and I just looked at her wishing that she fell through the ground. “How can Harry even be around you? He must feels sorry for you. I mean, hot guys like Harry plus you... Yuck! You’re too pathetic for him... Harry needs a girl with class like me.” An evil smirk grew on her face. My English teacher walked into the classroom. “I’m sure your brother is the same. Knowing with whom he had to grow up, I won’t be surprised if he becomes a thief, pathetic liar or something...Like you. Look at you. You’re not even worth paying attention on.” I can’t stand her! She’s making my life miserable since I've known for myself. I felt blood in my veins was boiling and I was about to explode.

“Shut the fuck up! How dare you say things like that to me?! You’re popular just because you slept with half of the school! I’m sick of you and your way of talking to me! I don’t know how I've managed to live with all this crap you’re telling about me! I’m not going to take it anymore, so fuck off! And just one little advice... I would look at myself in the mirror and asked myself how I don’t feel embarrassed when I walk through the school hallway knowing that I have slept with half of these guys. And, yet, you’re judging others.” I said yelling in her face not able to control my emotions. Tears streamed down my face. The whole classroom was silent. Veronica had a terrified look in her eyes. I’m never like this. What has happened to me?

“Miss Owens, principal's office. Now!” Mr. Carter said with his serious, but kind of angry tone. I stood up, grabbed my stuff and stormed out of the classroom. I walked through long hallway to the principle’s office that was on the end of it. I want to scream out of my lungs! I knocked on the door and entered.

After an hour of being lectured and finally suspended for two weeks, I stood up and walked for the last time out of the school. See ya in two weeks. I grabbed my phone and called Alex. No answer. What the hell is going on? Where is she? The only person I had left to call was Harry. I didn’t hesitate. I just needed someone who would listen to me and as I didn’t have many friends, this was my only option. I dialled his number and after fourth ring someone answered it “Hello?”

“Liam?” I could feel how my voice was weak. I could barely speak.

“Nicole, what happened?” he noticed the weakness in my voice.

“It’s nothing... Where’s Harry?”

“He went on some radio talk show and he forgot his phone.” I sniffed “Where are you?” I thought about if I should tell him or not. Jeez, Nicole, this is Liam who you're talking about. Of course you should tell him! “In front of my school.” I answered him.

“Don’t move. I’m coming to pick you up. How can I get there?”

I gave him directions and after ten minutes a black car stopped in front of me. The door opened and a brunette boy came out. He knelt, so he could make an eye contact with me. My eyes were all red and puffy.

“Nicole, what had happened to you?” he asked worried.

“I-I-I just hate her so much. She has been mean to me and making my life miserable since forever! And, now, I got suspended because of her. And the worst of all she’s obsessed with you guys and Harry and she told me that Harry is hanging out with me just because he feels sorry for me! And she said some horrible things about my brother and I just can’t put up with this anymore!” I said sobbing.

“Let’s go. I’m taking you out of here. It’ll be alright.” He said rubbing my back. I nodded even though I didn’t believe that everything will be alright. We got into the car. Liam has started the engine and we drove off. I felt that Liam has glanced at me a few times, but I didn’t look back at him. My eyes were glued to the window. In the matter of minutes, we were in front of Hyatt. Liam got out of the car and walked around it, so he could open the door for me. All of the fans started screaming and the flashes were so blinding that I couldn’t see where I was going. The paparazzi were shouting:

‘Liam, how did you meet Nicole?’

‘Does Nicole get along with the other members?’

‘Nicole, how long have you been dating Harry?’

All this pressure and stress, I just couldn’t handle. Liam grabbed my hand, so I wouldn’t get lost in the crowd. We went through the doors of Hyatt and everything became silent.

After an hour and a half of explaining to Liam what happened and why I got suspended, I decided to go to the bathroom and wash my face up. I took off my beanie and put it beside the sink. I let the water fall into my palms for a while before I washed my face. I felt bad for Liam ‘cause I was annoying him with my problems and he was probably busy.

Harry’s POV

I’ve entered the living room area frustrated. In the radio interview, they asked me about my relationship with Nicole and I had to blush. There isn’t one and after this there won’t be one either. I looked at Liam who held his head in his hands. “Hey, mate! What’s up with you?” I asked him.

“Nicole is here.” That one sentence dragged me off the road. I sat down asking what had happened. He told me almost everything when Nicole came out of the bathroom. She looked at me with teary eyes and red nose. This has to be a big deal when she had cried. She was a really strong person and in times like this I could feel how upset she was. I wanted to be there for her, no matter what she needs. Liam stood up and excused himself. As Liam closed the door, she ran into my arms and buried her face into my neck.

“Shhh... I’m here now.” I consoled her while I was hugging her tighter. It felt so right holding her, yet I knew her only three to four days... But it didn’t matter; I had this feeling like I’ve known her my whole life. We sat on the couch and she hasn’t stopped crying since. Her face was, now, on my chest as I rubbed her back. Every time she sobbed, I held her tighter.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked her when she has raised her head.

“There’s nothing to talk about. My life...ugh...that’s some complicated thing to explain.” She has stopped as she wiped the tears away. We looked at each other's eyes as she continued “Harry, I haven’t been completely honest with you. Liam has probably already told you what had happened, but anyways I think that you should hear it from me...” She looked down and took a deep breath before she continued “I’ve been bullied a lot. In fact, that process still maintains...And there’s one girl who’s making my life miserable and I’ve kind of told her some nasty stuff and that’s the reason I got suspended for two weeks.”

“That’s so pathetic...I don’t understand what is funny in bulling other people... Did she hurt you?’’

Nicole’s POV

I liked the way I got along with Harry, but still I wasn’t a hundred percent sure if I should tell him that I’m a victim of bulling...but, I did the opposite from what I was thinking, like always - I told him.

“...Did she hurt you?” he asked looking me in the eyes. I shook my head, so my long, curly hair was falling over my eyes. His hand slowly has put my hair behind my ear.

“Come here...” he said opening his arms. I hesitated, but it was stronger than me. I wanted to be in his arms so bad. I felt so protected and safe when he was holding me. I needed to feel that again. I liked Harry who I got to know. I wanted to be with him every second of the day, but I wasn’t ready to tell him that. It was too soon. Literary, too soon.

I’ve put my head on his chest - listening to his heartbeat. It calmed me down.

 “Harry?” I whispered.

“Mhmm?” I could feel the vibrations tingling my ear.

“Would you sing to me?” I knew their voices are music to my ears and they were so calming and soft. He was silent for few minutes as he started to sing. He sang quietly and gently.

‘The first time ever I saw your face

I thought the sun rose in your eyes

And the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave

To the dark and endless skies, my love

To the dark and endless skies

And the first time ever I kissed you mouth

I felt the earth move in my hand

Like a trembling heart of captive bird

That was there at my command, my love

That was there at my command, my love

And the first time ever I lay with you

I felt your heart so close to mine

And I know our joy will fill the earth

And last till the end of time, my love

And it will last to the end of time, my love

The first time ever I saw your face,

Your face, your face, your face’

My eyelids were about to close when Niall had entered the room.

“Harry, I’m hungry! Make me some-“his eyes were on us. Seconds after, Liam bolted through the door “Niall! I told you not to get in here!” Liam sounded strictly. I quickly sat up straight and fixed my hair.

“No, it’s okay. I have to go home anyway... So, see you guys soon. Say ‘Hi’ to Louis and Zayn from me.” I stood up grabbing my bag and headed for the door.

“I’ll drive you.” Harry said grabbing his keys.

“You don’t have to. A walk is just what I need - to clear my thoughts.” I hugged every each of them. “Thank you.” I whispered into Harry’s ear.

“It was nothing.” He replied as he pulled away. As I was walking through the door, I shoot Liam a ‘thank you’ smile.

My thoughts were in a mess. Why do I always have to fall in love with someone I can’t have? And, again, I’d be the one who gets hurt at the end.

I entered my flat and found Will watching TV.

“Hey...How was school?” I asked him trying to make my normal face expression.

“Like always. I got an A at my Math test!” he said cheerfully. I approached him and kissed his forehead.

“I’m so proud of you!” I took my jacket off and placed it on the couch.“Hey, did Alex stopped by?” He shook his tiny head as I sighed. Alex, where are you? I need you now!  “Come on...we’re going to visit Alex.”


I stood in front of the wooden door and pressed the door bell. Alex’s mum, Sarah, opened the door. “Hi, Nicole... I was about to call you. Alex is locked up in her bedroom and she won’t let us in. Maybe you’ll convince her to listen to us...” I nodded as she let us enter the flat.

“Will, I have to see what’s wrong... While I’m gone you go and play with Rex, okay?”  Will loves animals, and he won’t have any problems playing with Alex’s dog - Rex. They just love each other.

I knocked on the door that had a million posters on it - that’s what it looked like. “Alex? It’s me. Please, open the door.” I almost whispered. The door knob clicked and the door opened, revealing blond girl in tears.

“What had happened?!” I asked as I shut the door behind myself.

“They... want.... to.... move... to.... the... UK.... and.... and....I...don’ I-I need you!” she said sobbing. I hugged her like this was the last time we will see each other. A tear rolled down my cheek. I was going to lose my best friend. The only friend I had - a sister.

“Alex! Listen to me! I need you, too, okay? More than anyone knows! You’re my sister...hey, hey! It’s over with tears!” I said wiping her tears. “Remember how we used to imagine that we live in London and how we have British boyfriends?” she nodded “Well, you’re gonna have that. And be happy no matter what. Enjoy while you can. I will always be here for you and I’ll come visit as soon as I save some money. I promise you that! I won’t forget you! Ever! You’re too important to me! And, maybe, you’ll find me a match and then I’ll come and move there too.” A weak smile escaped her lips.

“I love you, Nicole! Don’t forget that! Here...” she said handing me her laptop.

“What?” I questioned her.

“Take it.” She said with smile on her face. Good. No more tears.


“Nicole, take it!” she said pressuring me.

“Alex, no! This is your laptop. I don’t want it.” This turned out into an argument we had almost every time one of us would want something and the other one wouldn’t. And it was fun watching the other one getting frustrated. But the limits are pushed forward after so many ‘fights’...

“But I want you to have it, so we could Skype every night.” She said making puppy dog eyes. Ugh! I hate how she’s so good at that. I can’t refuse now.

“Fine. But, just for Skype.” I said hugging her.

“No just for Skype. For anything you need. You can watch your future boyfriend singing on youtube.” She winked at me.

“Harry is not my boyfriend.” I said smiling at her. Damn it...the smile gave me away. She raised her eyebrow in disbelief.

“Don’t look at me like that! It burns! Okay, look. I like Harry. He’s so not what I thought he would be, but let’s be real. He’s a pop star. He can have any girl in the world and why would he choose me? I don’t see a reason...” I said to her realizing that Harry and I couldn’t be together after all. Before this, I just had a little of hope inside of me that was telling me I actually had a chance with him, but no more.

“You want reasons? I’ll give them to you! First of all, I see how he looks at you. Maybe you don’t know each other that well so he can tell you what he feels. Second of all, he would’ve called some tourist guide and hire him, but no. He called you, Nicole Owen. Third of all, he took you on a date for God's sakes! Doesn’t that tell you anything?! And HE KISSED YOU! And yet you tell me you don’t see a reason...I can continue you know?” I buried my head into my hands. I’m so confused!

“I don’t know, Alex! He’s just so perfect that I sometimes think all of this is just a dream, and that tingly feeling that I get when I touch him, and his sparkly eyes and his smile... You know, it amazes me how smart he is. I thought that pop stars are stupid, but I admit: my theory was stupid.” I said whining.

“If you hook up with Harry, one part of your dream will come true.” Alex said like she discovered America.

“What are you talking about?”

“You’re going to date a British boy, you butt-head!” I mouthed an ‘ooh’ and Alex face palmed.

“So, enough talking about Harry. You better tell me if there’s any hot guy in the UK! In which city are you moving?” I asked her.

“London.” She made a face.

“Don’t make that face! You know how much I adore London and so do you! So stop it! I just wish-“my phone rang. Alex took it and smiled widely. “Your future boyfriend is calling!” she said handing me the phone. I had pressed the green button, before I put the phone on my ear. “Hello?”

“Hey, Nicole. How are you feeling?” his husky voice rang through my ears that I got chills.

“Erm... I’m good, thanks. Thank you again for listening to me today.” I glanced at Alex who didn’t know what was going on.

“You’re welcome. If you ever need me, I’m here.” I heard the other lads yelling from the background to count on them too. I smiled. I guess, I do have friends.

“Thank you and say ‘Hi’ to the lads from Alex and me.” I smiled to Alex.

“I will. I just wanted to check how you are, so say ‘Hi’ to Alex from the lads and me and I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

“Okay...Bye Hazz! Can I call you like that?”

He laughed “Sure...Bye love.”  I smiled to that and hung up.

“Well?! What did he say? And the most important, what had happened today?!” Alex yelled out of excitement.

I told her everything and she would curse on Veronica and do an ‘awwww’ after every sentence where Harry was mentioned. We talked for God knows how long before Will came into the room. “Niki, I’m sleepy.” He rubbed his eyes.

“We’ll be leaving in a minute. I have to say goodbye to Alex.” I turned to face my best friend

“So, when are you leaving?”

“Tomorrow morning.”

“WHAT?! That soon?! No! I’m not ready to let you go yet!” I yelled hugging her.

“Yes, you are. Remember, you are the stronger half here. I’ll call you the minute I land in London! I’ll miss you but-head and don’t replace me! Now, that I know you’ll be fine, I’m ready. Never been readier.” I kissed her cheek and stood up.

“I won’t, but neither do you! And I’ll miss you too. I’ll see ya tomorrow evening.”

“Of course! 8pm London time. Don’t be late!” she smiled back. I’m so happy that the last night with Alex hasn’t gone in tears and sobs, well not entire evening.

I turned on my heel and waved one last time to my best friend before exiting her room.

“Thank you, Nicole! We will miss you. Take care, sweetheart.” Sarah told me as she hugged me. Alex’s parents, Sarah and John were parents I never had and I loved them to death.

“I will miss you too. I hope we’ll be able to see each other soon.” I said pulling away.

“Bye.” Will said as he took my hand.

We walked out of Alex’s flat and after five minute walk, got into ours. I am so tired. This was the most emotional day I had in my life - not counting days when our parents left us. I thought about how much my life will change after tomorrow when Alex is gone. How am I going to fight back Veronica when she’s not by my side? We were a team. I wanted to make us a dinner, but Will told me that he has eaten at Alex’s. I wasn’t that hungry, so I just took a shower and slipped under my covers. Should I believe that Harry likes me or am I just a toy to him and he’ll ditch me as soon as he leaves Serbia? My feelings for him are sincere and I’m not sure how strong, but they still exist. Does he like me back or he just sees me as a friend, a good friend? I honestly don’t know what to think anymore! Then it hit me... Liam! He’s the closest to me of all the lads, except Harry, and I just might come clear with him. I yawned and snuggled into my pillow. My eyelids shut down and I drifted into a deep dream.

(A/N): Soooo...guys what do you think? Sorry it took me so long, but I’ve been busy with school and stuff. So about the song Harry was singing to Nicole, I wanted to post where a male is singing it, so it would be just a bit similar to Harry's, but again it isn't. I just wanted to say that LWWY is wicked and I don’t have words to describe it! So, so, so proud of the lads! I’ll start to write the next chapter as soon as possible. You can follow me on Twitter @1D_HLNZL :) I love you!

-Soph xxx

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