Mr Rude & Me (Undergoing Edit...

By vintage-wifi

10.4M 226K 125K

What happens when Ms Innocent, Chelsea-Anne Richards is kicked out of her dorm room and has no place to stay... More

(1): Getting A Place
(2): Notorious Bad Boy
(3): The Rules
(4): A Jerk
(5): Nathan's Surprise
(6): Illegal Drag Racers
(7): Zorro
(8): Kristy's Cafe
(9): Defeated
(10): Calling A Truce
(11): Sick Girl
(12): In Your Feels
(13): Kitten
(14): Happy Birthday
(15): Growing On Me
(16): Daddy Issues
(17): Strong Leverage
(18): Dangerous Man
*(19): Authors Note
(20): Bitter-Sweet
(21): A Roommate Thing
(22): Bomb Dropped
(23): Flirting?
(24): Home [Kind Of]
(25): First Kiss
(26): Lagoon Red
(27): Official Friendship
(28): Riley
(29): Ice Cream Talks
(30): Reminder
(31): I Love You Guys
(32): High Views
(33): The Story Of RJ
(34): Kyle Everything
(35): Gill Resort
(36): Bad News
(37): Damage Control
(38): Truth or Truth
(40): Enjoyable and Peaceful
(41): Almost... Again!
(42): Work
(43): Princess Willow
(44): Verdict
(45): Family Background
(46): New Year, Old Foes
(47): Confession Session
(48): Mine
(49): No Kissing
(50): Frustrated
(51): Whipped
(52): Okay Romeo
(53): Obsessed
(54): Motivation
(55): Cold Water
(56): Broken
(58): She's Up
(59): Parents Of The Year
(60): Hospital Room
(61): The Chambers
(62): Nirvana
(63): Kim To His Kanye
(64): Let's Talk
(65): Lunch
(66): Unsure
(67): My Idiot
(68): Take You For A Spin
(69): Game Changer
(70): Surprise Party
(71): Best Fucking Night Ever
(72): Favorite Girls
(73): Gym & Food
(74): Date Night
(75): I Love You
(76): Please Come
(77): Missing Girl
(78): Escape Plan
(79): Going Down
(80): Tears
(81): Uncle Ky
(82): Like A Movie
(83): Happy
(84): A Hundred Years

(39): Discoveries

117K 2.8K 2.1K
By vintage-wifi

this is dedicated to @KgomotsoMabokano thank you for the comment that left me with a big smile ❤️
and @BadQueen1583 ...i think you'll love this 😈❤️

"What? Why are you speaking about jeans?" Kyle asks confused, still kind of ticked off because he's clenching his jaw.

Those eyes.

They're Jean's and... Theo's and... Kyle's moms. She said that they got them from her mom.

I remember!

"It's Jean. This is Jean" I exclaim, me myself not believing my own words.

Could it be?

"It's not" He snatches the picture "That's RJ okay? What's wrong with you?"

"Kyle" I say looking at him more surely. I'd also have trouble believing myself because of how shocked and unsure I looked, but now I'm positive "This is Jean, Kyle!"

"Who's Jean?"

"RJ. Riley" I reply hastily "I swear to God, I can't miss it even if I wanted to. The eyes are your moms and Zorro's. I knew they looked familiar the first time I saw her"

"What?" He breathes looking away.

"When I saw her, I knew she looked like someone I know. And now I know... she looks likes Zorro"

"Yeah, uhm, they're twins" He murmurs.

I gape shocked. I get up from the bed pacing around because I can't even begin to contemplate what is happening right now.

"Holy shit, Kyle, it's her"

He also gets up, his body shaking slightly, his voice too "Chelsea-Anne, I-I don't know what's going on right now. Please speak"

"She... she" I stutter before taking a deep breath "She's my dad's neighbor. She has a son. Remember Jacob? That guy I spoke about in the car?"


"She's married to his brother, Monty" I say hastily pacing around "It all makes sense now. She's been missing for two years and more and that's also how long I hadn't visited dad. She said that she came around that time which is why I didn't know her"

"Holy shit" Kyle gapes looking shell shocked.

"You said I reminded you of her, right? That I look like her a bit?" I ask and he nods "Her son... he thought I was her. He called me mom. My little brother also confirmed that I did look a bit like her. I also saw it for myself"

Kyle is paralyzed. He's just standing and watching me with wide eyes.

"Kyle" I breathe shaking my head in utter disbelief "She's alive. I have her numbers. I speak to her and her son all the time. She's amazing and so beautiful"

I shouldn't be surprised she's a Chambers. They were all blessed with amazing genes.

"What the fuck" He shakes his head.

"I promise you" I say sternly, moving closer to him "And, uh, Jake... I asked him about her and he said that she refused to speak about her past. Off course she did cause she ran away from her whole family. It all makes sense"

Holy cow.

"So you're telling me that RJ is alive? She goes by the name Jean now? You know her? She's married and has a child?" Kyle gapes, his voice louder and eyes wider with each question.

I nod "Yes"

"Holy shit, Chelsea-Anne"

"I knew she looked familiar, Kyle. Your mom too cause when I saw her, I knew that I had seen a younger female version" I can't seem to stop speaking about my discoveries.

I just never thought they could lead to this.

He sits down dazedly, his eyes looking far away in thought "But why... why would she not tell mom and I? Even Zach? We've been worried about her for years"

"I don't know" I murmur sadly, sitting next to him "She's very happy though, if that makes you feel any better"

Kyle looks at me frowning "Tell me more"

"She's married to Monty who I've known since I was like five. They said they met at her old town before she decided to pursue a life with him. They have a cute eleven month baby boy, his name is Theo and he's in love with me"

Kyle raises a slightly amused brow "Is he now?"

I'm so glad that frown is off his face.

"Yep" I nod smiling "Jean- sorry Riley, has to call me at least once a week because he cries for me. He calls me 'ga-ga' and I don't really know what it means but I like it"

"She has a whole life without us" He murmurs quietly, the frown back.

Oh no.

"Kyle" I coo sadly.

"She's so happy without us. She's probably even forgotten who I am" His jaw is clenched.

"Don't say that" I scold sternly.

He sighs loudly, fists now clenched too. He looks a mixture of pained and angry "Then what else would make sense? Tell me"

I flinch at his slightly raised voice "Maybe your dad was just too much for her. To the point where she didn't want to be associated with any part of him, including the rest of his children and his wife. It doesn't mean she doesn't love you guys or forgot y'all"

I know it sounds bad but I really don't know what to say to him.

He looks at me calmer "This is a lot, huh?"

"Kinda" I nod softly "I know all your family now. Small world"

"Tell me about it" He breathes a laugh.

"Are you okay?" I murmur concerned "Do you want like a moment alone?"

He shakes his head "Stay"

"Okay" I smile.

We sit in a comfortable silence for a while, just the both of us digesting what we have just discovered. I can't even read his face at all. I don't know if he's happy or sad. I mean the guy just found out that his long lost sister, who he thought had died, is actually very much alive.

He gets up abruptly and I mirror his actions.

"Still good?" I ask again.

"I just can't believe it" He murmurs looking at me deeply "I mean I knew there was a reason you stumbled into my life, other than to annoy me off course, I just didn't think it was this"

"Me too" I say.

"Do you realize if I never knew you I wouldn't know that my sister is alive"

I wave him off "It's really not a big deal"

"Chelsea-Anne, if you never forced me to be nice to you and be friends, you wouldn't have been comfortable enough to have these conversations with me. I actually still would not be speaking to you at all, which means we both would've never mentioned Riley, let alone me showing you a picture of her"

"I never thought about it like that" I breathe.

He has a really good point.

It's true. What are the chances of a former cold Kyle trusting me enough to speak about his long lost sister? Actually, speaking to me about anything at all?

None. Zilch.

I knew it. I knew there was a reason I wanted so badly for him to be nice to me; to be my friend. I just never dreamed it would be this. This big; this important.

"You are phenomenal" He says, eyes filled with gratitude as they pierce into mine.


"I am?" I utter above a whisper.

He moves impossibly closer to me "How can I ever thank you?"

Kiss me. Tell me you feel the same.

"Kyle" I whisper looking up at him. From here I can see his much more visible stubble now and the specks of green in his eyes. They look so soft; softer than I've ever seen them. I can see every little, unnoticeable pimple and freckle. I can see the tiny beauty mark right next to his nose. I can see it all, and I think he's the most beautiful boy in the would.

He doesn't say anything more, instead just envelops me into a hug. I act on instinct and immediately stand on my tip-toes as I wrap my arms around his neck, inhaling his scent. His are around my waist and squeezing there tightly. I can feel his warmth on me.

It feels so right.

"She's alive Chelsea-Anne" He says joyfully against my hair, I can feel his smile.

"She is" I mumble my eyes closing.

He moves me back so we're face-to-face again with our arms still wrapped around each other and his eyes are literally shining. I think mine are too at the fact that he's so happy.

I don't how it happens but the next thing I know is that we're both simultaneously moving our heads closer to each other, his pupils dilating as his gaze shifts between my eyes and lips longingly.

I think we're about to kiss.

My heart is beating so loud, so fast in anticipation and excitement. I think I even forget how to breathe. My eyes close on their own accord as I feel his warm breath against my face. His hands tighten around my hips, making no moves to let me go.

Thank the lords.

Butterflies. Shivers. Pure want and need.

His lips almost touch mine; so fucking close that I could feel them but they never do.

"There you guys are-"

I almost get a heart attack at that deep voice. My eyes snap open and Kyle and I immediately jump away from each other as if nothing was about to happen.

I turn to face the front and see Nathan glancing confused between the two of us.

Couldn't he wait two more fucking minutes! The guy sure has a thing of disturbing us at crucial moments.

"Am I interrupting something here?"

"Nathan" I screech annoyed when Kyle makes no moves to speak "What the fuck? You almost scared me to death"

He starts to smile widely "I swear you two were about to kiss"

Holy shit! We were actually going to kiss. Kyle was going to kiss me, and I was happily going to kiss him back. What does this mean? I mean we've looked at each other's lips before but we've never actually made a move to kiss. Holy hell.

I'm too shy to look at Kyle.

Nathan just shrugs and enters the room when we don't deny it before sitting on the couch and putting on the TV.

"Dude, what do you want?" Kyle finally asks his friend agitated.

I hope he's also mad at the fact that we didn't get to kiss because of him. Or maybe he's still mad because of that little fight they had a few hours ago.

I hope it's the former.

"Kathrine is sleeping and I didn't want to disturb her" He answers looking at the TV and not us.

"Did you guys speak?" I ask.

He shakes his head "Not yet"

"She'll be fine, don't worry" I reassure moving to sit on the rug in front of the TV and couch.

What? All the rugs are very comfortable.

"Do you know where Nicholas and Winona are?" Kyle asks moving to sit next to me as we both face Nathan.

I wanna kiss him!!! NOW!!!

"Dude" He breathes looking at us and my eyes widen alarmed "I think Nick told her and she was not happy at all"

"What?" I gape.

"She left. I don't know where she is but she's not inside"

"Where's Nicholas?" Kyle asks sharply.

"He is not okay" Nathan informs dreadfully "He is trying to wear himself out in the gym downstairs. He was this close to crying"

I knew he'd be crushed.

"Shit" I breathe "Should we go check on him?"

He shakes his head "Don't do that. I think he just wants some alone time. He'll probably snap at you without realizing it"

"Yeah we should leave him" Kyle murmurs.

I feel like everything is falling apart. I just hope Kyle and I aren't next. I hope that almost-kiss doesn't ruin things between us.

"Hey man, just wanted to apologize too" Nathan says awkwardly looking at Kyle.


"No problem" Kyle nods.

They do some weird handshake thingy which included a fist pump before they laugh softly.

"You two are so cute" I coo grinning.

"Men aren't cute, little player" Nathan scolds shooting me a look.

"Men?" I snort provocatively.

"Yes. What did you think we were? Boys?"

I nod teasingly "I was convinced you were. My bad I guess"

He tuts unimpressed "Chels, you forget we're turning twenty-one just next year. You aren't even twenty yet"

Oh right.

"When is your birthday?" I ask him.

"February the 11th" He replies.

I shift my gaze to a very quiet and thoughtful looking Kyle "When's yours?"

"What?" He asks confused.

"Your birthday"

"August" Is the only thing he says.

Is he still distracted with the whole Riley/Jean thing or does he just not want to speak to me?

"There are thirty days in August, you'll have to be more specific" I say sarcastically, testing the waters.

What if he snaps at me?

He shoots me a look but luckily it's a playful one and not a harsh one like I expected. Thank goodness. "Okay, Chelsea-Anne, my birthday is on August the 25th. When is yours?"

"Guess" I grin.

"You want him to guess your birthday?" Nathan scowls watching us "You do know there are an entire 365 possibilities, right?"

"Oh come on" I press.

"If I get it right..." Kyle starts off and I look curiously at him "Then you have to build me a snowman"

Nathan and I laugh.

"Dude, why?" Nathan asks amused.

"Because I've always wanted to build one but I don't want my hands to freeze and fall off"

"You could always wear gloves" Nathan suggests.

"Those don't work" He waves him off.

I scoff incredulously "So you want my hands to freeze and fall off? What a friend you are, mister"

Friend? Friends don't almost kiss each other.

Nathan seems to read my mind because he says "I doubt you two are friends at this point, considering what I just saw"

"Shut up" I grit immediately.

"Do we have a bet or not?" Kyle challenges, ignoring our bickering.

Thank goodness.

"Fine" I sigh.

"Can I give him a hint?" Nathan asks "Kat told me when it was"

"No. Shut up" I deadpan warningly.

"How many strikes are you going to give me, Chelsea-Anne?" Kyle asks.

"Only three" I say holding up three fingers.

"Good luck dude" Nathan smirks.

I don't trust him so I keep glancing at him the whole time to make sure that he's not giving Kyle any hints.

"Okay... I'm think it's during summer" He murmurs squinting his eyes. "So... July"

It actually really is in July. How did he know?

"Be more specific" I urge.

He sighs "Okay. July the 10th"

"Wrong" Nathan laughs before I can "Dude, think about that snowman that I didn't know I wanted to see till you mentioned it just now. Game face on"

He's so stupid.

"Okay okay" Kyle says more confidently even craning his neck as if to stretch it "I know it's July. I don't know how I know but I do. July the... 21st"


"Eh!" I make the sound a buzzer makes when your answer is wrong "Last chance"

Nathan looks like he wants to give some advice to his friend but I narrow my eyes at him and he puts his hands up in surrender.

Before Kyle can make his final guess, which I hope for my sake was going to be wrong, the door is opened by a freshly dressed and looking  Kathrine.

"If it isn't the three musketeers" She says standing by the door.

I can't quite decipher her tone. Or her facial expression.

"Hey" I greet.

"Hi" Nathan also greets.

She smiles gently "Uhm, the wind has cleared up so Nick is asking if you guys want to go to the show grounds?"

"Is he okay?" I murmur concerned "Are you?"

She nods "Yeah, we spoke. We're much better, thank you"

"Can I come to the room now?" Nathan asks sheepishly and his girlfriend nods as he stands up almost immediately.

"Okay well, we'll all meet downstairs in a few" She says before they're both out of the door.

Now it's just Kyle and I.

I clear my throat also standing "I guess I should go take a shower, huh?"

"Yeah. If you wanna be clean"

I laugh softly.

Since when is he so awkward and nervous around me? He usually doesn't say things like

"Yep. I do want to be clean so I guess that's what I'll do"

He nods "Me too"

"Okay then... happy showering" I laugh as I look into his amused grey eyes.

"Uhm, can you please not tell anyone about the RJ thing?" He murmurs softly his eyes now serious, rubbing the crook of his neck.

"Off course. No problem" I assure.

He smiles "Okay then... happy showering"

I laugh one more time, shaking my head before exiting his room, suddenly self-conscience about how I walk.

What a day already.


"You promise you're okay?" I ask Nick for what feels like the hundredth time as we enter the gate to the show ground with many rides.

He nods "Yes."

"Okay" I sigh frowning.

Poor Nick. He really doesn't look okay. He's barely smiled at anyone.

"Which rides do we want to go on?" Kat asks through her scarf that is covering her mouth looking between the four of us.

Winnie still wasn't back by the time we left. Kat said she had texted her that she was safe so I guess it lifted the worry off our shoulders.

"Roller coaster" Nathan exclaims excited.

"I'm in a Ferris Wheel mood" Nick murmurs awkwardly.

"That's boring" Kyle deadpans.

I shoot him a pointed look. Has he no sympathy whatsoever, before shifting my gaze to Nick "Tell you what, I'll go on it with you"

"You don't have to" He waves me off.

"You can't go on it alone. That thing takes like fifteen minutes" Nathan informs tucking a hand in his big jacket.

Its cold but luckily we're all dressed super warm. Each has either a big jacket, gloves, a beanie, boots and a scarf on or all. It's been our outfit since we've been here.

Gotta love winter, huh.

"See?" I grin to Nick and he just shrugs.

"I'm going with the guys" Kat murmurs awkwardly as if she wishes she'd come with us, but I know she'd get way too bored and agitated on our ride.

She's also an adrenaline junkie.

"Okay, it's settled" I say.

The others wave at us as I grab Nick's hand and drag him to the Ferris Wheel with me.

Nick shows the guy in charge some special card and he lets us enter without paying. Nice. There are two opposite seats in each of the glass capsule and we enter inside one.

"Are you happy I'm here?" I try to lighten the mood.

He smiles softly "Yeah"

People fill up the rest of them before the ride starts.

I frown deeply when he doesn't speak "I'm worried about you. You've never been this quiet ever since I met you"

"Is that an insult?" He jokes.

"Yes. I am worried though" I say.

He sighs "Okay, I told Winona and it didn't go the way I wanted it go. It went very much the opposite. And now I feel like dog shit"

"What'd she say?"

"She started freaking the fuck out, Chels, it was like I'd just told her that I've killed before. Anyways she was like how could I put her in a situation like that, when she though she had made it clear that I was like a brother to her from the very first time. A fucking brother, Chels" He scoffs bitterly at the last part.

"Nick..." I utter.

"So I asked her if she didn't feel the same then she said she wouldn't answer but I knew what her silence meant. We both got angry and colorful words got exchanged. Anyways she then said she felt like she had just lost her best friend and brother at the same time"

"Has she?" I ask him hesitantly, eyes curios.

"Off course not. I still love the girl even if she doesn't love me back. I wish I didn't, I really do. This feeling sucks, but she hasn't lost me. I think we need some distance though"

Poor Nicky.

"Do you think things will be the same?"

He shakes his head sadly "Doubt it"

"Trust me, she's probably as heartbroken as you. I would know because the same thing happened to me. Twice. It really sucks not feeling the same for someone. Especially someone you care so deeply about it"

"Yeah well it's whatever now" He murmurs.

I don't like seeing him like this.

"I love you, okay?" I tell him softly "I promise I'll do my best to make you feel better"

He smiles "Love you too, little Chels"

"If it wasn't for you I would've never met most of these amazing people who I'm on this trip with and I can't thank you enough for that. By the way, thanks for the trip too"

He laughs happily "Okay, calm down, you can say all these things at my funeral not on a flippen Ferris Wheel"

I laugh too.

"I mean it" I roll my eyes grinning.

"I'm also glad I met you, little Chels"

We just grin at each for what feels like forever before finding other things to speak about.

"Hey, I know what'll keep you in a good mood forever" I grin.

He eyes me suspiciously "What?"

"I have a confession"

"Which is?"

"I like Kyle. Officially" I announce doing jazz hands and he just looks nonchalant "Hello? Did you hear me? I like Kyle. As in more than friends. Isn't this what you've always wanted me to admit?"

It was only a matter of time till I'd crack and tell him too. He's still one of my best friends that I can never can a secret away from.

"I know this already" He deadpans dryly.

"Oh come on, it wasn't official"

He rolls his eyes laughing "Yeah but I knew. It was pretty obvious you two liked each other"

"Each other?" I raise a brow.

He nods "He won't admit it either but he obviously likes you"

"I don't know, Nick" I murmur.

"He does, trust me" He assures.

"Did he tell you this?" I press so I can make sure and not get too excited.

"No. In case you haven't noticed, he doesn't like speaking about his feelings. He shuts me off whenever I ask him"

I frown "See? You've proven nothing"

"Just take my word, little Chels, I've known him longer than you" He assures.

"That's what Kat said" I note.

He gapes looking offended "You told Kathrine before me?"

"Technically I told Nathan first, but she was my best friend before you" I excuse laughing.

"I made you guys" He argues loudly.

He has a point.

Without him I would've never met Kyle and vice versa. But who knows, maybe I would've. Maybe through Nathan or something.

I just laugh and ignore him as we look at the view below us and I gape in awe at how beautiful it is. I think it's looks better at night though when all the lights are lit but this is nice too. The ride goes lower and lingers there and my smile falters at what I see.

"What?" Nick asks concerned when he notices.

Oh no.

"Nick, don't look" I immediately protest but it's too late because he moves to sit on my side before looking down at the sight.

"Wow" He breathes angrily next to me.

Winnie and Liam are holding hands happily as he hands her a stuffed animal which I can't see properly from here and then kisses her cheek. I can't believe this. Is she serious?

I look to him dreadfully to see him a running a frustrated hand through his curls as he fumes with anger. His eyes are distant; betrayed.

"I must be a joke" He barks "A fucking joke"

Why would Winnie do this? The guy just told her that he's in love with her like an hour ago.

"Maybe she doesn't know we're here" I try desperately, not sure what to say to him.

"So much for also being heartbroken"

"I can't even speak for her at this point" I mutter disappointed.

"I wanna get off this fucking ride"

I hold his clenched jaw turning it to me "Nick, you'll have to calm down first. You can't cause a scene, okay? You have to promise me. It's not worth it"

"Fuck. This is the worst trip ever"

My heart sinks "Nick"

"Except for you guys obviously" He says after realizing his sharp words "I just can't do this, Chels. The girl I love doesn't love me and now I'm having to see her happy with another guy. What the fuck am I supposed to do?"

"Just ignore her"

"Maybe this is karma for all those girls' hearts that I've broken. God knows there are a lot"

I don't know what to say to him so I just sigh loudly and wait for the ride to be over. Finally our capsule reaches the ground before it opens and we get out.

Nick is still angry so I clutch his hand in mine to try and prevent him from acting irrationally but the moment he sees Winnie and Liam closer, he snaps and gets away from me at a speed I can't even comprehend.

"Nicholas you promised" I scream after him.

But it's too late because he pounds a fist right to the face of an oblivious Liam, much to mine and Winnie's horror.

Oh lord.


Sorry for all the drama!! 😩
it seems I can't help myself.

Anyways comment and vote 😘

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