His Cruelty (ON HOLD)


338 17 10

Feared and hunted, the werewolf race is desperate to seek salvation. A old tale arise again, where the very f... Еще

His Cruelty: Prologue.
His Cruelty: Encounter One - A New Home
His Cruelty: Encounter Three - A moment ago

His Cruelty: Encounter Two - Captured

52 4 2

Wohoo! I'm on the roll! Well... I had writters block but now I think the path is clear. Let's get this business going! 


P.S: I haven't checked this thoroughly so there might be a few mistakes ><


Tied up, I struggle in hope I can break out of my binds. No use. 

“Lucille!” Hearing my name being yelled from the other end of the basement, I see my mother and father both looking at me with an expression I had never seen before. Scared and shocked. 


Our lives are so scum-like, we live in the shadows where every breath we take is precious. Never had I seen those expressions cross their faces, and as the prime reason I look away in guilt. However, looking away isn’t a great idea either. There standing before me is the guy who had caught me, perhaps I should be thankful as it was him to prevented me going out of control. 

“I presume you know what your daughter did right?” 

His deep voice echoed down to my parents, my mother’s sobs and my father’s not so confident voice echoed back as I knelt on the cold basement floor with my head hanging low. 

“It is our fault, she’s still young. We should’ve really kept a closer eye on her” 

I bitterly laugh under my breath, the irony that my father is using the same reasoning as my mother once did when I had nearly died during the chase before we left town. 

“You ought to know better, but I’ll let this time slip as this is a new area for your family. This girl though -“ Patting my shoulder as he paused in mid-sentence I shrug his hand off but he firmly press onto it. Not allowing me to move again. I wanted to growl, my wolf is begging me to let her free so she can shred him in pieces. Yet in reality, this man is probably twice as stronger than my entire family put together. 

“I didn’t allow you to move in this area to cause trouble - a lot of people want to move here. This is the heart of our society, and only here can we become like a pack. I am severely disappointed in you Michael. I allowed you to live away from the pack house because I thought you was capable - guess not” 

With authority dripping off every word my eyes widen  as I began to realise something - how did my dad come to know someone from the government? No one were meant to know where they are based, so how does my dad… 

I quickly look at my dad with questioning eyes, but he doesn’t meet my gaze. 

“I can only deeply apologise” 

My dad bow to the guy, my dad who is so full of pride is actually bowing down to someone. 

“Dad what are you doing?!” My voice strains, horrified at the scene before me - yet my mother only continue to cry as my dad waited for a reply. 

Chuckling under his breath, the man sighs and finally let go of my shoulder - shoving me in the process I fall to the side. 

“Michael, you’re no longer a noble. The day you left us, your position had been disqualified. Of course, you still have noble blood running in you - yet you chose to marry that woman who was of a common blood. So now you’re no different to just a mere wolf who came running back for protection.” 

“Don’t talk to him like that! How dare you-“

“Lucille!” Yelling at me, my father’s eyes are glossy. Red faced and glossy eyes all equal to anger and embarrassment. 

“Take your daughter home - no more chances otherwise. I will be reporting to our King” 

As soon as the man gave permission, my father ran towards me to free me. His hands were shaking, as the ropes fell without another word my father drag me up and towards the exit. 


Stopping in his tracks, my father doesn’t look back. “You’re going to regret it!” The man called but without another word my father left whilst holding on my hand with my mother following behind us. 

The entire journey home was awkward. No one spoke. Yet the moment we arrived home, just as I was going to head to my room to escape, my father call my name with a very serious tone of voice. 

“Did you have any idea what could’ve happened?” 

“I nearly killed the old ladies, yes” Replying with a slight nod, my father throw the cup in his hands on the floor. Smashing into pieces I look at my dad with a glare. 

“Don’t act as if you never done anything wrong either! I’m not stupid! What the hell did that man mean before when he said you had your chance?! You never once told me you was a noble!” 

“I don’t need to tell you things you don’t need to know!” 

We’re going to be here all day. Arguing. 

“What?! I don’t need to know that my dad is a noble?! I don’t need to know that he for some reason left the government?! I don’t need to know why all my life had I been watching my mother cry secretly?!” 

My dad’s eyes look over to my mother who had not said a word but sat next to me in silence as I stood up angrily from the couch - “I knew there was something up when we moved here! Now can you just bloody tell me what is going on?!” 

Tears start to stream down my cheeks, and my dad retreat and sunk into the couch. He seems to be in hesitation; his left hand reaches to the bridge of his nose - shaking his head. 

“I am, one of the thirty five noble blooded wolves who survived the werewolf massacre. I was in fact, not just a noble but royalty.” 


“I was the next in line for the throne. Yet because of the huge blow on the werewolf race, royalties and nobles who are much more stronger and powerful than common wolves were required that even if their mates were a common blood, either reject or kill them in order to strengthen their own wolf. With a stronger wolf, and mating with a royalty or noble, the offspring will be much more powerful.” 

“Your dad couldn’t reject me, the government tried to kill me but your dad gave up his position just to be with me. He lost his reputation, his pride and status” 

Hearing the answer made my heart break - shattering into pieces I fell onto the couch once again. 

“The humans didn’t know about this - but only till recently did they got the news that I, the Crown Prince in fact left the government. So they’re trying to hunt me down. I had no choice but to move back here.” 

“Dad…” Running towards him I hug him tightly - the first hug in so many years. He rub the back of my head; a painful truth he had to hold himself. I could only imagine how painful it was to bend his pride to ask the government if he could return. 

“Sweetie - we-!” 


The door to our house is knocked down - my father quickly stand up in defence. Marching in is the same man as before with a army of other wolves behind him, my dad growls as his smirk stayed on his face.

“We meet again, Michael.” 

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