The Risen [John Seed]

By lxurente

20.2K 460 1K

》they call her an angel. then she met him... 《 More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 20

267 7 9
By lxurente

Exhausted young woman got out the car, when she was in front of her house. It was already night. On the vault rested billion of bright, beautiful stars, which looked at her from the heaven. She closed the door of her car, and walked towards the building. There was no light inside, what made her little shocked because John's car was already in the garage, and he would not go to sleep till she came.

"John?" she called, after she opened the door to their house. When she tried to turn on the lamp, it turned out that there was no electricity, which would explain the lack of light in the house.

Another thing, which did not give her a peace was that there was not a response from her beloved. Full of uncertainty girl took a few steps, looking around. Suddenly, she noticed a lot of lightened candles.

"What the-" whisper came out of her mouth, as she kneeled to grab something from the ground. She gently touched the strange thing, and then realized what it was. Rose flake. As she went a bit further there were more of them. Much more. John.

Her mouth twisted into a smile, and in her head she could not believe what he did. This man was unpredictable in a good way. She went further with more confidence. It seemed to indicate the way. Candles with roses led to the back exit. Following the path, she was collecting each petal of rose.

After a moment, the girl was outside, and the light of the moon hit her beaming face. As she stood near the door, she could not see the ending of this path. She even had no idea where it is going. However, after taking a breath, she continued to walk in silence. It was really late, that is why no one was outside, except some guys, who secured the area, but they did not pay any attention to her.

As she was getting closer to the main place, she realized it was near her favorite lake. Apart from all this, she wondered why he was doing it. Of course, it was possible that there was no occasion because it was John. However, she thought about every possible date and nothing came to her mind.

With her hands full of rose petals, she finally arrived. She picked up the last petal that was just at the edge of the water and looked at the lake, which like a mirror reflected the beauty of the sky and all the celestial bodies it possesses. Then she looked around herself, and to her surprise, she did not notice anyone. When she was about to return home, she quickly turned and her heart stopped for a moment. All the petals fell out of her hands and there was a huge shock on her face. In one second, her entire body paralyzed. She could not move.

And what did she see? John Seed holding a small box on one knee in front of her.

"Angelina, will you marry me?" his slightly stressed voice interrupted the silence that prevailed faster than anything else. After these few words, he opened the box, and there was a ring in it. A beautiful ring.

Uncontrollable tears began to run down her face, and her mouth covered her hands. She could not say anything for a few seconds. The joy she had in her heart screamed with all her strength inside.

"Please, tell me these are joy tears" somewhat afraid, the man replied at the sight of the weeping beloved. Then she laughed, and knelt in front of her boyfriend. Without a word, she threw herself in his arms, what almost made them both fall on the ground, and whispered "Yes, damn... Yes!"

He put his arms around her, still holding the box with the ring, and breathed a sigh of relief with a smile. Despite his courage, he had to admit that this was the most stressful situation in his whole life. The first one like that.

"Give me your hand, honey" the man stated, at what she let him go, and with eyes full of tears glared at him. Still she could not believe what is happening.

His warm hand gently took her cold, and shaking hand into his, bringing it closer to him, so he could put the ring on. On his face painted real, and honest smile, when he noticed the diamond ring on her finger. As he stroked her hand with his fingers with tenderness, he drowned into her eyes, which were even more beautiful in the moonlight. As many times as he saw her smiling, this one was unique. It was filled with such a warmth, joy and innocence.

After she took a look at her finger, the girl took his face in her both hands, and pushed her lips against his. John immediately responded, and especially laid on his back which made her lay on him. Angelina stopped the kiss and laughed, hiding her face in his torso. The warmth coming from him and the smell of his strong perfumes filled her body.

"Now, I know why you went to the city with your brothers, and from whom you got the phone back then... I can't believe I didn't suspect anything. Faith knew too?" spoke Angelina, after a while of laying on the ground with her future husband. Her head was on his shoulder, and he had his arm wrapped around her body. Sand, on which they were, did not bother them at all.

"As a first one. Even, I am surprised that she didn't tell you anything" he replied, stroking her thigh.

"Oh, John" the young woman sighed, turning on her stomach. Her heart started to beat faster, as she saw his smile. "You just made a basic girl the happiest girl in the world"

"I think you meant unique girl. Come on, it's not the end" suddenly John said, and after he stood up, he took his new fiancée on his arms in the bridal style. She just let out a small scream, and laugh.

When they crossed the threshold of the house, the lights went on, and the rest of the Seed family stood at the other end of the room. After the girl felt the floor under her feet, she took her head in her hands in shock.

"I will die of a heart attack because of you all today!" admitted Angelina, smiling.

Three of them stood opposite the couple. Then, the girl saw her adoptive father who had tears in his eyes. She ran to him, and hugged him as hard as she could, and he answered the same. Along with the feeling of her in his arms, tears fell from his eyes.

"You were right, Joseph. As you said, after all suffering, I finally got happiness and love from God. Thank you, thank you for always supporting me" she spoke to him, hugging.

"Could not be different. I love you, Angel as my own daughter" the man responded to her, and gently kissed her head.

Soon after everyone was welcomed, and congratulated, John called everyone to the dining room for supper. When Angelina wanted to go to the room, she felt someone's hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, pup" after this sentence, she realized it was Jacob, who stayed in the back while everyone was crying, and hugging from joy. On her face appeared this innocent smile, and curious look, as she waited for him to continue.

"He really loves ya. I remember a lot of his girls, and it never crossed his mind to engage or make family with any of them. You changed him for better, Angelina" Jacob informed her quietly, because he did not want his brother to hear them. Her smile grew up even bigger. "How do you feel, by the way? Wounds healed?"

"Yeah, yeah... It's all thanks to my doctor" said Angie, laughing. He just nodded. Suddenly, the girl stood on her fingers, and hugged him really tight. The man was not fan of tenderness, and she knew it perfectly. However, he gently patted her back, and smiled a little.

"Thank you" she whispered, kissed him on the cheek, and ran to the dining room, where everyone was sitting. The eldest of them stood for a moment alone, and after a while, he joined to his family as well.

Angelina did not leave her new fiance's side all evening. His arm was wrapped around her all the time. For about three hours the whole family talked on all topics and enjoyed the happiness of the main characters of the evening. When they decided to leave, John went to walk them away. Meanwhile, the girl leaned against the table and once again looked at her new ring. It was not about being beautiful or expensive. This jewelry was a symbol of the new road. A long road with John at her side. She could not ask for more. Suddenly the sound of the music awakened her from her thoughts.

Unchained Melody by The Righteous Brothers

In one moment, she noticed John with his hand reached out to her. She closed her smiling mouth by her left hand, and gave him his right one. Soon after, he had his right arm wrapped around her waist, what brang her to him as close as it was possible. Her left arm gently touched his shoulder. Other hands were connected with each other, and fingers together laced. Together with the rhythm of music, they rocked their bodies gently. Both of them were smiling, and had eye contact all the time.

"Why have you not said that you dance so well?" she asked him, quietly. Then he took her in turn, and after a while she was in his arms again.

"We waited too long with our first dance" said John, and she agreed with him still having an eye contact.

When the music ended, she grabbed his neck and he joined their lips in a passionate kiss. Every his move on her lips was like a blessing. As they stopped, she let out a warm breath on his face, and touched his beard by her fingers. Then, she started to kiss his cheek, beard, and neck. It turned him on so much. He gently grabbed her blonde hair, and turned her head, so he could kiss the left side of her neck, what made her a little moan. The warm breath from his mouth gave her chills all around the body. Soon after that, he took her on his arms, and continued kissing. They spent the next hour in bed in their bedroom.

Angelina was exhausted after a day full of emotions, so when she finally lay down she fell asleep faster than ever before. John, on the other hand, could not believe that she said yes. Damn. All week before buying the ring, he was stressed for the first time so much. And then? His future wife slept near him, and looked so sweet. Not only he made her the happiest, she made him as well.

She laid facing him, so he approached her and gently kissed her on the lips, after he whispered "I love you"

My writing skills broke down a little bit, that's why this chapter isn't so good. However! I've waited for this moment really long, and they are finally engaged hehe. I can't wait till wedding. I love you all, thank you for reading!! ❤️❤️

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