Waste the Night ✧ jordan bake...

By -chosenone

400K 9.1K 4.2K

in which beverly hills high becomes a whole different world when a crenshaw star football player comes to tow... More

authors note
prologue + cast
season one
2. a different side
3. our spot
4. the first of many
5. start of something new
6. breaking point
7. homecoming weekend
8. playing dirty
9. i'd do anything for you
10. core four
11. george hopkins
12. back in the day
13. together again
14. under pressure
15. falling apart
16. the verdict
17. state championship
deleted scene: confrontation
deleted scene: i'm here now
deleted scene: positive
deleted scene: we need a break
season two
18. back to reality
19. picking fights
20. reconciliation
21. delivery girl
22. sticking through it
q & a
23. reality check
24. rumor has it
25. wrongdoings
26. a clearer picture
27. midnight
28. grieving
29. a distant memory
30. old faces
31. promises
32. decisions
33. stressed out
34. goodbyes
second book

1. welcome to beverly hills

22.8K 408 360
By -chosenone

"Is my class boring you again, Ms.Adams?"

Stacey stopped her pen and looked up to see the whole classes eye on her as Mr.Yates stared her down. She dropped the pen, whispering an apology before listening back to the history of the Civil War.

"At least the bird looks good," Jane chuckled right next to her.

Stacey threw a gum wrapper at her. "At least I have some talent."

"My talent is having the whole soccer team swoon over me," Jane countered back. "And the one you're talking about is making Jordan jealous whenever he walks by you and Clayton."

Stacey rolled her eyes. "Jordan just happens to be walking by us. Clay's my boyfriend and I can kiss him when I want whenever I want."

"Hey can you two keep it down?" Olivia Baker turned around with an annoyed glare. "I'm trying to focus and if Mr.Yates yells at you again, you'll both get detention."

Stacey put her hands up in surrender and watched Olivia turn back around. A part of her missed how the four girls were, but Olivia distanced herself from them; she couldn't do anything about it.


Stacey and Jane headed to their lockers before lunch to drop their books off. Layla was walking by them, but stopped when they all made eye contact.

"Hey guys!" she smiled, something every guy swooned over. Well, in Stacey's case it was her brother who was in love with that smile.

"Hey," Stacey said. "How was your summer?"

"Really good, thanks." Layla pulled out her phone and brought up an Instagram page. "This is the new guy: Spencer James. He transferred for an academic scholarship, but is amazing at football. Won the state championship with South Crenshaw."

"Pretty cute," Jane commented, "maybe Stacey will go after him, you know, since she loves football boys."

The blonde hit her in the shoulder. "Okay that's enough now. Lets go to lunch." Stacey and Jane closed their lockers and went to walk off, but Stacey looked back at Layla. "Come on."

Layla was surprised that she had offered for her to come, but happily took her outstretched arm as they all walked together. At Beverly High, all the star football players and their girlfriends/friends sat on the steps in the courtyard. Stacey had continued to sit here even after her and Jordan broke up; they were friends now, but at times their lovely friends would remind them of their past.

"This is a rare sight," Asher said as the three girls walked up.

Stacey smiled at her brother. "New school year Ash, things are in the past."

Nothing bad ever happened to Jane, Layla, and Stacey. After Olivia ghosted herself, the three girls just lost touch with each other.

Stacey sat on top next to JJ and Jane sat in front of her. Layla took her seat in front of Asher, something she would still throw up in her mouth about when they were all over each other.

She looked out in the courtyard to see where Clayton was but instead, saw Jordan walking up with Spencer.

He introduced him to everyone. "Meet the crew. This is Hadley, Layla, and Jane. Up top, Lucy, JJ, Asher, and Stacey."

"Don't forget Clayton!" Clayton Hopkins ran up the steps and sat down next to his girlfriend, Stacey. He kissed her cheek and set down a sandwich next to her. "Sorry I'm late, I got lunch for the two of us."

Stacey held his hand. "Thank you, baby."

"I'm Spencer." The new kid dabbed up the guys and sat down next to Layla.

"Hey," Jordan sat down in front of Stacey and kissed Hadley. She didn't know what they were really, but she ignored it and turned her attention back to Spencer.

"You and Asher play the same position," Jordan pointed out to Spencer. Stacey wanted to punch him for bringing that up; she knows how competitive her brother is.

"Oh receiver, huh?" Spencer asked.

"Yeah, broke the school record for receptions last year," Asher proudly stated.

"And the record for most dropped passes," Stacey joked, knowing how to get under her brother's skin. Asher looked back at her with a glare. "Oh my lord, I'm just joking. He's decent."

Everyone in the group laughed, even Spencer. "I broke the receptions record at my school too."

"So how are you liking Beverly so far?" Layla asks him.

"It's okay, I guess." Spencer looked fondly at Layla, making Asher have an immediate resentment towards him.

"I know it probably feels like lost footage or rich kids from Instagram, but it's not so bad when you give it a chance," Layla tells him.

Spencer nods. "I'm sure it'll grow on me."

"Hey so lay it on me," Asher takes a sip of his water before he continues, "crips or bloods."

"Ash," Stacey warns him, but he waves her off.

Spencer looks back at him. "Excuse me?"

"I'm just trying to check out a crip walk for real," he nonchalantly says. "I've only seen one on Youtube."

"Yo yo yo he's just joking man, ignore him," Jordan tells him.

"Asher you wouldn't know a crip walk if it bit you in the damn white ass," JJ jokes with him.

Jane and Stacey both looked at each other, not finding any of this funny.

"That didn't sound like a joke to me, bro." Spencer leans forward like he's ready to fight.

"Don't be so sensitive," Asher says.

"Sensitive?" Spencer stands up fully this time, eyeing Asher down. Thinking twice about it, he picks up his bag. "Hey, yo, thanks for the welcome."

Spencer walks up towards another table, leaving everyone shocked. Stacey watches as Layla gets up and goes after him.

"You want to hangout after practice?" Clayton now puts his full attention on his girlfriend. "Kate Spade's having a sale and I know you love her collection–"

"Actually I can't," Stacey cuts him off. "I have an art gallery opening tonight. One of my designs is on display and a bunch of fashion investors are going to be there. Can you make it?"

"I'll have to see," Clayton says, making Stacey frown. "Blame my parents they're making me have football as my main focus. Which means watching film every night, going to UCLA with my dad to practice with their team, and working out at the gym."

"Looks like you have no time for me then," Stacey points out.

He shakes his head, cupping her face. "I always have time for you, you know that."

He kisses her on the lips, making everyone in the group groan. Jane throws a piece of lettuce at Clayton. "Stop making me feel like a third wheel."


Stacey flattened out her dress and checked her makeup one more time before giving her attention to potential investors. Asher and Layla already texted her, saying they couldn't make it. Jane would be here any minute now and Clayton gave her the good news that he would be there during the last twenty minutes.

"Are your Harold Adams' daughter?" A middle-aged man came by and asked her.

"Yes," she told him. She stuck her hand out, "I'm Stacey."

He shook her hand. "Jacob Lockwood. I've seen some of your work from your father, pretty impressed if I do say so myself." Stacey was ecstatic, this could be her chance to start her business. "However, your age does concern me; you're only a junior in high school. And since your father's recent...downfall, it's too risky to put my money into this."

"But Mr.Lockwood, if you would just look–"

He stopped her before she could grab her sketch book. "I'm sure they're all fantastic, but I'm sorry Ms.Adams. Call me in a few years maybe."

He walked away to look at other peoples work, taking her dream away with her. She spotted Jane on the other side of the room watching the whole thing. She had a solemn look on her face as she walked over to her best friend.

"I think we can agree that Mr.Lockwood is a total dick." Jane brought her in for a hug. "Someone will be so lucky to have the Stacey Adams collection one day."

"Have I ever told you I love you?" Stacey laughed, trying not to cry in front of everyone.

The night continued on and Stacey was even more disappointed for two reasons: investors gave her the same reasons as to why they wouldn't put their money towards her and Clayton still hadn't showed up.

Hey where are you?? The gallery is about to close

Oh my god I completely forgot, I'm so sorry :((
I'll bring you to breakfast tomorrow before Jordan's pool party

No it's fine. I'll drive myself

Stace I'm sorry

It's fine

Jane read the whole conversation over her shoulder, wanting to yell at Clayton for hurting her best friend. She went to comfort her yet again, but the person she'd least expect to come walked through the door.

"Holy shit."

Stacey was confused as to why Jane said that, but looked at the doorway as well to see Jordan Baker eyeing the crowd. Once he saw the two girls, he walked over.

"I need to use the bathroom," Jane said. Stacey tried to get her to stay. "You two are friends, remember?"

Jane scurried away before Stacey could grab her again. Jordan walked up and looked at the sketch book. "Hey, I know you didn't officially invite me, but I overheard you at lunch. I'm sorry if you didn't want me here–"

"No, I do," Stacey interrupted him. "We're friends, remember?"

That word stung Jordan's heart. "Yeah." He skimmed through her sketch book some more, remembering the ones she did in his room. "Wow Stace, these are really great. Has anyone made you an offer?"

"Nope," Stacey sighed. "All about how I'm too young and..." she was about to tell the problem about her dad, but remembered that it was being kept lowkey. "...that it needs more work."

Jordan shook his head. "I think it's perfect, I've always thought they were perfect." He dug into his wallet and pulled out a fifty dollar bill. "Here, take this as a starting point."

"I can't accept this," she said as she stared at the money.

He opened up her purse and put the money in it. "I insist. You know I'll always help you pursue your dreams."

Stacey didn't know what to say, so she brought Jordan in for a hug. "Thank you."


Stacey laid on the pool chair at the Baker mansion, something she used to do all the time for a couple of years. Before the start of football season, multiple parties would pop up to celebrate the beginning of the season. They were fun overall, but anyone would agree that they could get out of hand sometimes.

"Can we talk?"

Stacey took off her sunglasses and sat up, seeing Clayton right next to her. She shrugged, "Are you going to ditch me again?"

"I swear I didn't mean to," Clayton pleas with her. "I'm trying to get out of it, okay? It's hard, but I think I'm getting through to my dad that he's overloading me."

Stacey pondered on his apology for a moment. "If I hear three wonderful words I'll forgive you."

"I love you," Clayton said. He kissed her cheek and laid back down with her, putting his hand on her thigh.

Stacey put back on her sunglasses and looked around. She rolled her eyes at the sight of Layla and Spencer hitting it off on the poolside. She didn't have a problem with Spencer, he was nothing but kind to her so far, but he should know not to fall for a girl with a boyfriend. Especially when that boy is Asher who is very passive aggressive. She already saw Asher and Jordan whispering to each other as they looked at Spencer; this wasn't going to end up well.


Layla's party was already loud and wild when Stacey, Clayton, and Jane showed up. The blonde spotted drugs, bongs, and alcohol everywhere. She wasn't sure if she should try anything, but the tequila was definitely calling her name.

"Jane!" A couple of guys at the bar called her over.

Jane smiled and poked Stacey's arm. "The testosterone calls to me. I must go; you two be safe."

She jogs over to them and Stacey can't help but laugh as she does a body shot off of one of them.

"Wanna drink?" Stacey asks Clayton.

Clayton shakes his head. "The boosters are coming to see us play tomorrow and it's a pretty big deal."

Stacey nodded and looked over to see Layla, Spencer, Asher, and Jordan all have shot glasses. She watched as her brother and Jordan poured the drink on the floor as Spencer drank it. From the secret conversation those two had yesterday, she knew they were plotting against Spencer now.

Stacey went to walk over to Spencer, but Clayton quickly grabbed her wrist. "I can't let you do that."

She whipped her head back to him. "You're in on this too?"

He nodded. "Spencer is just messing everything up and he's flirting with Layla. No one messes with my brothers."

"He's just trying to make a name for himself and it doesn't help that you guys are treating him like shit." Stacey went to walk to Spencer again who was on his fifth shot already, but Clayton grabbed her wrist even harder. "Let me go!"

Clayton pulls her back to him, a little more forcefully. "I told you, you're not going over there. Or we're going to have some problems."

Stacey looked at the pissed off glare in her boyfriend's eyes and decided it was best for her to stay put. He let go and went over to the bar to get her a drink. She looked at her wrist and saw red marks had formed. She rubbed it as she watched Spencer drink his life away and she could do nothing about it.


The door closed and Stacey got up from the couch to see Asher walking in; all sweaty and tired from the morning scrimmage with the boosters. He got a water out of the fridge and turned around to see his angry sister staring at him.

"What?" he asked.

"I know what you, Jordan, and Clayton did to Spencer last night," she said. "Tell me, how did he play today?"

Asher laughed. "Terrible."

"God, you asshole!" Stacey raised her voice, which only made her brother roll his eyes. "He's a nice guy who came from a really rough part of town; he's got a chance to make it big here and you all just want to ruin it for him? You know, I think you're threatened by him."

"No I'm not," Asher said. "He doesn't belong here. He's messing up our team. Spencer acts like he owns the place already."

Stacey shook her head. "Take a look in the mirror because you just perfectly described yourself." She went to go back to her room, but looked back at Asher. "Ash, what happened to us?"

"I don't know and I don't care."


Friday came around quick, officially starting Beverly High's football season. A lot of students and parents showed up for the first game; many had hope that this would be their year to win. All thanks to Spencer James.

Stacey and Jane clapped as the team rushed out. Clayton looked up to the stands and pointed at his girlfriend, her returning a kiss in the air back.

Jane looked up at her wrist as she put her arm down. "Since when do you where a million bracelets on your wrist?"

Stacey adjusted her bracelets, making sure it was covering everything. "It's a new trend, thought I'd try it."

Jane nodded and continued on to watch the beginning of the game. Stacey hated lying to her best friend, but she agreed to herself that she wouldn't say anything.

"Hey guys, mind if we sit next to you?" Layla asked; Hadley and Lucy following behind her.

Stacey wanted to say no, not wanting to hear Hadley cheer for Jordan all night, but she was trying to get closer with Layla again. "Yeah sure, just like old times."

The five girls sat and watched the game, but not many cheers came in the first half as Chatsworth was up 14-7. Clayton had some good break up passes, which made Stacey feel content with how he was playing.

However, the second half started to look bright as Beverly rallied back, but still behind 20-24. There was thirty seconds left on the clock after Asher caught a pass to bring them closer to the end zone. Stacey clapped, but the two have been ignoring each other for the past week; she hated it.

"Your brother's not going to be happy," Jane whispered to Stacey. The blonde looked to see what was happening and saw Spencer subbing in for Asher.

Stacey held her breath as the team broke their huddle and Jordan got the ball in his hands. He rolled out, running up the field. Spencer blocked the linebacker and Jordan had a clear path to the end zone. Everyone in the stands cheered as Beverly won the game last second. Stacey left behind everyone and ran down to the field.

After celebrating with his team, Clayton ran over to her and hugged her. She kissed him softly on the lips. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Spencer's actually a decent guy," Clayton admits. "I'm sorry about last week," he quickly glances at her wrist, "it won't happen again."

"I know," Stacey said, but she had an uncertainty in her voice that wouldn't go away.


i got sudden inspiration to write this story and i can't wait to tell you guys stacey's journey. i hinted at some things that will play out in the future

NEXT ON WASTE THE NIGHT: after beverly's first loss of the season, clayton brings out a different side

make sure to vote and comment!!


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