Charlotte May Jonas

By justsochelsea

15.6K 248 15

My name is Charlotte May Jonas but everybody calls me Charlie. I'm Nick Jonas only little sister. I've been l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 32

238 6 0
By justsochelsea

*Later on That Day*

Charlie's POV
After I got ready, I walk down the hall to Nick's room and I knock on the door. He told me to come in and I walk in to find him fixing his tie in the mirror.

Charlie: hey Nick, I'm ready!
Nick: *turns to Charlie* why don't you look pretty tonight!
Charlie: thank you, are you almost ready yet?
Nick: yep, I just have to fix my tie that's all
Charlie: okay, so where's everyone else?
Nick: oh I told them to leave with Joe and Kevin
Charlie: but why would they go with them instead of with us?
Nick: because I told them to and they have to do stuff over their
Charlie: oh... is it my birthday surprise
Nick: hmm...maybe *smiles at her*
Charlie: *smiles back*
Nick: alright, come on let's go so we don't keep everyone waiting
Charlie: okay

Nick and I got out of his room and soon we were out of the house.

We got into his truck and the both of us buckle up and Nick handed me something.

Charlie: what is this for?
Nick: a blind fold, so you won't see the surprise
Charlie: awe... come on Nick! I'm gonna see the surprise anyways, so what's the point?
Nick: Charlotte...
Charlie: okay, okay I'll put it on geez, but it would help more if you put it on for me
Nick: alright

Nick help put the blind fold on me, and after he did that, he started the truck and soon he drove off to my "surprise" dinner.

When I felt the car stop running and someone opening the side of my door open. I felt Nick help me out of the car, and he started leading me somewhere before looking his door with his keys.

He led me to the building when we both stop, he said.

Nick: are you ready?

I nodded my head and Nick gently took off my blind fold and I was shock when everyone I knew shouted "Happy Birthday!" and everyone around us that I didn't know look over at our big table.

Everyone I knew was here, the whole class was their including my friends that I play with at recess and of course, Joe, Kevin, Lauren, Jessica, Brian, Sam and Grandpa were there as well.

I look around and notice we were at my favorite restaurant and of course Nick would remember this because he knows me so well.

I gave Nick a hug before giving my family a hug and I sat down in my seat. I was seating between Natalie, who was sitting in between, Jaden and me, who was sitting in between Natalie and Noah, who was sitting next to her twin brother Frankie.

Natalie: was that a big surprise or what?
Charlie: you knew and you didn't tell me?
Natalie: it was surprise and I didn't want to be the only one that blew it
Charlie: oh okay, but did Nick really have to invite Amanda? She gonna ruin everything.
Natalie: yeah Nick said he wanted to invite everyone here, one because of everything that been going on your life, two because he wants to show the class how to behave properly at a restaurant, so Amanda not gonna do anything because if she does then she would get in trouble
Charlie: so the only reason why everybody else here is because they don't want this to affect their grade?
Natalie: technically, but there are actually people who would have come anyways. You made some good friends with people, you should have heard all the nice things they said about you. Well Toby mostly just came here for the food.

We all looked over at Toby to find him eating almost all the garlic, he look at us because he saw us staring at us and said.

Toby: why are you looking at me like that?

He said with his mouth full and it was kind of funny.

Charlie: Toby, don't eat with your mouth full, that's rude and gross
Toby: sorry

He said with his mouth full again, Natalie and I giggle a bit and Nick got our attention at the table.

Nick: alright everyone, thanks for coming to Charlie's 11th birthday party, now were gonna get started, if you need help looking over your menu, please ask the adults alright. And use your manners as well like we practice

The class and I nodded and the girls and I started searching over our menu.

Noah: what are you having Charlie?
Charlie: what I always have, steak!
Noah: wow, you order the same food your brother does
Charlie: how do you know that?
Noah: don't you remember, my sister and your brother use to date?
Charlie: no, Nick never told me this...
Noah: I wonder why?
Charlie: I never liked any girls Nick dated because I like things the way they're. I don't want anything to change. What happened between them anyways?
Noah: I don't know, she wouldn't tell me. Whatever happened between them, they stopped keeping in contact with each other
Charlie: oh, I hope it had nothing to do with me
Natalie: maybe you should ask him
Charlie: I'll ask him when we get home. So, what are you having?
Noah: I'm just getting the pasta with shrimp
Charlie: sounds yummy, what about you Natalie?
Natalie: I don't know, I haven't decided yet
Noah: what's something that you like to eat that's on the menu?
Natalie: well all I really want is just plain Lasagna
Charlie: alright that doesn't sound bad

After we took our order we waited for everyone else to take their order and soon our waiter came over to us once everyone was ready to take their order.

Charlie's POV
Once everyone was finish with their dinner, it was time for desert. I wanted my favorite chocolate fudge cake and I couldn't wait to eat it. I was talking to my friends when I didn't even notice that they were bringing out the cake.

The workers started chanting "Happy Birthday to me" and so was everyone else at the table. 

I made a wish once everyone stops singing and blew out all the 11th candles that were on the cake. Nick help me cut cake and Grandpa took a picture of us cutting it.

After I cut my slice of the cake, the boys help Nick cut the rest of the cake for everyone else. Once everyone got their cake we began eating the best chocolate cake we ever had, soon the party was over and Nick gave me a dollar to put in the slot machine so I could get my very own teddy bear! While he went to pay of course.

The class and I gather around the machine as they waited for their parents to come pick them up, some of them were tagging with us because their parents couldn't pick them up.

I had my eye on the teddy bear I wanted while everyone else said I should get all the others. The crane  thing miss what I wanted and I frown and Joe came over to us and told us it was time to go.

Joe: hey Charlie it's time to go! A couple of the kids parents are here to pick them up

The others started to go and Charlie said to Joe.

Charlie: aww... but Joe, I really wanted that teddy bear! But this stupid game took all my money that Nick gave me *pouts*
Joe: want me to win it for you?
Charlie: you know how to play this game?
Joe: of course I do, how do you think I got all those cool stuff animal in my room
Charlie: really? I thought you got that when you were little
Joe: nope I got it for myself, I was gonna give it to this girl I like but we broke up
Charlie: and you still have it stuck in your room?
Joe: she may have broken my heart but, I was still in love with her but then I meant Demi and now my heart only revolves around her
Charlie: awe... that's sweet Joey, do you really like Demi?
Joe: yes I love her a lot and I really think she could be the one
Charlie: that's good to hear, I'm glad to see you happy with someone Joe
Joe: thank you Charlie
Charlie: well we better hurry so we don't keep anyone waiting, cause trust me you do not want to keep Nick waiting, he can be so impatient sometimes
Joe: you're right

Joe took out a dollar from his pocket and just like bye magic he got me the teddy bear that was just now in my hand.

Charlie: thanks Joey that was amazing!

I hug him and he hug me back, just then somebody cleared their throat from behind us. We both turned around to see Nick standing there waiting on us.
Nick: come on guys it's time to go everyone waiting in each car!
Charlie: *skips over to him and holds up the prize* Nicky look what Joey got me!
Nick: that's very nice of him, now go head to my car, Natalie, Noah , Frankie, and Jaden are waiting for you in their

I nodded and kiss his cheek and skipped happily out of the building and ran over to Nick's car with one of the guys helping me over so a car wouldn't hit me.

Nick's POV
Once Charlie left the place I turn to Joe and said.

Nick: thanks for winning Charlie the prize Joe
Joe: no problem bud, she's like a little sister to me. I would do anything for her
Nick: *sighs* do you think Charlie would be happy when I tell her?
Joe: I know she would Nick, she'll be very proud you
Nick: but something in my heart tells me not to. I don't want to pull her away from all her friends she might not be able to see again. It took me years to get this record deal and I can't decline them now. What if I never get another chance like this?
Joe: Nick you need to start thinking for yourself for a change and do what makes you happy. You only took teaching because you thought it was what your parents wanted after they died
Nick: well they weren't too thrilled when I told them I quit high school to focus on my music career
Joe: that's true, but they ended up being supportive when they realize you weren't happy with it. And I'm sure that if you told Charlie she would understand. And beside you wouldn't want her finding out from someone else
Nick: I guess you're right, thanks man
Joe: no problem, now come on so we could bring everyone else home

I nodded and Joe and I exited out of the building and the both of us went our separate ways.

After I drop off everyone to their house, Charlie and I finally got home and she said to me.

Charlie: thanks Nick, I had the best time today!
Nick: no problem baby girl, why don't you change out of your dress and get ready for bed? You'll have time in the morning to open up your birthday presents

She nods and kisses my cheek and skipped upstairs to her room. I sigh she looked so happy, I have no idea how I'm gonna break this news to her.

I sat down on the couch and put my had behind neck and sigh frustrated. The front door opened and in walk in, grandpa, Lauren, Jessica, Sam, and Brian.

Sam: man I'm beef, that was some day huh guys?

We all agree and Brian said.

Brian: well I'm tired, I'm gonna hit the hay, come on girls

We said goodbye to him and the girls and Sam said.

Sam: I'm gonna go to bed as well, you going to bed to Nick?
Nick: yeah in a minute, I'm trying to figure out away to break the news to Charlie
Grandpa: I'm sure whatever choice she'll make, she'll agree with it kiddo
Nick: I hope your right, I'm gonna head upstairs to go talk to her

They nodded and I head up the stairs so I could have a word with her before she goes off to bed.

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