(2) Bring Me Home (T. Stark)

By Lone-wolf-fanfics

77.6K 5K 227

Book Two: Iron Fire series. Following the events of When We Collide, Spencer and Tony have to readjust to th... More

Spencer Stark
Chapter One - Four Months Later
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Plot Help
Plot Help Continued.....
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two

Chapter Seven

1.9K 120 4
By Lone-wolf-fanfics

There aren't many positions Spencer's comfortable in at the moment, she's so pregnant that is actively hurts to sleep sometimes. 39 weeks gone, only 1 left to go. At the moment, this is the only one that works for her. Her on her side with Tony curled around her, his hand resting over their babies as if to keep them safe. The bedroom door is pushed open and Trinity shuffles into the room, Tony hums a little waking, turning over to seek out the noise.

"Daddy" Trinity whispers tugging on the blankets. Tony peeks through his eyes and sits up seeing her.

"You can't sleep, Princess?" Tony asks lifting Trinity up onto the bed with him, she shakes her head rubbing her eyes. "Alright" Tony coos softly.

"Tony?" Spencer asks waking, he touches her back.

"Go back to sleep" he coos. "I've got her" he leans down and kisses her head, Spencer hums happily content. Tony stands and climbs out of the bed with Trinity.


Tony sets Trinity on her feet outside her bedroom door, he scratches at his facial hair before running his fingers through his hair.

"Okay, Princess" Tony crouches in front of Trinity. "What's wrong?" she swishes a little as she looks away. "You can tell me" Tony assures her.

"Tree" she points out. Tony nods. "We need a tree" she argues.

"I know" He agrees. "I know we don't we don't have a Christmas tree yet" With the twin due date literally around the corner, within the next week or so, he and Spencer have been busy getting ready and maybe they've put Christmas back a little, and that includes the decorations. Plus Spencer's been really, really tired, lugging around two babies is hard work, she's been spending more time in bed or on the couch and Tony's been spending more time at home with her and Trinity looking after them. "Mommy's not been feeling very well" Tony admits. "But we haven't forgotten" she sniffles and looks up at him. "Why don't me and you go and get a tree in the morning?" He asks her. "Surprise Mommy?" he winks at his daughter who smiles and nods. "Yeah, that's a plan..." he kisses her head and then stands lifting her up. "Now do you think you could sleep?" he asks her, she nods and snuggles into his neck. He strokes her back and carries her back towards his bedroom, using his foot he pushes the door wider and slips in. Spencer turns hearing him. "I'm gonna sit in with her till she falls asleep" Tony offers.

"Okay" Spencer breaths still half asleep, she rubs at her eyes a little before snuggling back into her pillows. Tony smiles softly watching her, Trinity yawns into his neck and he looks to her. This is probably going to be one of the last peaceful moments before the twins are born. He purses his lips thoughtful before smiling. Tony climbs into bed with Trinity and Spencer wakes again, she turns towards them to watch, she snorts. "What are you doing now?" Spencer asks amused, he readjusts Trinity who giggles away.

"Hey, look..." he starts looking to Spencer. "She couldn't sleep, I couldn't sleep"

"So now Mommy can't sleep?" Spencer asks, Tony smirks at her.

"Noooo" he draws out and kisses the corner of her lips, she hums and caves.

"Fine" she whispers when he pulls away. Tony rests on his back wrapping his arm around Trinity who starts to fall asleep against his chest, he smiles and strokes his fingers through her hair.

"Story" Trinity mumbles sleepily.

"No story, Princess, Mommy's trying to sleep" Tony scolds, Spencer kicks Tony gently, pushing at him to just tell her a story. "Alright fine, but a short one" he corrects. "And we have to be quiet" he whispers to her as Spencer snuggles into her bedding. He strokes her back softly and smiles before his attention is taken by his daughter.

"Tony?" Spencer asks, he hums. "How did she get out of her crib?" Tony pauses realizing. He gapes a little and turns to Spencer who gives him a look.


"How did she do it?" Tony asks looking over the crib for any obvious explanation of how his toddler escaped. He looks to Trinity sat on the floor with her toys, Spencer shakes her head amused from the rocking chair.

"Tony" she starts.

"There is literally no reason she should have been able to get out of this thing" He complains rattling the crib a little.

"You're going to break it" Spencer scolds a little closing her eyes and resting back, her fingers ghosting over her bump. "Maybe we should be thinking about putting her in a toddler bed anyway" Spencer offers cringing slightly.

"You think she's ready for that?" Tony asks her as he turns to her.

"Book said that once they start climbing...." Spencer answers. Tony hums a little watching her.

"You okay there?" he asks her, she nods and glances to him and smiles.

"Yeah, I'm good" she assures him.

"Sure?" he asks, Spencer pushes herself to her feet, it takes a while, Tony is amused but doesn't help, he knows she doesn't like him to assume she needs his help, he knows to ask first or to wait for her to ask.

"Just ready to get this going" she admits stepping towards him. "Feel like I've been pregnant forever...."

"It has been a little harder this time around" he knows this, he's seen it taking a bigger toll on her this time around.

"Physically, yeah" she agrees. "But we've been closer" she whispers. "It's been nice" he moves closer to her and crouches at her side. "We already did it and we didn't know what we were doing with Trinity, this time around we have a better idea, so...yeah, things are a little easier in that sense" he kisses her cheek and smiles softly. "We're not completely clueless"

"We know what we're doing about 50% of the time, right?" he asks, she smirks a little.

"More like 12%" she teases back, he smirks and shakes his head.

"Daddy" Trinity tugs on his jacket. "Daddy" he looks down at her. "You promised" she starts. "Tree" she whispers, Spencer raises an eyebrow at the two of them. Tony nods and picks her up.

"Right" He agrees kissing her cheek. "I got a date with my... favorite girl" Spencer touches her chest and makes a face.

"I'm not your favorite girl?" she asks him.

"You're my favorite woman" he answers tugging her closer, careful of the beach ball around her middle. "You want some help to the couch?" Tony whispers in her ear, Spencer nods and smiles at him. "Let me get the Princess dressed and ready and I'll help you down" she nods and settles back into the chair as Tony sets Trinity down to get her ready.

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