بواسطة Bretaughtyou

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Sasha Swedenburg is nothing like the 'other girls' and is constantly reminded of that by everyone in her life... المزيد

Thank you 🧡🏀


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بواسطة Bretaughtyou

Since the sleepover was now moved to Sasha's house, Lux informed her that she would have to go home to grab her things for the night; And after calling to make sure her parents had already left the city, Sasha hoped she would be in the clear.

"Okay, so my brother says he's around the corner. He's going to take me to get my clothes, and then to your house. Cool?" Lux informed Sasha as the two walked down back trail of the school.

"Yeah, that's cool" Sasha nodded.

Spotting the Honda Civic swerve around the corner, Lux knew that was her brother due to the fact that he was the only one she knew who drove like a fool. She gestured Sasha along, and as they approached she rolled her eyes to see Don once again.

"Hey ya'll, this is my friend Sasha" she smiled uneasily as she slid into the car.

Sasha slid in next, and Don gave her a nod.

"What's up, I'm guessing you the one that got my little sister on track...respect" Lucious nodded.

"Boy" Lux laughed and Sasha shook her head with a chuckle.

"No, that's all her. She's smart" Sasha smirked at Lux who blushed, and Don peeped the flirtatious exchange in the mirror.

"So you a cheerleader huh?" He asked looking back at Sasha, "You don't look like you cheer" he snickered.

"Bro, what the fuck does a cheerleader look like?" Lucious kissed his teeth at his friend.

"She's on the basketball team actually" Lux snarled, "You should be a dentist how you always in my fucking mouth. Loud and wrong"

"Damn Lux, go easy on my mans" Lucious laughed.

Don slit his eyes, and didn't respond as he just looked out the window. He conspicuously watched Lux in the back seat during the entire duration, and he was smart enough to know her and Sasha weren't just friends. The way that Lux looked at Sasha, she looked at him once. And even if it was only for a short summer, a part of him felt she would always be his.

"Alright, I'll be quick" Lux said hopping out of the car as soon as Lucious pulled up to the house.

Lucious hopped out as well, leaving the two strangers in the car. Sasha scrolled in her phone, waiting patiently whereas Don was focused more so on her than anything else.

"So, you and Lux" he started, "Ya'll a thing?".

He tried to chuckle to make his question seem innocent, not trying to come off as jealous.

Sasha shrugged, "We're friends"

"Yeah we were friends once" he smirked to himself, "I know you young but you can keep it real. You gay right?"

While that wasn't Sasha's first time being asked that question, it never made her feel uncomfortable as if someone was reading her or judging her. It was as if she wore the words on her forehead and people just had to know. Lux always said it was because of the way she dressed, as she spent most of her time in ball sneaks and sweats and her posture was that of a boy's.
Sasha didn't know it, but her laid back attitude and coy but smooth talking was the exact persona that most boys tried to pull off but failed. Lux wasn't the only one to notice either, as girls in school began to know Sasha as the curly haired girl in Zay's squad that they all wished would them out, not knowing she was more of virgin than a nun.

"Yeah, but we're friends" Sasha nodded, and that was the first time she answered the question.

She didn't know if it was because she truly felt that way or because she just wanted the guy to shut up.

Sasha was relieved when she spotted Lux coming out of the house with her brother behind her. The two hopped in the car, and before she knew it they were on their way to her house. This was it. Now or never, she thought to herself. She glanced at the time on her phone and watched as the clock turned to 4pm. In five hours she would be having her first high school party, and she could only hope it wasn't a disaster.


       "So, we have a proposition for you" Lux folded her arms across her breast as her and Sasha stood in front of Quan.

He raised his brow as he looked up from the homework in front of him, wondering what his sister and her friend were talking about.

"What?" He smirked, looking over to Lux.

"We're having a party" Sasha revealed, "And you're not going to say anything to mom and dad"

Quan looked at his sister in disbelief, and then began to double over in laughter. Sasha scrunched her brows while Lux rolled her eyes, and Quan ceased his laughter long enough to fold his hands behind his head.

"This is going to be good" he spread his mouth maliciously, "What's your offer?"

"Actually, what's your offer?" Lux smirked, taking out her phone and sliding it over to him.

Quan looked at her suspiciously, next picking up the phone only for his heart to immediately drop at the picture.

"How did you get this?" He barked, standing up from his seat.

"Don't worry about it" Lux retorted, snatching her phone back, "Just know, I know who you work for.
So heres our deal, you will not say anything about the party. To anyone, and you'll make sure your little brothers are quiet about it too. And, you're going to leave Sasha alone. Or, I will send my little evidence to your parents personally"

Quan couldn't believe it. And while he wanted to flip out, he knew Lux would send that picture just by how she stood up for Sasha on a daily. He also knew his dad would kill him, probably literally if he knew he was skipping school to deal drugs and definitely wasn't on the football team.

At first it started because he wanted some new gear for school, and the only place his dad would buy him clothes from was Forman Mills. At 17, he was tired of not fitting in with the other boys. So once he started making a couple dollars, he purchased a few outfits and sneaks that he kept hidden, and would just change at school. He didn't need his dad wondering where he got the money for the new Jordans or whatever else he decided to spend his money on. At first things were going good, and now that his sister knew, he was sure that he could never blackmail her again as long as she had that picture.

"Fine" he finally answered, clinching his jaw, "But if dad and mom finds out, I'm not in this"

"Aht" Lux stuck her finger up, "Don't go making demands. Now, twenty dollars for snacks. And clean up, it's going to be girls here"

"What, I'm not giving you any money" Quan scoffed.
Lux gave him a warning with her eyes and he sucked his teeth and pulled out a twenty.

"Thanks" she smiled innocently, "Come on Sasha"
Sasha, who was still in shock about the whole thing, followed behind Lux.

"Did you see that?" She laughed as they were on their way to the store, "Wow. Who knew that picture would hold so much weight"

"Hell yeah, he won't be bothering you anymore" Lux giggled, "Glad I took that picture"

"I could just kiss you right now" Sasha smiled.

"Do it" Lux shrugged, smizing her eyes.

"Right here? It's people outside" Sasha said slightly embarrassed.

Sasha's block was definitely a busy one, but Lux didn't care.

"So" Lux laughed, "Well you don't have to. Unless you're embarrassed" she teased.

"I'm not embarrassed" Sasha half lied, knowing that she felt a slight uncertainty about kissing a girl in public.

Lux let the conversation go as the two entered the store, and she began to immediately pick out things they needed. Sasha grabbed a basket, only grabbing things Lux called out as she had no idea what a party needed.

"Cups, check, chips, check, ice for the liquor ~"

"Liquor?" Sasha questioned.

"Yes, Liquor" Lux repeated herself, "What kind of party doesn't have liquor"

"Well how are we going to get it?" Sasha asked, perplexed.

While Lux was good at lying, she didn't think she was that good.

"Don't worry about that, I have a guy. But I think we have everything" Lux said checking everything in the basket. The two headed towards the front and checked out, and Lux paid for everything with the money Quan had given them.

"So, you ready?" Lux asked excitedly as they exited the store.

While at first she was very unsure about Sasha's spontaneous idea to sneak and have a party, she was now becoming excited the closer it came. Even she had to admit that she was becoming too much of a regular school kid, and she liked that she was getting to be sneaky again.
With it now being a little past five, the two headed back to Sasha's and began to get ready for their night.


"Are you done yet?" Sasha squirmed as Lux flat ironed the last few pieces of her hair.

"Yesss, God" Lux rolled her eyes as she put the Chi flat irons down. She ran her fingers through Sasha's long hair, next quickly parting it and putting it in a half up and half down hairstyle.

"Aww you look so cute"

"Do I have to look like this?" Sasha asked, checking herself out in the mirror.

Since she was the one to ruin their 'traditional' sleepover, she allowed Lux to do her hair and slight makeup for the party. Sasha had to admit even she thought she looked pretty, but it definitely wasn't something she would do every day. It just wasn't her.

"You don't have to, but you'll hurt my feelings if you take it off" Lux said dramatically.

Sasha rolled her eyes, and Lux fixed her hair from the front to her liking.

"Mhhh, you wearing this?" Sasha smirked, pinching Lux's thighs that was pouring out of her bike shorts.

"Stoop" she moved her leg, laughing, "Yes, I'm wearing these. Is that problem?"

"No, but if you're wearing that I'm wearing this" she said pointing to her champion sweat shirt and pants.

"Fine, that'll do" Lux shrugged, knowing she would never get Sasha out of her sweats.

Sasha continued to feel on her, and Lux blushed. She realized that over the days Sasha became more comfortable with touching her sexually, however Lux knew that Sasha wasn't ready for the steps she wanted to take. She was definitely more experienced, so while Sasha liked to kiss and touch, Lux wanted to open her to a new world.

Lux placed her legs on the side of Sasha, adjusting herself to sit on her lap while facing her. She wrapped her arms around her shoulders, letting her nose brush up against Sasha's and the tips of their lips tease each other. As always she could feel Sasha's heart beat speed up, even though she remained calm as Lux kissed her along her jaw line, next her neck.

That was new, but Lux couldn't help it as Sasha looked extremely good with straight hair. She also smelled amazing, and Lux wanted to stay cradled in her neck.

The two began to kiss passionately, and Sasha wrapped her arms around Lux's waist tightly, pulling her closer in.

"Lux! Sasha!" Quan shouted, banging on the door.

Lux rolled her eyes as they parted lips, "What?"

"Your friends are here!"

Lux jumped up, and Sasha followed up as she rose out of her seat. Her heart was now beating a hundred miles per hour as the party was finally starting. Lux could see her nervousness, and told her to woosah.

"It's going to be fun, don't be nervous. And if you get in trouble, it'll be an even funnier story to tell" Lux shrugged, trying to make her feel better.

Sasha chuckled nervously, and just followed behind Lux as they headed downstairs. Like they expected, Zay had shown up ten deep just by himself.

"Ayyyy" Zay exclaimed, raising the brown plastic bags of liquor up.

"You got it, thanks" Lux smiled as they finished coming down the stairs.

"So, I'll pull up my playlist and Sasha, you help Zay in the kitchen so we can get the drinks on ice" Lux delegated.

"Aye yay captain" Sasha said jokingly as her and Zay made their way to the couch.

While Lux handled the music, Quan read the scene of the all the kids in the home. He made sure his younger brothers were sleep before the party started, and if he knew anything about Zay, he would have their house packed within the next thirty minutes.

He was one of the most popular jocks in Fels, and Quan was definitely curious as to how Sasha made friends with him and his friends. Not only was Lux, one of the prettiest girls in school her best friend, but now she was throwing a party with people who actually seemed to want to be around her.

He didn't understand it, because he didn't see Sasha as anyone but his quiet little sister. It was clear that Sasha was changing, and the tinge of jealously was real for him.

"Yo bro, you got any gas?" Josh asked, looking over to Quan.

Quan, who was quietly watching the gathering from the sideline looked up, "Uhh. Yeah"

"Cool, can I get an eighth" he asked.

"Oh yeah, me too" one girl raised her hand.

"Bet, give me one minute" he smirked, rushing up the stairs.

While he was definitely feeling a little weird about the party, he was happy to be making money.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Sasha proceeded to show Zay around so they could set up the liquor and chips.

"You looking good tonight Sash, what's with the change?" Zay asked, noticing her shiny lengthy hair down her back and naturally beat face.

It was a little weird, because he had always looked at Sasha as nothing else but one of the guys. She was definitely pretty, but her boyish ways automatically put her in the friend zone.

"This was Lux's idea, don't get used to it" Sasha chuckled, "But thanks"

"You two are crazy" he laughed, "Especially her.
Question, is she dating anybody? Keep it real with me"

Sasha raised her brow, and didn't know how to respond to Zay. Were they in a relationship? She didn't think so. And if they were, how could she just out and say it.

"Maybe you should be asking her that type of thing" Sasha said pouring the ice into one of the coolers.

Zay placed a few of the mason jar mixed drinks inside, "I did, she's vague as shit. I mean we chilled once, but ain't much happen"

"What do you mean by much?" Sasha questioned.

Before he could respond, Lux poked her head into the kitchen, "More people are here. And Quan is selling bud if you need any, Zay"

Zay didn't hesitate to head out of the kitchen, while Sasha stayed behind and finished up.

"It's starting to get lit" Lux smiled excitedly, as she playfully twerked.

Sasha smirked, although she couldn't help but think about Zay and the familiar feeling of jealously began to rise to surface. However she kept it cool, and headed out into the party as it began to fill out.

With the music up, and people showing up back to back, before Sasha and Lux knew it their party was considered a hit. Even Quan was having a good time, as he sipped on a mixed drink while talking sports with a few of the guys. A few people danced to the music, while others began to roll up to smoke in the house. Sasha definitely wasn't sure about that, because she didn't want the smell to stick to the walls. The liquor was enough.

"Hey, where can we smoke where the smell wont go everywhere?" Sasha whispered to Lux.

"I don't know, in your room?" Lux shrugged.

"That's cool" Sasha tilted her head, desperate.

"Zay, we're going to hot box in Sasha's room" Lux announced, standing up.

That was all he needed to hear, and he gestured his friends to follow along as Sasha led the way. Sasha was glad that her room was neat and she finally had her bed up so it looked presentable. While it was only limited seats, the group made it work and popped a squat as they all rolled their separate L's.

"So, Sasha. You gonna be throwing more of these?" Jaz asked, being the first one to light an L.

"Uhh, maybe" Sasha responded as she began to push the towels underneath the door to captivate the smell. She was glad she was smart enough to know that at least.

"This shit is lit" Zay nodded, inhaling his, "I'ma get me a wally when I go back down there"

"Do niggas still call it that?" Reef asked with a high snicker, "I think we just call it dancing now"

"Nigga you high, that shit was a wally in 09 its one now" Zay laughed and the room joined him.

The L rotated to Sasha, and she remembered the words Lux told her the first time. She inhaled and held the poisonous smoke, next blowing out a few circles which surprised her. Lux snapped a picture, and Sasha slit her eyes.

"And that's for your instagram page" she smirked.

"Oh Sasha got an instagram page now?" Zay asked raising his brow, "Follow me"

Lux flagged him as she took her turn pulling the weed, and suddenly the sound of Sasha's laptop began to go off.

"Ohhhh, Sasha little boyfriend calling" Reef said jokingly and all the guys began to laugh.

"Nah, that's gon be a bitch on the screen, bet. Sasha get all the bitches in Fels" Josh insisted.

"Does she now?" Lux slit her eyes playfully and Sasha just shook her head.

"You gonna answer it?" Zay asked, as the video message continued to ring.

Sasha decided to just answer, but only because she hadn't spoke to Chris in days and she didn't want to seem like she was avoiding him.

"Hey" Sasha smiled uneasily, and Chris was stunned by how pretty she looked.

"Wow" Chris exclaimed, only seeing her head and not the crowd of people all over her room.

"My mans said, Wow" B laughed, and the rest of his friends followed behind, "Oh so it is a little boyfriend Sasha?"

"Shut up ya'll, that's her best friend" Lux rolled her eyes, even though she wanted to laugh.

"Am I interrupting something?" Chris raised his brow, hearing the multiple voices.

"Yeah...well no. I'm currently at a party. Well I'm not currently at a party, it is my party" Sasha explained in a mini ramble.

The L rotated back to her and she began to smoke it, and at this point Chris had seen it all.

Zay stood up from his seat, and decided to join the conversation.

"Ay man, where you from?" He asked, plopping his arm around Sasha's shoulders.

Chris scoffed painfully, mainly because he could tell this guy was a big shot and it was clear that Sasha had made new friends and was doing new things.
"D.C" Chris answered dryly.

"Cool, you know who you look like? That painter, what's his name?"

"Basquiat!" Josh shouted out.

"Oh yeahhh, yo he doooo" Zay cackled, and Sasha was becoming seriously embarrassed.

"Funny, I didn't take any of you guys to be smart enough to know who that was" Chris spat, not finding the joke funny.

"Man, what?" Zay kissed his teeth.

"You heard me, I ~"

"Okay, that's enough. I'll just talk to you later Chris" Sasha said hanging up before he could respond. She definitely felt bad about that, but she didn't want her friends arguing.

"That nigga need some pussy" Zay shook his head, "Anyway"

He sat back down and the group finished their session before heading back to the party that only grew bigger. And with the party only a hour and a half in, and she wasn't sure she could take any longer.

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