Hidden Underneath the Underne...

By Potato_Scheme11x

348K 7.1K 4.3K

He was scorned. Mocked. Beaten. Called a demon. And he was driven out of the only place he called home when h... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Author's Note
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
20 Facts About Me!
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

8.5K 186 140
By Potato_Scheme11x

"Bye guys! We will miss you! Good luck Hinata as well!" chorused the Rookie 12 as Naruto, Akira, Akito and Hinata were preparing to set off to Uzushio.

It had been a little more than a month staying at Konoha. They had been catching up with each and having multiple dates with Naruto. Hinata had been dating Akito for about three weeks nonetheless, she decided to move to Uzushio to be with Akito.

Hiashi consented, trying his best not to cry along with Hanabi. Neji approved as well, proud that Hinata was strong and independent.

"Have a safe trip home!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Welcome back, Naru-chan!" screeched Deidara as Sasori smacked him on the head for being too loud.

"Shut up, brat," growled Sasori. "Why are you always so loud and rambunctious?"

Pein rubbed his temples while Konan discreetly chuckled at him.

"Hey, Pein, how was being the substitute Uzukage while I was gone?" asked Naruto, smirking slightly.

Pein groaned. "How the hell do you do this Naruto? All the damn paperwork and controlling the brats. How?!"

Naruto laughed. "It's a talent. Anyway, as you can see, we have brought back Hinata. She has started dating Akito and she is going to live with him now in Uzushio."

"What?! Akito is dating? Are you sure he's not playing with her?" asked Pein incredulously while Konan said, "Pein, don't worry, Akito can be surprising."

Before Naruto or Akito himself could answer, Hinata intervened: "Akito is a nice person. He may be frivolous but I'm sure he genuinely loves me."

Pein choked. And then he started laughing. "Akito you scored big time! Look after her or else."

Akito grinned. "Of course. Well, I'll be going now to show Hinata the place she is going to have so much fun living in."

Hinata blushed at the hidden innuendo that probably she only took note of. It was typical Akito. Typical, perverted Akito. She discreetly blushed as she fantasised about the things he was going to do with her.

"Smooth, Akito-gaki, smooth," chortled Hidan. "I, Hidan, faithful follower of Lord Jashin and a babe magnet myself can teach you the art of seduction if you want. No cost at all."

Before Akito could reply, Kakuzu interjected. "No money?! No money at all?! Are you crazy? Money is life!"

"Huh, a sucker like you can f*ck money all day. You're probably shoving it up your ass right now," retorted Hidan, smirking.

"You go suck Jashin sh*t. Everything is worthless apart from money!"

"What?! Everything but money is important?! What about art un?! Art's a bang!" screeched Deidara as Sasori sighed in exasperation.

"How many times do I have to tell you this, you idiot. Art is eternal and of the essence of time. Your clay, your so-called piece of art is just mere garbage," stated Sasori coolly.

"But, Danna-"

"Would you all just please shut up?!" growled Pein angrily.

As soon as he said that, they all erupted in arguing again, this time Zetsu even joined in about how life was all about eating humans and gardening and that anything else was pointless and a complete waste of time.

Pein collapsed onto the seat, cursing why he had to be the vice Uzukage and wondering how in the world Naruto could control them.

All this was very amusing to Naruto. But that was something he had appreciated more: all the support and love he had received from them, albeit their annoyance.

Naruto was contented. At last, he could relax.

Naruto smiled. It was a warm smile.

Everyone stopped. Then smiled back

It was an unforgettable moment.

He was home...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Life went on as normal and another year passed. It was peaceful. The five hidden villages had secured ties with each other along with Uzushio and other minor villages. There was no more fighting and the intentions of Hagamoro had been fulfilled.

Everyone from the Rookie 12 had been married, apart from Lee and Shino. They had healthy children and they were all happy.

Within another year, they all had children. Naruto had healthy baby twins, a boy and a girl with Akira. They were called Takumi and Yuzumi. Hinata gave Akito a baby boy named Kazuki. Pein and Konan were now a happy family of five, including two sons and a daughter. However, the rest of ex-Akatsuki remained single. But there was a suspicion that all of them had secret girlfriends.

Sasuke and Sakura now had a daughter called Sarada. Ino and Sai had a son called Inojin. Shikamaru and Temari had a son called Shikadai. Choji and Karui had a daughter called Chocho. The three of them made the new generation of Ino-Shika-Cho. Lee had adopted a son and called him Metal Lee. Both TenTen and Tamaki were pregnant with daughters arriving soon.

Anko and Ibiki were very fruitful and had six kids so far: four girls and two boys. There were rumours that Zabuza was the father of some of their children.

Haku married Miyuki and together they had a son. Kakashi and Shizune had two kids, both boys. Yugao and Hayate only had one child and it was a boy.

At last, everyone and everything had settled down.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Papa? How did the shinobi come to be?" asked a black-haired boy, called Takumi as his twin sister, Yuzumi grinned.

Naruto smiled and ruffled his hair, tearing his eyes away from the innumerable stacks of paperwork.

"Why don't you go ask mummy? I'm sure she can tell you? I apologise that I don't have time for you right now," said Naruto gently.

"Awwww, daddy. It's not fair!" pouted Takumi.

"Can you please tell us?" asked Yuzumi, the more mature one in a pleading tone.

Naruto grinned sheepishly at them, awkwardly scratching his nape and gently nudged both Yuzumi and Takumi in the direction of Akira then returned to his paperwork.

"Mama, can you tell me about how Uzushiogakure came to be?" asked Takumi innocently, his big purple eyes sparkling pleadingly.

Akira smiled lovingly.

"Why not ask your father?" she asked cheekily.

Takumi pouted even more. "It's not fair! Daddy said that to us as well! Please, can you please tell us the story of how Uzushio came to be? Please?"

"Well, I'm sure dinner can wait," said Akira gently and she started the story.

"Uzushio was a great village. They were notorious for their longevity and fuinjutsu skills till the point that their enemies wanted to destroy them. Iwagakure loathed them for their allegiance with Konoha.

During the Great Second Shinobi War, Iwagakure successfully destroyed them as Uzushio was extremely low on shinobi since most of them had left to aid Konoha.

For years, the survivors of the dreadful massacre scattered across the globe. There was one Uzumaki called Kushina and she was famous for having a hot temper, being adept in fuinjutsu and having a unique ninjutsu style. The Uzumaki were also one of the only clans able to house the tailed beasts. When Kushina was young, she came to a village called Konoha to have the nine-tailed beast transferred into her as the previous tenant was old and dying. Kushina is your grandmother and my mother-in-law.

Now Kushina married a man called Minato. He was the fourth Hokage of Konoha.

But during Naruto's birth, the nine-tails seal was loose and someone was controlling it. Minato, along with Kushina decided that for the sake of the village's safety and joy, they would sacrifice themselves and seal the beast into their son.

He grew up as an orphan being hated, as many believed he was the cause of all the casualties on that day.

At age 12, he was banished from the village as the so-called 'demon brat' had injured the precious 'Last Uchiha Prince'. He was travelling for quite a while and then he encountered the Akatsuki. The Akatsuki was deemed as a criminal organisation of rogue shinobi but in reality, they were just a haven for the rejected and persecuted.

The leader of Akatsuki was a man called Uzumaki Nagato, however, he went under the alias of Pein. He was also related to your father. Together, they would rebuild this mighty nation, Uzushio, which was the start of the Uzumaki nation.

Now, after a few years, Uzushio is a thriving nation with a wonderful leader. Your father is one of the greatest men I have ever known."

Naruto, who had been finishing the rest of his paperwork blushed when he heard Akira compliment him. Sure she had softened up but it was still quite rare for her to give out compliments. Nonetheless, Akira smiled warmly at him.

"Mum, I'm curious, what happened with Papa's friends from Konoha. Did they ever make up and reconcile?" questioned Yuzumi.

Akira chuckled. "Ever so insightful, Yuzumi. Well, a few years after the war, Konoha wanted to re-establish their alliance with us so the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade, who is your dad's grand aunt, sent the Rookie 12 to the village to get us to sign the treaty. They didn't know that Naruto was the Uzukage so it was a big surprise and reunion when they found out."

"Wow! Papa is so cool! I think he's cooler than Uncle Kito!"

Akira laughed heartily. "Uncle Kito and Aunty Hina, when they first met, it was really cute. He was so shy around her! Imagine Uncle Kito being shy!"

Takumi and Yuzumi's eyes widened in a mixture between surprise and amusement. Uncle Kito was so outgoing and fun. They could never imagine him being shy, especially when courting Aunty Hina.

"Alright, Naruto, go outside and get some exercise. Stop shoving your head in paperwork these days and actually do something for a change. And Taku and Yuzu, go with your father to make sure he's not secretly working on his files in a café or something.

You three can have some bonding time and go to the park together. Now shoo, while I make dinner. Come back an hour later please."

Naruto chuckled and got out of his seat, running towards Takumi and Yuzumi.

"Come on guys, otherwise your mum's going to pulverise us for not moving, let's go!" exclaimed Naruto happily, scooping Takumi and Yuzumi off the ground and onto his shoulders.

Akira smiled at the sight.

"Now, let's make some dinner. How about some fish and tofu, miso soup, and of course rice. Sounds nice, doesn't it?" pondered Akira to herself, as she started filleting the fish she had got out of the fridge.

Soon, a delicious dinner had been made and Naruto, Takumi and Yuzumi had arrived just in time.

"We're home!" they exclaimed joyfully in unison.

They all sat down around the table, exclaimed, "Itadakimasu!" and went on enjoying their dinner.

After dinner, when Takumi and Yuzumi had both gone to bed, Naruto stayed up doing his paperwork while Akira helped him to file it into categories.

It was silent throughout the house, a comforting silence.

"Ne, Akira..." said Naruto, breaking the silence. "Why so silent?"

"I don't know. Do you want me to break this silence of yours?" she asked cheekily.

Naruto chuckled. "Been learning some pick-up lines from Akito, haven't you, dear?" he asked in a sly tone.

Akira gave him an innocent look.

Naruto continued. "You know, dear, how about we do something else. Something different that we haven't done recently. Something fun."

Akira smiled sweetly. "What may that be?" she asked in a tempting tone.

Naruto smirked and leaned closer to her. "How about we...give Takumi and Yuzumi another sibling? You know what I want to do right now, don't you?"

Akira grinned. "No, I don't know what you want to do. Why don't you show me."

"So playful today, aren't we, love. How about we stop the act."

With that said, Naruto cupped Akira's face and took her to his mouth. Naruto bit down on her lip and slid his tongue into her mouth. She let out a quiet moan.

He kissed harder, devouring her sweet taste.

Akira sighed with pleasure, running her hands through Naruto's hair. She had not felt this way is so long.

The kiss was deep. Naruto's hands travelled down, gently brushing Akira's chest, giving it a little squeeze. She gasped.

"Uhh, Naru..."

He smirked against her lips as his hands went underneath her shirt, caressing her generous bosom. He took an erect nipple in his hand and pinched it.

"Na-naruto, can we do this s-sometime else? T-the k-kids. They w-will-ahhhh!"

Naruto smirked, as he felt Akira squirm against him. "Be prepared love. Pleasure is going to be the only thing you feel for the next five hours."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hey reader-chans! It's been such a journey! After six long, long months of tirelessly updating, rereading, editing and writing, I finished the book! I'm going to be so happy to label the story as complete and switch on the tag!

Thank you, thank you reader-chans for taking time off your daily life to spend time on reading my first ever fanfiction. I really, really appreciate it.

I never thought I would get so many reads. Nearly 5k! I'm so happy! Thank you guys! And so many votes! And, thank you for sticking up with me and my inconsistent updates and even looking forward to the next chapter of the story.

Author-chan, who knows, might make another story soon. I have a Sasori x OC story in my head, but I'm not sure how I will play it out. Personally, Sasori is my favourite Akatsuki member but there are not many stories on him.

I just want to end this really long, haha, sorry, author's note with one of my favourite quotes: "You can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page." ― Jodi Picoult

Remember, read, write and most importantly, LOVE!

THANK YOU! Peace out!


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