Sleeping With My Bodyguard

By lazy-writerr

158K 4.6K 331

"Don't run from me, princess." Soft, yet threatening voice whispered near my ear sending chills down my spine... More

Author's note.
Chapter. 1
Chapter. 2
Chapter. 3
Chapter. 4
Chapter. 5
Chapter. 6
Chapter. 7
Chapter. 8
Chapter. 9
Chapter. 10
Chapter. 11
Chapter. 12
Chapter. 14
Chapter. 15
Chapter. 16
Chapter. 17
Chapter. 18
Chapter. 19
Chapter. 20
Chapter. 21
Chapter. 22
Chapter. 23
Chapter. 24
Chapter. 25
Chapter. 26
Chapter. 27
Chapter. 28
Chapter. 29
Chapter. 30
Chapter 31
Author's note.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34
New story!
A rewrite

Chapter. 13

4.3K 127 4
By lazy-writerr

I clench my black small purse as I looked through the car window at the moving city. It was already dark with light from tall buildings making it look magnificent, breathtaking. But I couldn't enjoy the view I getting because of the tension I can feel inside the cat between me and Maverick who is sitting behind wheel.

She didn't tell a word since I got out of the elevator and got inside the car and it was already half an hour which is killing me. For some reason, I don't like this silence... I want to speak, talk what is she doing... what is she doing to me, but the other small part of me telling not to ruin a moment.

I lifted eyes when I felt someone staring at me. Two pairs of blue eyes were burning daggers into my skull making harder for me to breathe. I can feel the same tingle running through my bones igniting a fire inside of me. Why is she looking at me like she wanna me died? Like I am the worst person in a world to be with.

"We're here." She finally uttered in the lowest tone I could ever hear. I looked around and indeed the car was parked outside the building which looks like luxurious hotel... where people stay if they have money.

I didn't say anything just got out of the car ignoring death stares I got from Maverick and start walking toward the entrance. I remember my dad saying something about the last floor... a penthouse to be exact. Typical rich girl dream. Match made in heaven the annoying voice butt in and I couldn't even deny. I'm a typical rich girl too and I can't even deny that.

I gave a polite nod to the receptionist who didn't even dare to stop me as I continued walking toward the elevator. Elevator. God, I can't even look in that metal box not even having a single thought about my encounter with Maverick and me in the elevator. But what happens in the elevator stays in the elevator? Right?

I pressed one and the only button who was on the penthouse floor and I watch doors shutting taking me to the date I already hate. I hope she's better than most of her family, but I can never know... that family is something you never want to encounter in your life and expecting Mr. Parker daughter to be different from her family is unreal.

Doors opened and I came in view with single doors standing in front of me in all glory and I didn't wait for anything more before my knuckles hit fancy doors. I can hear heels hitting hard floors and soon doors opened revealing model looking girl with greenest eyes I ever saw. Her curled raven hair fail gracefully on both on her shoulders and lips covered in dark red lipstick formed a large grin revealing pearly white teeth.

I scanned her a couple of inches taller frame which makes her five foot nine. She was wearing a black similar dress to mine just with deeper neck cut. Smirk formed as caught me looking at her up and down, but she did the same scanning me with her green eyes.

"You must be's nice to finally put a picture on the name. I heart so much about you." Smooth voice with a strong British accent rang inside my ear pulling me out of a daze.

"And you must be, Jade." I nodded sticking my hand for her, but what I didn't expect for her to pull me inside her apartment.

"Come on... I need to have a drink before I face my dad." She shouted over her shoulder as she walked further into the room swaying her hips side to side.

Drink? The thing I need the most right now. I thought as I trailed after her to the kitchen with a dark interior. Jade was holding two glasses of Scottish whiskey and as she saw me she pushed glasses to me before winking.

"So Andrea. What did your dad offer you to take me on this gala of yours?" She lifted dark perfectly shaped eyebrows at me. I started choking on my drink. What the hell? How did she know my dad had to bribe me for taking her into the gala? But before I could ask she laughed probably from my face. "Relax... if it makes you feel better I got something too from dad."

"Got an apartment in the city," I replied taking a large gulp of burning liquid. I flinch when it reached my throat. "You?" I coughed raising an eyebrow at the girl who looked curiously at me.

"Got a car." She said with a smirk forming on her red tainted lips. "Well, we got what we wanted and now we can celebrate."

"True... but we have to leave right now. The ceremony is already started." I muttered looking at the golden watch on my wrist.

Jade starts laughing throwing her head back. "Do you really thought I'm going to that crap? No... no, we're going to think somewhere else... we're going to have the best night of our life."

"I can't." I instantly said as imagine of cold blue eyes of my dad looking with anger at me made my skin crawl uncomfortably.

I don't wanna anger my dad anymore. He promised to tell what is that woman in a photo is and if I don't attend he would cut me off for good. That crap like Jade said is important to him for some sick reason and every year he drags me with him. I never liked being inside a place with people like my dad, but I came to the point where I just do whatever he tells me to do.

"Oh... don't be a pussy. It would be so boring and don't you wanna have a really good night... plus you're my date... so I'm taking you." She spoke fastly ending with a smirk playing on her lips.

"I really can't, Jade. My dad... he,-"

"Oh, fuck your dad... he's an asshole. Now we're going, I'm not taking no as an answer." She rolled eyes pulling my arm toward the doors.

I groaned realizing she got me. It wouldn't hurt much if I just don't show up one time?

Following Jade to the elevator, I checked my phone finding a couple of texts from Sophie asking where am I and that she's dying from boredom, plus she added that my dad was looking for me. I groaned pushing the phone into the purse and run a hand through my brown locks from frustration. I can tell I'm going to die, but I really don't care.

Alcohol is working on me already.

"Oh, shit," I muttered under the nose as I spotted Maverick waiting for us outside with arms folded under her chest while those blue eyes looking intensely at the entrance.

I forgot about her... what I'm gonna do now? She's not really going to let me ditch the gala with completely stranger... remembering how she acted this morning when she heard about me having a date... well, I hope she's not going to be so uptight as ever. Bish, you're talking about Maverick.

"You alright?" Jade furrowed eyebrows as I stop dead in my tracks staring at my Maverick.

"My Bodyguard." I shrugged bitterly nodding toward the place she stood in all her glory.

"Bloody hell, She's hot."

"I know," I said instant not being able to stop and think of what I'm going to answer. So I cleared throat awkwardly before adding. "Also I know that she's an asshole who does everything to annoy me... which makes harder for us to run away."

"Then we have to drive my car... I'm dying to try my baby." She wiggled eyebrows as tugged my arm again toward the stairs who I assume leads to the parking lot.

"I thought you don't know anything in New York?"

"I don't." She simply replied throwing megawatt smile to my side before slipping through doors toward candy red Audi R8. "Just trust me." She added unlocking the car and getting inside without any problem... like she ain't wearing four inches heels.


A stranger?

Where do I put my name... it's my thing to do. I mean, I trust Maverick even I know she's completed asshole and all other words who I'm tired to look for. Recently I trust everyone... I forgot my motto... Trust no bitch... well, it's not mine, but it's good.

Grumbling under nose I got myself into the passenger seat and instantly put a seatbelt. Safety first. I thought as I heard car engine coming to life and Jade letting out an excited squeal. Soon after the car started moving slowly, taking smooth turns toward the exit and it didn't take a minute before we hit the streets.

The car speed up and all I could do is clutch my purse hoping we arrived wherever we are going in one piece. I didn't question where are we going doing what I was told... trusting her instincts. It couldn't be worse than attend old people party.

"So... why I never heard of you? I mean, our parents are partners and all." I asked breaking the silence and wanting to get to know better her.

Jade shrugged throwing a small bitter smile before looking at the road again. " I don't know... guess being a black sheep helps stay out of talking radars."

I narrowed eyes at how her tone sounded bitter and I almost can feel hurt in her voice, like she hates the label she got for herself. She's a black sheep to her family as I am to mines. Maybe we did have many things in common. Being rich and having a father who controls your every move and being the disgrace to your family ring a bell to me.

"I heard about you... from Dave. But I don't trust that arsehole... he tends to lie." Jade added not taking her eyes from the road.

I scoffed. "Don't remind me."

Jade just laughed and I couldn't stop myself from laughing too.

After we stopped laughing we fell into the comfortable silence as I just stared at the passing building and cars listening to Soft sound of engines. I didn't recognize this part of the city, but it looks like downtown where clubs are. I guess we're hitting the club. It's been long since last time I were in the club, but I kinda was excited to coming back to my scene.

I really do need to take my mind from things like my dad and most importantly the blue-eyed devil.

"Don't ask me how I know this place... but I know it's going to be lit." Jade mumbled with a huge grin playing on her red painted lips.

I rolled eyes at her. Of course, she knows where clubs are in New York. But I don't question her how just got out of the car following Jade to the bouncer who just casually stood to eye every person who tried to get inside. I can hear music coming from the club even here and whiskey I drank at Jade's start making a stronger appearance.

I trailed after Jade who walked past the crowd straight to the bouncer and starts whispering to him while throwing a seductive smile to his side. I rolled eyes at her again. This girl clearly is bad, bad news. First, she drags me with her then we run away from my bodyguard and now she's trying to flirt to get inside the club.

Talking about Maverick.

She definitely noticed my sudden departure and now probably looking frantically for me and I hope she ain't going to find because if she does... I would be dead. I watched at Jade with bored expression waiting for her to stop flirting with a bouncer.

She motioned to my side waving two green bracelets as she walked past bouncer through doors and I didn't had a choice just follow her. Louder dance music reached my ears and I can feel warm filling my body as I remember last time I got into the club and had a great night. Frat parties at the college are good... but being in the club is better for me.

"What do you wanna drink?!" Jade shouted through music as we walked downstairs and place one Of those bracelets on my wrist.

"Surprise me!" I yelled back through loud music as we continued to walk past the crowded club.

People were everywhere... I mean, everywhere. Air was thick making harder for us to breathe, but people here didn't seem to mind as they were grinning at each other at the dancing floor while bobbing their head to the loud, catchy music. My eyes trailed to the Jade who was at the bar by now, talking with a bartender.

Her head takes a turn to me and she sends wink which I can only predict mean one... we going to have a good night. 

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