Peter Parker Exposed

By NameNotImportant123

185K 5.5K 574

Disclaimer: I don't own the cover and also i'm not a million air so obviously I don't own and marvel characte... More

You're Spider-man?
Be my son?
The Presentation
The Intern (pt.1)
The intern (pt.2)
The Intern (pt.3)
The Intern (pt.4)
Ray of Sunshine (pt.1)
Ray of Sunshine (pt.2)
Pep rally
The Kidnapping (pt.1)
The Kidnapping (pt.2)
After Homecoming
After Endgame
Press confrence
Meeting the Avengers
Mind reader
Back from H.Y.D.R.A
A Wise Teenager
Giving up
Secret Identity
Authors Note
Hi, its been a while 😂

Parker Luck

6K 201 11
By NameNotImportant123

Back story— nobody's POV:
   Peter Parker was very good at keeping his identity a secret. Nobody knew besides Ned. Not even his aunt May knows let alone the avengers. Once Peter became spider-man he be friended the avengers but only as spider-man.  He never revealed himself but he did give the nosey avengers a few little things. Like he gave his first name "Peter" because there are thousands of people in New York with that name is Peter was not worried about it. The avengers also knew his IQ mostly because Bruce begged to know. They also of course knew his height and his gender. So the avengers always kept a close eye out for anybody who was a male with the name Peter who is super smart, 5'10, and also around the age 30. Peter never told the avengers his age, for the obvious reason that he was actually 15, but the avengers guessed he was 30 because of his capabilities and IQ.

Now- Nobody's POV:
   Peter was on the bus sitting with Ned waiting for the bus to leave. Peters chemistry class was going on a field trip which was super exciting because it was a surprise for everybody and the teachers made a big deal of it.
"I wonder where were going" Ned said excitedly.
"Me too!" Peter added. The whole bus ride they mostly guessed on where they where going, the "Stark Tower" never came into the conversation but when the teacher turned around and yelled "Were here!" Peter turned and saw the Stark Tower. Peter would be excited if he wasn't Spider-man. He started to worry remembering all the little things Peter told the avengers which Peter was now regretting. Ned was excited. He'd never been in the tower of course so Peter wasn't gonna ruin his fun with his worries.
"Ok class, please be in your best behavior. We are representing our school today" The teacher said. Before they got off of the bus Peter quickly unzipped his backpack and made sure that his suit was at the very bottom and was covered with his other belongings than he zipped it up and started to walk off the bus like the rest of the kids. While the kids took in the surroundings, Peter looked kind of, bored. He did think that the tower was amazing but it was kinda like a 2nd home. Like he even had sleepovers there a few times. So Peter just kept his head straight ahead. Peter knew it was gonna be an intense day. He was gonna have to keep low and not talk because they would notice his voice.
"Ok, let's go in" The teacher said gesturing to the door.

   They walked in and he sees the tour guide, she held a bucket that had their own personal badges. She gets our attention and passes out their badges. They walk through the scanner and she goes through the basics of the badge as in what the levels mean and what they are restricted too. After that they went to the museum which Peter hadn't seen before so this would have been different. We walk in and we have 30 minutes to explore the place on our own. Ned and Peter see that there was a spider man section which he didn't know about and they excitedly walked over to it. After a few minutes, Peter heard gasps and when he turned around he saw Steve aka Captain America and Bucky aka winter soldier. Ned along with the other students ran to the two hero's while Peter stayed at the spider-man display case which was a mistake. Peter wasn't bored of them it's just that he talked to them a lot but he should have acted like a fan girl because Steve noticed the boy at the spider-man display section away from the rest of the students and poked Bucky to show him Peter.
"excuse me" steve said nicely pushing his way to through the crowd so they could reach the boy.
"Hey, you like spider-man we can see" Steve said with a chuckle. Peter was still turned around facing away from the avengers so they didn't see when Peters face expanded but all Steve and Buck saw was Peter shrug his shoulders.
"You know, we work with him. We're like best-friends" Bucky said. A smile appears on Peters face when Bucky said they where best friends but couldn't say anything because Peter didn't want them to recognize his voice so Peter didn't  say anything. Steve and Bucky looked at each other confused.
"Are you ok?" Steve asked Peter but Peter again didn't say anything.
"What's your name?" Steve asked. Peter didn't say anything so Steve and Bucky faced his class hoping for an answer.
"That's Pen-Peter Parker" Flash said rolling his. eyes.
"Peter" Steve said looking at Bucky with a laugh at the name. Before anything else was said the tour guide spoke up.
"We need to go on with the tour" Steve and Bucky gave one last look at Peters back that was facing them and walked away. He turned around to see a weird look of his classmates face but walked over to Ned and they continued on with the tour.
"dude, what was that?" Ned whispered.
"If I talk they could recognize my voice. I talk to them a lot so they 100% would"
"You need to chill" Ned said and Peter laughed.

   "Ok class, we are going to Tony Stark and Bruce Banners personal lab" the tour guide said. Everybody got really excited excluding Peter. He was worried if one of them showed up but not super worried because he didn't want to ruin the fun for Ned. They got in the elevator and Stark gave her access for today to be able to go to the lab. The elevator doors ring and Tony Stark and Bruce Banner are in the lab as Peter knew they would. Peter kept in the back of the class while everybody pushed to be in the front.
"Oh hello students. I'm Bruce Banner and he is Tony Stark as you know" Bruce introduced themselves. Peter saw that Tony was working on Spider-man's web shooters which made him smile a little. While Tony and Bruce where talking Peter looked back at his web shooters and saw that some kid from his class was messing with them, it was his web shooters.
"Hey! Get your hands off of those!" Peter yelled at the student which of course got everybody's attention.
"is there a problem?" Bruce asked Peter. Peter pointed at the student fiddling with the web shooters.
"Sorry, you can't mess with those" Tony said to the boy.
"Geez, you took that real personal. You must be a real fan of spider-man" Tony said to Peter. Peter didn't say anything and just starred at Tony.
"What's your name?" Bruce asked. Peters eyes got a bit wider.
"You ok?" Tony asked. Peter just nodded his head, still not saying anything.
"His name is Peter, Peter Parker" The teacher in the back said. Peter face palmed himself.
"Peter huh? You seem about 5'10?" Tony said looking at the boy.
"Don't even. He's like 15, there is no way" Bruce said to Tony.
"No way for what?" A student asked.
"Well, Spider-man said his name was Peter and he is 5'10 and—" Peter cut off Tony. He was mad that Tony just said his name.
"Are you serious?! I told you my name for you to keep! Not to tell everybody!" Peter shouted which was a big mistake. Tony and Bruce looked at each other then at the boy.
"He is Spider-man?" Flash asked. Tony and Bruce looked at each other again than stood up.
"Come with us" Bruce said. Peter rolled his eyes and a path was made through the crowd for him to follow. He got in an elevator and went down a few floors. It was quiet the whole time and nobody made eye contact. The elevator doors ringed to all of the avengers in the training room. The avengers immediately saw the kid.
"Why is there a kid in here?" Steve asked. 
"I think PETER Parker here has something to tell us all" Tony said.
"Peter? As in you think that this 15 year old is spider-man. Didn't we all agree that he was about 30? A 15 year old doesn't have a higher IQ the Bruce Banner and Tony Stark and also can't fight the battles Spider-man did" Natasha said.
"Your right! I should get going" Peter said and when he turned around, Tony shook his head no.
"He literally told us he was spider-man" Bruce said. Peter again face palmed.
"Which explains why he yelled at the kid for messing with his web shooters" Tony said.
"No! I just uh... I just like spider-man?" Peter tried defending himself.
"uh huh, sure kid" Tony said laughing. Peters spider senses went off and he turned around and grabbed an arrow that was an inch away from him face.
"Ah hah!" Clint said.
"You could have killed me! what if i wasn't spider-man huh? That would have went through my head!" Peter shouted.
"so he is spider-man" Natasha said.
"Maybe" Peter said. He threw the arrow back at Clint purposely missing and it hit the wall behind him.
"Hey!" he shouted.
"Whoops" Peter said.
"What the hel-heck" Sam said.
"Are y'all seriously censoring yourself" Peter said.
"YOUR A CHILD!" Natasha said.
"ILL BE 16 IN 3 MONTHS" Peter said which caused Steve to laugh.
"Omg! You can't tell anybody, any. body. Got it?" Peter said.
"Chill man of spiders. We won't say anything" Thor said.
"You have a lot of explaining to do." Tony said to the young hero.

The tour ended up being shorter than it was suppose to and they were sent back to school but Peter. Peter stayed there and talked to them about why he does what he does and how. Peter became very close with the avengers and they grew as a family. Also Peter was restricted to doing a few things now, Peter was like the avengers little kid that they had to protect.

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