Fleeting Embraces, Falling Fe...

بواسطة Ak1zaV

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You're a girl with a love and knowledge for flowers. With a fleeting encounter with a man who possesses eyes... المزيد

Author's Note
A Young Freesia Bud
A Fleeting Encounter
Meeting The Five Gems
Was It A Worthwhile Trip?
A Sliver of Trust From The Heart
Blossoming of One's Yearning
Deep Feelings Within Shallow Waters
Shattering Ice On Frozen Memories
Final Beauty of The Young Freesia
Goodbye Greeted By A Reunion
An Unexpected Turn of Events
Knowing The Real Him...
Unity of Two Souls
Falling Feelings
Unraveling Hidden Pasts
Silver Silk, Amber Crystals, and Crescent Moon
Mirroring A Once Upon A Time
Deceiver Becomes The Deceived
Picking Up Where We Left Off
Flaring Rubies Amongst The Quiet Flames
Intertwined Passion
Arrival of An Unexpected
Judgement of The Foreign Divine
A Merciful Intervention
Searching For The Hope
Gateway To An Awakening
A Sacrifice Worth Giving
That Faint Guilt Deep Down
Just One Kiss
It's Only When They Are Gone...
Flames In The Darkness
Nothing Left To Fear
Let The Flower Petals Float Free
Beating Parallel To One's Heart
Muddy Water Is Once Again Translucent
Fleeting And Falling Feelings, Fair Flowers Wilt, But Will Bloom Once Again
Author's Note

Renewed Clarity

481 13 4
بواسطة Ak1zaV

"Sesshomaru, I didn't know you were here." I say dazed.

Sesshomaru walks up beside me, his beautiful white kimono sways as he walks and his white hair floats like silk. He looks elegant and graceful, if he was a god, I would believe it. His facial expression is expressionless, but it's soft.

"I just arrived, I caught your scent here. What are you doing out here at this time?" He asks me, his low and rich voice filling the field.

"I was just clearing my mind of some thoughts that I have been having lately." I tell him.

I look out towards the rising sun, the clouds are fiery orange with a tint of pink, somehow, it feels a bit familiar, like I've seen it before...with someone. As I think that, something else hits me as well, Sesshomaru and I are still in love, well, he is if I have to state the truth. Now that I realize that I'm actually in love with Naraku, I have to let Sesshomaru know. He is so dear to me, but by not telling him and faking myself in this relationship... I'll hurt him. We've only been together for a day most, but I can't let the days carry on like this. It was beautiful, but if it continues when I don't love him, it will hurt the two of us. Sesshomaru will always be someone special to me, but he's not the one. I take a deep breath and turn towards him, I open my mouth to speak.

"Take a walk with me________________." Sesshomaru suddenly says.

His request suddenly make me lose my words, I shut my mouth in response. Guilt fills me, but I suppose a walk would be nice before I end everything. Sesshomaru turns slowly and holds his right hand out to me, I look at it. Should I? In the end, I place my left hand into his, his large hand closes around mine and I feel the warmth and comfort from it. But I know that this hand is not mine to hold, it just doesn't feel right. Regardless, I'll live in this moment for the last time. Sesshomaru shows me a gentle smile, and I return one of my own. Sesshomaru then guides me out of the field, the grass rustles beneath our feet, it soon turns into crunching of the sand. I walk beside him in silence as the two of us head to somewhere that I'm not quite familiar with, about half an hour later, Sesshomaru's intended designation finally becomes familiar. My eyes widen in realization as I remember, the still rising sun reflects off the rhythmic surface. It's the sea, Sesshomaru took me to the sea. I smile as I see the beauty of this place, the soft crashes of the waves on the shore is so calming. The two of us stop a few feet away from the edge of the sandy ground and look out together, still holding hands. The quietness of the world around us is soothing and it allows me to think peacefully.

"We haven't seen each other in a while." I say.

"Indeed, I was busy with some personal matters." He replies.

"I see, I was't feeling well a few days ago, so I was stuck inside all day. Everything has been a bit hectic lately as well." I say quietly.

"Such as?" He asks me.

"Some hectic feelings that I've been having." I tell him with a sigh.

There's a brief silence from him, but I can feel his hand gently giving mine a gentle squeeze.

"Were one of them directed towards me?" He suddenly asks.

I feel myself holding my breath all of sudden as I hear his question, how am I going to tell him now? How can I tell him without hurting him? I feel frustrated all of a sudden. I then feel Sesshomaru gently take my chin between his left thumb and pointer finger, my face involuntary turns to face him as he guides my face. My eyes falls upon his golden ones, they are gorgeous. I feel like I'm in a trance, I can't look away. The next thing I know, I see Sesshomaru's face slowly coming towards mine. Is he...going to kiss me? I feel my heart beating faster, his flawless face with the magenta stripes and crescent moon. Perhaps I did love him a little bit at one point? His face inches closer to mine as his lips draws near, I can feel his shallow breath. Somewhere not far away, I can hear the soft rhythm of the crashing waves, then... Naraku comes into my mind. That's right, Sesshomaru isn't the one that I love... it's Naraku. Having found my reason again from the start, I place my right hand against Sesshomaru's strong chest. I gently place some pressure and he stops immediately, his lips just barely touching mine. I can't let this go on anymore, I can't do this to him. I told him that night that I will make this work, but I can't.

"I'm sorry Sesshomaru, I can't..." I finally say.

Sesshomaru's eyes gazes into mine, no reaction, just calmness. My heart is beating so fast that I can hear it through my ears. Sesshomaru let's go of my chin gently, and my hand, then he retreats, I feel guilt course through my body but it's something that has to be done.

"There's no need to be sorry, like I said that night... you were never mine to begin with." He says softly.

Sesshomaru then turns and walks closer to the water, I watch his back as he stops. The bundle of fur on his shoulder trails behind him, he's alright with everything?

"Do you know why I brought you here?" He asks me.

"No..." I reply.

There's a reason as to why he brought me here, was he trying to help me with something?

"Remember what I said about this place creates sounds that only nature could make? The waves crashes in rhythm, one wave at a time. When I saw you earlier, your face held endless thoughts and uncertainty. The gentle waves of the sea can calm one's mind, and the sounds that it creates beats parallel to one's heart. I brought you here hoping that you can finally realize what you want and what you need to do in order to gain it. Let the gentle waves wash away the lies that are preventing you from seeing the truth." He explains to me.

My eyes goes wide in realization, Sesshomaru did bring me here to help me, help me figure out what I want and giving me the strength to see it through. I feel so grateful to him, I walk up beside him and I face him. I lower my head and my upper body, I give him a bow.

"Thank you Sesshomaru for doing this, I'm sorry that I did this when I promised you that I would try to make this work. But I realized that I love Naraku. I needed to let you know that, I didn't want to lie to myself or to you about my feelings." I tell him.

"Like I said, it's nothing to be sorry for. Love is beautiful, but it has its complications. Love is like flowers, they are all beautiful but some lasts for years when others only last for a fleeting moment." He says turning to face me.

Ours was fleeting indeed, but I believed it was beautiful when it existed. I nod in response with a smile.

"You love Naraku with all your heart don't you?" He asks me quietly.

"Yes, yes I do. I didn't know before, but I've started to have these unexplained feelings towards him lately, until I saw the sunrise and finally found my answer as to why I feel those feelings. It's because I love him." I tell him with a smile as I think of Naraku.

I look at Sesshomaru, his face is expressionless but it looks serene. He then reaches within his left kimono sleeve and pulls out something, he then opens his clawed hand and I see a cherry blossom flower and a red bracelet with a glowing white thread laced within it. My eyes goes wide as my eyes land on the bracelet, it looks like the same one that Naraku wore.

"Sesshomaru what are these?" I ask him looking up.

"These belong to you." He simply answers.

Mine? He said the bracelet is mine, so in the end Naraku's soulmate is me. I feel my heart beat in happiness as I think that, I take the items from his hand.

"But why are you giving them to me now?" I ask him confused.

"Because you finally love Naraku again even after losing your memories. The cherry blossom flower isn't just any cherry blossom flower, it never wilts... like your undying love for Naraku." He says explains the flower.

"And the bracelet? What is this glowing thread?" I ask him.

"This thread is the remaining fragment of your memories of Naraku." He tells me.

I see, but I wish he gave them to me earlier, not that I'm upset about it or anything. I feel grateful, and happy.

"Since you're wondering about why I did not give these to you sooner was because I was given a task, adding to that, giving these to you would not help you regain anything as you were not in love with Naraku. This thread of memories wouldn't have glowed if I'd given it to you before you figured out your feelings for him. One's memories should not be fabricated." Sesshomaru says as if he read my thoughts.

What he said is basically the same as to what Kagome told me, one's memories are one's treasure, it contains everything precious, good and bad. Someone else should not manipulate them and rewrite them for us with their words. I understand everything now, he's giving them back to me now because I finally love Naraku again despite losing my memories. These two items are something that's only between him and I, these items are vessels of our love.

"What was your task?" I ask him suddenly remembering.

"It's not important, what is important now is to find Naraku and let him know of your resolved feelings." He tells me.

"But he left a few days ago, he left the village saying that he wants to see the world. Where would I find him, he could be far far away." I say with a sigh.

"Do you really believe that he's out to see the world? If you remember, he was the demon of deceit." Sesshomaru says.

My eyes widen in surprise. He's right, Naraku was known as the demon of deceit. So what he told me about leaving and seeing the world was a lie? But why? Why did he leave?

"Why did he leave?" I say quietly furrowing my brows.

"Would you stay if the man you love loves someone else?" Sesshomaru states.

His words hits me like cold water, how did I not realize that? By "loving" Sesshomaru, I've hurt Naraku unknowingly. He could not watch the woman that he loved love someone else, he left because he needed to let me go. Who can stand being so near to a loved one but not able to hold them. I look back at Sesshomaru, he's looking at me with a slight sympathetic look.

"If you understand, then go, go find Naraku." He says.

"But how, and where? Where would I find him?" I ask him feeling lost.

Sesshomaru doesn't respond but he slightly taps on his temple with his clawed tipped finger a few times. The temple? The head? My eyes widen as I get what he's trying to tell me. It's not the temple or the head, it's the mind. He wants me to search my memories, but I don't have any memories of Naraku. But then I remember, I look down at my hand and I see the red bamboo bracelet with the single shining thread. The thread that contains my memories. I look at Sesshomaru and he nods. I then place the bracelet onto my left wrist and the white thread stops glowing, but my head is hit with a slight headache and flashing white lights. I'm blinded all of a sudden, but in my mind I see images. I see flashing images of myself in the past, 12 years ago when I was a child, I'm at a place at night with a cherry blossom tree, and I see Naraku, his beautiful red eyes that has captured me that night. Then the meeting with him again after 12 years, I see myself giving him the kimono that he's wearing now. Us in the stream together, falling asleep under the tree looking up at the stars, me telling him about the story of the cowherd and the weaver girl, the story of Altair and Vega. Me giving him the very bracelet that he's wearing now. Me riding Boshi to go see him every two days or so. Then us falling in love, Then me getting hurt by Sesshomaru underneath the cherry blossom tree, Naraku saving me, and us going to his castle. Us making love, going to the flower field together and him ending things with me, me living in the village with Inuyasha and the others, and me confronting him about our relationship. Our love for each other, then us fighting against the God of Thunder, and him dying to save me. His lifeless body in front of me, then the goddess Guanyin telling me of the creator goddess Nuwa. Us traveling to find Nuwa so that she can help us revive Naraku. That I gave the bracelet and the flower to Nuwa so that she can use them in the process. Then me giving my memories of Naraku and I together up so that she can bring him back to life, then everything fades. Everything flashes before me in a speed that allows me to see and engrave them into my mind. I'm brought back into reality again, Sesshomaru is standing in front of me. Within my lost memories, I remember Sesshomaru, I remember meeting him, and the times that he and I spent together talking. Such beautiful memories and I finally have them back. A single tear falls from my eyes as I was able to relive through all of my precious memories.

"I remember it all now..." I say.

"Do you know where to find him?" He asks me.

'I think I have a hunch. Thank you for everything Sesshomaru, everything." I say to him with a smile.

I then walk up to him and wrap my arms around his waist, I rest my face against his strong chest. I do love Sesshomaru, but the love that I have for him is that of a treasured friend, despite him hurting me that night, I knew he was always good at heart, and what has happened in these few minutes is a perfect example of how warm his heart is despite being a great daiyokai who is feared across the land. To know that he loved me but still went out of his way to help me remember Naraku, it's a gift from him. How can I ever repay him for what he has done for me?

"I know that I said that I would repay you one day a long time ago, but I don't know how to, I feel that everything that I'll be able to do or give you may never be enough. So the only thing that I can do, is say thank you." I say quietly.

I feel Sesshomaru's left hand come up and gently place it on the top of my head, like he has done before. I feel him rest his face onto my head since he's so much taller than I. I can hear his quiet breathing.

"You have already fulfilled your promise, and you've given me something special." I hear him say quietly.

I pull back and look at him, his face looking down at me with a few centimetres away.

"What did I give you and when?" I ask him confused.

He stays quiet for a second but then shows me a smile.

"For loving me back that night, and the smile that was on your face even though it was never to be. You allowed me to love you openly and that, was enough." He tells me.

So it was him who said that that night before I fell asleep, he was able to love me openly because I wasn't the real me then, he loves the real me, but he could only show his affections for the me with amnesia because I did not love Naraku in the beginning. I feel my heart ache for what I have done, but then I feel Sesshomaru closing in the distance between us. He then kisses my forehead gently, he pulls back and gazes into my eyes, his amber gems dazzles in the now bright sunlight.

"You do not need to pity me, feeling sympathy for me will damage my pride as a Great Daiyokai. Now go, go to Naraku." He says with a subtle smile.

That's the Sesshomaru that I remember, proud and strong. I give him one last nod and then let my arms go from around his waist. I place the cherry blossom flower into my kimono and I then turn and run towards the direction of the village, I stop not too far away and I turn back to look back at Sesshomaru. He's looking out towards the sea, his long white hair flowing in the wind. Goodbye for now Sesshomaru, although I have so many questions to ask him such as how he had the flower and bracelet in his possession and such, but I know it's nothing to worry about. I'll see you soon. I then turn back and run back to Lady Kaede's village, I'm out of breath but I have no time to lose. I run to the stables to retrieve Boshi, I grab his reigns and I hop onto him, my heart is beating fast but I feel joy. I give the reigns a slight snap and Boshi strides out towards the exit.

"_____________! Where are you going?" I hear a voice ask from the side.

I stop Boshi and turn to see who it is, It's Kagome and Sango, they just came back from the vegetable field.

"I'm going to find Naraku, and tell him that I love him." I shout back at them with a smile.

Their eyes widen in shock, and I understand their shock.

"Does that...." Kagome starts.

"Yes, I remember everything now, and I'm going to go find Naraku and tell him that I love him, and don't worry, I fell back in love with him without my memories, but now I have my memories back, my love for him is stronger than ever." I tell them.

"I guess we don't need to worry about you while you're gone?" Sango asks.

"I'm not a child anymore you know? I'll be fine,  I'll be back as soon as possible." I tell them.

I see Sango and Kagome's face slowly turning into a smile as they hear me, they then both give me a nod. I nod back, and with a snap of my reigns, Boshi gallops out of the village. A day and a half of traveling, but just like that day that I went to go find Naraku after he told me that he didn't love me, I know it will be worth it. If I know Naraku well enough, he will be at the place. The morning accompanies me till it can't no more, afternoon slides in without me knowing. My heart races against Boshi's pounding hooves on the ground my hair sways in the wind. Wait for me Naraku, I won't let you be alone ever again. Afternoon finished its time and evening rolls in, the stars are starting to place themselves amongst the fiery magenta sky, I think I'll call this a day, Boshi needs his rest. As I look around, remembering that the place looks familiar, I'll be at the place by late afternoon tomorrow. Since I left in a rush I didn't pack anything with me, but luckily, the night isn't cold. I let Boshi graze the tall grass around us, and then guide him under a big tree and the two of us turn in so that we can have an early start in the morning. I lean against the tree trunk and tilt my head back slightly to look at the quiet night sky, the stars that are sprinkled everywhere looks hypnotic.

"I hope that you will be there when I arrive tomorrow Naraku..." I say to myself.

I had an early morning today and a long day of traveling, I'm tired but my heart isn't. I close my eyes and I let the world around me lull me to sleep, I finally have my memories back and I will do my best as to never lose them again. I open my eyes to the rising sun once again, it's morning. I haven't ate in a day but I don't feel hungry, my mind is too occupied to think about hunger. I wake up and retrieve Boshi who's grazing not far away, the two of us travel through the field, the wind carresses my skin as I race through them. I'll be there tonight, and I hope Naraku will be there as well. After about an hour of travelling, Boshi and I come across a small stream, we take a rest beside it and I take the opportunity to wash up. The cool water wakes me up and I feel refreshed. I look up at the bright sun, the rings that shifts around the bright star feels blinding, but it's what lights up the world that we live in, it lights the world so that I can see Naraku. I hop back onto Boshi, and we dash off towards the endless distance. We travel for hours, the morning eventually turns afternoon, just like every other day. Time does not wait for anyone or anything. Our shadows slowly becoming longer as the day draws near to late afternoon and early evening. My heart beats louder as the surrounding around me becomes more and more familiar, I'm back. When I see the tree, I hop off of Boshi and I tie him to the trunk.

"Good boy Boshi, you remember this place right? I'm going to go find Naraku, so please wait here for me." I say stroking his mane.

I take a deep breath and I turn towards the forest, the very same forest that I remember so dear. Without another second to waste I run into the trees, the sun is still out and I can still see. I can hear the small branches cracking underneath my running feet, and my heartbeat pounds in my ear. In no time, I finally see the clearing. I stop running so that I can catch my breath, I smile as I see the place that became so precious to me. The cherry blossom tree is still standing tall and beautiful, under the evening sunlight the flowers are golden orange. Standing underneath the tree looking up with his back facing me, is the very man that I hoped would be there. I feel happiness overwhelm me, without knowing my feet starts carrying me forward. I'm running, and I'm running towards the man that I love. My hair flies behind me as I increase my speed, I can't think of anything else aside from Naraku and to finally see his eyes again. The distance between us closes bit by bit, and the grass rustles.

"Naraku!" I finally shout his name as I near him.

Naraku lowers his head from looking at the tree after I called his name, he then turns his body to look at me, his eyes widen in realization as he sees me.

"__________.... What ar..." He starts to ask.

Not letting him finish and without stopping my momentum, I throw my arms around his neck and my whole body. I know my weight won't throw him off balance, because he's a demon, he can handle it. He's the demon that I love, I desperately find his lips with mine. The smooth skin of his lips comes into contact with mine and I feel the world around me stop, this is the feeling, this feels right. I feel overwhelming love fill my entire being, Naraku seems taken aback for a second as he couldn't respond, but then I feel his strong arms wrap around my waist and holds me to him. His lips then start to caress mine with gentleness, we then pull our lips apart so that I can breath and look at each other. I pull back slightly to look at him, Naraku opens his eyes and right away I see his crimson red orbs, how much I've missed them and him. Our faces are still so close that I can feel his breathing, his eyes searches mine with furrowed brows.

"____________, what are you doing here? Why are you here?" He asks me.

"I came here to find you and tell you that I love you." I answer him with a smile.

"Love me? But I thought you loved Sesshomaru?" He says slightly shaking his head in confusion.

I hold his face, his skin glides along my palms. I can finally hold him and touch him.

"No, I love you Naraku and only you, it has always been you. Before I lost my memories and even after I lost my memories. You are the only one Naraku, you're my soulmate." I say.

Naraku's eyes widen slightly, he then gently holds my face with his hands.

"___________, does this mean?" He asks trailing off slightly.

"Yes my love, I remember everything, everything. I remember 12 years ago meeting you here under the tree when I fell, falling in love with you then and falling in love after you erased my memories. Us spending time here, me telling you the story of the red string of fate and the story of Altair and Vega. Us in your castle loving each other in each other's arms, and you dying. I gave up my memories of us together so that the goddess Nuwa could bring you back to life. I remember everything now. I have my memories again." I say with tears in my eyes.

"Is it true? You remember everything now? All of your memories of us together? Our love? How did you get them back?" He asks me searching my eyes.

"Sesshomaru helped me regain my memories. Yes, I remember everything, I'm sorry for hurting you Naraku, I'm sorry for forgetting us, but I promise you that I won't ever forget again." I tell him quietly.

Naraku's face slowly forms a gentle smile, this smile, it looks truly happy unlike those smiles that contains so much unspoken feelings of pain. He then leans in and finds my lips with his again. He caresses mine with love, and I return it with affections. He then pulls away to look at me.

"You don't need to apologize for anything___________, I'm sorry for dying when I promised you that I would live for us, and for putting you in so much pain and heartache, for making you go this far to bring me back. Forgive me for leaving but I couldn't stay and watch the woman that I love in front of me and I'm unable to touch her or tell her that I love her." Naraku says looking at my face.

I place my thumb over his lips and I shake my head, I show I'm a gentle smile.

"Yo don't need to apologize to me Naraku, everything that I've done was because of my love for you, everything that I have done was of my own free will. It was to fulfill our promises. I understand everything Naraku, I understand why you left and I don't blame you for it. I'm here now, and I want to let you know that I didn't love Sesshomaru, I thought I did but it wasn't real. Despite losing my memories I eventually fell in love with you again, it took me a while to come to terms with my unexplainable feelings, but you're my true love. I traveled days to bring you back, and I traveled another day and a half to come find you. I want you know that as long as you love me, I will travel to anywhere to find you." I tell him gliding the tip of my thumb across his lips.

"I had thought about you everyday________, I will always love you, you are my soulmate. I will travel the world to find you as well." He says with a smile, his crimson eyes glimmers in the evening light.

"I know you will Naraku, We placed our own lives in front of danger for each other, traveling the world to be with one another will be nothing." I say with a light chuckle.

Naraku caresses my cheek an he gently pulls my face to his, our lips connects with one another again with love. The world around me doesn't seem relevant at this moment, I can't seem to hear anything either except for my heart that is beating. I pull away and I turn to look behind us, the cherry blossom tree is gorgeous. To be reunited again at the place where we first met after so much heartache and pain, it seems to wash everything away.

"This place is still beautiful." I say.

"Yes, this place was the only place left that contains the pure memories of us, unchanged, untainted memories, precious memories." He says looking down.

I kiss his forehead, his silky black hair tickles my face.

"I know how special this place is for us, and after regaining my memories I finally remember this place and what it means to us. I believed that you would be here so I took the risk of coming here." I tell him.

"Thank you for not giving up on me___________." He says.

How could I give up on you, Oh Naraku, I would never. He kisses me again, but this time I want more. I want to love him, feel him again. I pull away from him and I look at his red orbs.

"What's wrong?" He asks me holding my face.

"As much as I want to be here, but I want to be somewhere where it's just the two of us, somewhere where no one can find us or see us. I missed you Naraku, I miss feeling you... I want to spend all the time that we've missed in each other's arms." I tell him with my cheeks slightly heating up.

Naraku looks at me but then shows me a smile, he then nods. He then slides his left arm under my legs and the other behind my back, he scoops me up. I wrap my arms around his neck. Naraku's eyes never leaving mine, he rests his forehead against mine. Feeling his steady breathing is soothing.

"Hold on tight and don't let me go." He says.

"I won't." I answer him quietly.

Naraku then start to rise into the air, I can feel the gravity trying to pull me down but Naraku holds me close. Wherever he's taking me, as long as Naraku... as long as I have my love with me, I'll go anywhere. The wind picks up around us as he flies off towards somewhere, we're racing against the sun before it completely sets. I look at Naraku's face as he looks forward, his long wavy black hair flies in the wind, his flawless and handsome facial structures stands out beautifully from the side, and I can see the red of his eyes just barely. I smile as I admire this demon that is holding me. I rest my head against the base of his neck, his scent surrounds me and it lulls me into a gentle slumber. I wake up and I see stars all around us, we're still in the air but I feel lighter. We seem to be descending gradually, our hair now floating upwards.

"You're awake, we're here." Naraku says with a smile as he nuzzles my cheek with his nose.

I look down in the darkness and I can see dim light of candles inside what seem to be a castle, the moonlight brings out the tall structure and the silhouette of its floors. It's the castle, it's Naraku's castle. I hold onto Naraku as he lowers us in front of its gates, when his feet finally touches the ground he lets me down. I look at the large castle, it looks grand but so lonely. I take Naraku's right hand in mine, his hands are cool to the touch but I don't mind because his hand in mine feels right. Just like the tea cup that I tried to warm up that night, I will warm up his hands with mine.

"Let's go inside." I say quietly looking at him.

Naraku turns his head to look at me, his black bangs just covering his eyes. He then nods with a smile, the two of us proceed to enter into the large castle. Hand in hand. Our footsteps echos through the wooden halls of the empty castle, the majority of it is dark except for some candles lighting up the main hallways, who lit them?

"Were these candles always lit?" I ask him as we walked towards Naraku's room within the large castle.

"No, I lit them." He replies quietly.

"You lit them? You mean you've been living here these past few days?" I ask him surprised.

"Yes, this is the only place that I believed where I can still find myself and another part of our memories exists. This was my home, I was able to reflect on all the events that has happened ever since I was revived while being here." He tells me.

"Why? Why did you need to reflect?" I ask him a bit sad to hear him say that.

He turns to look at me, I gently tug on his hand to stop him and turn him to face me.

"Because I was alone here, the quietness allowed me think about my purpose after I left the village and giving you up to Sesshomaru. To tell you the truth, this right now still doesn't feel real. You standing right here in front of me and holding my hand, it seems like an illusion." He replies back.

His crimson orbs darts from one of my eye to the other almost trying to see if I'm a hallucination or not, I'm not Naraku. I close the distance and I find his lips with mine, I kiss him gently as I wrap my arms around his strong torso. Naraku's arms comes around me and holds me close as he returns the kiss.

"I'm sorry that I gave up our memories and forgetting you, but I'm not an illusion Naraku, I'm right here. You don't have to be alone anymore, I'll be with you for the rest of my life. I don't want you to ever think about your existence again, you've been revived twice and both times it wasn't just for some random purpose. There were reasons as to why you were revived twice, because the world has so much to offer than what you know, and I want to see them with you." I tell him with a smile.

I reach into my kimono and pull out the cherry blossom flower, I take Naraku's hand and I place it in the middle of his palm. This flower is a symbol of our undying love for each other. Naraku looks at it and then back at me.

"Thank you_____________." He says.

"No thanks are needed. Let's go to your room... I want us to make up for the times we were apart." I reply and say quietly with a smile.

"The longing I had for you was unbearable, but we're finally together again..." Naraku says.

"Together again and for days to come." I nod.

Naraku nods and caresses my face, I place my hand back into his and the two of us walk down the long hallway lit by rows of candles towards Naraku's room that I remember so fondly of.

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