The Only Solution

By mmacdonald22

112K 5.4K 925

The Blackbourne Team has been undercover for the past six months with a dangerous gang. Everything is fine un... More

Chapter 1 - Owen
Chapter 2 - Sang
Chapter 3 - Sang
Chapter 4 - Sean
Chapter 5 - Nathan
Chapter 6 - Sang
Chapter 7 - Gabriel
Chapter 8 - Sang
Chapter 9 - Victor
Chapter 10 - Sang
Chapter 11 - Luke
Chapter 12 - North
Chapter 13 - Dr. Roberts
Chapter 15 - Sang
Chapter 16 - Silas
Chapter 17 -Sang
Chapter 18 - Kota
Chapter 19 - Sang
Chapter 20 - North
Chapter 21 - Luke
Chapter 22 - Sang

Chapter 14 - Sang

3.8K 220 32
By mmacdonald22

Here is another Academy fanfic: 'The Academy: Kill Order Division' by theWritersed. It only has 12 parts so far to establish back stories, but I really love the spin that the author gave it.


Potential Warning: Triggering Content (Mention of Rape, Abuse, murder, killing. . .)


That's her outfit again ^ !


The moment I saw the men at the Diner I knew something was up.

I recognized one of them from him hanging around the Albanian Mob. He had been watching us and taking pictures. I saw him, but no one else did. He was pretty good at his job. I could have reported him, but I hate my employers and feel no loyalty towards them. I knew that this man was just a scout for others. That meant that their destruction was imminent. All of this was good for me because if someone attacked us, I could play dead and escape this life.

The second man reminded me of a man long ago. He had been my first assignment to kill and my first refusal to do so. Of course, this man wasn't the same. They looked identical, but their eyes were different. It wasn't the same man I said no to killing. They must be related or some shit. Either way, I needed to get the fuck out of there.

If the scouts were here and done with scouting, that meant an attack was happening. If I wasn't there for the attack, I would be still stuck with my employer and I would be punished for not defending them. If I made it there, I could pretend to 'die' and escape. Of course, this is a riskier plan because they people raiding the base might actually kill me.

Well, making bad decisions is the best thing I do.

I run out of there, leaving a message for my Angel Eyes. No need to give him any extra worry! I make it near the base in no time. I feel bad for the few people who saw me, a black streak running down the street and sticking to the shadows. Arriving at the compound, there is no sign that anything is up.

However, Boss' car is back. He shouldn't be here yet. Boss said he would be back in a week, it's only been a couple days. This isn't good. I rush through there, silent as the night. I've been told that no one hears me when I walk and it usually freaks them out. Good for getting out of sticky situations though!

"Stop!" A voice yells, one that I had hoped to avoid.

I do as he says and turn to face Greg to ask him coldly in albanian, "Çfarë dëshiron?" (What do you want?)

He spits in my face and drags me into a room, "Tregoni disa respekt për eprorët tuaj!" (Show some respect to your superiors!)

I resist the urge to roll my eyes, "Pse mbrapa Boss?" (Why is Boss back?)

Greg smugly taunts me, "A nuk doni ta dini." (Wouldn't you like to know.)

I sigh, "Po, për këtë po pyes." (Yes, that's why I'm asking.)

He takes a puff of his cigarette and blows it in my face, "You think you're the shit, acting all high and mighty." Greg leers at me "I know you want me, you just have to give in."

He leans forward as if to grope me and I evade his grasp, "Nope, remember the rules."

The singular rule: don't touch the assassin unless you feel like dying.

Greg thrusts his very evident hard-on towards me, "Stop playing hard to get, bitch! I know you want this."

He grabs my arm and I flip him, "No means fucking no."

Suddenly, the alarms go off and we are both taken off guard. It takes us a second to focus back again. Greg leers at me again, "I know you led those assholes here. I can't wait to tell Boss. I'm sure that I can convince him to give you to me for punishment. I'll make you my whore."

I try to shove him out of the way to get out here, "I didn't do shit and you have no proof. Don won't let Boss do it."

Greg comes back at me, "Why are you such a temperamental bitch? You ain't the boss here."

I can't leave him alive. I slide my knife from where I had it in my sleeve. I quickly lunge forward and slash his throat. I feel a sort of sick satisfaction when I see Greg choke to death on his own blood. Yeah, I'm fucked up in the head. In one last attempt to get me, Greg falls on me and I shove him off.

Not before whispering one last fucking message to the asshole, I lean down, "You're right, I'm not the boss. I'm the queen of the fucking castle!"

With that, I shove him to the side and watch the life leave his eyes. Usually, I feel some guilt for killing someone. Right now, I don't. Does that make me a mad person? Does it make me sick that I enjoyed seeing his pain? 

I'm going with no because that bastard was the scum of the fucking earth and deserved what happened to him. What he did to all the girls on the compound just because he was second in command was sick and twisted. I guess he deserved to die by the hand of one of his victims. I nearly was one too many times so it counts.

I hear yells and bullets flying in the rooms across. I should never have come back. Damn you, fight-or-flight instinct! And damn the fucking flight instinct for winning. Did I want to deal with the boys at the Diner or potential death here? Looking back, I should have stayed. Bit late for these thoughts now though. . .

I stand up and check if I have all my weapons. Plus, I take Greg's. His gun was in a bad state, apparently, he doesn't take care of it. Idiot! I creep out of the small room that Greg had dragged me in. Well, the Albanians are losing which might be a good thing for me or might be a bad thing. I lift my head and make eye contact with one of the enemy people. He points his gun at me and I won't have time to dodge. Time to show who I am loyal too!

I pick up my own knife and throw it in the throat of someone from the Albanian Mob. The man looks confused for one second and notifies his superior of my presence. I read his lips, "Sir, we have a potential ally on the other side. The person in black on the left side, he's killing his own people."

Apparently, whatever his leader told him made me safe. No one came after me and I began killing the scum of my employers. I have to admit that shit felt really good. When I felt I had killed enough of them to make it easier on the attackers, I fled the room. I had to kill Boss and whatever whore he was with. I can't have anyone reporting anything about me.

I run silently down the hallways I knew so well. I have my gun out cocked and ready. I slip into the room where Boss is fucking a willing women into the bed. I think I just threw up a bit in my mouth. I recognize the girl who is moaning like there is no tomorrow. It's Jade. She's one blood thirsty bitch and one of Boss' favorite little woman. She uses her status to abuse some of the girls and even delivering them for rape to other men. I would enjoy killing her.

I step out of the shadows and in two shots, they're dead. What can I say, I have good aim. I hear unknown footsteps rushing down the hallway. Oh goodie, the attackers are here! Sense the sarcasm, time to find out if they want to kill me or not!

I exit the room, locking the door behind me, just in time to see the man I had made eye contact with before appear. I still haven't forgiven him for thinking I was a man! He sees me and says into his walkie-talkie, "I found the person in black. Send back up!" 

I frown, why should he need back up for. I look down in time to see my blood soaked knives. Shit, I still had them ever since I killed Greg. I wonder how they will explain his body. Little details, I drop my knives to show that I am unarmed. Lies of course, I have more weapons hidden in the weirdest places, but no one needs to know.

The man talks to from afar as if I was a dangerous animal that he doesn't want to set off, a fair comparison, "Hey. I'm Marcus and I'm with a group of people who can help you. Your people are dead with your help and you're free from whatever held you here. We just want to help? I see some blood on your clothes. Are you injured? We can have a doctor check you out."

I remain quiet, but I do check if I am acutally bleeding. Oh fun, I am! When did that happen? It doesn't even hurt compared to what the Step-Bitch made me go through. Oh shit! Where is she? Did they kill her? If she's alive, I am going to be captured again. I go on high alert and run off to find her. She might still be in her room or her torture area.

The man behind me reports to his superiors, "Shit, she just took off randomly. Something must have set her off. You is coming near you guys."

I see his people in front and I speed up. They look confused, but brace themselves. At least, they're not shooting at me. Thank god for small miracles! I use the wall to push off and jump over them. It was a Bruce Willis move! The people looked shocked, but ran after me quickly. I sped up and lost them because I knew my way around and they didn't. However, it was only a matter of time before I was caught. There was no other way out.

I made it to Step-Bitch's room and kicked in the door. No one was there. I advanced to the prisons where she abused me and others. I enter and there she was, fine as can be and really making me want to kill her more. 

She sneers at me, "What are you doing here, you whore? Did they send you to get me? I hope they left me some prisoners. Men like that are rapists and the scum of the earth. Are you listening to me, you little bitch?"

Step-Bitch raises her hand to hit me while I thrust my hidden knife forward. I went through her neck, just like Greg. She looked shocked like she never considered I would fight back. At 16, I wouldn't have. Now, she corrupted my soul and cannot handle the monster she created. Her body falls on me, but I get out of the way this time.

Without further ado, I leave the room and block the door behind me. Maybe, the attackers won't find the body. I don't know if I was lucky that the attackers are part of the government instead of another gang. They obviously don't know who I am or they would have killed me on sight.

Dragging me out of my thoughts is yelling, "I FOUND HER! SHE'S HERE!"

I run the opposite way in a futile attempt to get away. That's just human instinct to never give up. However, I make the mistake of looking back and run right into the arms of another. It's Marcus! He takes off my hood, but I dodge the attempts to take off my mask. I am a ghost after all. No need for more people to know my face.

He comments, "You're a bird."

A bird?

Why the fuck would he call me a bird?

I am a predator, not a fucking prey! The only other people who called me that were Owen, his brothers and Uncle. Is it just a guy thing or. . .


They're Academy! That makes things somewhat simpler. Now, what was their code? Didn't Owen say something like bubblegum? No, because the next time it changed. I remember, it was the random word thing!

I turn to him, "Candy."

Marcus looks shocked, but recovers well, "Silver. You're Academy?"

He lets me go and I shrug, "Sort of."

His men have gathered together and he asks, "Who are you, little bird? No one told us that there was Academy personnel on mission here."

Time to bullshit my way out of this!


Word Count: 2167

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