Izuku: Anti-Hero (Re-upload)

By Sir-uwu

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Izuku goes after his only source of light in his dark world of pain. Upon reaching and interacting this said... More

The Death Of Izuku Midoriya
Quirk Analyzation & Internships
A Potential Lead & An Attempted Capture
Hello Kamino Pizza Delivery :3
The Killing Blow & The Reunion
The Villain Attack, The Awakening, & UA's Future Recruitment!
The New Transferred Student
U.A Trials

An Outcast's Revenge

2.9K 55 85
By Sir-uwu

Izuku gathered with Kurogiri and Tomura. They turned to the monitor where All For One appeared.

"Good afternoon everyone," he announced. "I trust you know why I've gathered you all here."

"No clue," Izuku replied. And he meant it. He had been so absorbed in his quirk analysis and his training, he hadn't been paying attention to anything that happened in or out of the League. Tomura snickered while Kurogiri tilted his head to the side.

"It seems you haven't been watching the news," All For One mused in realization. "All Might has taken up a teaching position at UA," he informed.
Izuku frowned at the mention of the Symbol of

'That's right the entrance exam was just a few days ago,' he thought. 'That means Katsuki is now a student there.' Despite his hatred toward Bakugo he knew well enough that he was skilled enough to get in, both in quirk and intelligence. 'That means he's going to be taught by All Might,' Izuku realized as the frown turned into a scowl.

Despite having become a villain and given up on being a hero, he couldn't help but feel jealousy. The hero he and Katsuki idolised, the one who had rejected him, was now training the very person who had made his life hell to be a pro hero.

'Another good thing gets handed to Kacchan. How fucking sweet, life's throwing him another bone.' he mused angrily. 'Handed in a silver plater and fed with a silver spoon.'

In Izuku's mind it just wasn't fair how everything went Bakugo's way yet he did nothing wrong and still got screwed over.

"And before you question why, this little detail is very important because All Might is one of our primary targets for elimination," All For One explained with a bit more fury. "He is the biggest threat to our organisation, to our plans. Therefore killing him is one of our top priorities."

Izuku was surprised. He had never seen All For One angry before, he usually acted calm and hardly ever raised his voice. Then he suddenly remembered. Ten months ago when he first met All For One, he had told him about why he tried to kill himself, even about his encounter with All Might. Back then he'd had a negative reaction also. With that time and this time it was clear that they were both related to All Might. 'Did something happen between them?' Izuku thought. He could tell that All For One actually hated the number one hero, it was the same wav he felt about Katsuki.

"Earlier today I sent Tomura and a few of his
'friends' to UA to do a little investigating," All For One explained.

"Yeah I destroyed the gate and let the press in.
While the heroes were dealing with them I got a hold of a juicy piece of info," he boasted with pride. From the others point of view Tomura seemed very childish.

"That he did," All For One told them. "And what he learned was that tomorrow Class lA will be conducting their rescue training in the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. From the list Tomura acquired it seems All Might along with Eraserhead and Thirteen will be there."

Izuku recognised the names. Eraserhead was an underground hero who could stop any quirk just by looking at them, aside from that Izuku had seen videos of him that showed he was highly proficient in hand to hand combat. Thirteen was a hero in a space suit that possessed a quirk known as 'black hole' which sucked any object into it and reduced it to dust, this was mainly used for rescue.

"Tomorrow we shall be launching an attack on UA, more specifically the area with All Might and the students, where we will kill the Symbol of Peace," All For One finished.

Izuku was surprised at this. Kill All Might. He didn't think it was possible. He had watched nearly every video and read ever report about him, he knew more than anyone that he was impossible to beat.

"How exactly do you plan to do that?" Izuku asked worriedly. Everyone turned to look at him.

"Is there a problem Izuku?" Kurogiri asked. Tomura was more hostile.

"What are you scared that your idol will di-"
Suddenly the childish man fell flat on the floor as he held his nose which was bleeding under his hand mask as he glared up at Izuku, who had hit him.

"Don't you ever call him my idol." The hard cold edge sent a shiver down the spines of those present. Tomura stared in surprise at the dimmed eyes Izuku held at him. "That image died long ago with the innocent boy who committed suicide." Tomura was about to retaliate but Izuku quickly added. "I don't mean anything like that, I'm just curious. This is All Might we're talking about. Defeating him is practically impossible, killing him even more so." There was silence.

All For One laughed. "You are mostly right Outcast, however you are also wrong. It isn't impossible to do those things. There has simply never been anyone who could match All Might, until now," he explained.

Izuku nodded in surprise. 'So they have someone as strong as All Might?' he wondered.

"Tomorrow Tomura and Kurogiri will lead a group of villains to the Joint and kill All Might. "Outcast you will remain here and continue your work," All For One informed him.

Normally Izuku wouldn't raise any opposition, however he was curious about something.

"Sensei do you have a list of the students attending that class?" Izuku asked. "Cause if you do may I see it?"

All For One looked stared at Izuku.

"Yes there is, but why?" he asked. "Do you think that boy who wronged you will be there?" Izuku nodded in confirmation.

Despite his position in the League Izuku wanted to go with them tomorrow and see if Katsuki was there. There was only one reason for this. Over the course of his time with the League, mostly with Oni, Izuku had actually built up a desire to get back at his former bully. He had started to want to give Katsuki a taste of his own medicine, repay him for all the years of torment he gave him. This was the perfect opportunity to do it.

"I don't know if he will be there or not but I would like to know. Facing him is something I need to do. If he isn't on the list I'll stay here, if he is I would like to go with Tomura and Kurogiri if that's alright," he told All For One.

All For One stared at him for a moment before ordering Kurogiri to show him the list. The shadow man used his quirk to send it to Izuku. Izuku skimmed through it quickly until he came across Bakugo's name.

"He's there," Izuku said. "So can I go?" All for One remained silent for a minute.

"I suppose," he said simply. "However, you will need a costume, or at least a mask to disguise yourself. No one knows about your association with us. If your identity gets compromised then it will be impossible for to walk around freely like normal. Most likely hindering your work." Izuku nodded in understanding. Tomura tried to butt in but was quickly cut off by All For One. "Don't worry about it. If Outcast wishes to go, let him,but be sure to bring him back," All For One said. "You will all leave tomorrow at ten in the morning sharp so I suggest you get some rest." With that the meeting ended.

XxX At Izuku's Place XxX

Izuku laid in his bed. He was exhausted from the day. After the meeting he had continued his last bit of training for the day, Oni had told him he wanted to talk to him after the attack, though he didn't give any details. But before he left he simply said "Give him hell."

Izuku got up and went to the bathroom where he gazed at his reflection in the mirror. His appearance had changed slightfy in recent months. In addition to cutting his hair short he had also dyed it black to make himself less recognizable. From all his training in the sun with Oni, he has gotten a tan much to his pleasure. Long ago he had lost the baby fat on his face giving him a more lean and mature appearance, his eyes had darken considerably, lacking the ones innocent and happy glow, his dark green shade enchant the sharp look his eyes gave off from his training with Oni. His body was extremely muscular and fit for his age, he also had quite a bit of scars, courtesy of Oni. Speaking of scars Izuku stared at the scar on his forehead, reminding him every day why he was training so hard, why he was studying, why he was under the wing of the strongest villains.

"All right time for bed," he said to himself. As he lay in bed Izuku made a silent promise to himself. "I will see you tomorrow Kacchan. And when I do I will break you the same way you broke me. That's a promise." Izuku then drifted into a deep sleep.

XxX The Next Morning XxX

Izuku woke up early that morning. He quickly got dressed into his "villain" outfit which consisted of a black hoodie vest, black cargo pants, black arm sleeves, a black skin tight half mask that covered his lower face, covered by a black metallic mask which covered his entire face. He also wore sneakers. The outfit he had mostly forged himself with the exception of the mask, which Kurogiri gave it to him after the meeting. He had a feeling he would one day be out fighting with the League but he wanted to make sure his identity wouldn't be compromised. Still he was ready to face Katsuki.

XxX At The Bar XxX

Izuku met up with Tomura and Kurogiri where he also met their large entourage. Izuku didn't know what to think of the group. He hadn't seen them in action yet but at the same time they just looked like a bunch of regular thugs. What caught his attention was the bird like creature who looked as tail and muscular as All Might. 'This must be the guy,' he thought. Izuku didn't have much time to think however as Kurogiri's quirk completely absorbed him and everything around him.

XxX At The UJS XxX

They arrived at an area in that had various buildings with different natural disasters going on for each one, as they were supposed to.

The group of villains looked to up to see the students and teachers at the entrance, who had also noticed them. Strangely enough All Might wasn't there.
Izuku didn't care though, that wasn't why he was here. He started to scan the student's faces until he came across a familiar one. Wearing gaunflets and an outfit that matched his personality was Katsuki giving his usual glare. The moment he saw him Izuku felt a sudden flood of anger. He wanted to fight him, he wanted to hurt him, however, to do that he would need to get him alone first.

"Kurogiri could you warp me and 'you know who' to an area where we won't be disturbed?" he asked politely as he strapped his gaundets tightly before punching his palm.

"Of course. I'll also send the students to other zones where they won't be able to interfere," he replied.
"Here comes Eraserhead," Tomura butted in.

The former pro hero attacked the group and was starting to fight off the thugs like they were nothing, it seemed like they were amateurs after all. The students and Thirteen were running toward the exit.

"Kurogiri," Tomura started. "I understand," he replied. "While I'm at it I'll send you, Outcast, to a place for your battle. Expect that boy to be there in a few minutes." Izuku nodded. Kurogiri's power took hold again and Izuku was in a ruined city area. It was desolate and he was on flat ground.

'Perfect,' he thought as he pulled on the strap from his gauntlets tightly. This would be the perfect place to fight Katsuki without interference. After waiting for two minutes Kurogiri s mist appeared again bringing an angry Katsuki with it. At first Katsuki didn't notice Izuku, he just swore about Kurogiri.

"That fucking bastard, those fucking villains, I'll fucking kill them," he shouted.

'Swearing and death threats,' Izuku thought. 'Nice to see that he hasn't changed a bit.' Katsuki examined the area around him when he noticed Izuku.

"You one of them?" he asked in a murderous tone.
He didn't pay attention to his classmates, not that he needed to, they were all beneath him. Izuku took up a fighting stance as an answer. Katsuki smiled sadistically and punched his right fist into his left hand while causing an explosion as some form of intimidation.

"This will be fun," he snarled.

Izuku felt excited about fighting Katsuki. 'Give him hell'. Oni's words echoed in his mind and he was calm again. He stared at Katsuki.

'I'm not the same weak individual that you used to beat to a pulp. I'm Outcast, the villain that will defeat you.' With that he charged at Katsuki.

Seeing his enemy move Bakugo started to swing his right arm. However, Izuku was prepared for this and much faster too. As soon as Katsuki swung his arm Izuku grabbed it, turned, and flipped him onto his back.

'When you get someone on their back get on top of them and punch them as hard as you can and as many times as you can. ' Oni's voice rang in his head.
Izuku started doing just that. While doing so every memory of Bakugo bullying came back to him which made his punches more vicious.

'This is strangely satisfying,' he thought.

Knowing he'd be knocked out soon Bakugo caused an explosion to phase Izuku and then another one to get him off. Katsuki stood up. His mouth was bleeding from the punches, infuriating the young blonde at the sign of his weakness. He screamed out in anger and unleashed a flurry of explosions on his opponent.
Izuku flipped from place to place dodging them with relative ease.

'This is the guy I was scared of?' He thought. 'This is a joke!' He couldn't believe how well he was holding his own against Katsuki. Nearly a year of training was clearly paying off, it seemed that all Katsuki had to rely on was his quirk, he had no training what so ever in hand to hand fighting.

'So much for having a powerful quirk,' Izuku thought.
Izuku was actually surprised at the damage he'd done to Katsuki, he was a lot stronger than he thought.

Silently telling himself to remember that Katsuki was just a small child compared to Oni, this boy was nothing compared to his mentor.

Seeing that he wasn't doing much at long distance Katsuki rushed towards his enemy swinging his right again.

'Seriously does he think that will actually work this time,' Izuku thought.

However he was wrong. Bakugo used his quirk to launch himself over Izuku.

"Got you now," he shouted while successfully hitting Izuku with a burst of explosions. Izuku lay on the ground with his clothes slightly torn and a crack in his mask.

"How'd you like that," Bakugo sneered. He assumed he'd won, he couldn't have been more wrong. A few seconds later Izuku stood up not showing any signs of feeling the injury, something which shocked the blonde.

"No fucking way," he spluttered.

Katsuki's attacks may have been painful but they didn't matter that much to Izuku. He was used to this sort of pain, well actually he was used to much worse. Oni didn't play around, thus giving the young child a extremely high pain tolerance.

Katsuki moved to attack again but Izuku came in very quickly and punched him in the stomach.
Bakugo flinched with pain. Izuku didn't stop however. He wrapped both his hands behind the boy's neck and started to repeatedly knee him in face. Letting go of the explosion quirk user, he knees him one more time causing he blonde's head to snap up into the air, launching a torrent of blood into the air, with Katsuki's front exposed and defenseless. Izuku spun on his heel and delivered a gut busting kick to his opponent's abdomen sending him tumbling across the floor.

Rolling to a stop, Bakugo propped himself on his knees and forearms before he vomited slightly from the attack, losing half of his lunch. Izuku ran up to him and kicked him across the cheek perfectly causing the boy to shoot up again, stomping on the floor, with Katsuki still in the air he grabbed him from the neck before choke slamming him.

Izuku didn't let up as he grabbed him by his metallic collar and picked up the boy, Izuku chuckled at the sorry state the boy was before he headbutted his opponent so hard that part of his mask broke off showing his right eye.

He had broken Katsuki's nose also as blood flowed from it. Ripping the first mask off, Izuku was left with his ski mask, but he paid no mind to his appearance and headbutted the boy three more times, until Katsuki tried to send off an explosion into Izuku's ribs, but the young man grabbed the arm allowing it to pass under his arm harmlessly and pulled it upwards, dislocating the arm painfully causing Katsuki to let out a pitiful whimper. Izuku then let go of Katsuki, leaned back, and side kicked him up into the air. Katsuki tried to retaliate but Izuku was quickly behind him and grabbed him by the collar. He then ran and threw Katsuki into one of the ruined buildings which he crashed through the wall.

Rushing forward Izuku leaped through the craved wall and found that Katsuki had landed on a table and crushed it in half, walking over to him he noticed the sorry state he boy was in, but he didn't care... it was time for payback. Pushing the table away he began going down on the boy's face with his gauntlet fists, causing much more damage.

After a while Izuku was breathing out heavy as he raised his fist one last time before his own voice echoed in his head.

'I won't cross that line, ever, even for him.' He stared down at the bruised, bleeding, and clearly broken Katsuki beneath him as his ragged breath was heavy and slow. Strangely enough, it made Izuku happy to see him this way.

"There's no need to ever do that... I've won now," he declared before pushing himself up as he rolled his neck and arm. Walking away he fetched his mask before placing it on the side of his head. Reaching for his shoulder he radioed in to Kurogiri.

"Kurogiri I'm finished over here," Izuku told him.

"That's good to hear. I had a camera or two around your area so your battle has been recorded for Oni to see," Kurogiri told him. "Also, All Might has arrived, and the pros will be here soon also. I suggest you make your way back to us at the centre."

"I will," Izuku replied.

As he walked he could really feel the weight on his chest lifting off, staring down at his bloodied gauntlets he chuckled darkly. "I feel joy knowing this blood isn't mine."

Suddenly he heard a scream. He turned to see a girl in pink being held to the ground by one of the thugs. She looked terrified.

"Now then," the thug declared. "Let's have some fun shall we."

Izuku had a very good idea of what he was about to do and headed towards them. He may have been a villain now, he maybe a colder and serious person, he may be willing for heroes to die, but rape, that was a different story. Despite his time with the League Izuku still possessed his morality.

The girl looked terrified when she saw another villain appear.

The thug turned to Izuku and said "What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy."

Izuku, annoyed with his tone, rushed at him before delivering a bone crunching flying knee to the face, knocking the thug out with one blow. The girl was stunned at what just happened.

Noticing her expression Izuku said. "If you don't want that sort of thing to happen to you then I suggest you run." At first she didn't move, she was still shocked. Izuku glared at her. "RUN!" He shouted, but it did the trick as she scrambled away while still looking at
Izuku. He then turned and proceeded to where his allies were.

He arrived just in time to see All Might blast that bird like creature out of the building. There were a bunch of unconscious thugs. Tomura was also there with Kurogiri looking very pissed off.

"Are you guys alright?" Izuku asked them.

"Nomu got beat," Tomura raged.

"So that's what that thing was," Izuku realised.
He made his way to them. He also looked at All Might. It was strange, his childhood idol was now his enemy and a kill target for his new group.

All Might was staring at the new arrival.

'Great just what I need, and I've already gone past my limit,' he thought.

He inspected him further. There was a large scar covering his forehead, he had black hair and dead green eyes that sent him an annoyed glare, his clothes were slightly torn with a cracked mask and very familiar burnt marks.

'He's injured,' he realised. 'Those marks, did Bakugo do that to him.' He knew the boy well enough to know what kind of damage he could deal.

"I take it you finally defeated that explosion user," Kurogiri said.

'They are talking about Young Bakugo,' All Might thought.

"Kaachan is down for the count," the new villain said with pride. "I beat him into a bloody pulp." As he raised his hand, showing them the blood that was covering his gloves and gauntlet.

All Might tensed in anger at this. "You!" he said in a furious tone.

"What?" Izuku hissed venomously as All Might felt a bead of sweat come down his forehead, maybe being hostile without any time left wasn't a good idea. "You're lucky I'm not a killer, Symbol of Peace, or I would've torn his throat out along with yours." All Might was both slightly relieved and surprised at this, such hate from this villain, but there was a chance Young Bakugo was alive.

"What the hell Outcast," yelled Tomura. "Why didn't you finish him off?"

"You know very well that I don't kill," he snarled at Tomura, seeing both his childhood bully and his dream crusher, he couldn't help but feel snappy. "That was one of the conditions I set when I joined this group remember."

"Leave him Tomura, he's only fifteen, there's enough blood on his hands for his age." Kurogiri said, defending the boy.

Now All Might was definitely surprised. Outcast, he wasn't a killer yet he joined this band of villains with some conditions. He also called Young Bakugo... Kaachan? And he was around the same age as most of his students? It made him sad to think that someone this young had become a villain. Just who was he?
Izuku noticed that All Might was steaming.

'He's reached his limit,' he realised.

Izuku remembered that from their last encounter All Might had told him that he can only use his power up to three hours a day, when he steamed he reached his limit and reverted to his real form, something no one else knew about.

"Tomura, Kurogiri, lets attack together," he told them. Swiping both his hands across in front of him, spilling specks of blood on the floor, but as he did that, two blades appeared from the top of the gauntlets. The other two nodded as they got ready to charge at All Might who felt his heart drop as he willed himself to move.

But a rapid fire of gunshots rang out in the distance as Izuku eyes widen, with the quickest reaction of the three he moved first.

"WATCH OUT!" He roared as he pushed both Tomura and Kurogiri out of the way. All Might, Tomura, and Kurogiri watched in horror as four out of the six bullets hit the boy in the back and his thigh. "Gah!" Izuku fell on the floor clutching his stomach where the bullets had come out from his front. "K-Kurogiri!" Izuku shouted as he held himself while crawling to his fellow villains.

"Tomura, we're leaving! Now!" Shouted the mist villain as he quickly covered them with a dome of mist, through the mist Tomura glared at All Might with all the hate he could muster.

"All Might! Mark my words! Your days as the Symbol Of Peace are numbered."

All Might grunted in response. "We'll see about that." For some reason though he was still staring at Izuku's prone form as he had quickly formed a pool of blood. There eyes met for a moment as Izuku glared at the hero before removing a hand off his wound and flipped off the mighty hero. Without another word they disappeared leaving behind everyone else.

'He pushed those other villains away, why? Every other villain would scatter or use their own kin as a shield. Also those eyes, why does it seem familiar?' All Might pondered.

XxX Izuku's Apartment XxX

Izuku woke up surprised to see that he was in his apartment. He moved his legs slightly but he felt no pain in them. He inspected his body. There were no signs that he'd ever been injured.

"It wasn't a dream if that's what you're thinking," came a voice he knew all too well. Izuku looked to his right to see Sensei or All For One as he was usually known, sitting at the table drinking what could've been tea or coffee. Right beside him sat Kyojin as Izuku immediately realized why he was patched up so nicely.

"Yo!" The red head greeted as he waved at him before taking a sip of coffee.

"Hello Outcast," All For One greeted the boy. "It's good to see that you're awake."

"Sensei you're here," Izuku replied surprised, ever since he was brought here, All For One never stepped out of his.... location which Izuku didn't know, which he assumed nobody knew. "Why are you here?" Izuku asked before he could stop himself. Was he in trouble? Once again Sensei seemed to know what he was thinking.

"You're not in any trouble. I came today to sort out a few issues with the League and just thought I'd check up on you. You came back with a few burn injuries and bullet wounds, you've been out for a few hours at most. I called upon Kyojin who fixed you free of charge, as your first official calling of his services." Kyojin double-clicked his tongue as he sent the boy a finger gun his way.

"Thank you," Izuku replied. "However I'm guessing you didn't come to just check up on me." He knew Sensei well enough to know that he wouldn't come here in person unless it was very important. Sensei hummed in correction.

"Observant as ever I see," he said. "You're right I came here to discuss something with you. Something that happened during the assault on UA. And I'm not talking about your fight, that was impressive." He complimented offhandedly as Izuku sat up straight and faced him. "It's about your decision to attack. There were cameras around the area so I saw the entire ordeal." He leaned forward. "How did you know All Might reached his limit? And why didn't you tell the others?" Izuku was definitely surprised now.

'If he knows about that then he must have a history with All Might,' he realised. 'Which would make sense for his negative reactions when All Might is brought up...' He took a deep breath. He needed to be careful about his answer.

"It's because when All Might had crushed my dreams of becoming a hero, he had told me in his weakened form, I had latched onto his leg when he tried to leave me behind before I could ask my question. It seemed like he was running out of fuel and just untransformed before me, explaining to me that he was dealt a powerful blow from a powerful enemy, he had suffer greatly from constant surgeries, trying to save his life, which is why he's limited to three hours a day of using his quirk."

"Oh," Sensei responded amused. "That's because I was the one to dealt that powerful blow." Izuku eyes widen in shock, surprise, and awe as All For One watched the boy's expression in his Infared vision. "And why didn't you tell the others?"

"Let me point out something. During that encounter I learned about his little weakness, he told me that not a lot of people know about this. Therefore, since I am one of these people blurting it out would have lead to my identity being exposed," he explained. There was silence. However, Kyojin started laughing. Izuku was now confused.

"It appears I underestimated you Izuku, you really are a gifted genius! What a great villain you will become in due time!" Kyojin declared as he nudged All For One. "Seems like my decision to give him up to you was spot on eh?" He wasn't joking either, if Izuku had figured all that out from observing then he was a lot smarter than he originally thought.

"You are quite right Kyojin, you've certainly found a golden egg, while society deemed him a rotten one." The man nodded before finishing his coffee and standing up to pour himself another one. "Let me tell you about All Might's quirk Izuku." The young villain shifted slightly in response. No one knew the exact details of All Might's quirk, people just assumed it was strength enhancement.

"All Might's quirk is known as One for All, one passed on for generations."

XxX A Few Days Later XxX

It had been a few days since the attack on UA and some of the students were still recovering from the experience. Despite this however they were all excited for upcoming Sorts Festivals where they would get their chance to show off their quirks to the pros in an effort to be scouted by them.

Although, there were some people still not at ease. Namely two students and the UA staff.

XxX With Katsuki Bakugo XxX

Katsuki was less than enthusiastic about the upcoming sports festival. He was still furious about his battle with dark dressed villain.

"How the fuck could I have lost? I'm supposed to be the best and the strongest. But I still lost," he raged. As much as he hated to admit it he had lost the fight, and it really pissed him off.

When he woke up in the Recovery Girls office he was covered in bandages. It was later that he was informed of the injuries he sustained, there were even x-rays to prove it. That bastard had done more than mess up his face. Those shots to his stomach, they had broken two of his ribs as well. He also had a decent amount of damage to his cranium, three fractures, a dislocated jaw, and a hairline fracture on his eye socket.

It was all too humiliating for him. Sure his injuries had healed, but his pride, his pride had been damaged in a way that would never heal. Not unless he got payback on that bastard who beat him.

"Damn, being beaten like that, it reminds of how I used to kick the crap out of Deku," he thought.

He froze once he did though.

"Deku," he said to himself. He remembered the villain's eyes. They were green, they were the same as Deku's.

'Then, does that mean the one I fought was Deku,' he thought horrified. He thought about it a little more and then smirked.

"No fucking way. That couldn't have been Deku. He's a useless quirkless piece of shit who can't do anything right. He could never beat me," he realised. "That villain must have had an endurance or strengthening quirk of some sort to be able to take that sort of damage from me." He knew Deku well enough to know he wasn't a fighter, he wasn't anything. A quirkless reject like Deku would never able to put him in the state he was.

"I'm just stressed out," he decided. "I should just prepare for the Sports Festival. It's there and I'll be able to prove to everyone at this school, no, the world, that I'm the best."

XxX With Ochaco Uraraka XxX

Uraraka wasn't overly enthusiastic about the Sports Festival. She was excited and wanted to prove herself to the pros so she'd be one step closer to realising her dream of course. However, she still couldn't get that villain dressed in black she'd met a few days ago.

During the assault she had been captured by one of those villains. What he was going to do to her, she had an idea of what it was and she really didn't want to think about it. She had screamed for help but none of her classmates or teachers were around.

That's when he came along, the villain in black. At first she thought he was there to help the other one. However, she was not prepared for what happened next. Rather than help his ally he literally rushed to him and rendered him unconscious before telling her to run away.

The entire event had been shocking for her. She had been saved by a villain. She still couldn't believe it. "Why did he save me?" she wondered. "He's a villain so shouldn't he be a bad person who enjoys hurting others."

Her thoughts were interrupted however when she bumped into a large figure. It was her most famous teacher, All Might. It looked as though he was dressed for some sort of meeting as he had a suit on. "Watch where you're going Young Uraraka, you might get hurt otherwise," he told her epically in his normal hyped attitude.

"Sorry sir," she apologised quickly before trying to move on. He stopped her before she could however.

"Hey is there something bothering you?" he asked politely. "You've been spaced out since the incident. At least that's what I've noticed froin class." Uraraka said nothing.

"If it's something troubling don't hesitate to come to one of us for help. It's what we're here for," he assured her.

Uraraka wasn't sure what to do. Then a thought came to her. 'All Might was there most of the time before the pros arrived, maybe he saw him.'

"Um All Might during the assault a few days ago did you see a villain dressed in black, wearing a cracked mask on the side of his face and looked as though he had been burned by something," she asked nervously.
All Might's eyes widened in recognition.

"Yes actually. His name was Outcast I think, he was one of the few villains that escaped," he told her. Uraraka didn't know why but she was relieved at that information. "Why, did soinething happen?" he asked noticing her expression.

She hesitated for a moment before speaking up again. "It's like this." And she explained what had happened to her.

"I see," he said surprised. "Well I'm very relieved that you weren't harmed in any sort of way."

"So am I," she replied. "But that's not what's troubling me. What I'm bothered about is why I was saved by him, by a villain. I just can't understand why he'd do it." All Might said nothing.

"I don't understand it either but perhaps it was because he wasn't a completely bad person," he told her.

She stared at him.

"You really think so?" She said.

All Might nodded.

"Villains vary in personality. Some are pure evil, some aren't," he explained. Uraraka considered what he had just said and decided to accept it.

"Thanks All Might," she said cheerfully.

"No problem. When in need come to us for help, it's what we're here for," he replied.

"I'd better get going then. I need to prepare for the sports festival," she told him.

"Good luck," he said to her as she turned and headed back to class.

XxX Later XxX

Principal Nezu had called a meeting of some of the teachers at UA. In attendance were himself, All Might, Midnight, Blood King and Snipe. Naomasa Tsukauchi, a detective from the police force was there as well giving a report on the League of Villains. He revealed that there wasn't any information on the villains that escaped. The teachers also discussed Shigaraki Tomura's character as well as the Nomu creature. Despite these discussions, All Might was still curious about something.

"Naomasa are you sure you don't have any information on the villain Outcast?" All Might asked his friend in his sunken form.

"No," the detective replied. "There's no records on him, no previous appearances, no known crimes. It seems like this was his debut."

"Is something on your mind All Might," Nezu asked. All Might stared at the desk.

"It's just that Outcast, he was different from all the other villains," he explained.

"In what way?" Midnight asked curiously.

Everyone else there was now curious also.

"It's strange but despite being a villain he didn't seem like one," he told them. Now everyone was confused so he quickly elaborated. "It's like this. He fought against and beat Young Bakugo to a pulp but didn't kill him, more like he refused to. He stated that he didn't kill and that was one of the conditions he made when he joined their group. More than that he pushed the two villains away and allowed himself to get hit from Snipe's shots, and we all know any other villain would have scattered or used someone else as a cover." he told them.

No one said anything.

"But that's not all," he continued. "I just learned that from a student named Uraraka that one of the villains tried to rape her. When that happened Outcast intervened and saved her. He told her to run also." The teachers and detective were stunned at what they had just learned. The idea of a villain saving one of their students seemed absurd, yet it had happened.

"You're right that doesn't seem like a villain," Blood King stated.

"He still attacked one of the students though so he's still our enemy," Snipe piped in. "But I must admit... my conscience still feels a bit heavy after finding out he's just as young as our students..." Some understood the man's feeling as they too had to injure and arrest some young villains before, but they've never encounter such a young one.

"All Might do you have any more information you could give us?" Naomasa asked.

The Symbol of Peace thought hard about his answer. "He has black hair, his mask was slightly broken, so he placed it in the side of his head, but he still wore a ski mask under it covering the lower half of his face, so I could see that he had a green eyes. Also he had a large scar covering the right side of his head, it seemed like a grave accident must've happened to him," All Might explained while placing a hand on his chin. "He was most certainly young, he was around five feet, almost six. His voice sealed the deal of him being somewhere around our students age."

"Someone that young becoming a villain, that is sad to hear," Nezu said. "Although, from your description it would seem that he hasn't been a villain for too long. If given the right push it he could become a hero. Though that depends on him really." Everyone stared at Nezu. A villain turning into a hero was something that very rarely happened. Also he was saying the exact same thing about Shigaraki a minute ago but realised the naivety of it. With this boy he seemed to think it was possible.

"Well thanks for that," Naomasa said. "With very little information we need all the help we can get. We don't even know what his quirk is. Though that boy Bakugo thinks it was some sort of strengthening or endurance quirk, though there's no proof of that."

"He could be quirkless you know," Nezu told him.

Everyone stared at him.

"I'll make a note of that," the detective replied uncertainly. The idea of a quirkless person being able to do this sort of thing seemed absurd.

All Might remembered what Nezu had told a few weeks ago about how quirkless people could be on par with those with quirks.

"No consider it a possibility," he told Naomasa. "Quirks aren't everything in this world." Most were surprised at his statement, Nezu on the other hand was happy that All Might was taking what he'd told him to heart.

Naomasa took note of that and left. The next thing the teachers did was discuss the upcoming sports festival. Shortly afterward the meeting ended.

XxX Later that day XxX

All Might walked to the staff room finished for the day. He was planning on watching the sports festival closely to look for a potential successor.

The meeting from today was still in his mind. "A quirkless person, could they really have done that?" he wondered. Since his conversation with Nezu he started to consider it more but still found it hard to believe. He had to consider it a possibility though.

"Can someone without a quirk become a hero?"

"I don't think its possible kid."

All Might stopped. 'That again,' he thought.

Ever since he talked to Nezu he had started thinking more about that boy. He could still remember his voice. How he'd admired him. His face when All Might had told him that he couldn't become a hero. He could've sworn tears were about to erupt from those green eyes of his.

"Green eyes," All Might realized suddenly.

He remembered that Outcast had possessed simUar eyes, though much duBer and sharp.

And his voice.

'Remove the scar, add green fluffy hair, and add a bit of color on those eyes....' All Might thought very hard about this and mentally pictured the two boys side by side.

'They're the same,' he thought horrified.

'He could be quirkless you know.' Nezu's words echoed in his ears.

"No don't tell me. That boy couldn't be," he said without realising it. That boy was Outcast. He didn't want to believe it. "Don't tell me I pushed him to that point," he said.

"What am I going to do?" he wondered. "If he's
Outcast then that means I'll have to..." He knew he'd have to stop him. He thought about it a bit more. That boy had idolised heroes, he was a good person. Outcast had saved Uraraka and refused to kill, he was only fifteen. "And he hasn't been a villain for too long."

'It seems like this was his debut.' The detective's voice came through his head. Those facts made it seem more realistic. And he was quirkless also.

'His gauntlets! Most quirked individuals don't use weapons!' As he pondered over his options he decided to keep this to himself. 'Until I have more evidence I can't act,' he thought. He would have to find that boy first, but how? He didn't even know his name, though he did know what he looked like.

"The government has a list of people who are quirkless. Maybe I could get Naomasa to show me it," he said to himself. He needed to find out the truth. If that boy had become a villain, maybe there was still a way to save him.


Chapter two is done baby!

Listen guys, those of you returning for our villain-kun, I know it's going to be slow and painful to reread everything again until I get back to the ten chapters.

And I wanna apologize about that. While I couldn't control the deletion of this story, I can control the update speed of it. I'll try my best to push in at least two chapters per week until we get back to our feet.

There won't be THAT much difference from the original uploads, but if there are any! I'll make sure to make an A/N at the beginning of the chapter, and the end of the chapter.

Speaking of A/N, I realized I didn't do it much back then with this story so I will be doing it from now on. So make sure to at least check the A/N for any updating info or changes to the story or etc!

Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed!

Much love


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