After - 3 (FANFICTION)


257K 7.2K 216

Hiya, so I fell in love with the books 'after' by Anna todd! And throughout the whole series I couldn't help... Еще

Part 1.
Part 3.
Part 4.
Part 5.
Part 6
Part 7.
Part 8.
Part 9.
Part 10
Part 11.
Part 12.
Part 13.
Part 14.
Part 15.
Part 16.
Part 17.
Part 18.
Part 19.
Part 20.
Part 21.
Part 22.
Part 23.
Part 24.
Part 25.
Part 26.
Part 27.
Part 28.
Part 29.
Part 30.
Part 31.
Part 32.
Part 33.
Part 34.
Part 35.
Part 36.
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39.
Part 40.
Part 41.
Part 42.
Part 43.
Part 44.
Part 45.
Part 46.
Part 47.
Part 48.
Part 49.
Part 50.
Part 51.
Part 52.
Author's Note.
Author Note - 22/09/20
Part 53.

Part 2

10.2K 188 12

After a night filled with wine and Kimberly's attempt to make me feel better by telling me hundreds of horrible break up stories. I do feel a fraction bit happier. I was actually able to finally laugh. Christian only came out twice and only asked about Hardin once which made my visit easier.
I feel horrible that Christian is in a wheel chair with burns on his leg, this whole situation is a mess but I sure do hope that one day Hardin will forgive him and his mother but knowing he still harbours a grudge with Ken I don't see this being fixed anytime soon.

With my goodbyes to Smith and Christian and a massive hug from Kimberly I set off to Landon's home.

This drive feels so much longer then it did before this has got to be the longest one but luckily will be my last trip for a good while.

When I'm finally back in town I stop at the mall to grab me another suitcase, my books already take up one suitcase.

Walking in I see the food court which reminds me that I didn't even stop to eat the whole trip back.

While deciding what I should eat I spot Zed staring at me, he's sitting at a table with Nate facing me.

Just as I turn and begin to walk away I hear his voice "Tessa!" "Tessa wait up"

I turn around Zed's now less then 5 feet away from me, he stretch's out his arms for a hug which I walk into willingly.

"Hey, I'm so sorry for that night. That night we had dinner in Seattle" he says while he releases me.

"Oh Zed, I forgot about that, it's okay. You were forgiven the moment it happened.

We stand there awkwardly for a moment

"So how's everything? Why are you in town? I haven't seen Hardin either and did you change your number? I tried to call you but this robotic thing keeps coming up the moment it dials? He shrugs his shoulders

"Oh yea, I changed my number. Me and Hardin aren't seeing each other anymore. for good this time." I say awkwardly " I've been at my mothers house, my father passed away last week and I'm actually in town because I'm moving to New York City tomorrow with Landon"

"New York!" He practically shouts at me

With an amused laugh I say "yeah, I know it's crazy right?" looking down at the floor

He surprises me when he grabs my shoulder and rubs it "I didn't mean it like that, I just meant wow that's a massive move. Hardin must be pissed you're going."

"Oh he doesn't actually know, I haven't spoken or heard from him since I left London without him" I blurt without even thinking

"What? You's went to England together?"

Oh great Tessa! I didn't want to have this conversation, not right now.

"Umm yeah, but umm we umm we broke up over there so I umm came back by myself" I stutter pushing my hair behind my ear. I really don't want to talk about this to Zed or about Hardin I feel like I'll cry if I continue to speak about him or us. Zed must sense it and pulls me in for a massive bear hug.

"I'm sorry about that Tess, I'm happy that you're making a change even as drastic as New York. Maybe I can visit you? since Hardin's no longer in the picture do you think we can be friends and I do mean, just friends Tess, no pressure I just miss you and I'd like to keep our friendship." He says looking at me with a nervous smile.

"Oh yeah, of course!"

"Cool, maybe you can give me your new number?" Zed asks

"Oh yeah" I grab my iPhone out of my purse I still haven't mesmerised my new number yet, once I unlock it, I tell him and he puts it in to his phone.

"New phone as well?" He says once's he's saved my number.

I chuckle "yeah needed a change" I smile at him.

"Well, I'll let you get back to Nate" I say gesturing toward Nate who's now walking towards us

"Hey Tessa" Nate says while he gives me a small hug

"Tessa I had no idea what Steph and dan were up to, I swear. I haven't seen you since then and I just wanted you to know" he says while his hand is on my shoulder.

"Thanks Nate, I know" I say. thinking about that night makes me feel nauseous.

Thank god Zed must know what I'm thinking so he takes over by asking me where I'll be staying in New York, which University am I going to attend I tell him I'm aiming for NYU even though I haven't been accepted yet but I'm going to just work until I hear back. He gives me a look not a judgmental look but a confused look

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You going without overthinking? I know you,  this is not you" he says giving me a chuckle

"Hardin must of really fucked up, if you're going without even being accepted into college yet"he laughs but then abruptly stops

"Shit I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that"
He gives me an apologetic smile.

I shake my head "forget it" i give him a smile I'm so uncomfortable I just want to leave.

"Well I better get going, Landon is probably wondering where I am" I lie.

I hug Nate then Zed. I think I feel Zed kiss my hair lightly on my head and tells me to have a safe flight and he'll text me tomorrow to make sure I arrive safely.

I get back to my car without a new suitcase,
I'll have to quickly stop at target now.

after roaming through target I now have a cart full of new socks, a couple basic tank tops, a medium suitcase and some new makeup.

Once I pay for my things, I head to the parking lot when I see Logan and... molly.
Shit! Wonderful. Why is it this one time I come to town I have to run into everyone. For goodness sake!

"Hey Tessa" Molly and Logan say at the same time.

"Hey guys, I was just leaving. Have a goodnight" I quickly reply. Then start to put my things in my boot.

"Hey wait" molly says.
"Look, I just want to say sorry for my part on that night, I didn't know it was gonna go down like that, I swear. Steph made me believe we were just gonna take photos of you passed out with dan." She says looking down to the floor

"Thanks molly, I know you helped me and found Zed and called Hardin. I appreciate it." I say awkwardly, it's weird for us to be civil with one another.

"I wouldn't let anything like that happen to anyone, no matter how much I dislike that person" she says with a hint of humour but seriousness at the same time.

"You going somewhere with that suitcase?" Logan asks

"Actually too New York" I reply with a grin.
But quickly I say "I gotta go, you two have a goodnight" opening my car door. i don't want to answer anymore questions.

They return the gesture and walk away.

I finally pull into Landon's home.

As I finish the last of my packing my phone vibrates its a random number must be Zed.

Hey Tess, it was good to see you today.
Do you want to hang out on your last night here?

Sure, where are you?

At my apartment, want to go to Applebee's I'll come get you?

Sounds good to me, I'm staying at Landon's house. when will you be ready?

I'll pick you up in half an hour.

I check the clock it's 6:00pm now
Geez that reminds me I haven't eaten all day.

I quickly walk down the hall to Landon's room, let him know I'm going to dinner with Zed he gives me a puzzled look but doesn't say anything.

I start making my way down the driveway when I see the red truck pull up.

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