The River Creek Boys

By Cheyenne2142

83 9 0

This story is about a 16 year old girl that has to grow up to take care of her younger brother every thing is... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10

Chapter 9

6 1 0
By Cheyenne2142

"Buddy I'm not going anywhere this time I promise and when you wake up I'll be right here." I pointed down where I was standing.

"My brothers said you might not come back cause you wouldn't like the woods but your really staying promise."

"promise and buddy your brothers don't know me as well as they think." He only smiled while he pulled me to his room. "Can you lay with me till I fall asleep."

"Of course." I laid down in his little bed while he curled up next to me. I put my arm over him while he used my boobs as a pillow. I have such a soft spot for kids.When he fell asleep I walked down the hallway to see all the guys in the living room. I sat down on the couch only to see two more boys I hadn't met.

"Who's the hot nerd." Already called a nerd. Is it the glasses I didn't have time to get my contacts in. The poor kid got slapped but by Justin this time. "I'm Cody and"

"Rick and this is my twin Mikey."

"Cool." um if any of you mind how many people are here."

"Well there's me, Blake, Justin, Zack, Mikey, Ricky, Hunter, Luke, and Willy. " said Cole.

"I don't know Willy where is ..." Just then a little boy around Luke's age and looked like Luke too ran to me and Hunter's side.

He was crying and before anyone could do anything I pulled the little boy into my chest. "Shh shh it's ok it's ok." I bounced my legs to distract him because kids like random crap. "Hey buddy you hear that beating sound." He shook his head up and down. "Listen to that sound ok." He listened and he slowly stopped crying. He parted to look at me.

"You have pretty hair." I smiled a little while I chuckled.

"Thank you." I wiped the tears under his eyes. "What's wrong buddy."

"I had a bad dream."

"You wanna know something about bad dreams" he shook his head  "it's always brighter when you wake up."

"I like you."

"your so cute." He laid back down then got up and went to Hunter. "Come on buddy lets go back to bed." After Hunter left I felt eyes all on me.

"Did I do something wrong."

"The boys usually don't trust girls that come over and they just love you."

"Have you considered it was the type of girls you bring home." I earned a laugh from Cole and Zack.

"Yeah ok." Then everything grew serious when Hunter came back in.

"Who all knows about your dad?" Cole stood up I'm guessing to slap Hunter but I stopped him.

"All kids under 15 get out." Ricky and Mikey stood up and did as told. "Hunter you too."

"Hell no."


"It's ok." I interrupted and Cole sat back down. "Well I guess to answer the question you guys, my mom, best friend , sister , Asher, Mrs. Beth , and the police department know."

"The police know and."..

"It is the neighborhood we live in."

"Where is your mom." I froze what do I say I don't even know, she just left.

"To be honest I have no clue where she is. She was suppose to be back the night of the party but, when you guys dropped me off Beth told me she wasn't there but, it looked like she had been. Later we found a note that said she couldn't do it anymore and that she loved us."

"She just left like that."

"yeah I don't really blame her she did what my sister did I guess they survived and wanted to get out and they did. I just don't see how they could just leave like that."

"So your sister."

"Her name is Carrie I don't know where she is. After she graduated she left." And to be honest I don't care where she is.

"Asher doesn't miss her."

"Asher was only a baby when she graduated he never knew her so he doesn't have someone to miss."

"Your going to do the same thing right graduated then leave them that's what you wanted to do right?" My eyes widened at Blake's question. That's when it wasn't Cole's who slapped him. It was me but with me fist.

"You jackass you think I can just leave them. Hell you are such an.. I can't believe you think I would do that. When I graduate Asher will only be 6 and Colby will be 1 and hell how can I leave my own brothers."

I was beyond pissed so I just walked to my room trying not to punch a wall."Asshole." I mumbled multiple times starting off loud enough for him to hear me before lying down and slowly falling asleep on the stupid bed.

Blake's pov

"You pissed her off."

"Well I'm sorry Cole I just needed to know."

"You need to go apologize now." I didn't move before I was being stared at by everyone.

"Fine." I stood up and slowly walked down the hall leading to her room. Arriving at the door I knocked. When I didn't get an answer I pushed the door open only to see a sleeping girl. She had an ass though that was something I had to give her even if she pisses me off. I closed the door and walked to my room only to fall asleep with her on my mind.Was it because I was a bitch that I'm thinking about her.

"Bubba I can't sleep." I heard Will, Luke's twin say.

"Come on buddy." I picked him up and let him fall asleep in my bed. When he was finally out I got up and went to the living room to find Hunter and the others still up. That's weird it's only 3.

"Schools canceled." Cole said before I could ask anything."Did you."

"No she was asleep I didn't bother her."

"I like her shes so kind for all shes went through."

"Yeah I mean guys don't ya'll want to know everything."

"Of course we do but we are not going to ask she'll tell us when she's ready."

"Yeah but Cole."

"Enough Hunter no one ask her anything else." I didn't get it either she's so calm about this I mean she did come by force. "Looks like your going to have a bruise from the little firecracker." I heard Hunter say. I rolled my eyes at the comment. That's when everyone turned to the doorway..Speck of the little devil.

Cody's pov

I woke up at the same time I always do for Asher. It's only 3:33 in the morning but, I always wake up at 3:35 every morning for Cole and every other day for Asher it's weird. I walked down the hallway and sat on a bar stool 1 minute.

"Why are you up so early did me and the boys wake you. I'm sorry." I held up my hand after I jumped a little I did not see them. Pulling my fingers down 5 4 3 2 1 "Sissy." I stood up as Asher came running down his end of the hall to me. I almost forgot we weren't home.

"Sissy." He balled up into my side as I cradled him on the couch. "Shh it's ok buddy." He buried his head in my neck. The poor thing I hate he had nightmares.

5 minutes later

He was out. I carried him to his room and then went back to the living room mixing Colby's bottle up because Asher's not the only one who likes to wake up this early.

"Does he have bad dreams." I jumped  forgetting once again that I wasn't alone. I looked behind me to see all the guys except both sets of twins. "Yeah." I answered simple. After what happened with Blake I wasn't in the mood to talk but, then I felt bad for the others.

"Why are you." Before Zack finished Colby started crying. I grabbed a towel and the bottle then him and once again I'm back on the couch.

"You know their schedules."

"yeah I guess I do." I looked up and just knew Hunter had something he wanted to ask. They all did. Poor Hunter looked worried too I wonder why. "You don't have to worry Hunter I've done this hundreds of times and if you want me to answer something I will and I want punch you."

Blake scoffed.

"How did you know."

"Your not that hard to read and it's obvious you all have something to say or ask. So go ahead."

"Where's your dad and why does he.."

"I have no clue I guess it's my fault."

"What do you mean."

"He always had this perfect family in his head first born was a girl so she could help clean and cook. Second me not a son mom said he flipped after that so it's really my fault for not having a dick." Why did it feel good to get that off my chest. Why does it matter to my dad what I am. I never understood what I did wrong.

"Does your best friend know."


"And she doesn't help."

"One she's not getting into my problems shes tried but, her family is big religious and they think I'm a lesbian so she can only do so much."



After talking a little more Cole had fallen asleep and I was slowly doing the same thing.

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