Charlotte May Jonas

By justsochelsea

15.6K 248 15

My name is Charlotte May Jonas but everybody calls me Charlie. I'm Nick Jonas only little sister. I've been l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 30

263 6 0
By justsochelsea

After Charlie drank her apple juice she got up from the stool and said.

Charlie: I'm gonna head up and take a shower
Nick: okay, I'll be up their soon, so I can check on you

Charlie nods but before she left Sam and Brian came from the living room door and Charlie yelled.

Charlie: *screams in excitement* omg Brian!

Charlie ran to him as Brian picked her up making Charlie giggle while giving her a big squeeze. Joe said while rubbing his ear.

Joe: I think I just lost my hearing from the scream
Kevin: hey now we know that she feeling better
Charlie: what are you doing here?
Brian: I came here with the girls last night, Sam came to pick us up at the airport
Charlie: oh...

Brian chuckles at Charlie and kiss her cheek before setting her down on her feet.

Brian: I also hear it's your birthday today?
Charlie: *smiles big* yep I'm turning 11 that's another double digit number
Jake: so I heard
Nick: Charlie, go up to your room, when you're finish you can come back downstairs for your birthday breakfast
Charlie; okay Nicky, bye Bri Bri

Brian waved to her and before she left Sam stopped her and said.

Sam: oh Charlie, could you go wake the girls for me? We need to speak to Jessica in private
Charlie: Um... okay

Sam thank her by giving her a kiss on her cheek. She ran out of the kitchen and the boy's chuckle at her excitement.

Sam: how come she can call you Bri Bri and I can't?
Brian: she's cuter than you

Sam rolled his eyes.

Charlie's POV
When I ran out of the kitchen, I went up the steps and to the guest room. I found the girls and I started jumping up and down on their bed.

Charlie: wake up! wake up! wake up! wake up!
Lauren: Okay, okay!

Lauren said grabbing me from my waist. Which made me fall down on the both of them and waking up Jessica in the process. Jessica grown from where I hit her, which was in the ribs and I said.

Charlie: ops, I'm sorry. I forgot I'm supposed to be gentle with you
Jessica: *sighs* it's okay Charlie
Charlie: I miss you guys. It's been so long, I hardly saw you guys since you moved a few years ago
Lauren: we know, you have grown a lot since the last time we have seen you
Charlie: yeap Nicky said I'm a big girl now"
Lauren: you sure are, now do you mind if we go back to sleep?
Charlie: no can do
Lauren: and why not?
Charlie: because Brian told me to come wake you girls up cause he want to talk to Lauren in private with the boys
Jessica: oh no
Lauren: uh... Charlie could you leave us alone so we can chat?
Charlie: but why?
Lauren: cause I said so
Charlie: *frowns* fine *mumbles* I'm always being kicked out of the room

Lauren let go of me and I got out of their bed and exited out of the room.

Lauren's POV

Once Charlie left I look at Jessica.

Lauren: Jess, what are you gonna tell the boys exactly?

Jessica: I don't know. But I cant tell them that Jason tried to kill me, they will kill him and me

Lauren: you should've listen to them when they told you he was bad news

Jessica: *roll eyes* I know, I know, I don't need to hear the lecture from you too. But if I didn't go with Jason he said he'll kill me in my sleep i mean literary

Lauren: you know he's just trying to scare you

Jessica: I don't know, but I don't want to tell them just yet, I'm not ready

Lauren: alright then, wanna use the bathroom first

Jessica: nah you go ahead, I'm too sore to move after the plane ride here

Lauren nods and head to the shower, while Jessica curled up in her bed.

Charlie's POV
After I got ready for the day, I headed back downstairs and Nick was the first one to see me.

Nick: hey baby girl, you seem to be feeling better already

Grandpa: what do you mean by that?
Nick: she was low a little earlier when I check her sugar
Charlie: but I'm fine now grandpa. So theirs nothing to worry about
Grandpa: alright if you say so kiddo
Charlie: *looks at Nick* so any plans for the birthday girl? *smiles sweetley at him*
Nick: yes but its a surprise, so you're not gonna get it out of me

He said taping his finger on my nose, which made my nose twitch. He laugh at that and kissed the top of my forehead and hand me my mini pancakes. I skipped over to my chair which was in between Grandpa and Nick.

Nick check his blood sugar before checking mine. I was a bit low but not like before and he was normal like always cause he knows how to control it better then  me or so I thought. Nick's been very good at not showing his high and low days in front of me tho.

Nick gave me a box of orange juice and I started drinking when both girls came from the living room door.

Brian : hey girls, you had a nice night?
Lauren: Jessica still doesnt want to talk about it Brian, so stop it
Sam: well... she's gonna have to talk about it, because we have to know whats going on?
Jessica: I don't want to talk about it! I'm not ready too
Brian: well when you're ready to talk, could you please tell us? Because you're our baby sister and we need to know whats up so we could fix things
Jessica: *annoyed* there's nothing to fix! This is my problem not yours, would you two just stay out of my personal life! Please...

She said once she saw both her brothers give the parental looks I know too well from Nick. Jessica stalk off angry after her little "tantrum" before she left the room. I turned to the boys.

Charlie: well... arent you boys going to talk to her?

Lauren: I think they done enough talking Charlie, it's clear she doesn't want to talk about it
Charlie: hey its not their fault that they want to know what happened, she cant kept shutting them out and building up her emotions inside of her, thats not good
Lauren: I know but if she not ready, she not ready, Im gonna go talk to her

They nodded and she left and I said.

Charlie: well um... I'm going go to my room now" *about to leave the table*
Nick: freeze young lady

I froze and I heard him got up and he stood ring in front of me.

Nick: I know you, and I what your gonna do. I know you're trying to help but you're too young to understand this and I need you to stay out of this
Charlie: but Nicky!
Nick: sit your behind back into the seat pronto!

I cringe at his tone, and walked over to the seat he was pointing and I sat down on it pouting.

Lauren's POV
When I made it up the stairs, and went to the guest room to find her not their, I panic a bit worried about my big sister went to see the bathroom door.

I walk into her bathroom shock to find Jessica with a pocket knife in her hand and her wrist bleeding.

Lauren: Jessica? What are you doing?!"
Jessica: uh... its not what it looks like Lauren!

I tried to grab it from her, but she wont let me.

Lauren/ Jessica, please give me the pocket knife!
Jessica: no!

I jump on her back to try to grab it from her, but it was no use she just kept fighting for it. I continued to grab the knife away from her, until somebody pulled me off of her. I looked who it was and it was Brian. While Sam had a hold of Jessica and took the knife from her hand.

I look around not just only my brothers were here but, Nick, Charlie, Joe and Kevin. Well this is clearly embarrassing watching them see us fight with each other at someone else home.
Sam: what is the matter with you two?
Lauren: I caught Jessica trying to cut herself!
Jessica: *glares at me* she lying!
Sam: oh really? Then why is your wrist bleeding and you're holding a pocket knife?

She just look down and Nick said.

Nick: um... Lauren go out with Charlie for a walk while will speak with Jessica
Sam: will also call you guys when you can come back
Charlie: why do I always have to be the one leaving the room, I never get to see the good stuff!
Nick: *gives look* Charlie go with Lauren right now!
Charlie: but- *gets cut off*
Nick: don't make me want to cancel your birthday plans

Nick wasn't really going to that was he? He was probably just bluffing

She frown at him and stopped arguing with him. I grab Charlie's hand and we left them alone so the boys could have a chat with Jessica.

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