Hello Gay Man, I'm Gay Too (M...

By runorfloataway

25.6K 804 92

Marco and Ace being gay one-shots, because I need to be gay in some way. Venting? Yes. Kind of. More

We Need Air Conditioning
So, It's Been a While...
In Your Arms
Happy Holidays
Love is in the air (yeet)
His Hair...
Fortune Sandwich
Breaking the Walls Down
The Next Chapter
Grape Soda
Prompts For You
Legend of the Phoenix
Don't Eat the Sheep
Sing Me to Sleep
Marco's Having a Tough Time
Two years
October 5th
Breakup AU for Otaku_Girl2176
Prideful Piano
Camping Trip
Love Like Fire
I can feel your touch from over here
Love Bite
Bleeding Roses
Hello, Birdman

Portgas D. Ace

626 25 4
By runorfloataway

Title: Hello Gay Man, I'm Gay Too (MarcoxAce)

Summary: One-shots centering around Marco and Ace being a silly and mushy couple together (because I'm that cheesy) whether pertaining to canon or AU. I'm making ridiculous puns. Thatch and I may be kindred spirits.

Character(s) Focus: Portgas D. Ace, Marco

Pairings: [Marco,Ace]

Warnings: language (itsy bitsy spider, one tiny little word)

Disclaimer: One Piece, its characters, and its plot, all belong to Eiichiro Oda. I do not own them.

Notes: I'm late to the party, but I've finally taken Drivers Ed! We did all of our driving on a computer simulation (yep, it was pretty lame). No real driving for us. We're the cool kids.


"You never dishappoint!" Ace is saying to Thatch, grinning from to ear to ear as he stuffs his face with noodles. He has sauce staining the front of his shirt, greasy liquid dripping from his chin and slathered across his fingertips, gleaming under the Moby Dick's fluorescent lights.

Damn. Normally, Marco would be disgusted by Ace's lack of manners, but today? Ace's food habits certainly spur the more... creative part of his brain. It'd be ten times better if it was dripping off of Ace's-

"See? Way better than the bratty Baraties across the street! Can't see how they've been managing to steal all my customers away," Thatch grumbles, blatantly missing the fact that Ace just cajoled him into giving him five bowls of free ramen.

Sick of Thatch's complaining and irked by the fact that Ace has to look so hot, he grabs the freckled man's hand and laces their fingers together.

"Hey, what're you doing- Stop that!" Ace squeaks as Marco flicks his tongue over their entwined fingers.

"Ew, PDA! Get it?" Thatch jumps in.

Momentarily distracted, Marco raises a brow towards his brother with an inkling of amusement and slight befuddlement, glancing back towards Ace whose neck was flushing a deep red.

Then it suddenly dawned on him.

"Portgas D. Ace... pda...." Marco mutters.

Thatch's cackling is shortly broken as Izou storms up to him and whacks him upside the head. "Shut the hell up, Thatch! And you two!" Izou's pointer finger of fury suddenly strikes them like lighting.

Both Marco and Ace jolt in their seat, visibly preparing themselves to bolt if need be.

"No public displays of affection in the cafe you two," Izou says smirking.

Ace groans, covering his face with both hands. Marco has a feeling that he's landed himself a one-way trip to the couch tonight.

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