Happy Holidays

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Title: Hello Gay Man, I'm Gay Too (MarcoxAce)

Summary: One-shots centering around Marco and Ace being a silly and mushy couple together (because I'm that cheesy) whether pertaining to canon or AU. Ace sucks at decorating. Like, he really sucks.

Character(s) Focus: Portgas D. Ace, Marco

Pairings: [Marco,Ace]

Warnings: Profanity, mentions of drinking, Holiday chaos

Disclaimer: One Piece, its characters, and its plot, all belong to Eiichiro Oda. I do not own them.

Notes: Happy Holidays people, here's a gift from me to you. This one's a little longer than normal. On a side-note, do you guys like longer or shorter chapters? Your opinions are always welcome 👍🏻

Also, I think I might have rate this book mature once this is up... eh, probably not.


Marco wasn't taken aback to find that upon his return home, Ace had already managed to make a mess this Holiday season. He was perhaps more surprised that his over-zealous boyfriend didn't whip out the decorations sooner. Marco had long been preparing for Ace's imminent holiday craze, taking in the shattered light bulbs, pine-needles, and trays of burnt cookies stacked on their kitchen counter with a heavy sigh before he began to pick his way through the wreckage, looking for his lost lover.

For some reason during the six years Marco had known him, Ace had an overwhelming (and slightly worrying) obsession with Christmas. Being surrounded in an celebrating atmosphere with friends and family was a very appealing notion for Ace. His boyfriend hardly ever celebrated Christmas when he was younger. He had little to no close family back then besides his 'shitty old gramps' for the first decade of his life, and well, a Christmas with Garp... It sent shivers down Marco's spine thinking about how the retired navy officer celebrated Christmas.

Regardless of how much Ace loved Christmas now, in his earlier years he'd held little adoration for the bright, flashing electrical lights and the fat man in red who snuck into people's homes to eat their food. Ace has never liked Santa Clause (even now), finding the fact that he eats people's food offensive. The freckled man confessed to Marco that- when he had believed Santa was real- he'd set up traps all around his small home to prevent the man from stealing anything, annoying his demonic aunt to no end. Marco slightly pitied the red-head.

Later on, Ace had met his best-friend Sabo, then the two met Luffy and became brothers. They'd celebrate the holiday with big piles of meat, off-key Christmas songs, playing in the snow, and Sabo (thankfully) was able to convince Ace and Luffy that no fat man in red was going to steal their food in the middle of the night. Of course, all of their food was quickly devoured by Luffy the following morning.

Marco winced at the thought. He had no qualms with Luffy, but he wouldn't be surprised if all of their food mysteriously went missing Christmas morning.... Marco warily made his way to the fridge, hesitatingly wrapping his fingers around the fridge handle. Bracing himself, he whipped the door open.

Their fridge had been cleaned out, save for a single pie, and a note.

'Thank u for the food! Merry X-mas! U too pineapple turkey!'


Marco supposed that this was bound to have happened at some point. He was just glad that Luffy had been gracious enough to leave behind the cherry pie. Well actually, Luffy hates cherry pie, right? Right. Marco sighed, closing the fridge door and leaning his head against it. (Would his name ever be upgraded from pineapple turkey?)

Maybe he and Ace could order take-out...? Nah, he could go out and buy some groceries. He should probably make dinner too, it was his turn tonight. Not to mention Ace had probably been trying (and failing) to put up decorations all day today and-

Oh wait. Back to finding Ace.

Finally drawing his attention away from the kitchen, Marco went over to the dining area. A gingerbread kingdom seemed to have built its way across their entire table. It was a war-zone consisting of sticky traps of icing, jaw-breaker cannonballs, and candy-cane swords, however, there was still no Ace to be seen. Marco wondered why Luffy ate all of the food in their fridge but left the gingerbread untouched. It made no sense to him.

Now, Marco slowly made his way into the living room which had taken the most damage in this festive holiday-post-apoctolyptic-war. This area looked to have suffered the most casualties. More than a few dozen ornaments lay shattered on the carpet, likely having been caught in the crossfire. The lights were strewn across the room in tangles so great, Marco worried he'd have to call for backup from his brothers.

And Ace. Marco slapped his hand over his mouth trying to repress his laughter. If he woke the beast up, Marco knew that there would be dire consequnces. Ace himself way laying down face-up by their Christmas tree (a disaster in itself, and no, you don't want to know). He was wrapped up head to toe in garland, and a big red Christmas bow was innocently tied around his waist. That, however, wasn't even the best part.

Ace must've had a narcoleptic fit while trying to decorate their tree, because it looked like someone (it was Luffy, definitely Luffy) had grown bored, and decided to draw a dick on Ace's face.

Not that Marco thought it wasn't funny, it was hilarious in fact, but Luffy was so dead. Marco doubted he'd be able to save the slippery brat before Ace torched his ass.

Taking pity on his boyfriend, he crouched down besides his oblivious lover while being careful to mind the crushed glass. Marco hoped Ace hadn't laid down on any of the broken ornaments.  He lightly tapped Ace's freckled cheek, "Wake up, it's morning, yoi."

Glassy gray eyes began to blink open, slightly watering from his nap. His hair was a little disheveled and his freckled cheeks and nose were slightly flushed a light red. Marco almost cooed at how cute he looked right now.

"Mar-o?" Ace spoke, bewildered. "l-ffy, w-ere'd -e go..." he mumbled brokenly.

"I think he left a while ago, yoi. What happened to you?" Marco gently brushed Ace's hair away from his face, marveling at how soft it always was.

"We -ere drinken-" Ace suddenly hiccuped, interrupting his sentence.

Marco chuckled. So that's what Ace had been up to, huh? He wondered who else besides Luffy came to visit them. He'd have to ask Ace about it later, he obviously wasn't coherent enough to have a full conversation yet. Pillowing Ace's head in the crook of his elbow and lifting Ace's legs from underneath, he carried Ace to their bedroom. Marco smiled fondly as Ace tried to snuggle up to the blond-haired man as much as possible.

He and Ace could snuggle up with each other later, Marco still needed to go to the grocery store.



Marco was whistling, happy with the successful shopping trip he had made. A sudden, loud groan coming from his bedroom caught him off guard. Marco blinked in curiosity, glancing back towards their door.

Was he forgetting something? Oh right, he had left Ace in there. He would've thought Ace would be up by now... unless-

Marco felt himself grow pale. He had forgotten to untie Ace.


Hello Gay Man, I'm Gay Too (MarcoxAce)Where stories live. Discover now