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Summary: One-shots centering around Marco and Ace whether pertaining to canon or AU. Cough, cough, this one's more darker than usual, actually... but anyway, wolf au.

Character(s) Focus: Portgas D. Ace, Marco

Pairings: [Marco,Ace]

Warnings: language, darker themes

Disclaimer: One Piece, its characters, and its plot, all belong to Eiichiro Oda. I do not own them.

Notes: This did not turn into what I originally wanted it to be... it's a little more edge-lord themed than was intended. Sorry about that. Anyways, this may be a little more triggering for some of you, so don't read it If you do get triggered? Anyways, there should definitely be more to this one. Part 2, maybe?


The man's sharp nails trailing over his back sent goosebumps down his spine. He absently noted from the back of his mind that he was breathing more heavily than usual and his hands were slightly shaking. It wasn't an ideal situation to be in, Ace was fully aware that the night would likely end with his own blood being spilled. He had no weapons, no plan; he had been admittedly caught unaware, and now he'd have to pay the price.

All he could do was stand still as the wolf inspected him, raking those striking eyes over every inch of his figure. The wolf was toying with him.

This would usually piss Ace off. The darker part of his mind, however, wondered if it wouldn't be such a bad thing, to die at the claws of this wolf.

The logical response would be to try to flee, cut his losses and regroup with his brothers. By standing up against the wolf together, at least they'd have a fighting chance. Except his breath hitches as the the wolf just barely nips his ear. His legs tremble, but with fear or exhilaration, he's not sure. Not when his very existence is being fogged over with the suspense of not knowing what comes next.

'What if you let go?' That thought whispered again.

"Like you would know, little red," the wolf suddenly speaks up, startling Ace from his trance. He can feel his giant hands lurking dangerously close near his neck, but can't bring himself to move away. "Do you have any idea what it means to be a monster? Do you truly know what that entails...." The wolf says in a low, rumbling voice.

Ace finally comes to grips with himself, ripping himself away from the wolf's hold. "I don't give a damn about your sob story. It's no excuse for taking Thatch's life away from him like that, monster or not!" He says, pounding emphasis into the statement, storm grey eyes catching the ocean depths of the other.

Now, the wolf looks at him. There's an interest in his gaze that wasn't there before, and Ace finds his body betraying him with an unexpected shiver down his spine once more.

After a beat of silence that felt like an eternity to Ace, the wolf spoke up. 

"Bold of you to presume that he didn't want it," the wolf mockingly said.

'What the hell,' he thought, not fully aware he was speaking aloud.

The wolf snorted.

Ace angrily glowered at him. "This isn't funny pal, explain what you said! I know my best friend and there's no way he'd willingly commit suicide." He said all of this in mind knowing that he was a hypocrite. He wasn't sure about anything anymore.

"And you know your friend, huh? The fact that he didn't bother letting you know he's alive speaks more than words ever could," the wolf coldly returned his glare, narrowing his eyes with what Ace thought might be disgust.

His muscles locked into place, his arms falling slack to his sides. 

Thatch was alive? Wait, there's no way he's telling the truth! Teach, he saw it happen.... He left you behind. Just like they'll all leave you behind eventually.

"He abandoned you," the wolf solidified in words spoken aloud. "He left you to rot," the wolf was growling now, his eyes a striking blue that flashed before Ace's eyes as he pounced.

'Would it really be so bad?' That part of his mind whispered again.

It didn't seem like he had the luxury of making that choice.

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