Don't You Dare! (Fem!ReaderXA...

By _Total_Frustration_

145K 3.6K 1.8K

What would you do? Play along or run away? Since your parents got divorced, the only thing your mother wants... More

Prologue ✔
Chapter 1 ✔
Chapter 2 ✔
Chapter 3 ✔
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 / 1K Special
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 / 2K special
Chapter 14 (not edited)
Chapter 15 / 3K special
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 (not edited bc I am too lazy right now)
Chapter 23 (not edited)
A/N - 1st November 2019

Chapter 16

3.3K 110 22
By _Total_Frustration_

!Attention: English is not my main language. So if you find any mistakes, feel free to write it in the comments. I wanna learn from my mistakes and improve my english skills♥

"Y/ ! .... Y/ ! ... /N ! .... Y/N! Wake up. Come on darling. I know you can hear me", I slowly opened my eyes and blinked a couple of times. My head hurt and everything ached. "W-what h-happened??", I managed to say while I put my hand on my forehead. Wait... why is my hand sticky? Just when I wanted to inspect my hand, Alastor grabbed my wrist, preventing me from seeing something I might not like. "What?" I asked and looked at him confused. "You might not want to see your hand ... or your appearance in general", he murmured which confused me only more. My appearance?? What is he talking about?? I looked down at me and realized I was covered in ... blood?! "I-is that ... b-bl-..." "Blood? Yes, but do not worry, dear. It's not yours ... at least most of it", Alastor run his hand through my hair and smiled wickedly at me. "Thank go-... wait what!?! Why am I covered in someone else's blood!?," I yelled at him in panic. "You had a car accident. That's your ex-fiancé's blood you got on your clothes. May I say, you look ravishing like this. Red looks good on you~" He grinned and came a bit closer. "Al, that is really not the best time for compliments!! Where is he? And where am I- ... hold on ... did you just say ex-fiancé?" He gave me a look of confusion before he started to grin really sinisterly at me. "You should thank me, darling. Because of my generosity, I saved you from dying in that miserable car. But, I'm afraid, I could only save you but not your ... boyfriend." He tried to sound caring but his eyes said otherwise. "Oh really?! I think you're talking bullshit! Admit it! It was you, who crashed our car! You pushed us off of the road and it was your fault, we crashed into a tree! This is all your fault because you are a jealous, idiotic and self-regarding demon who just cares about himself! If you excuse me, I'm gonna find my fiancé and bring him to a hospital", I slowly stood up and supported me on the tree trunk. "That won't be necessary, dear. He already is at a hospital," Alastor sighed and stood up as well. "Why didn't you say that before!?! Come on, let's go!" I took his hand and dragged him with me but he stopped me instantly. "Y/N. I think you don't quite understand what I am trying to tell you here." I cocked an eyebrow at him and nodded. "Your fiancé ... it's possible he might not survive this night. He is in an artificial coma and fighting for his life right now. I am so sorry, dear." He wanted to brush a strand of loose hair behind my ear but I slapped his hand away. Alastor looked at me surprised. "What have you done!?", I yelled at him with tears in my eyes which started to form. "What have you done!!?? I never wanted you to kill anyone! I said that I will do this my way but your jealous ass could not wait any 20 seconds longer, right!!?" Al tried to say something, unfortunately, I didn't let him. "Now listen up buddy! I had enough of your stupid psycho games. I am done with you! As soon as we are back home, the deal will be canceled immediately and you will go back to hell where you belong! Argh!! I can't believe that I fall for someone as selfish as you!", I screamed in frustration and started to walk back in the direction of the road. "Stupid demon", I murmured under my breath when I suddenly was turned around and then pushed against a lean body. "What now?", I asked, obviously annoyed. "My apologies Y/N. I didn't know that you feel or felt about me that way." "Oh my god. Your even denser than I thought you would be. What do you mean you had no idea?? Alastor, it was so obvious that I was ... am ... in love with you. You just didn't see that for whatever reason you had." I sighed and massaged my temples. This conversation gave me a headache. "Don't you have something to say as well?" I raised my eyebrows in curiosity. "Like what?" I facepalmed and shook my head afterwards. "Nevermind, let's just go to the hospital in which Mark is." Al nodded and magically teleported - I still hadn't figured out how this teleport thingy worked - us in front of the hospital. While we walked inside, I got a lot of worried looks, mostly because of my blood stained clothes and hands. "Do you know which room he's in?" He thought about it for a moment before he told me. "Yes. It's room 1022" "Thank you. Now, let me do the talking. I want to know if they have any new information on Mark's current condition," I hissed and went to the front desk. "Hello. I'd like to visit Mister Mark Young," I said as friendly as I could to the annoyed looking woman. She blinked several times before typing something into her computer. "Sorry but the visitor times are over. Besides, you can't visit patients who are in the emergency room if your not a family member or related in any way to the patient", the woman told us and let a bubble of her gum pop. I shoot a glare at Alastor and he laughed nervously. "His condition is worse than it was the last time I checked on him..." I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat. My focus was back on the brunette behind the desk. "But I am a family member. I am his ... wife!" I secretly slipped the engagement ring off of my finger and onto the other hand. "See? That's my wedding ring and he...," I pointed at Alastor ".. is myyy... cousin. He'll get everything my husband needs when he's gonna wake up", I told her, proud of how fast I made that excuse up. She sighed and typed something into her computer again. It was silent for a moment before her eyes widened and she looked at me with a pitiful expression. "W-What?" "I-Im sorry, but it looks like the doctors can't help him anymore. They are going to turn off the machines tomorrow morning. There is no hope for your husband. I am deeply sorry, ma'am." I nodded absently and walked over to the sitting area, where I sat down in one of the chairs. My face in my palms and my head hanging low. I can tell, that Alastor doesn't know how to handle this situation but right now, I got better things to do than tell him what he should do at the moment. "Y/N..." "No! Just ... leave it be... I don't have the strength to argue with you right now," I whispered and ran a hand through my hair. "Well, your lucky, my love. Me neither. I wanted to say ... umm ... I am deeply sorry about that ... human being." I laughed sarcastically and sat up straight. Both eyebrows were raised, I had a forced grin on my face and I was close to tears. "You're sorry? I am sorry as well. I'm sorry that you're a horrible person with no conscience at all! Leave me alone Alastor. I don't want to talk to you anymore!..." "You don't really mean what you're saying, do you?" He looked - just a little - upset at me. I'm almost feeling guilty right now ... ALMOST. "Oh, I am dead serious, darling~" Al nodded and took a deep breath. "Alright. If you want the silent treatment, you'll get the silent treatment. Until then my love~," he took my hand and placed a soft kiss on it before he left the hospital. My cheeks were red and I shifted my gaze to my hand, which he had kissed. No! Bad Y/N!! Did you already forget? You wanted to ignore him and cancel that contract! But right now, Mark is much more import than Alastor.
It was the next day when I left the hospital. I stayed at my boyfriend's side til they turned of all of his machines which kept him alive. His father visited him as well and we cried a lot together at Mark's bed. He looked like he would sleep. So peaceful ... I still had my blood stained clothes on, which meant that the first thing I would do, when I am home, is taking a long and relaxing shower in my - now - lonely appartement. I sighed and fished my keys out of my handbag. The police told me, my bag was still in the car and so they took it with them so I can get it when I had to tell them my part of the story. They tried to figure out who or what exactly pushed us off of the road, even tho I already knew who it was but it's kinda stupid to try arresting a demon with powers. When I wanted to unlock the door, I noticed that it was already opened. What? But nobody has a spare key, right? I heard the crunching of paper underneath my shoes when I took a step forward. "hm? What was that?" I looked down and saw a small letter in front of me.

'Hello Y/N!
I was nearby and thought about visiting you since you two lovebirds didn't show up last night for dinner. I am inside making some coffee. Mark gave me a spare key, so do not worry. You are not getting robbed 😀.

Love, Mom'

So that's why the door's already unlocked. I smiled and stepped inside. "Hey mom! I saw your letter. I just hop in the shower and afterwards we can talk. Be right back~!" I took some new clothes out of my wardrobe and went straight to the bathroom.
Ahh! Everything is better after a refreshing shower. Now cleaned and dried, I looked for my mother. "Mom? Are you in the kitchen??" No answer. Maybe she's busy with something?? I looked into the kitchen but she was not there. Only the cups stood on the table. Ready to be used. "Mom??", I called for her again, this time a bit worried. Where is she? Suddenly I noticed that our living room door was closed and usually it's open all day. Oh god. I hope my mom's okay. I slowly approached the door and opened it carefully. "Mom...? ... OH MY GOD!!!"

A/N: Hello, everybody. I know, cliffhanger, I know, I am an asshole. I get it lol Anyways! I still hope you liked that chapter and I need to check it for any grammar mistakes and typos, so ignore those please. It's like 35 degrees here in germany and I am meeeltiiing...! I need ice-cream lol Also, thanks for over 3,4K reads! I really appreciate it♡

See Ya!

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