Levi's Wings of Freedom (Levi...

Exellda द्वारा

150K 7.8K 6.3K

Summary: Levi lived his whole life in a cage. His shackles followed him wherever he went which wasn't far at... अधिक

Levi's Wings of Freedom
Levi is Auctioned
Levi's New Home
Levi Cleans
Levi's First Taste of Freedom
Levi Goes Out
Levi Gets Sick
Levi's Choice
Levi Decides
Levi's Interveiws
Levi Works
Levi's First Love
Levi Models
Levi's Jealousy
Levi Tells
Levi's First Celebration Party
Levi Needs Help!
Levi's Only Hope
Levi For Christmas
Levi's Alone
Levi's Return Home
Levi Awakens

Levi's First Flight

6.9K 385 274
Exellda द्वारा

Levi’s First Flight


            Warm. Today was a warm day. Eren wasn’t home right now because he left for work and Levi had nothing to do. It was a little past noon and he had just ate lunch. Levi had spent all morning cleaning the house again even though it really didn’t need to be cleaned. Now he found himself outside, laying in the warm sun near the –pond? Lake? –it was one of those. The grass that supported him was a vibrant green, the flowers seemed to be every shade of the rainbow and the water was a calming shade of blue-green. Several trees docked the backyard, birds flew about chirping to one another in their friendly language. Fish swam in their underwater homes, three rabbits hopped across the lawn and, if Levi as correct, there was several deer in the woods. Quite peaceful this place was and felt. It was wonderful.

            Sitting here, surrounded in all of this nature was relaxing. Levi liked how the clouds were white and fluffy while the sky itself contrasted with a beautiful blue. Every once in a while the blue sky would be pierced by the butterflies or birds and one of the other insects. The birds were what Levi watched the most. He watched them in general, closely, they way they flew, the way their wings moved. Levi recalled what Eren had said before ‘You can’t fly… If you never try…’ Stupid brat… raising my hopes up like that. But Levi truly did wonder. He wanted to believe that Eren was right. Maybe he could fly… If he did try. Stupid… Levi sighed, I’ll try, but if it doesn’t work out then at least he can’t pester me anymore. For Levi, that reason alone was a small percentage of why he really wanted to fly. There were two big reasons, one –he wanted to fly. Plain and simple. He was always curious to see if he could do it. Who knew if it would come in handy or not. Secondly –as much as he didn’t want to admit it, he wanted to surprise Eren.

            Levi stood up and started to unfurl his wing but quickly stopped when his shirt started to stretch and tear. Oh yeah, there are no holes in this shirt. Levi made a mental note and then stripped off his shirt. It wouldn’t be the first or last time Levi had his wings out without a shirt. After folding his shirt, Levi looked around the massive yard trying to figure out the best place to ‘practice’. Somewhere he wouldn’t get too injured if he failed, yet somewhere that there was more room to fly. That is, if he actually could. He found what seemed like a good spot and then stretched out his wings. They fanned out, a beautiful contrast of black and white, and Levi flexed them. They flapped fluently and fluidly. If anything, Levi was actually very proud of his wings. They really were stunning.

            A gentle breeze caressed Levi, flipping some strands of hair back and ruffling his feathers softly. He felt nervous because he wasn’t exactly sure how to fly. Do I need to take a running start? Or will I be able to just take off like birds? Maybe I have to do a little bit of both? Levi’s eyes flickered towards a bird that flew past him. He watched it land, look around, twitch its feathers, and then suddenly take off. Levi knew that when birds flapped their wings, it wasn’t just up and down movements. It was a circular motion. He inhaled slowly and expanded his wings, he was ready to try this now.

            Deciding that he didn’t want to die today, Levi started simple. One step at a time. He simply flapped his wings with force and strength to it. This felt awkward. After living in a cage for so long, this freedom was different… and Levi liked that. It was weird to flap his wings like this because he had never done it like this before. He flapped his wings harder until he thought he was ready. Next step. Levi rotated his wings and found himself leaning slightly forward. His feet felt like they had less weight on them. Levi’s heart raced as his feet left the ground, just an inch. He then gasped as he fell to the ground and landed on his knees. Holy fuck! I can fly! I can do this!

            With a new found determination Levi quickly stood up. His heart was still beating hard and his adrenaline was starting to kick in. He did the same thing as last time and beat his wings hard. His goal this time was to stay in the air longer. As soon as his feet left the ground he fell again. Frowning, Levi got up again. I’m not stopping now. I will learn how to do this. Thus, he tried again. Fail. Levi gritted his teeth. Not giving up, this time he took a head start by running. It helped. He actually glided for a while before his feet touched the ground. Levi flapped a little harder. Up! I want to go up! He willed himself. His hair was waving, his heart was pounding fast, his wings beating hard. He took off.

            “I did it!” Levi said in shock. He was now several feet in the air and still climbing skyward. He was shaky but soon started to balance himself. He turned in the air, his wings fluttering and his hair moved with the breeze. Now that he was up here, he wanted to try maneuvering in different ways. The first thing he decided he was going to do was try to flip. First he flew straight up, he was now higher than the trees. He angled himself and curved his body. Levi then felt himself rotate. It took him a moment to gather that he did indeed just flip in the air. He felt pride in his abilities.

            After several hours of flying in the air, Levi had mastered several tricks in the air including diving, flips and sharp turns. His wings were burning by now but Levi ignored the pain. It wasn’t the worst he ever had but he did have to admit he was kind of tired. One more trick then. Levi settled on a combo trick. He soared into the air just above one of the trees in the yard. He did a flip but as soon he was upside down he was hit by a gust of wind. It threw him off balance and too soon he was falling straight to the ground. Levi tried to brace himself by slowing down. He expanded his wings to catch the wind. Snap! Levi’s right wing hit a small branch and it broke. He retracted his wings close to him. Apparently the gust of wind had also moved him close to the tree. Too fast the branches were coming at him. Time to dodge.

            Levi flinched as he was hit by another branch. In an attempt to stop himself, or at least slow down, he tried grabbing onto a branch. His hands slipped off of two branches. Levi started to panic, the ground was getting closer but also there were fewer branches. He took the opportunity to spread his wings more. Too fast! I’m too fast! Levi realized to his horror that if he was to hit the ground, it would most likely not end well. He urgently started to flap his wings hard. I’m not dying today! He angled his body and closed his eyes tight, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to have the ground as his last memory.

            Levi hit hard with a splash! He felt like he was floating. So this is what it’s like to be dead. Well at least I’m not in pain. Levi grunted, it was getting hard to breathe. Since when do dead people need to breathe? Levi opened his eyes. He was not dead, he was very much alive. He was just under water. What a relief it was. He quickly swam to the surface, it was hard because he wings were dragging behind him. As soon as he surfaced, he made his way to land. Levi crawled onto the shore and with a gasp, he coughed up some water. He looked back at the water, he brows furrowed. Since when did I learn how to swim? Levi shrugged. Maybe it’s instinct. At least I’m still alive.

            Taking off his soaked boots and setting them to the side, Levi laid on the ground, and rest his head in the luscious grass. He looked at the sky which was starting to turn a different shade of yellow, orange, and red hues. Levi was tired and exhausted. Today had been a long, yet successful day. Levi laid so his wings were wide open. Flinching, Levi could tell that his right wing was starting to bruise. He absorbed the sun light to dry his wings and then. Levi sighed and closed his eyes.

            “Levi?” Levi opened his eyes after he heard his name called. He sat up slowly and saw Eren behind him.

            “I see you’re finally home.” Levi watched as Eren sat on the left side him. Eren had on casual clothing. A graphic tee, blue skinnies, and converse shoes. Levi thought he looked like a teenager in those clothes but he said nothing.

            Shrugging, Eren turned his head towards Levi, “Yeah, it was a long day.” Then his brows furrowed, “You look like you’ve been through war or something. Let me guess. You were practicing your flying techniques?”

            Levi nodded, “Is it that obvious?” He asked sarcastically.

            Merely giggling in response, Eren leaned towards Levi, “May I?” He pointed to Levi’s wings, “May I touch them?”

            Levi looked at Eren skeptically, thinking about his answer cautiously. Internally he was weighing the pros and cons. Eventually, Levi decided. What’s the harm? Levi moved his wing to touch Eren’s hand. This would be the first time Levi willingly let someone touch his wings. Even Hanji had yet to complete the task.

            Warmth. That is what Levi felt on his cold black wing. Levi turned his head forward as he listened to Eren’s movements. He heard Eren shift, just as his hands were across his black wing. Eren’s hands were gentle as they moved through his feathers. They moved in a caressing manner often picking at something as they went. “Geez, Levi. You got leaves and little twigs in your wing.” Levi could hear Eren shift again and soon he felt Eren’s hand on his white wing, “What the hell did you do?”

            “I went to war, remember?” Levi replied sarcastically. He sensed that Eren’s rolled his eyes and his hands moved through his wing. So far he hadn’t touched the bruised part yet. Maybe it was because his feathers were very ruffled in that area.

            “Oh, ha-ha.” Eren said as he moved his hands towards the backside of Levi’s wings. His hands seemed to be heading towards Levi’s back. Levi shivered from Eren’s touch. All the other times Eren had touched his back Levi had a shirt on. Bare skin contact was quite different. Again, just like the other times, he felt like he could melt into the ground. Levi closed his eyes as Eren’s warm hand moved across his scars. He felt his wings sag to the ground. Though Levi wouldn’t admit it, he actually really liked when Eren had caressed his feathers… And he also wouldn’t admit how much he was enjoying Eren’s hand on his back, massaging his scars gently. If he had to list one thing that was bad about this situation, it was the fact that he felt vulnerable. “Levi, did I ever tell you how much I love your wings?”

            Levi stiffened, “No.” He shrugged, “I mean, they’re not that great.” It was because of his wings that his life was this way… He wondered what would have happened if he actually had been normal, without wings. Levi could hear Eren move around. Levi’s eyes opened to see Eren had moved to sit in front of him.

            There was a glint in Eren’s eyes that made Levi slightly nervous, “Well let me inform you of what I think.” His cheeks were a light shade of pink, “I think your wings are beautiful and they make you incredibly sexy.” Levi was going to say something but Eren stopped him. Levi’s heart was starting to race, but not in a bad way, “That’s not all… Levi, you take my breath away.” Levi turned his head and looked away. Why is he telling me this bullshit right now? Warm hands found their way to Levi’s chin, they turned Levi’s head so that way he was making eye contact with Eren, “You’re so handsome that I can’t help but to stare. I couldn’t possibly take a photo of you because no matter how many photos of you I could take, none of them could ever capture you just right. Someone so perfect shouldn’t be trapped in a cage. You shouldn’t be imprisoned inside walls or even shackled. That life isn’t for you. Like a bird, you should be free. Levi, you are smart and you can make decisions by yourself, I encourage you to do so. Oh, and next time, Levi, can I see you fly?”

            Out of anything anyone could have said to him, what Eren said made his heart race. No one had ever said something so… How to even describe what Eren said was an impossible task. He couldn’t possibly label that. Levi couldn’t tell if it was Eren’s warm hands or if it was his cheeks, but they were burning. Levi demanded them to stop, he willed it but they seemed to ignore him. Those compliments were said so lightly without any effort at all. Clearly, Eren meant every word. Levi however, couldn’t find any words to reply with. Literally and utterly speechless, his mind was also blank. Levi could barely nod to Eren’s question. He could feel Eren’s hands on him, one on his cheek and the other sliding down his chest. He almost couldn’t register Eren moving closer to him, leaning forward. Eren pressed his lips into Levi’s.

            Levi closed his eyes and when they opened he bolted into a sitting position. He rubbed his eyes in shock. W-was that…? What the fuck kind of dream was that? Levi’s cheeks were still burning as if Eren’s hands had indeed been there. He brought a hand to his lips. That dream felt so real. Levi’s hands found their way into his hair, he pulled on his raven locks. I’m so fucked up in the head. I must be losing it. Levi sighed and looked around. It was dark outside now and he was freezing his ass off. Levi got up and swayed a little, his head was dizzy and confused. After a moment things were clear again and he picked up his shoes as well as his shirt from earlier. Levi hissed when he tucked his wings in. They ached from being overworked. He pulled on the shirt and made his way back up to the house. Only one light was on upstairs. Perhaps Eren’s room?

            Opening the back door that lead into the dining room, Levi walked in. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! An alarm went off which made Levi jump. He dropped his boots and bolted under the dining room table. He felt his blood run cold. The loud alarm reminded him of the alarm that went off when he was in his cage. It was the sign that someone was coming to open the cage door. Hanji was always nice enough to turn it off before entering the cage but everyone else seemed to like the way Levi shook as the alarm would go off. Then Levi waited for the dreadful noise. There it was. Footsteps. He heard them quickly make their way down the stairs and then into a different room. The alarm was turned off but the footsteps continued. He knew it. Levi knew it. Levi could tell that the feet were heading towards him. Just like always. Just like they did before and that time before and before… and before… and before… The footsteps stopped right next to him. Then Levi felt the hand on his shoulder and he froze, knowing what was going to happen next.

            “Levi? Holy shit, Levi. Are you okay?” Eren’s voice snapped Levi out of his trance. Levi looked at the hand that was on his shoulder and followed it up until he met ocean eyes. Eren was in his pajamas. Eren moved a chair that Levi hadn’t realized he had knocked over and got under the table. His other hand moved some of Levi’s hair out of his face. Eren whipped some dirt off of Levi’s cheek and he gasped, “Levi your hair is wet and you have a fever.” Eren’s expression was worried, “I looked all over the house for you. I even called your phone which you left in your room. I was scared that you ran away… I knew I should have checked the back yard.”

            Levi cleared his throat, “M-my hair is wet because I fell into the water…” He shivered from not only the cold but from having his mini heart attack just moments ago. “That fucking alarm scared the shit out of me.” His eyes glared.

            “I can see that. You just tripped off the alarm.” Eren’s brows furrowed, “How did you fall into the water?”

            “Well…” Levi began triumphantly, “I taught myself how to f-fly.” Levi paused and silently cursed the cold, “I mean… Remember when you said I couldn’t fly unless I tried? Well I tried and I did it. I did it. I can actually f-fly. I even taught myself how to do a couple tricks… A gust of wind blew as I was d-doing my last trick and I basically fell into a tree. My right wing hit a branch, but it’s okay, I only have a b-bruise. I thought I was going to die for a moment but then I landed into the w-water… That’s why my hair is still wet.”

            Eren smiled big, “That’s wonderful Levi. See? I told you. I knew you could do it.” He pulled a small twig out of Levi’s hair, “How about you go take a shower and then I’ll go get you some medicine for your fever.”

            Levi nodded. “Could you get me something for a headache? I think I’m getting one from that shitty alarm.” Eren nodded as he slowly got out of under the table. He held out a hand and Levi took it. Eren pulled Levi out from under the table.

            “Oh, and next time, Levi, can I see you fly?”

            Levi paused, looking up at Eren. Levi was thankful to have a fever because it hid the heat form his cheeks. Eren had said that in his dream… but the answer was still the same… even if it was a stupid dream. This time however Levi wasn’t speechless. Levi nodded, “Yeah, I will.”



I'm SO HAPPY for you Levi~! You don't even know~!

Plot plot plot

Rollercoasters of feels will happen soon and that's all the hints I will give to you~

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