ONE NIGHT // zjm

By 80szjm

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a lot can happen in one night between a sex worker and well known man. warning: sexual content More

iii. *


537 10 3
By 80szjm

Ida and Miah were currently sat in the waiting room of the doctors office. After they had waken in the morning, they immediately called the doctors and requested to be seen for an paternity test and pregnancy test. Now, one timid Ida and nervous Miah were sat in plastic blue chairs waiting to be seen.

"Fuck this is taking too long," Miah started.
"No shit, I'm loosing it over here," Ida said.
"I'm gonna go ask what's taking so long. We're the only ones here," Miah stood up and Ida quickly yanked on her arm.
"Sit down idiot, they'll call us when their rea—"

"Ida Taylor," the blonde haired and blue eyed nurse in baby blue scrubs called. Ida and Miah stood up and followed the nurse through the small door. They were led down a series of hallways, making twists and turns.

"This room right here will be the room you'll be staying in for the duration of your appointment. The doctor will be in shortly, please discard of all clothing and undergarments, and place the hospital gown on." And with that the nurse left the room, closing the door behind her.

Ida removed her jeans and t-shirt, folding them neatly and placing them inside her bag. She slid off her bra and underwear and placed the hospital gown over her bare body.

"I hate these stupid beds. They put this damn plastic and tissue paper for what reason?" Ida complained as she wiggled into a comfortable position.
"So people don't get each other's germs and shit, sit still, damn Ida."
"Miah, shut up."

While the two waited for the doctor, Ida took the time to read the posters plastered onto the ivory walls. Her attention focused in on a poster that highlighted steps to placing a child up for adoption. She furrowed her eyebrows and stared at her lap. Would this child be better off in the system? Probably not, Ida's heard of the horrific stories children tell from being in the system. Abortion was a choice as well but she couldn't do so without informing the father, of course she didn't have to do so but it only felt right to her.

A small knock on the door interrupted Ida's thoughts, "Hi, I'm Dr. Greene."

Ida held out her hand to shake the small brown hand the doctor had extended. She was a small Indian woman with a beautiful smile and big eyes.

"I'm Ida and this is my best friend Miah," Miah raised her and and refocused back to scrolling on her phone.

"So Ida, what are we here for today?"
"I, umm, would like to get a pregnancy test and a paternity test."
"Okay, I have a few questions to ask okay," Ida nodded her head and the doctor continued.

"When was your last period?"
"Oh, I—hmm maybe the very beginning of May,"
"Any symptoms of pregnancy?"
"Nausea and recently I've started getting these throbbing headaches."
"Okay, I'll be right back."

A few minutes surpassed and the short doctor entered the room again. "Okay, Miss. Taylor, you'll take this cup into the bathroom and urinate in the cup I only need this much fluid ounces of urine. Once you're done place the lid back on and place the cup on the counter."

Ida scooted off the bed and walked into the bathroom. She squatted over the toilet and held the plastic cup between her legs. She felt the cup begin to get warm as she relieved herself. She screwed the blue lid back onto the container, washed her hands and placed the cup on the counter of the main room. Ida hopped back on the bed and placed her hands on her lap.

"Hi, Ida my name is nurse Katie, I'm going to take your blood for some testing okay?" Ida nodded her head and allowed the nurse to do her job.

Dr. Greene walked back into the room moments later and sat on the spinning stool with a clipboard.

"Miss. Taylor, your test results are back and you are in fact with child. Now as for a paternity test, nurse Katie is running your blood now and results should be here within a few moments. I'd like to discuss a few things, and options with you," Ida nodded her head, struggling to really form any words. Besides her, Miah was shaking her leg up and down, chewing on her nail.

"You have three options here Miss. Taylor, carry the child to full term and raise it, put the child up for adoption, or terminate the pregnancy,"
"No, no! I don't want to terminate," Ida said quickly. She heard Miah's breath hitch in her throat.
"Okay, okay. Ida listen, I want you to go home and rest. I'll schedule you for another appointment within a week. Go home, think about everything and come back with questions and concerns. In the meantime relax, we will find the best path for you sweetie." Ida felt the tears brimming in her eyes. She wished she had her mother here to comfort her.

     "Dr. Greene, I have the results for the paternity test." The nurse passed along a few papers to the doctor and left the room.

    "Ah okay, the results are displaying that the father is a Zayn Malik?"
    "Stop playing," Miah suddenly said.
"Miah please," Ida crooked. "Thank you Dr. Greene, you can schedule me for my next appointment."

Dr. Greene smoked at her before leaving the room. Ida slid off the bed and slowly placed her clothing back on. It felt like a ton of weights were on her shoulders at the moment.

"Ida—hey, hey," Miah grabbed her by her shoulders and pulled her into a hug. Ida immediately lost it, sobbing harder than she had before.
"Shh, girl we'll figure it out. I promise," Miah rubbed her hands along her back in hopes of soothing her. She hated seeing her best friend in such a situation.

Ida sniffled and grabbed her back, following Miah out of the exam room. She checked out of the office, and placed the reminder appointment card into her bag along with papers that summarized today's appointment.

"Ida, we have to find him and tell him. That's the only way you'll be able to choose what's best for you and your future." The two had walked from the doctors office back to Ida's apartment, but Miah finally broke the silence while Ida was punching in the code to get into her building.

"I know Miah, I know," Ida and Miah stepped onto the elevator and rode in silence. There afternoon was going to be spent trying to contact Zayn Malik.


hello! i know paternity test require either the father or a relative of the father—etc. but this is fiction and i wanted to have some fun!

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