By oiwuzzup

47.3K 794 583

A story of wonder; what would happen to Naruto and Hinata after the last and before Boruto. --- #10 narutothe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 13

3.4K 63 46
By oiwuzzup

-First Surprise-

It was in the middle of December, 9 months ever since Boruto was born and that lucky-boy has grown very well. The winter has just also just begun. The first snow flake was seen when the little blond haired boy played with his toys in the living room, also accompany by the television with kid's channel. In his age, Boruto is very talkative and always speak about everything even thought he was just blabbering. Neither Hinata nor Naruto understand what he was saying, but they enjoyed it every time he speaks. He won't stop talking unless something caught his attention.

Like one time when he saw Naruto put Kakashi's Icha-Icha novel on the coffee table near the tv then left to take a shower. The boy likes to crawl around but the area he was allowed to be around was in the living room, the room where Naruto put the interesting book was. Naruto just happened to find the book near the Hokage HQ but decided to bring it back tomorrow since he just got back from his mission. Boruto, as a curios little boy, he crawled to the table and tried to reach for it. When he managed to pull the little napkin on the table, which pulled the book too, it fell down to the floor that made him laughed.

Even though Boruto still can't read yet, Hinata was very upset about the fact that she found her son was reading that inappropriate book. She also scolded her husband for laying the book around where there was an underage baby in the house. It wasn't a heated argument but Naruto defended himself by saying he was tired and he didn't notice it. Hinata wasn't happy with the answer and didn't talk to him for the whole day. Now he noted what was the problem, he apologized to his wife for being irresponsible right away. But, of course, he still blamed his sensei for having that book to begin with.

Two months ago, Boruto was incredibly happy to celebrate his father's birthday in October. Naruto was also happy that he finally can have a birthday cake with his son for the first time. Even though they didn't invite anyone to their house to celebrate his birthday, the blond haired lad was sure elated that he can celebrate his birthday with his little family. And that night Naruto and Hinata may or may not get into each other's arms on that bed. It was the best birthday gift for the Jinchuuriki lad.

Now, Boruto is playing with some toys that his father bought for him before he was born. Having him finally able to play with them made Naruto very happy, made him also think that his job as a good father is done. As the little blond haired lad shook the rattle wooden toy in his grip, he giggled by the sound. That toy seemed to be his favorite one since he always looked for it even when there are others that are cooler than that. Hinata was sewing a scarf near him so she can check on him every second but her attention is mostly at the scarf since Boruto was so busy with his toys.

The cold weather has just started on that mid December. Naruto just happened to be in a mission and supposed to be home late at night, but he might came home early if he took the job seriously. Hinata was startled when she heard Boruto squealing rather loudly because his toys went off flying and land rather far. She was grateful of how thoughtful her husband is, that he put a baby fence around the living room so Boruto wouldn't crawl to the kitchen or the front door. Their back yard still has a slide door so it is safe for their son to be around.

As Hinata put the unfinished scarf down on the table, she sighed before drank her warm tea before glanced at the white snow outside their house. She smiled before turning back to her son who's crawling to get the toy he threw earlier. She say, "Boruto, there's a snow outside. Would you like to go outside with kaa-chan?"

She stood up before picked Boruto up. He smiled at his mother before saying something in gibberish made Hinata giggled. Good thing that Hinata is wearing her jacket and her usual warm clothes and Boruto also happened to wear some warm clothes as well. His clothes was a gift from Sakura and it fits on his son. It is also comfortable to sleep in for him. With Boruto on her hip, Hinata slid open the back yard door which the cold weather was the face thing they've faced. Not soon after, Boruto sneezed because there was a snow landed on his nose.

"Oh, Boruto...," Hinata giggled before kissed his head. Then, she put on her garden shoes before kneeled on the soft white snow underneath. When she looked at her son, he was a bit terrified with the situation. It was his first time to see the snow so it is understandable. She smiled before gently grab his small hand and guide him to touch the snow. "Don't worry. Kowakunai de,"

Kowakunai de: don't be scared

When his little hand made his first contact with the snow, he let out a small gasped before laughing rather loudly which Hinata giggled at his reaction. "They're cold, aren't they? It's called yuki, Boruto,"

Yuki: snow

She told him that as if Boruto understood her, but he looked at her expectantly like she knows something he doesn't. He sure looked like her husband by his bright blue eyes and blond hair, but he resembled her very much. Maybe no one notice that but it is very obvious, honestly. They spent their times outside for another hour before Hinata decided to get inside the house since the temperature went down so suddenly, she also noticed that Boruto was freezing and he was getting paler than before.

When they're inside the house, Hinata closed the door behind her before turning on the heater in the house. With Boruto in her arms, she walked to the kitchen to make some food for Boruto to chew since his teeth are growing. Even thought there were just the front teeth, but it was special for them. When Naruto found out that Boruto grew a tooth, he announced to all his friends about it - he even told Hiashi and Hanabi about it. He was so happy and proud at the same time when he knew. Literally, everything Boruto does made Naruto's heart awed. To Hinata, her husband's reaction is adorable but she is also proud of her son's achievements.

When she reached for the pears that she peeled for Boruto earlier in the fridge, she put Boruto down on the baby high chair in the living room so Hinata can continue sewing the scarf. While Naruto was away, it was pretty lonely for both Boruto and Hinata. If the leader of the Uzumaki family is here, he would actually lighten up their moods in no time. He is like the ball of positivity. They would get so happy whenever Naruto is around.

"Boruto...," Hinata frowned when her son threw the food around, playing with the food. She sighed before standing up to clean up his mess. She looked at him sadly which made Boruto tilted his head in confusion. "Please, don't throw your food around. Just eat it, like kaa-chan taught you. Should I show you again?"

Her son put his hands up with a smile of happiness since he caught his mother's attention. She giggled before showed him how to eat by himself then fed him the pear before his eyes set on the tv which some children's channel is on. It isn't difficult for Hinata to take care of her son, unlike Naruto did. He is actually too exaggerating to the point he always made sure that his son is satisfied with the whole toys. He always makes that Boruto feels special but what Hinata did noticed that it drains his energy very quickly so sometimes he fell asleep on the sofa while Boruto played with his toys on the floor.

She smiled before looked at her son again. "Do you miss tou-san?"

Boruto started to turn his attention on his mother by hearing his father's name being called. He grinned before blabbering something which made Hinata laughed in amusement. She softly brushed her finger on her son's small head before kissing his head made Boruto giggled and grabbed Hinata's long hair and pulled it made her grunted a little before frowning.

"Please, don't pull my hair, Boruto. You know it hurts kaa-chan, right?" Hinata said then Boruto suddenly pout like he understood what she meant. Then, she smiled again before pulling her long hair away from him. "Kaa-chan forgives you. Boruto is too cute for me to get mad,"

After he finished with his pears, Hinata put Boruto down on the floor and let him play with the toys again while she went back to sewing. The sky outside is getting darker because the huge snow are every where but it also because the storm is coming soon. She frowned before her thoughts were darted to her husband who was in the mission. He was supposed to be home tonight but he might delayed it due the heavy snow.

"I hope Naruto-kun is alright. Please, be safe out there, darling," Hinata wished, hoping it will get into her husband somehow.

Hours passed by, she was right about the storm. She had to close all windows and doors along with the curtains. She isn't a big fan of storms so she is afraid that it will harm Boruto as well, but the little one doesn't really notice about the blizzard outside. She made some dinner along for Boruto's warm soup to keep him in heat. This winter's weather might be not his favorite so she'll try to keep his body warm by food and the environment around him. When she was finished, she took a seat next to her son before feeding him while watching him play.

Boruto on his age is really good at eating, he isn't picky at all. He enjoyed all the food Hinata served for him, and that made the mother very happy. She is very strict over Boruto's diet yet Naruto isn't. He always buys sweets for him every time he gets home, and that also made Boruto happy! His father spoiled him too much and Hinata couldn't do anything about it. But Naruto should have noticed of Boruto's diet.

"This is the last one, darling," Hinata told her son as she fed him. She smiled when Boruto finished with his dinner, he was also beaming with happiness after the food. "You're going to grow big and become strong, Boruto,"

He grinned, showing his little teeth before he saw her mother stood up and went to the kitchen to clean the dishes. Boruto called after her but it seems like Hinata didn't hear him. The little one pouted before he crawled to the nearest table and reach for it. He carefully stand on his knees before finally he was able to stand up even if his legs are still wibbling since his bones aren't strong enough to hold him up. He flinched when he heard a little gasped from the distance. Boruto's little blue eyes saw his mother had her eyes widen and her lips were slightly parted. He gave her a little laugh before he fell to his bum since his legs pained him.

"Boruto!" His mother ran to him and sat next to him, picking him up to her arms. "You just... stand!"

"Haa!" Boruto screamed in happiness before he gave his mother a wet kiss on her cheek, but Hinata was still surprised at the special moment. He started to speak about something but Hinata can't understand him.

"Kaa-chan's so proud," she snuggled her face on his little face which made Boruto squealed. "Wait until your father sees what you did. He'd flipped,"



The ground was shook as the Hero of Konoha tried to capture the enemy. He gritted his teeth when he missed before he chased after him. Kiba, Lee, and Shikamaru are right behind him. The raven bowl haired lad jumped in front of him as he smashed the tree near them then threw it to the enemy. It hit the enemy's back and sent him to the ground. Kiba then finished the fight with his pet, Akamaru, with his special Jutsu.

"Alright!" Kiba screamed in victory before he approached the wounded enemy. It was wearing a mask while fighting so Kiba pulled it away from its face and smirked when he saw a guy with red eyes.

"We got him!" Lee said as he landed near his friend.

Not long after that, Shikamaru landed before approached him. He scanned his whole appearances before kneel beside him, glaring at him. He say, "Where is the treasure that belongs to the Mother Island?"

The enemy didn't say a word but glared back at him which Shikamaru shook his head before stood up on his feet. He sighed and say, "Are we going to do this the hard way or the easy way? You're literally wasting our times here,"

"Aren't we giving him enough easy way to escape this far? I think it's time for us to give him the hard way," Kiba with a sneaky smile before cracking his knuckles. "Should I do it to make him talk?"

"Gomenannasai, Kiba-kun. To be fair, I would like to volunteer for the hard way!" Lee said before clenching his fist. "Here I go-!"

"O-oi! Matte! We can't just do that," Shikamaru stopped him.

"But you just said...," Lee blinked his eyes made Shikamaru sighed.

"I know what I said, but we can't just jump into conclusion," He said before turned his head back to the enemy. "What's your name?"

"You don't need to know my name. Mother Island doesn't deserve this treasure," The enemy said which made Shikamaru narrowed his eyebrows.

"And you think you deserve it? You legit stole it," He said back before grab his collar shirt and lift him up to meet his face. "Where the hell is the treasure?"

He spitted right on Shikamaru's face which made Kiba and Lee gasped. They took their positions to fight before Shikamaru roughly pushed him to the nearest tree. The Nara lad wiped it with his sleeve before he glared at him. Suddenly, from the top, they saw someone jumped onto the enemy and crushed it - Shikamaru was right on time to step back before he almost got crushed as well.

"I'm gonna take it by force, dattebayo!" Naruto yelled as he reached for his bag pack and searched for this stupid treasure. The enemy groaned under him since he was crushed by this blond haired lad out of nowhere. They should have realized one of their comrade was missing until he jumped in out of the blue.

"Naruto!" Kiba helped him as he held the enemy down.

The blue eyed lad grinned when he felt something before pulled it out from his bag. They have never seen the treasure before, even Rokudaime didn't tell them what it looks like so they are mostly curious about it. When Naruto revealed it, his smile drop before seeing a regular blue bottle. The others also felt stupid for chasing the bad guy just for a damn blue bottle. He gritted his teeth before shove the bottle right in front of the enemy's face so he can see it too.

"This is the treasure!?" Naruto asked with a yell since this is really getting out of hand.

"Be careful with that!" the enemy told him but couldn't do much since a guy was on his back and another one is holding his head down.

"Why the hell did I chased you all over the forest for this piece of crap!?" Naruto groaned, feeling utterly played by this whole mission. "What's so damn important for a... What is this? A bottle?"

"Chotto, Naruto," Shikamaru stopped him before approaching his friend. "Are you sure that's the thing? Have you check the rest?"

"Let me do it," Lee said as he cut the bag from the enemy's back before he examine it with Shikamaru. Then, he frowned and announce, "What Naruto-kun held is the only thing left from the bag,"

"Huh?" Kiba whined. "Are you serious? Did you really check the whole bag?"

"Enough," Shikamaru before he tried to remember what Kakashi-sama told him about it. Honestly, he did recalled that the thing looks like something you usually see but held important stuff inside. If this is what he meant, they didn't expect it to be this.

Without warning, Naruto shoved the bottle back to the enemy's face again before yelling, "What the hell is this, huh!? Why do you have the guts to steal for a bottle!?"

"It's not just a bottle! And I told you to be careful with that!" the enemy said but Naruto didn't want to listen. He opened the cap before he saw what's inside, it also looked like a regular water in it. What he did really made the enemy struggle under his strong body. "Yamero! Don't spill it!"

Shikamaru was observing the situation as Naruto teased the enemy by almost letting the water hit the ground. He was so focused about it that he didn't hear any voice around him. This is really tricky. Kakashi-sama wouldn't just sent his best Shinobis to capture this and return the treasure back to its place if it isn't important. And, of course, the treasure must held a special power in it if so many people tried to steal it so many times. This enemy attempted to steal this far, but only for a blue bottle? Not to mention, it was only just a water inside.

Watching how terrified the enemy was every time Naruto and Kiba teased him by almost drink or spill the water is really mysterious. Why is he so afraid of that? Why the bottle full of water? What is so special about it? Something isn't right. That blue bottle from the Mother Island, he heard it was an ancient treasure from their ancestors and their new generations always took a good care of it. But why just for a water? As Naruto almost spill the water, the enemy cried out loud - begging the Ninja to stop whatever he's doing. If it's so important, then the water... isn't just a water. Unless...

Shikamaru's eyes widen when he saw Naruto finally spilled a droplet of water from the bottle. He yelled, "Naruto! Get out of the way now!"

"Huh?" he looked at his friend but he was too late when the water he dropped earlier became a huge bomb. Shikamaru jumped from the scene but his eyes still widen at the situation.

"Shit! Lee, Kiba and Naruto are still there!" He told him as he jumped away to take cover.

"I'm on it!" Lee salute at him before get inside the bomb which just exploded.

"No, wait! I meant later! Lee, get back here!" He called after him but he was far too late. He hid behind the farthest tree to shield himself from the huge explosions. He noted to himself, "Just a single droplet from that water, it causes this! Damn it, I can't see if... if the others are alright! And the damn treasure!"

After the huge explosion, Shikamaru coughed before he peek from the tree and saw lots of smoke was around. His oxygen was decreased because of this but his friends are in danger. One way or another, he needs to save them. He wave the smoke around his face, hoping to get rid of it so he can search for his friend. At this point, it's really hard to find his comrades and the damn treasure. If only he thought about it sooner, Naruto wouldn't have dropped the water.

As he get through the smoke, he saw a huge blast mark from where they caught the enemy. It was really big, even Shikamaru was in shock to see it. This is the evidence of how dangerous the water from that blue bottle. He gulped before he jumped down to search for his friends but his eyes widen when he saw something glowing in the middle. He doesn't care about the treasure anymore, he hoped his friends are alright. He approached the glowing thing behind the smoke to take a better view.

When he saw what it was, he sighed in relief before smiling. It was Naruto with his Juubi mode, he was protecting his friends and the enemy as well. The blue bottle is still in his grip and he already closed the cap so there won't be another water drop from it. He deactivate his power when he saw Shikamaru before the three of them approached him with a shock-enemy. Shikamaru glared at him before he looked at him dead in the eye.

"You carried such dangerous stuff like that around and expecting the water would be fine? What if the water spill inside your bag this entire time?" Shikamaru asked him with a glare. Since the enemy couldn't say a word of what just happened, the leader of the team ordered them to go back to the Mother Island to return the treasure.

When they get there, the enemy was taken down to the dungeon in Mother Island for as long as they need him to be. The people there were so relieved that the Shinobi of Konoha brought back their ancient treasure. Even though they didn't say anything about it, they went back home with questions in their heads. Especially, Naruto. Their journey back to Konoha will take a day but they felt coldness came through them when they were in the middle of the road. Even Lee was shivering, Shikamaru wouldn't bare to see his comrade like this.

"We should take a rest for now," He announced before they landed in the middle of the forest with heavy snow around them along with the slight heavy rain of snow flakes.

"We can't stop now! We're halfway there," Naruto told Shikamaru but he just shrugged.

"I'm not going to stop you if you want to go ahead but I won't let my comrades die because of snow storm," Shikamaru said as he build up his tent, Kiba and Lee do the same.

"Snow storm?" Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"There's a snow storm coming ahead, probably going to be in Konoha for a while. We're still outside its continent so we might only get a little from the storm," he explained.

"We're going to stay here tonight and come back home tomorrow. With that, we might not catch the storm," Lee smiled at his explanation.

Then, a frown was shown on Naruto's face before he build up his own tent. "Snow storm in Konoha? Man, I hope Hinata and Boruto are alright,"

"Oh yeah, I haven't come and visit your son in a while. How is he?" Shikamaru asked, turning his head to Naruto.

"He's growing very well! He likes to eat and talk, he won't stop unless he's sleepy. He likes to trouble his mother," Naruto chuckled by thinking about his son. "He is such troublemaker,"

"Wonder who he got it from," Kiba teased which made the other laughed.

"Hey, he's not all bad! He's still get a little shy around Hanabi though," Naruto told them.

"Yeah, that reminded me about that one time when he cried if somebody picked him up. He would stop crying if you or Hinata held him. He's really a mendokse," Shikamaru chuckled. "I hope Shikadai would be great friend with Boruto though,"

His blue eyes shined in happiness before turned to see his friend. "How is Shikadai, by the way? The last time Hinata and I visited him, he was sleeping,"

"Wonder who he got it from," Kiba said it again before finally finished with his tent and Akamaru get inside to have some sleep. "You guys go talk about your kids all night, don't mind me sleeping,"

"Was chasing a stealer really drain your energy, Kiba-kun? You sounded like an old grandpa," Lee joked before he finished it right after, but decided to stay in their conversation.

"He is doing fine. Sleeps all the time, just like what you expected," Shikamaru shrugged. "You want to bet if he's still awake when I get home? I guarantee you, he isn't awake,"

"You expected him so much, huh?" Naruto chuckled then he looked up to see the dark sky above him. "I can't wait to go home, dattebayo. I can't wait to hear his stories,"

"Even if you don't understand him?" Shikamaru raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but I feel like I can understand him somehow. It's like, if we're together and talking, only him and I would understand," Naruto explained before finishing his tent then made a small circle with his friends. "Boruto is my everything, you know? I'm sad if he's sad, and I'm happy if he's happy. I just hoped Neji could see our son. He must be very thrilled about it,"

"Are you sure he is? Wouldn't he like punch you in the face for marrying Hinata in the first place?" Shikamaru teased made Lee laughed as well.

Naruto, on the other hand, also laughed before smiling. "I don't mind though! As long as I can be with Hinata! Speaking of her, I wonder what she's making for dinner. Her foods are always delicious to me,"

"You're such lovestruck over her," Shikamaru shook his head before he stood up and grab his cigarettes. "I'm going to the woods for a while. Don't wait up on me and go to sleep. There won't be anyone can bother us in this place,"

"Alright," Lee and Naruto said in union. As he left, Naruto turned to his friend with a smile and ask, "Gejimayu, how about your son? How is he?"

"Oh, he's alright! He's with Guy-sensei while I'm away. Thank you for asking," Lee said made Naruto grinned.

"He sure looks a lot like his father, huh? I'm sure he'll be a great Shinobi like his father in the future," Naruto said which made Lee's eyes widen. The blond haired lad stood up before stretching up and walked to his tent. "Well, I'm going to enjoy myself with Ramen. It's getting pretty cold. Would you like some?"

"No, thank you. I'm fine. Have a nice rest, Naruto-kun," Lee said before he stood up and walked back to their tents.

All four of them were in their tents on that night. It was getting colder and they felt the wind was getting harder and harsher as the night gets darker. But they were able to sleep anyway. The mission really drained their energy. While everyone was asleep, Naruto was still wide awake but still laid on his sleeping bag. He's exhausted but he couldn't sleep, his thoughts were clouded with his family's condition. Hearing the snow storm might stay in Konoha for a while made him very worried.

Not to mention that he knows Hinata is a bit afraid of storm, so he was worried. He shifted his position and laid on his back, look up to the roof of his tent. He missed his family even though his mission only took a day if the snow storm didn't bother them. He wonders what is his wife is doing? Is she waiting for him? Oh, how he missed her warm kisses and hugs. What about Boruto? What is his son doing right now? He probably made some mess which made his mother had to clean it all the time. That knucklehead son of his. A smile crept on his face which made him blushed a little.

Before he was married, going back home to Konoha was something he hated. Because he knows he would be alone in the house anyway, it's not like anyone was home - waiting for his existence. After the marriage, his heart is full of happiness and there is no emptiness in his whole body. He was utterly happy with Hinata and Boruto - oh, he's little family. He smiled by the thought of it before put his hands behind his head, still wide awake while thinking of his family. He never have thought he would be marrying the most beautiful girl in the world and has a son. It is literally a dream come true to him.

When the sun has risen, all the comrades were awake and felt a bit warm since last night was so cold - they might couldn't feel their hands and feet. They cleaned the whole place and made their way back to Konoha, home sweet home. Naruto wasn't sleeping last night, but he was sure excited to be home. When they reached to Konoha, it was early 10 in the morning and the sun has melted some of the snow. Kiba and Lee grinned at each other, happy to be home again.

"Oh yeah, Shikamaru, before I forgot," Kiba turned to his friend which made Shikamaru turned his head at him.

"What is it, Kiba?" he asked.

"I was thinking about the treasure in our mission. What was in it? How do you know if it was so dangerous?" Kiba asked which made Lee and Naruto nod their heads.

Shikamaru chuckled before crossing his arms. "I remembered what Rokudaime-sama told me that's all. And I just happened to remember that the water around Mother Island are surprisingly dangerous too. The chemicals in the water are very rare. It looks like it isn't a regular water. It looks normal on the outside, but definitely dangerous in the inside,"

"The chemicals, huh?" Kiba nodded as he understood why. "It sounded like a Jinchuuriki,"

"Eh?" Naruto perked up after hearing that word.

"Yeah, you might say that. Most Jinchuuriki looks like us, but they held special power within. Isn't that right, Naruto?" Shikamaru turned to his friend with a smile.

The blond haired lad blinked his eyes for a second before nodding his head in agreement. "Yeah, something like that,"

"In that case, I'm tired and I'm satisfied from that answer. Minna, I'm going home so one of you should report the mission to the Hokage's Office," Kiba said his goodbye as he walked to the other direction.

Naruto smiled before turned his head to Shikamaru. "I'm going home too!"

"Huh? Who will report this then? I'm tired too, you know! I also want to see my wife and son," Shikamaru sighed but Naruto already walked away with a happy face which made the two of them let out a sigh. "That guy wouldn't just stop and listen for once, huh?"

"He would listen to Hinata-san, maybe if Shikamaru-kun-," Lee's words were cut by his laughter.

"I would get beaten by him as well. He legit can communicate with Hinata just by through their eyes," Shikamaru told him as he looked at his friend who was still dumbfounded by it. He tilted his head a little with a small smile on his face. "Don't you know that?"

"Naruto-kun and Hinata-san CAN communicate each other through their eyes?" Lee was surprised about it before he looked down to the ground, thinking about it. "Is that a fun fact you've just discovered, Shikamaru-kun?"

"No, that idiot told me," he turned around to walk to the Hokage's office. "Let's go report the mission. I'm dying for some hot bath,"

Leaping from roof to roof is Naruto's favorite thing as a Ninja. He likes to see the scenery of his own village. He arrived home early in the morning so there are bunch of markets that just opened when he passed by. He smiled for the happy people underneath him as he finally landed on the usual road to his house, most importantly, where his little family is. He was so excited that he can feel his own heart beat in his veins. When he turned to the usual junction, he saw his house from the distance before excitedly ran to that direction.

When he reached to his front gate, he grinned widely before entering his home. He reached for the door knob and opened the door, but his whole body froze when it didn't budge. His eyes darted on the door knob before try to open it again, but it won't open. Did Hinata lock the door? It's 10 in the morning, she won't be sleeping at this hour either. He walked to the backyard and saw that Hinata had already cleaned the house but there is still no sign of his family. Even Boruto is nowhere to be seen. Where could they be? Why aren't they at home?

He pouted before he decided to sit on the little porch of his back yard, and saw the snows were building there. He should start to shovel if he doesn't want the house to be buried by snows. He waited for any sign of his family but still didn't get any answer. Maybe they are at the Hyuuga Residence? There is a high probability that they would be there. But then again, why would they be there in the first place? Naruto pouted as he sighed. He is hungry and exhausted, he should have agreed to bring another spare key - in case if Hinata isn't home. Where would they be anyway?

As he closed his eyes to feel the cold weather of winter, he suddenly started to hear a faint voice of Boruto's laughter. He thought he was hallucinating but it was getting louder. His blue eyes widen before he grabbed his mission bag and ran to the front door. A huge smile appeared on his face when he saw Hinata has just returned, along with Boruto on her arms. His smile is so wide that he felt his jaw hurt but he doesn't care - he ran towards Hinata which made the poor lady surprised by the sudden contact.

"Naruto-kun!?" Hinata was shocked when she felt arms wrapped around her, but she smiled when she realized that her husband is home. "Okaerinasai, Naruto-kun,"

He smiled fondly at her before pressing his lips on hers which made the two blushed. They pulled away with a huge smile on their faces. Naruto say, "I miss you, dattebayo,"

"Dadadada...," Boruto raised his arms to Naruto which he didn't take long to notice his little adorable son before he lifted up from Hinata's arms.

"Oh! Are you trying to call me? Did I miss anything?" Naruto said as he gave kisses on Boruto's small face. "Did you miss me, Boruto?"

He clapped his hands together before squeezed his father's cheeks made Naruto chuckled. Hinata giggled at the scene before she unlocked the front door and let her husband and her son entered the house. She grabbed the grocery bags before getting inside the house with her little family. She smiled when Naruto brought Boruto to the living room so they can play together. She giggled before put the grocery bags to the kitchen which caught her husband's attention.

"Were you at the market this morning, Hinata?" Naruto asked he sat on the sofa with his son.

"Yes, I was. I thought if I brought Boruto along, he would enjoy the snow too," she explained. "Gomennasai, I didn't put the key in the flower pot like we used to. I thought Naruto-kun would be home late,"

"It's fine. Don't worry about it," he smiled at her concern. "But wasn't it hard for you to move and buy something when you brought Boruto too?"

"No, not at all. I was extremely happy that Boruto was there," Hinata smiled. "Naruto-kun, would you like some food or bath first?"

He smiled before looking down to his son. "I think I'm going to take a bath with Boruto first. I know he hasn't take a shower yet. Sorekara, I would eat breakfast before head to bed to rest,"

"Oh, is that so? Then Naruto-kun can take a nap with Boruto as well," she told him which he nodded.

"Alright, I'll do that," he said as he picked Boruto up and brought him to the bathroom.

When he went upstairs, Hinata saw that Naruto forgot his mission bag is still on the sofa. She sighed before reached for it and saw a burn mark on it which made her frowned. Even though her husband is home now, she is still worried about how reckless Naruto is in his mission and she is always afraid every each of his scars that he brought home. Even though Naruto can heal himself, thanks for Kurama, Hinata is still worried. The burn mark on his bag really made her thunk that his mission was very dangerous, especially if explosions are involved.

With Naruto, he put Boruto on his hips while trying to fill the tub with warm water since it is cold outside. Boruto started to nibble Naruto's filthy shirt since he already took off his jacket and put it in the dirty basket. He frowned before pulling him away from his clothes before put his attention back to the tub. When the water temperature is right, he turned it off and started to strip himself, then does the same to his son. As he opened his diaper and put it in the bin, he picked Boruto up again to his hips before carefully step into the tub. He smiled but then he felt a warm water around his hip even though he hasn't sat on the tub.

Naruto looked at his son who is smiling up to him before realizing that he is peeing on his hips. He bit his tongue to stop himself from screaming before he finally bring himself back to clean Boruto's urine. He took a deep breath before step away from the tub so he can wash him. Of course, he doesn't forget to clean himself from his son's mess too. When they are cleaned, he finally laid on the tub along with his son who's splashing the water. Naruto chuckled for seeing his son this happy.

"So, what did you do yesterday with mom? Did you have fun?" Naruto asked his son which caught his attention before Boruto started blabbering.

Whatever he said, Naruto just nodded with a fond smile on his face before he washes his hair with the warm water. Boruto didn't stop talking and Naruto also paid attention to whatever he's trying to say, and he swore he have heard saying 'snow' but it might be him getting tired. After cleaning themselves, Naruto had called for Hinata to help him with Boruto. Without warning, she saw her husband wet-naked in the bathroom who was wrapping his son some towel. Then he picked him up before approached Hinata who's blushing so hard.

"I haven't shampoo myself so I need you to clean him up," Naruto grinned before he smirked at her blushing face, then whispered. "Like what you see, dear?"

"Na-Naruto-kun!" Hinata blushed very hard before she hid her face in Boruto's small head, confusing the little one.

"Hey, don't be shy around me! I mean, it's not like you haven't see me naked before. Beside, I really love seeing you naked too," Naruto told her which only made it worst.

"E-enough, Naruto-kun!" She blushed harder. Naruto laughed before finally let her go, couldn't bare to see how adorable his wife is.

After he finished and put his clothes off, Hinata has already put Boruto in the living room with his comfortable onesie. She also finished made breakfast for her family on that morning. Naruto pulled Hinata to his arms before kissing her cheeks made her giggled before finally they ate breakfast together, until Hinata told him to feed Boruto some food. He obeyed right away before he grabbed the little bowl for Boruto then walked to where his son is.

"Boruto, it's time for breakfast, dattebayo-," his eyes widen when he saw Boruto was standing up near the table while watching tv. His heart stopped beating for a second, his throat went dry. His little boy is standing up and he doesn't notice it. "Hi-Hinata! Come here real quick!"

She ran towards Naruto and looked at him with a concern look. "What is it, dear?"

"You knew Boruto learned to stand up?" He whispered at her so his son wouldn't hear him, his eyes are still set on him though. He didn't want to tear his eyes away from his son who's standing up while watching tv.

"I did knew," she smiled before wrapped her arms around Naruto's arm. "I didn't tell Naruto-kun so you could see it yourself,"

He looked down to his wife and ask, "Since when? I mean, since when he knew how to stand?"

"I think he had done it couple of times before but yesterday was the longest and I noticed it right away," Hinata explained which Naruto nodded.

At first, he didn't say anything until he let out a loud scream of happiness which made Boruto fell down to his bum in surprise before he ran towards his son. Literally gave the bowl to Hinata so he can congratulate his son. "BORUTO! Tou-chan's so proud, dattebayo! You're my favorite person in the world! You gave me so many surprises!"

Hinata giggled before she sat next to her husband who's hugging a confused Boruto. Then, Naruto placed his son on his lap before grinned widely. "Now, Boruto. Can you say 'dad'?"

The little one grinned, showing his teeth, before he squealed. "Da! Dadadada... dadada,"

"It's no 'dad' but I'll take it," he grinned happily before turned his head to see his beautiful wife. "I love you, Hinata,"

He leaned down to kiss Hinata and she happily leaned back to press their lips together. On that winter, it wasn't really cold like what they thought it would. For Naruto, winter is so warm for him. Seeing his son stood up for the first time, literally melted his whole body. And again, Hinata is always there for him to support. Back then, Naruto always steal kisses to Hinata and left her defeated. Oh, how the table has changed. While the father is at home, Hinata always kissed his lips or cheeks to make him know that she loves him. And sometimes, it left him weak on his knees. But then again, his little family is his precious ones - and they always made him go on his knees all the time.


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