By lupitas_angel

173K 7.5K 1.7K

Title change from ~My boy~ He was the handsome Kento Tanaka, the boy with enticing dark eyes and raven black... More

My Boy β€’ II
My Boy β€’ III
My boy β€’ III PART II
My Boy β€’ V
My Boy β€’ VI
My Boy β€’ VII
My Boy β€’ VIII
My Boy β€’ IX
My Boy β€’ X
My Boy β€’ XI
My Boy β€’ XII
My Boy β€’ XIII
My Boy β€’ XIV
My Boy β€’ XV
My Boy β€’ XVI
My Boy β€’XVIII
My Boy β€’ XIX
My Boy β€’XVII
My Boy β€’ XX
My Boy β€’ XXI
My Boy β€’ XXII
My Boy β€’ XXIII
My Boy β€’ XXIV
My Boy β€’ XXV
My Boy β€’ XXVI
My Boy β€’ XXVII

My Boy β€’ IIII

7.3K 276 78
By lupitas_angel

Sunlight streamed through the large window and I groaned, already feeling a headache without opening my eyes. I noticed soreness below my stomach and I moved my legs a little, wincing.

I heard movement at the edge of the bed and I opened my eyes, moving my arm to rest on my forehead.

The first thing I saw was a bare back, muscles rippling when the figure moved. It was Kento and my mouth dropped in shock when everything came back to me from last night. My head was pounding roughly and I groaned. This was not happening.

"Now why the hell'," I whispered, sitting up quickly but then regretting it. Everything around me swam before my eyes. The sheets flowed to my waist and I hurriedly bunched them around my chest, embarrassed. This ain't it, this ain't it.

Then I saw black, Kento's eyes looking at me, and I clutched my head with one hand, feeling the room spin slightly. "Please tell me I'm still sleeping," I said, a little louder than before, my voice still husky from sleep.

I heard a sigh, "No, Raya. You're awake."

I felt tears well up in my eyes and my stomach lurched. I hurriedly went into the bathroom, sheets still around me tightly, and dropped beside the toilet, vomiting. Some tears mixed in with it. I can't believe I slept with Kento. Oh lawd. How could I do that?

Then I felt humiliated. From my memory of last night, I have a feeling I was way to bold...and in front of him.

When I came back into the room, Kento didn't moved and I felt uncomfortable. It wasn't everyday you slept with an old friend and resident "bad boy".

He looked at me, "Raya, what happe-"

I cut him off starting to feel frustrated, not to mention having a killer headache from the hangover, "Kento, let's please not talk about it. What happened...happened. End of story." I sighed, running a hand through my braids, "Listen, I usually don't do this," and I waved my hand around the room, "But please, don't judge me. I hate that."

As I picked up my clothes, he spoke, "Raya, I understand if you don't want to talk about it and to be perfectly honest with you, I don't either. But we can't just forget it. It doesn't work that way."

He studied me with those dark eyes and I started for the bathroom to put my clothes on. I shut the door and called, "Fine. We'll talk about it later, just not now, okay?"

I heard him shuffle around the room and I got dressed quickly, suddenly feeling self-conscious. I leaned against the wall rubbing my temples and starting thinking things over.

I can't believe I did that. God, how stupid can I get? My mom would murder me if she found out I slept with Kento. I wonder if I could get through that window and get away from him.

I sighed and banged my head against the wall, just making my headache worse. I didn't care.

I reached into the cabinet, relief flooding through me when I saw aspirin and popped one into my mouth, downing it with faucet water.

After washing my face and putting my hair into a ponytail, I went out to go meet Kento again.

He was fully dressed, twirling his car keys around his fingers, "Ready?" He asked me as if nothing happened. But he did look slightly uncomfortable...

Hell, I was more than uncomfortable. All I wanted to do was go home, get a nice hot bath, and then curl up in my bed and feel sorry for myself.

I raised my eyebrow and asked, "what?"

He shrugged, already heading toward the door, "Seeing as how we are still at James' house, you obviously don't have a ride home unless a friend of yours ended up doing the same thing we...did. Now, come on." I glared at his back, which was now turning, going down the hallway.

A few people were littered on the floor in the main living room and we stepped over them, trying to not wake them up. How could people be so careless? I thought, but immediately regretted it when I realized I was still here.

The car ride over to my house was silent and I was shifting uncomfortably in my seat, starting to remember how great last night was. I gulped nervously and the sound seemed to echo around the car. Before I could think, I asked, "So, you excited about UCLA?" I mentally slapped myself. We just had sex and I ask him if he's excited about college? Nice Raya.

He cast me a bewildered look and I was taken aback, realizing he never really showed emotions. He did last night, a voice said in the back of my head. He recovered shortly and nodded, "Yeah," he stopped there and I almost sighed.

I tried again, "Why?"

He looked out the window, leaning his elbow by the lock of the door. "To start over. I want to get away from here, away from him, and just try and make something of myself. I guess I just can't wait to go," he admitted.

He pulled up to my house and I got out, "Thanks."

He just nodded and stared straightforward, saying, "I'll talk to you later."

I didn't respond, instead, I made my way up to my house and let myself inside. I felt relief and safety and I slumped against the door, breathing in.

"And who the hell was that?" My moma's voice startled me, my heart jumping, and I placed my hand over my chest.

"Moma," I gasped out, "Don't do that."

She just looked at me, "Don't make me repeat myself Raya Jay Williams." she said again, this time more sternly. I panicked and I hoped it didn't show. "I thought you were over at Mel's ."

"I was," I lied. My moma gave me a quizzical look and I made up a story fast, "We got into a fight and I left and started to walk home. That was Kento. He found me and offered me a ride home."

"Kento?" Her face scrunched up in confusion,"The asian boy?"

I nodded and sighed, "Yup..the Asian boy." The one I slept with...

She looked at me and then sipped the coffee from the mug that was sitting in her hands, "What was the fight about?"

I blinked, "Ummm...dumb stuff. She said something that offended me or something and it went off from there. So if you don't mind, I'm gonna go and call her."

She stopped me as I took a step towards the stairs, "See, this is exactly what I'm talkin' bout. When I was in college," here we go, "I didn't get into petty fights with friends. I didn't get into them at all because education was my first priority."

I sighed and refrained from rolling my eyes. I wondered vaguely how she would react if I told her what really happened, but I decided against it fortunately. "Yeah, I know, moma. It was stupid and I see my mistake. I'm going to go and apologize."

"Good," she said and then turned back into the kitchen. "We're having dinner at six o'clock."

I nodded and skipped up the stairs, two by two.

I speed dial Mel's number when I got to my room, making sure the door was locked.

"Where the hell were you?" Came Mel's voice the moment she picked up.

I sighed into the receiver, "I'm fine, Mel."

"And hung over," she snapped. I was taken aback for a few seconds. "You have no idea how worried I was about you. You're lucky I said you were staying over at my house. I saved your ass." I stayed quiet, "Raya?"

"I fucked up, Mel," I said, somewhat softly.

She paused, "How big are we talking about?" I closed my eyes, shifting the phone to my other hand.

"I had sex with Kento."

There was silence and I was beginning to think she hung up. Then, "You what?" I shivered. Her voice was soft and I was thankful she wasn't the type of friend to yell when they're shocked. She never raised her voice or yelled at me when I made a dumb mistake.

"I slept with him Mel. I was drinking and lawd girl, he looked so gorgeous. I couldn't..."

There was silence again for a moment and I heard Mel sigh. "Ray... you're an idiot," she paused and another sigh, "Was the sex bomb at least?" Her tone was somehow hesitant, unsure.

This was her way of saying it was okay; she would make jokes.

"The best." Well, from what I could remember...

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