Pushing Onwards

By KapUnivers

311K 6.5K 3.9K

Despite working his entire life so he can become a hero Izuku Midoriya is still told to give up by his idol... More

A new promise
Ten times harder
An encouraging encounter
Giving your all
The first day
Combat training
The symbol of peace
A race to remember
The cavalry battle
The battle tournaments
The quirkless and the gifted
The aftermath of the sports festival
1K reads!
A battle of ideals
Back to school
Final exams
Sins of the past
Christmas Update
Summer Camp
My hero Dekiru
Through hell and back
Moving into the dorms
Ultimate moves
Extreme dodgeball
What lies ahead
Some information
The big three
Passing down the torch
The Rise of Dekiru
Authors note + preview
New book

Pushing Onwards

4.5K 146 123
By KapUnivers

When Izuku arrived, he was greeted by chaos. There was nothing left of Tartarus. Everything on the island had been leveled to the ground. A large number of prisoners were trying to get over the bridge despite the fact that it was supposed to be retract in the event of an emergency.

"Dekiru, you're finally here" a police officer called out. "How's the situation?" Izuku asked. "We have no idea about the prison itself. Tartarus was levelled in an instant. No emergency message or anything was received from the main complex. We presume that All for one is somewhere amongst the ruins along with the league of villains. As for the bridge we have some idea. One of the villains is using their quirk to stop the bridge from retracting and the prisoners are trying to get across" the officer told Izuku. "So for now I would recommend holding the bridge until Lemillion arrives" The officer suggested. "Understood" Izuku simply stated and headed towards the bridge.

There was a reason that the prisoners of Tartarus were placed there. Something Izuku quickly found out. These villains weren't your regular petty criminal. These were some of the strongest and most infamous villains currently alive. Some of them were easier to handle than others, but Izuku eventually ran into a villain he had real problems with.

"Look at the mighty Dekiru, the quirkless wonder of UA" one of the villains taunted as he used his telekinesis quirk to make Izuku crash into the handrails of the bridge. "Shut up Mindstorm! I have taken you down before, just give up already" Izuku shot back and quickly got up and dodged a piece of debris flying towards him. "That was different. I underestimated you and Mindstorm was alone. This time you're alone and I won't make the same mistake" Muscular said and started charging at Izuku. "Shit" Izuku quietly muttered. He was about to dodge when a stream of ice came and froze Muscular in place and completely trapped Mindstorm. "Seems like you need a little help Dekiru" Todoroki said "It certainly helps" Izuku answered before knocking Muscular out with a taser before he could do anything else. "When is Lemillion coming? We need him right now" Izuku asked. Right after He said that a streak of yellow suddenly appeared and knocked out all villain standing in the way before heading into the remains of Tartarus. "Speak of the devil" Todoroki commented as the two heroes made their way towards Tartarus where fierce fighting could be heard.

If the exterior of Tartarus looked ruined, then the interior looked like an apocalypse. There was not a single noticeable building remaining. The only thing standing above the ground was mountains of rubble. Within the rubble you could see whatever remained off the prison staff. Tiny, unidentifiable pieces of human limbs and blood. Not a single person except some prisoners had survived. And in the middle of it all two forces were fighting. One force of evil, the symbol of chaos, All for one. And the other, a force of good, the new symbol of peace, Mirio Togata, better known as the number one hero Lemillion. These two adversaries were fighting to the death. All for one using every quirk he could to deal damage and Mirio who used both his natural quirk and one for all to evade and attack. The clash of the rivals led to powerful gusts of wind that forced everyone else to keep their distance.

"I guess we won't get close to those two" Todoroki commented. "No, but there is someone else we could handle" Izuku said and pointed towards the member of the league of villains who stood to the side, away from the main battle. Todoroki nodded "Let's get them properly this time" Izuku said and readied his staff. Before they could move however, someone else appeared. "DIE!!" Bakugo yelled as he came blasting past Izuku and Todoroki, determined to reach the villains first. "Despite how much he has matured, he's still quite explosive" Izuku commented. "You're not wrong" Todoroki replied as the two followed after Bakugo, who was busy trying to blow up Shigaraki.

Izuku ended up being left with the arguably more difficult fight. Bakugo was busy with Shigaraki and Todoroki and Dabi were evenly matched. Meanwhile, Izuku was left with Toga, Twice and Compress. After several minutes of dodging and trying to take out one opponent an opening appeared. Izuku had managed to hold up both Toga and Compress with a flashbang and was going straight for Twice. However, Toga and Compress recovered faster than Izuku anticipated and were about take Izuku when more people came. Iida came and knocked Compress with a powerful kick to the face and Ochako pushed Toga into the ground and made her drop her knife. "Fantastic! Horrible!" Twice exclaimed with his normal dual personality before Izuku knocked him out with a powerful blow to the head.

"Uravity! Ingenium! Great to see you. Do you know if more heroes are coming?" Izuku asked. "Not any time soon. All other heroes were busy with the prisoners on the bridge when we arrived" Iida answered. "But it seems like you Shouto, Ground zero and Lemillion have it covered anyways" Ochako added. Izuku quickly looked around and noticed that Dabi was now encased in ice and Shigaraki had a menacing Bakugo standing over him. "You're right. Everything seems to be going well. All that remains is for Lemillion to-" Izuku began but was interrupted when said hero came flying past them and crashed into a pile of debris. They quickly noticed that the number one hero had a gaping hole in his chest. He looked up at them and said one simple word "Run" before collapsing. Lemillion was dead.

"No matter how much I hate him, I have to give it to him. The fight was slightly more difficult than I anticipated" All for one said as he came walking out of a crater, casually brushing off dust on his clothes. "He really thought that I didn't have countermeasures against is annoying little quirk. I guess that was his downfall" The villain continued as he came to a stop. "You bastard!" Todoroki yelled and charged at All for one with ice and fire. "Shouto, wait!" Izuku yelled, but to late. All for one swatted away the fire like it was a fly and sent a blast through the ice and blew Todoroki away. "A song of ice and fire. Great build up, but such a disappointing ending" All for one taunted. "Shut up idiot!" Bakugo yelled. "We have only just begun. Ingenium, Uravity. You take care of the others injured. And Dekiru!" He ordered. "Let's get this son of a bitch"

Bakugo and Izuku charged towards All for one at the same time. The villain raised his arm for an attack, but the heroes was faster. Bakugo released an explosion from his gauntlets at All for one's non-existent face followed up by Izuku using kicking with full force at the villains leg, making him kneel down. Bakugo then came back and pushed All for one on his back with another explosion. Izuku threw a net over the downed All for one and activated it, making it anchor itself into the ground as well as sending massive amounts of electricity into the villain. Izuku and Bakugo then both charged at the villain from above. "Howitzer!" Bakugo yelled as he began spinning around with his explosions. "Tornado!" Izuku yelled as he too began spinning around at ludicrous speeds. "IMPACT!!" They both yelled as the attack made contact.

"You think that got him?" Bakugo asked as they both landed outside of the dust cloud their attack made. "We'll see" Izuku replied. Unfortunately, they got their answer far too soon in the form of slow clapping coming from the centre of the dust cloud. "I must say that I am impressed. I actually felt that" All for one taunted. "However, I still got unfinished business with you Dekiru" The villain continued. "I have never had someone refuse a quirk from me and survive. I don't intend for you to be an exception" He said with a chilling voice, filling Izuku with dread. "Luckily for you, I don't need to kill you yet. You deserve to suffer. So I wonder" All for one said and raised his arm "How much will it hurt if I kill the one you love" He finished and launched an air cannon towards an unsuspecting Ochako.

The world seemed like it was moving in slow motion for Izuku. He could see the deadly blast going towards Ochako who was busy helping Iida with Todoroki. "Ochako!" Izuku yelled out. She turned around only to see the incoming attack and was filled with fear. The blast slammed into her and sent her into a pile of debris. Izuku went straight towards her, while Bakugo completely lost it and tried taking All for one in blind rage.  As Izuku approached Ochako he was filled with dread. She was looking just like she had in the vision he had during the raid on the Eight precepts of death. Her body was battered and bloody with severe wounds, and her arms and legs were twisting in unnatural angles with bone sticking out in some places. Izuku collapsed on his knees and let out a scream filled with grief.

Once Izuku fell silent, Bakugo landed on the ground next to Izuku. "I-Izuchan" He muttered before falling unconscious. "Such a shame. They fought so well. If only you could have been more useful" All for one said, before letting out a dry laugh. "Who am I kidding. You're useless as always. If only you had a quirk, then maybe this wouldn't have happened" He taunted. Izuku didn't respond. He slowly stood back up and turned around, his hair covering his eyes. "Oh, so you still refuse to see the truth. You can't do anything against me. The number one hero is dead. The number 2 and 3 heroes are unconscious alongside Ingenium. And Uravity is on the brink of death. What chance do you think you have against me? I have so many quirks and you have none" All for one said with a grin.

Izuku just stood there without saying anything before dropping his sticks. "Perhaps it's true" He began. "Maybe I can't do anything when facing you. Like you said, I have no quirks and you have plenty" He acknowledged and pulled out a set of swords, hidden in his odm-gear. "But even so, that has never stopped me before, have it?" He continued, making All for one drop his grin. "I always kept on trying to reach my goal. To become a hero, that can make people feel safe and make them smile. And to do that I made a promise to myself. I would never give up, no matter what" Izuku stated with determination and slowly turned one of the blades around. "And even if I have become a hero now, my promise is still there. That is why I must keep pushing onwards"

Then, Izuku seemingly disappeared, much to All for one's confusion. He then quickly sidestepped what appeared to be a green blur moving towards him at immense speeds. "You thought that would work. You have to move faster than-" All for one began but stopped when he felt something cutting along his entire back, making him flinch in pain. "Get away!" He yelled in a surprisingly panicked voice, before his arm was cut off. All for one released a shockwave in all directions, trying to hit Izuku. But it was in vain as he felt something cutting his ankles, making him fall on the ground. The regeneration quirks were working full time to heal the injuries caused by Izuku, but Izuku was faster. All for one would try to protect himself, but Izuku was faster.

After countless slashes and cuts and dismembered limbs, All for one collapsed on the ground in a pool of his own blood. Izuku landed next to the dying villain and looked at him without any resemblance of emotion. "You have defeated me. What will you do now hero? Put me back in prison? I will just escape again when you have become old and weak. Then I will kill all of the ones you love" All for one taunted. "How will you do that when you are dead" Izuku retorted and readied one of his swords. "But you're a hero. You don't kill" All for one said with hint of fear. "Good men don't need rules" Izuku replied before stabbing the sword through All for one's throat and into the ground. "It wasn't wise of you to find out why I have so many of them" He added as he watched the villain choking to death in his own blood. Izuku then took off his equipment and collapsed due to the stress resulting from the use of Plus Ultra mode. "I'm sorry Ochako" He whispered before everything went black.

When Izuku woke up again he could smell that he was in a hospital before even opening his eyes. And when he opened them he found himself lying in a hospital bed with his arm in a cast. "Good you're awake" A voice said. Izuku turned around and saw Tsukauchi sitting in a chair in his room. He was about to say something when Izuku interrupted him "Where is Ochako?"

Izuku ran through the halls of the hospital way faster than he should have. "Midoriya, wait! You haven't fully recovered" Tsukauchi called out as he tried following Izuku. Izuku didn't care, he needed to se her. Finally, he came to the room he was looking for and walked inn.

In a hospital laid Ochako, her body was connected to several instruments and she was covered in casts. "Izuku?" She almost whispered. "I am here Ochako. Don't worry. I am here" Izuku assured her as he started to tear up. He quickly sat down next to her bed a carefully stroked her bandaged head. "Good" She said. To tired to say anything else before falling asleep. "She will survive" Tsukauchi said from behind Izuku. "She will need therapy if she wants to use her limbs properly again. It may take months or even a year, but she will recover enough to continue as a hero" He explained. Izuku just nodded as he was quietly crying. "You're right" He said. "Everything will be alright"

1 week later

"What will happen now? He never picked a successor" Izuku wondered. "I know. One for all is dead. But so is All for one" Toshinori replied. The two men stood together and looked at the grave of Mirio Togata, the last holder of one for all. "I think I will retire as a hero" Toshinori said. "Why?" Izuku asked. "I'm getting old Midoriya. My health is worsening, and my injury isn't helping. But it has been a wonderful journey all the way" Toshinori explained "You know, even after all this time. I still wish you had become my successor. And in some ways, I feel like you did. Especially now that they named you the number one hero and symbol of hope. I just wish things could have happened differently, so that Mirio didn't have to die" Toshinori said with a sad expression. "So do I. And so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time given to us" Izuku said. "Or that is what someone wise said" Izuku added, making Toshinori give a weak chuckle. "That is true"


"Hurry up now. You wouldn't want to be late for the first day at UA" Ochako called out as Yuuto and Yuriko got ready for school. "We know mom" They replied as they finished packing. "Good luck kids" Izuku said and flashed them a smile. "Thanks dad" They both said and went out the door. "So you didn't tell them who their teacher was going to be?" Ochako asked. "No, of course not. Why would I want to spoil the surprise" Izuku replied. "I'm afraid you'll treat too much like Aizawa did" Ochako commented. "Don't worry. No one can put fear into a student in the same way Aizawa can" Izuku said. "Anyways, I should get going" He continued. "It is a special batch this year. Two quirkless people including Yuriko, as well as Todoroki's kid and Kacchan's kid" He said as he was about to leave. "Love you!" He said and left the house.

Izuku could hear class 1-A from a mile away. They weren't too different from when he first began at UA when he thought about it. However, he couldn't get caught up in the past. He had a class to teach. He walked up to the open door and immediately took charge. "If you're here only to make friends and have a god time then get out" He told the poor student who was unfortunate enough to stand in the doorway. "Just kidding. Heroes always need people to trust" He chuckled and walked up to the front of the classroom. The students quickly found their seats and listened. Two in particular seemed to be dying of embarrassment and just wanted to hide from everyone. "I'm Izuku Midoriya, your homeroom teacher. Some of you may know me as the number one hero Dekiru and two of you would know me as dad" He explained. Once he said dad everyone in class looked at Yuuto and Yuriko who got even more embarrassed. "Now take on these gym uniforms and meet me outside. I want to see your potential"


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