Destined (Book One) [HarrySty...

By DitzyD

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Katherine Karns is your typical college sophomore. She lives in the beautiful state of New York. She has an a... More

Drop Off!
Its You!
Im Me!
Welcome Home!!
Best Friends
After Party
Determined Preview of Chapter One!!

Skype Chat

63 2 0
By DitzyD

[Two Months Later]

Harry's been on tour for five months! I cant believe he's going to be coming home in a month! I'm so excited! Anna and I have been planning a Welcome Home party for him and the boys. She had already called Harry's sister Gemma and invited her home for it and she's on board. I checked my schedule for college and I'm off that weekend. I've been in college for two months now and I can't tell you how much I love the school, the classes, and the teachers. I have also made another friend named Jace Matthews. He only uses ASL (American Sign Language) because he's deaf. He's been teaching me some sign language. He's very smart. He reminds me alot of the boys which keeps me somewhat sane. He's like all of them and their music (turned up really loud) crammed into one body. 

I step out of the Medical Science Teaching Centre (MSTC) and head over to my car in the lot. Jace was leaned against it, smiling when he noticed me approaching. I walk over and give him a hug, then look at him, (signing) asking him how his day was. He smiled back, signing that it went well but our teacher Mr. Brimmer was a douchebag. I shake my head smiling but sign back that i totally agree. We both laugh, while I unlock my car. The wind started to pick up, causing a sudden chill. You think in March it would be a little warmer. We both climb into my car (that I had bought a month ago so Anne's driver wouldn't have to make time for me around Anne's busy schedule) and I automatically turn on the heat, and put my hands in front of the vent to warm them up. I smile and glance over to Jace, who is watching me, but looks away blushing when he notices that I caught him staring. Smiling, I put the car in reverse and leave the parking lot.

I pull into Jace's driveway and kill the engine. I turn to look at him, his cheeks still rosey from the cold. He looks at me, smiling. He signs thank you and asks if I wanna come inside his apartment for some hot coco. I smile and politely decline, telling him that I am beyond tired and I still have alot of prepping up to do for Harry's homecoming. But I called a rain check, and he seemed okay with that. He smiles back and signs that he completely understands, thanks me for the ride, and gets out, closing the door behind him. It wasn't a total lie.. Jace is a sweet guy, I've just been really upset lately because I haven't talked to Harry since Anne and I went to see him and the guys. After Jace has made it into his apartment safely, I pull the car out of the driveway and make my way home.

I pull into Anne's driveway... My driveway... and kill the engine. I text Jace and assure him I made it home safely. He replies back rather quickly saying good and he's glad (with a smiley face). I grab my keys, my bag, and my coffee, and head inside.

Its warm and smells of cinnamon. I run into Maria (the house keeper from the beginning of the story). "Hey Maria" I smile, hanging up my coat and scarf. "Hello Mrs. Karns. You doing alright?" she asks, smiling. I smile at her, taking off my boots and placing them on the shoe rack. "I'm alright, thanks. You doing okay?" I look at her, smiling. She smiles and unites her apron "I'm alright, thanks. Just got off. Heading home to see my son Ty. He just got back from Afghanistan" she smiles proudly. Her smile is contagious. I start to feel the corners of my mouth curve up into a smile. "That's great news! Congratulations!" She smiles again. "Thank you. Well I must be off. Take Care now" she gives me a hug. "You too" I smile at her as she pulls away. I watch as she leaves and practically skips to her car. I smile, and shut the door, locking it behind me. I head to my bedroom, checking my phone on the way, but still no text or call from Harry. I get the occasional texts from Niall that they are all doing good. I try and not ask about Harry but when I do its always the same "He's okay, yeah. He's around. He's fine" Its aggravating. But I don't want Niall angry with me or to stop talking to me, so I just keep our conversations dull. We mainly talk about the tour and about my schooling. 

I make it into my room and glance at the clock on my desk. It reads 7pm. I decide to go ahead and write the paper Mr. Brimmer had assigned that i've been dreading to start. About an hour later, I finish the paper and put it and my folder inside my bag and put it on the floor. I grab my phone and click the power button, still nothing. Sighing, I get up and decide to get changed for bed. I take off the long sleeved shirt I had on, along with my bra, and toss them into my laundry basket. Still topless, I go over to my dresser, and grab out Harry's tee shirt and pull it over my head. Next, I unzip my pants an take them off, along with my socks. I toss them in the laundry basket as well then go to my bed and sit down. I get under the covers and cover up. I get all cuddled in and slowly fall asleep. 


I wake up to my Skype on my computer going crazy. I check my phone (still no messages/calls) "3am" i roll my eyes "are you freaking kidding me" I get up, go to my computer, sit down on my chair, cross my legs, and move my mouse to awaken my computer screen. I click the "answer call" button and almost scream when I see Harry's sleepy face on the screen. He looks so freaking adorable! He's laying on his stomach, shirtless, and in his sweats that hang barely on his hips... ya know, the ones that show off his V cut. "Harry!" I practically scream. "How are you? Where are you? How've you...I miss you" I smile, then bite my lip. He slightly chuckles, letting that dimple show (that i've grown very fond over). "Hey Kitty" he says very sleepily. He heart flutters at the nickname. "I'm good. How are you, love?" he yawns. Obviously he's super tired. I smile at the thought that he stayed up to talk to me. hell i'm smiling because he wanted to talk to me period. "I'm good" I giggle. He glances down at my shirt and his cheeks turn a bright red "nice shirt" he slightly chuckles again. "Oh" i look down, forgetting that im in his shirt, I look back to him "yeah". we both laugh silently together.

The rest of the four hours is spent talking about the tour, Natasha, school. I tell him about Jace and tell him about how much he reminds me of them, and how I cant wait for him to meet them. I tell him about how Cara and Chad broke up because he ended up cheating on her but now she's seeing this new guy Daren. We all went to school with him. He had to call him Daren with a K because there was another Daren in our class named Daren with a G and Daren with a P. He's a great guy too. I liked Chad, but I get along with Daren ALOT more. He's a couple years older than us but he acts just as young as we do. I show him the tattoo I wanna get when he gets back from tour. He loves the idea and insists that we have a group going and all of us get a tattoo together (the boys obviously agree and join in). I show him that i wanna get it on my ribs and that gets me a slight blush and a lip bite from him when i pull up my shirt. I pull my shirt back down in time to see the boys come in and greet me. We all have a group chat and talk for another hour. They end up leaving, telling Harry that they are going to bed. They send their "good nights" and "we love yous" and leave us along again. I was in the middle of telling Harry about the paper I had to write when I noticed that he wasn't listening but instead he was sightly snoring. I giggle, and turn on my laptop, turning over to the Skype on there, logging out of my iMac.

I take my laptop over to my bed and place it on the side that I don't sleep on. I curl up, and lay down, and grab my phone to check my Twitter. The boys have all posted about all their concerts and how they cant wait to come back home from tour. Harry posts that he cant wait to come home and see his "mum" and his... and I quote "amazingly awesome roommate" which causes me to smile from ear to ear. I was about to exit out of Twitter when I hear Harry murmur something about Mr. Finney and orange soda in his sleep. I glance up and giggle at him. I continue to stare at him, smiling and his nose twitches, which causes me to giggle again. I look back at my phone, shut it off, plug it up, and set it on the beside table. I turn back to my laptop (Harry's still snoring), and lay down. I shut my eyes, and slowly start to drift off. I was almost asleep when I hear Harry mumble something.. my name... it had to be.. And there it was again. I smiled, opening my eyes, and stared at the screen. I look back to him and murmur "I love you Harry" biting my lip. I glance down, then back up when i see a slight smile playing on his lips. Then he murmurs very softly "I love you too Kitty" then he falls back asleep as my heart begins to race.

Authors Note: I know that's a really dick move on how I ended the chapter, but I have to keep you all interested and on the edge of your seats. How was it? Did you enjoy it? I really hope so. I shed a few tears when I was writing it. I love how close him and Kat have become. Also, I wanted to let you all know that I also have a page on Instagram dedicated to this book. It has pictures of the characters on how I imagine them to look. So come check it out. Follow me on there and i'll be sure to follow you back. The name on there is "DestinedByDitzyD44" :) I'll try and update again tomorrow. And if not, it will be sometime soon. I promise. Again, thanks for all the love. You guys rock! Love you all! :)

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