The Second Sword (The Rising...

By Hey_Im_Nat

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Your name is F/N and you are a survivor of the first wave, Without your family left to protect you You have... More

Chapter 1: A road to adventure
Chapter 3: A monster return's
Chapter 4: All grown up
Chapter 5: The Other Heroes
Chapter 6: The waves of catastrophe
Bonus Chapter: The Wolf and The Raccoon
Chapter 7: A troubling night
Chapter 8: Shield vs Spear
Chapter 9: Starting point
Chapter 10: A blade hidden in the darkness

Chapter 2: Fear is rising

10.5K 176 171
By Hey_Im_Nat

(SOOO BASICALLY im doing this again but this time in the morning, Becuz I've been working on chapter 1 at night ended up sleeping in 2:00 am
My brain cant come up with any idea's when im tired, but now im more energetic enough to do it so let's get riggghttt in to the story (Btw both chapter 1 and 2 are still stuck in the second episode of the anime So ill try my best to end it here)


Me and Raphtalia were brought out of our cage and we were about to be selled to the Shield Her- Ugh shut up his not Shield Hero, If he was where's his party members? And why would one of the four cardinal heroes buy worthless slave's like us? Well the Current Shield Hero in my brother's story was said to be hated I wonder why?, Well there's only one way to find out.

The man then uses a small blade to cut his thumb making his blood drop to the ink, The slave trader was about to mark Raphtalia's slave crest but you built up your confidence as you asked him for you to go first.

F/n: "I-ill go first!" The slave trader then grin's at this and chosed you to be the first one to get your slave crest marked on.

Belouka: "Very well then" You then unbuttoned your plain white shirt and unbuttoned one button of your black colored vest, well not fully unbuttoned just the top level now that you have your chest exposed the slave crest you have is ready to be marked on.

F/n: 'This is gonna hurt alot!' You say to yourself as the slave trader then mark's a circle around you slave crest, You then felt an intense pain on your chest. "AGHHHH!!!" You then scream out in pain as your crest started to glow purple and electricity swirl's around you making you fall to the ground on your knees you then hold your chest as you were resisting the pain, But it's to hard to resist on how painful it was Raphtalia then looks horrified at what she's witnessed and the man with a green cape looks at you a bit concerned, You were breathing heavily with your knees on the floor your vision then started to get a little blurry but suddenly came back to normal.

Beloukas: "Alright now that's done with" He then goes over to Raphtalia as he tries to get her arm's off her chest he then succeeded, Her crest has been exposed as she readies herself for the incoming pain.

F/n: (in a weak tone): "N-no..."
The slave trader then marks a circle around her crest, She then Grunted in pain making you look at her with widen eyes. 'Raphtalia...Damn it why cant i move?!' You then tried to stand up but you failed your body was to weak to do it.

Man: "What's with that?" The then asked.

Belouka: "Oh nothing to worry about the pain will dissipate soon, That slave crest branded on their chest make's it inpossible for them to defy you." The man then look's at you.

Man: "You...What's your name?" He said this as you stay silent looking down with your knee's on the floor "Didn't you hear me?! I said what's your name?!" You then started to tremble in fear making it hard for you to talk. "SAY IT!" Your crest then glowed again and electricity swirls around you the then pain strikes on your chest making you hold it, Finally you tried your best to speak.

F/n: "I-it's...its f/n!" He looks at you and you looked up at him in pain.

Man: "F/'ll remember that" He then looks at Raphtalia "What about you? What's your name?" She doesnt speak "Oh not this again, Dont make me do the thing that i did to him!" He points at you "Well?! Tell me your name!" Raphtalia cough's you then have enough energy to reach as you patted her back "I said tell me your name!" She looked down with eye's closed and she spoke.

Raphtalia: "Im called Raphtalia"

Man: "Raphtalia huh?...Lets go both of you!" He then grabbed your arm on his left and grabbed raphtalia on his right,
You then started to feel like uncomfortable and scared around him.

Belouka: "I'll look forward to your next visit were alway's open hehe" The slave trader then look's at him walking outside with you and Raphtalia arm's in his hand's, He then thinks to himself.

Belouka: 'So he really did chose both of them, Im getting goosebumps just thinkin about it hehehe" And now You, Raphtalia and the man had been out of of the slave trade,
As you got outside you were blinded by the sunlight you covered your eyes with you arm, You haven't seen daylight ever since you were inside that place for 1 week (Literally me when im stuck in my room) You finally then noticed that you were not walking, The man noticed this.

Man: "Hey you coming or what?" he said in an annoyed tone, you then snapped back to reality (oh there goes gravity) As you spoke.

F/n: "Oh S-sorry sir!" You then quickly walked to him as you were about to be left, Your now walking in the street's of the kingdom along with Raphtalia and the man, You then started to ask him something.

F/n: "Ummm...S-sir" the green caped man then heard you.

Man: "What?" He say's walking forward not making eye contact with you.

F/n: "Where are we going?" he remained silent for a second and finally spoke.

Man: "You'll find out" You started to get worried from where he will take You and Raphtalia to. You then looked at Raphtalia as she has been quiet for a while, You started to talk to her about her being okay she then said that she was fine but you feel like you don't believe that.

You then saw the man was heading to a weapon shop and confused why would he take both of you there.

F/n: 'Wait why are we going there?, Does he want us to use weapons? Strange' You think to yourself. The three of you then headed inside the weapon shop, There you saw a man with a bald head and a beard he must be the owner of this shop.

Erhard: "Welcome- Ohhh it's you again" Wait they both know each other? "Well well what's up with these two, kid?"

Man: *throw's down 6 silver coins on the counter* "Give me a weapon that both of them can use and keep it under 6 Silvers alright?"

Erhard: "Got ya there kid" He then look's for something under the counter and he bring's out 2 knives "Here"

Man: "I'll take it" He grab's the two dagger's and hand's it to You and Raphtalia. "Now the two of you go change you clothes, you look like rats in an alleyway" You both nod as you were the one to go first.

You then wored a gray shirt with full sleeves on, you also wore your black vest, your old slack's, A small utility belt and new boot's the man got for you. Finally you weared your signature black cloak as you were done changing your clothes.

You sheated your Knife on it's scabbard and walked outside the changing room. Raphtalia was the next one to change clothes, you and the man then waited for her to finish. As you both were waiting for her the man breaked the silence between you and him as he spoked.

Man: "Hey f/n right?" You then looked at him a bit suprised that he remembered your name.

F/n: "Y-yes sir?" You then said to him.

Man: "Have you alway's been wearing that cloak?" You were confused as to what he said but you just answered him.

F/n: "Yes sir, I always do"

Man: "And may i ask why?"

F/n: "It's because..." You then hold your cloak "...It's the only thing that reminds me of my older brother...he...died from the first wave" He then looked at you with a small sympathetic look.

Man: "Huh....Sorry for asking-"

F/n: "No it''s fine sir, i can move on and forget about it."
Truth is his death is still haunting you even this day, so you tried your best to over come it and keep moving forward, But when someone ask's you about your cloak or when you think about your brother it's making it hard for you to overcome it. The two of you went silent until Raphtalia showed up in her new clothes, Gotta say, it suit's her fine.

Man: "Took you long enough"

Raphtalia: "Im-im sorry, sir"
She said in a nervous tone.

Man: "Yeah right, Now come on lets see you both draw your knive's" You then unsheated your knife out of your small scabbard as you hold it.

Raphtalia wasnt really sure about this since she's not experienced with weapon's or fighting (Yeah right just you wait there pal She's gonna be an adorable raccoon killing machine later) The man open's his green cape Revealing 2 orange balloon monster's biting his sides, Raphtalia got scared and hid behind you as you ready your knife.

Man: "Alright listen up!, I want the both of you to stab this thing Got it?!" You then looked at the monster with a determined face and nodded, You then hold your knife's handle tightly as you rush to the ballon monster and ready to thrust your knife into its face.

F/n: "Grahhh!" You pierced your knife against the monster's eye as it screeches in pain and struggles a bit to remove the knife in its eye, It then popped in front of you leaving a small shockwave blowing you away a bit, The small shockwave thrown you out of balance as you tripped backward's on the floor you then sat up and rubbed the back of your head.

F/n: "Owww" You say as you rub your head. A yellow text suddenly appeared infront of you that say's 'EXP+ 15', and now its Raphtalia's turn. (Congratulation's you levelled up)

Man: "Hm, im impressed" He then looks at Raphtalia "Alright it's your turn, Now stab this thing" he then pulls out the other balloon monster on his side. Raphtalia was to frightened to attack.

Raphtalia: "N-no."

Man: "That's an order!" Raphtalia's slave crest then glow's and made fall on the floor in pain. "Your only gonna hurt yourself by refusing" You then go over to Raphtalia to comfort her. "Now do it!" Raphtalia then look's at you, And you gave her ensuring look as you nod at her.

F/n: "Come on" You grabbed her hand and gave her the knife she has "I know you can do it." She gave you a determined look before nodding at what you said to her.

You then help her up as she readies herself to kill the monster, She then yelled and dashed at the balloon monster and thrust her knife into it but the monster bites her blade pulling her back.

Man: "Too weak Put a little muscle into it!" Raphtalia looks at down "Come on!" The man yelled at her as she flinched, She then built's enough confidence and thrust at the balloon monster again this time she successfully kill's it as it popped of with a small shockwave, The yellow text from before that say's 'EXP+ 15' began to appear infront of her and the man with a green

Man: "Huh i got experience points too"

Erhard: "probably because of the patch that you set her and him as a companion, Oh wait a minute dont tell me you didnt know that with the lady here before?" The man then start's to look annoyed.

Man: "Tch, Damn that woman" He then look's at You and Raphtalia "Listen up you two, From here and now on i expect the both of you to kill monsters for me is that perfectly clear?" Raphtalia then lets out a nervous sound, And you listened to what his saying.

Man: "Even if it wasn't much i paid for the both of you, So you two better pitch in and recoup the expense" He said as you nodded at his word's

Erhard: "You know kid your not gonna die a painless death"

Man: "Well beat them around the bush, You'll see for yourself, Now off your butt's lets get going!" He say's as he was about to leave the shop.

F/n: "Oh! S-sir!" You said as you quickly brought Raphtalia back to her feet and you rushed to the man in a green cloak.

Raphtalia: "H-Hey! Wait for me!
F/n!" She then rushed outside to regroup with you and the man.

Erhard: 'Oh boy i dont know if the country is going to the dog's or that kid is just in corrupted'

Naofumi POV

Im walking on the street's of the kingdom again with these two on my side, i checked my pocket to see 3 Silver coin's left...Damn.

Naofumi: "All I've got left is 3 silvers" He sighed

Random person: "Hey get a move on!" I then stopped at my track's to see a guy with a cane making his demi human slave's work hard for him.

Random person: "Move your butt's you stinkin demi's!" The two demi human's continue to work, one demi human girl then tripped, the man saw this.

Random person: "I dont have all day you little moron!"

Demi human: "Im sorry!"

I then hear grumbling i look down to Raphtalia and noticed that she's hungry.

Naofumi: "You want something to eat?" She then refuses the offer.

Raphtalia: "No sir" She look's down as she shakes her head,
I then looked at F/n.

Naofumi: "What about you?" he look's at me.

F/n: "N-no its fine sir, Im not hungry at all." I already knew that both of them were hungry,
I then sighed.

Naofumi: "Look you two can't fight with an empty stomach, Let's get some lunch" I started to walk on the way to the nearest inn.

Raphtalia & F/n: "Lunch?" They both said it simultaneously.


You were following your new owner to get lunch and your really suprised by what his doing, Sure he can be really scary but...i his a good person...huh.

We then got to the inn as the man enters, I suddenly stopped and looked at the sign near the entrance door it read's 'We dont serve Demi-human's' You were really not sure if you can just walk in there like a normal person, well demi human i guess.

Raphtalia saw the sign too and both of you were just outside thinking if you should stay here or get inside.

F/n: "Are you sure about this?" You looked at raphtalia who doesnt really know what to do.

Raphtalia: "Uh um sir!" She call's out to the man.

Man: "What now?"

Raphtalia: "This place...erm.."

F/n: "uhhh...i dont...if we should...oh..." You looked at your owner then back the sign, Looked to your owner again and again back at the sign your mind is really playing tricks on you right now, You were about to go inside until Raphtalia grabbed your arm.

Raphtalia: "F-F/n, I think we shouldn't be going in there."

F/n: "Well you do want to eat right?" She look's at you with a Hesitant face.

Man: "Hey! Are you two coming in?! The tables are waiting!
And the food is not gonna eat itself you know!" You had enough of your standing as you walked inside the inn,
Raphtalia was hesitant at first but she already got inside.

The three of you headed to an empty table, The people inside were whispering to each other, The bartender then greeted you three.

Bartender: "Welcome to the inn- Oh its the shield Hero..."

Random: *Whispering*: What's he doing here?

Random #2: Shut up! he'll hear you!

I-I CANT BELIEVE IT, ONE OF THE FOUR CARDINAL, HEROES INFRONT ME!' You looked at him with awe in your face, The three of you then sat down the table.

Shield Hero: "Hey can we get something to eat here?!" The bartender heard his call.

Bartender: "Sure! Be right there." He then walked toward's our table.

Shield Hero: "I'll take the cheapest lunch set that you have and uhh" He then looks at You and Raphtalia, He then saw what the other kid has from another table.

Shield Hero: "These two will take what that kid is having over there, And make it quick!"

Bartender: "Okay that'll be 9 copper's" As the man pay's him he then leaves the three of you. The Shield Hero then noticed your face is in awe, He seemed to be a little bit weirded out.

Shield Hero: "What are you looking at?"

F/n: "....." You then snapped back to reality (Oh there goes gravity 2.0) "O-oh...nothing" I cant believe that im talking to a one of the cardinal heroes in my brother's story.

Raphtalia: "Why sir"

Shield Hero: "Why what? You dont want want it"

Raphtalia: "No sir"

F/n: "Can i ask why are you getting this for us?"

Shield Hero: "I dont know, it seems that you two want to try it"

Bartender: "All right heres your food" You and Raphtalia then looked at your food with sparkling eyes.

Nk: 'Wow! This looks delicious!'
You said as your stomach grumbles in hunger.

Shield Hero: "What's wrong? You both gonna save those for later?"

F/n: "W-Wait you mean!"

Raphtalia: "Its all for us?!" Both your tail's start to wiggle around.

Shield Hero: "Well yeah" You both stared at your food again, Raphtalia then picked up a small white flag on her food she looked a bit sad as she remembers something.

Shield Hero: "Go on, Eat" She then nod at him as she picked a small piece of her food and ate it, Her hunger was satisfied as she proceeds to eat again.

You looked at your food which is the same as her's, You then picked up a fork and ate it the Shield Hero then ate a single food on his plate and then looks at the both of you, You feel like your mind is gonna explode from how good the food is, Both you and raphtalia then started to eat a bit fast paced as raphtalia then stops and hits her chest lightly signalling for water. You also require water as you saw one cup of it near you.

Shield Hero: "Here drink this" He then passes a cup of water to Raphtalia both of your drinked water and continue to eat. "How's the food?" You and Raphtalia nodded at him giving him a signal that you both enjoyed it, He then smiled a little at the both of you eating  and ated another food from his plate. His face then frown's a bit, Wonder why.


You woke up early to level up or train outside the king, You, Raphtalia and the Shield Hero were attacking weak levelled enemies on the plains.

SH (Shield Hero for short im getting kinda lazy): "Raphtalia!" He yelled

Raphtalia: "erm Y-yes!" Raphtalia then run's over to the SH who removes a red ballon monster biting his arm, She then stabbed the creature and it popped she and the SH got EXP for killing it.

SH: "F/n!" He throw's three balloon monster's toward's you.

F/n: "Sir!" You then sliced  them with your knife in as the three of em popped off, Your instinct's kicked as you ducked down from another balloon monster that jumped behind you, It land's on the ground and you kicked it off to Raphtalia as she sliced em to its death, You then got 21+ EXP for killing the three monster's.

SH: "Attack now!" The SH then bounced off three balloon's on his shield Raphtalia rushed over and sliced the monster on the right, You then ran behind her and climbed on her back and sliced the 2 remaining monster's the three of you again received EXP points.

SH: "Great job" He then patted both your head's as you and Raphtalia smiled at him.


The sun is already setting as the day is almost over, Raphtalia's eating two cooked fishes on a stick, You were drawing the small stream, the forest in front of you and the ballon monster's you just killed on your new journal that your owner bought for you, got to say your drawing's are extremely amazing for an 11 year old (Yeah your character is good at drawing, just think of your journal is like the one Arthur Morgan has on red dead 2) Raphtalia then saw your drawing.

Raphtalia: *swallow's* "Thats a nice drawing you got there f/n its really amazing" She said this in a cheerful tone.

F/n: "Oh! Really?, Well thank's...i guess" You continued your sketch as your owner check's his shield and he got new skill's.

SH: "Blending ability huh, That's something that could come in handy" He then observes his new skill's as he was disturbed by raphtalia.

Raphtalia: "Master sir, Who are you and what i mean is who are you really?" You suddenly realized that you dont even know what his name is.

F/n: "Come to think of it master, we still dont what your name is."

SH: "Im a hero, A Shield Hero"
I was right! He is the shield hero!

Raphtalia: "Wait do you mean your-" She get's cut off.

SH: "Uh huh" Raphtalia then think's for a while until she speaked.

Raphtalia: "You really are the shield hero..." You then stopped you sketch and looked at him.

F/n: "Please sir! What do we call you?" He remains silent for a few seconds.

Naofumi: "Naofumi Iwatani" Naofumi that's his name.

*cough *cough" She coughed a little as you started to worry about her.

F/n: "Raphtalia...Dont tell me you've catched a cold?" She then smiles at you assuring that she was fine.

Raphtalia: "No its okay Im fine, really" Master Naofumi then (Well screw it just get used to calling him "Master Naofumi" like Raphtalia does or its just fine for you calling him master) Handed a liquefied medicine to her as you grabbed it.

Naofumi: "Drink it, its a medicine i blended apparently it can cure light colds" You gave Raphtalia the medicine as she takes a sip she put's it out of her mouth, She doesnt seem to like it.

Raphtalia: "Bleh! So bitter!"

Naofumi: "Good medicine is supposed to taste bitter now drink it up!"

F/n: "He is not wrong though"
Raphtalia then look's at you with a small pout face before drinking the medicine...Whole.
She's not gonna like that.

Raphtalia: "Bleehhhh!" She yelled as she drinked up the bitter medicine. Man you feel bad for her, Now that's over with you go back to sketch the forest again.

Timeskip Nighttime

You and Raphtalia are sleeping as Master Naofumi is watching the bonfire, To be honest you can't sleep you still remember your brother's death and some night's it haunts you causing very terrifying nightmares, You tried your best to put it away and go to sleep suprsingly you managed to get your eye's closed and get some good night rest.

???: "Use us...Our power...Use it now..." strange voice's suddenly began to whisper through your ear, You opened your eyes to see that your not in bed anymore but you see yourself underneath a light on a very dark area.

F/n: "U-umm.." Your starting to get scared on what's going, The voices then became even more terrifying as you hear a lot of people saying the exact same word's.

Strange voice: "Use us...our power...Its your fault...that were trapped here..." The strange voices in your head then screamed in a very painful way making you cover you ear's (well...wolf ear's) And even making you more scared.

F/n: "Please stop..." The voice's then screamed even more "I said stop it..." The voice's then became distorted making you go a bit insane "I SAID STOP IT!" You yelled at them as you then managed create a huge shockwave of purple flame's and with a mix of black mists,
You then hear the sound's of the voice's getting killed by what you just did.

All of them started to scream in agony making you go insane you grabbed your head and make it go away....Until They're all gone. The only thing you hear is your sobbing.

F/n: 'what?...Just happened?' *sniff* *sniff*

You then heard a distorted voice of a man.

???(distorted): "Look around you." You then looked around to see purple flames glowing around the the dark area and nearly visible smoke can be seen as well, Black mists along with white one's spread everywhere.

???(distorted): "Now look at you" A shattered mirror then appeared in front of you, You see yourself BUT older around early 20's in the reflection with glowing purple eye's, pure white hair with strange mark's all across your face and half of your clothing...the older version of you then looked down toward's you feel chill's around the back of your spine, The hair in your skin start's to rise and so does your tail.

???(distorted): "What do you see" You then looked down with your hair covering your eye's and said.

F/n: Chaos...

???(distorted): "Now how do you feel?" You started to tremble.

F/n: Scared...

???(distorted): "Look forward" You raised your head to see in front of you is a purple text that's glitching madly insane the text say's...

D̶͈͔̩̯͔͕͔̼̗͇̳̝̾͐̐̈́̑̈́̈̑͗̒͘̚͘͠͝Ỏ̸̢͇̭̱̹̝̖͆̃̈́͒̽͌̍́͛̕͝͝ ̴̧̡͈̫̣̯̝̤͚̣̻͗̒́̓̀̑̒͌̀̚͜ͅŸ̷̢̢̤͚͖̦́̋͋O̷͇̳̾͆̄͗̑̎͂̊͊͘Ű̷̳̠͖̐͊̄̑̈́́̍̾̽̓͐̾̚̕ ̸̢̡͎̙̺̞̻͙̻̭͓́͐̾̐̈́̀̾̋͒̊̈͜͜F̴̛̩̯̙̯͓͇̠̗̔͊͗́̏͐͐̀̍̿̀́̐͜͝͝E̶̛͔̫͖͔̜̜̗̻̲̯̝̘̦̯̻̦̼͈̓̓̏̿̚E̸̡̢̝̗̟͎̫̼̞͙̱̠̖̫̯̳̘̒͂̃̈̆̊̑̈͂̑́̓̎͒͗͘͠Ļ̷̼̩̼̗͐̐͛̿̕ ̶̛̙̱͚̭͔̝̫͕͖͖̹̗̪̬͚͊̇́̀͆̉͐̅̑͂̓͋͘͘͘͜͜͝ͅF̸̢̧̨̛̪͍͉̖̻̣͔͍̥͕̘͉̪̩̪͊̀̐̾̇͗̔̆̿͂́͂̌͂̂͗̎͊̋͠ͅĘ̵̲̼̍́́̈́̑̋͝A̸̢̗̦͎̬͎̙̘͉̲̬̳̻͈͂̄̿̀̈́͆̎̈͠͝R̷͚̺̲̻̳͇̗͙͂̊?̷̢̻̝̬̦͙͙͇̣̬̝̠͚̥͋̀̈́̔̌̈̉̀̄̂͛̈̈́̅͗͜͝͠

F/n: "Wait....What?" You said looking at the purple text "Fear?...."

Your vision started to get glitchy and the distorted scream's came back and this time really painful you grabbed you head tightly and scream out for help...but no one came, You then see a light infront of you and you hear...Raphtalia? S-she's crying?

You then looked at the light, As it suddenly pull's you toward's the it, The more you get closer the more it get's bright.

F/n: 'Wait?! W-Why cant breathe!!' You say to yourself as the light fully cover's the darkness.

You quickly woke up, intensely sweating as breath heavily for air, You then looked to your right to see your Master comforting a crying Raphtalia
He then look's at you confused.

Naofumi: "F/n?! Hey are you okay?!" He then say's this to you, You then shake in fear like crazy and looked a him in the eyes, Naofumi then saw you about to tear up as he hugged you, You then tightly hugged back and cried on his shoulder's.

Naofumi brushed his hand along you and raphtalia's hair comforting both of you.

Naofumi: "Its all will be all right" he then tries his best to put both of you back to sleep, You still dont know what happened to Raphtalia maybe she had a horrible nightmare too, Your mind keep's thinking of that horrible dream you had...first was your brother's death and now this, Hmm...You know that there's an crazy adventure out there calling for adventure which includes.


You then finally got back to sleep and slept through the night.


(Oooo~kay this has to be the longest chapter i have EVER done i was planning to finish
Episode 2 here but it's only gonna waste my time if I continue it, Making this chapter is really no joke, I had to wake up in the morning around 7:00am to start and i ended up at 9:00pm i took 1 hour breaks and after that going back again to think of ideas that will suit the reader's interest, I have to rewatch every episode of this anime or well just the episode that the chapter will take place in I have to memorise the dialogue or what has happened in one episode, Checking my writing again and again to see if there are errors or mistakes in my spelling or wrong grammar, And that's it i hope you all enjoy this chapter, See you guy's on the next one)

(And uhhh i need help, The FBI is still outside my hiding spot looking for me, Im wanted by them because i searched up Raphtalia's age and found out she was 10...please send help)

- Natsuki left the game

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