Tomboy ||H.G||

By Queen_Ransome21

46.7K 1.5K 398

"I never seen her in that way" "Really?" He gave me that 'Really' look "Yes" "Why Hayes?" "Cause she's a To... More



1.4K 49 3
By Queen_Ransome21

2 months later.....

Jo P.O.V.

After that day of coming back home, my mom had punished me. Even though I was 18, she took my phone. I didn't even know if anybody contacted me, but I could care less.

Hayes and I weren't best friends anymore after that. I didn't even know what I did wrong but I was okay with that. I grew closer with Lessie, who stuck by me when Hayes wasn't there.

I told the guys to tell Hayes not to contact me anymore. He didn't want nothing to do with me, I was fine with that.

My brothers and sister went back to their apartments that were far away from here. My sister lived the farthest from us.

She stayed in Seattle, where she shared an apartment with one of her roommates in college.

Eric was becoming a doctor, so he was also in college. Dre was playing basketball in college at Clemson, and Leon was on the other side of the world, helping the needing kids.

Stacy was becoming a fashion designer because she loved clothes so much, The girl had clothes that she created by herself.

I was currently on my laptop, sitting on the stool of the island, looking for a job that would suit me until I get my own money to make my own shoe line.

I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen and I turned my head to see Terrance coming in the kitchen. I noticed that he was in a towel. I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

"What you doing up this early girl?" His voice ranged through my ears.

I rolled my eyes, "The same reason why you're up" I said with an attitude. He arched his eyebrow, leaning against the island.

"To go to work?"

I rolled my eyes once again, looking at my laptop.

"You keep rolling them eyes, they gon get stuck in the back of your head" He said, moving from the island.

I sigh, still scrolling through my laptop. "Where's your sister?"

I looked up to see him staring at me. I huffed out in annoyance, "I don't know Terrance"

He started chuckling, shaking his head. "Always got an attitude with me"

Days after I came home, me and my mom couldn't set horses with each other. We fought almost everyday until she told me that I was her least favorite child, My heart broke when she said that. I knew she didn't like me but her admitting it, it felt different.

Stacy decided that it was best for me to stay with her because of what I was going through with everything.

That's when I met her roommate, Terrance Davis.

"I don't have an attitude" I said, looking at my computer, still  looking for a job. I came up upon a babysitting job.

I heard a munch sound, which caused me to look at him. He was eating an apple, where some of the juice fell on his bottom lip. He licked it up, making me avoid eye contact with him.

Terrance was 21. He was always getting on my nerves. Ever since I met him, he can't seem to stop talking to me.

My sister thinks I have a thing for him because I'm always mean towards him. He just gets on my nerves.

"Baby cakes, You're always catching attitudes with me. Like you don't like me or something" He said, still eating the apple. I rolled my eyes once again.

He said that he was going to call me baby cakes instead of Jo. He likes to get under my skin I tell you that.

"Bro, chill with that name" I said which caused him to laugh.

"Seriously though, what are you doing up?" He asked, leaning over the island trying to see what I was doing on my laptop. I closed it halfway for him not to see it.

"None of your business" He dropped his mouth open, backing away and slapped a hand on his chest.

"Damn, that really hurt baby cakes" He laughed a little and I rolled my eyes again.

"Baby cakes, those eyes are going to get stuck in the back of your head you keep on" He said.

I fixed my screen, getting off the stool. "Whatever Terrance" I opened the fridge, getting a bottle of water.

"You still finding a job?" I slammed the fridge door and ran over towards him but he picked it up, lifting his arm up where I couldn't reach him.

He was taller than me so I couldn't do anything. "Terrance, stop playing and give me back my laptop" I said, trying to get my laptop back from him.

He chuckled, seeing that I was struggling trying to get my laptop. "Terrance give me back my laptop!"

"What you going to do shorty?" He smiled, still looking at me.

"I'll pull your towel down" I said. He chuckled, raising both of his eyebrows up.

"Are you sure you're ready to see that view?" He stated, making me have second thoughts about that.

"What do I have to do?" I said, letting him win... well that's what he thought. He chuckled, licking his lips which made me feel different.

Like I was getting turned on when he did that.

"Let me put you on at footlocker" He said, which me made me chuckle, folding my arms.

"Terrance, I think I can handle finding a job. I'm 18 now"

"No, you're almost 19. You're not in college yet, you don't have any money to get your phone turned back on because your mom cut you off on everything, you're going through some shit and you keep acting like you're tough and you can handle everything... but deep down you don't know what to do" He said.

I felt so shocked to hear him say all of this. How did he know what was going on?

"You're sister and I aren't just roommates you know.. we're friends" He added on, putting my laptop down on the island.

I didn't know what to say, because he was actually right. My momma cut me off on everything. My dad tries to help me from time to time but he's going through a tough time with his job.

"And you're dad is not always going to be there for you, you know" He stated, looking down at me. I sigh, sitting down on the stool.

"You're right... I don't know what to do. I'm only 18 and I'm just starting adult hood"

He sat beside me, "Baby cakes, the way I see it... You're going the right path, but you're taking a different route to it. Let me put you on at footlocker"

"Terrance, I'm not that good with people. Especially boys" I said thinking about what happened to me when I went to L.A.

I hate no luck with Kalvin cause all he wanted was to fuck and Hayes... he was changing and he was suppose to he my best friend.

"Baby cakes, you're a cute girl with good vibes and has shoe style. I think you would fit right on in" He pat my leg, getting up from the stool and walking out.

I sigh, thinking about what Terrance just said. It's something I don't want to do, but it's something for me to start out with.

I got off the stool, going towards Terrance room. I wanted to knock on it but I decided against it and started to walk back to the living room.

Fuck it, I need a job and I have no money. I went back to his door and just as I was about to knock on it, the door opened to him in his foot locker uniform.

"Yes?" He questioned, leaning on his door way.

"Put me on" I said, making him smile a little. He chuckled, standing up with his shoes in his hands.

"Are you sure?"

I nod my head yes, "I wouldn't be at your door if I didn't now would I?" I said and he smiles.

"I think you would love coming to this door, after I get finish with you" He said, walking away shutting his room door.

My mouth was shut after that, I can't believe he just said that.




I was currently at footlocker with Terrance. My sister gave me a prepaid card so my phone is currently on. But other than that, I don't have a car, nor no money, He wanted me to come with him.

I decided against it, but Stacy forced me to come since I didn't have anything to do. I went to go get something from the food court since Stacy gave me a little bit of money to eat something too.

I was wearing my tomboy fit, which was a long short sleeve, black ripped jeans, white converse and black nike hat.

I went inside of footlocker to see one of the girls flirting with Terrance, once again. When he saw me, he showed the girl a aisle and walked towards me.

"Thank you" He smiled, about to grab my chick-fil-a bag but I moved it from him. "Aht, Aht this ain't for you Terrance" I said, making him chuckle.

"Damn why are you so mean to me? It's my lunch break anyway, so let's go sit down and eat" He stated, grabbing my arm. He never grabs me but this had a different feeling to it.

When he got his food, we sat down and he was taking bites out of his burger he got from chick-fil-a.

He was always eating seems like to me.

The way he was eating while he was on phone, made me feel some type of way. He put his phone down, looking at me.

"What?" He asked, finishing swallowing his food. I shook my head, eating my food.

"So I talked to my manger and she said that she would interview Thursday, if that's fine with you?" He said and I nod my head.

"Yeah, that's fine. I don't have anything to do anyway" I shrugged, looking at the time on my phone  then looking up to see him looking at me.

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows, he just smiled, wiping his mouth with his hand.

"Nothing" He smiled, leaning back in his seat.

I rolled my eyes, deciding to go on my phone. I went on Instagram and a video popped up on my news feed.

It was Nash's profile. I totally forgot that I was still following him. I didn't bother to look at the caption but I did see that Taylor had a big belly.

Taylor was pregnant?

I noticed that they had cannons. It looked like the cannons for a gender reveal. It popped and blue confetti came out, but skylynns didn't come out. I smiled, but then I frowned when I seen Hayes.

He still looked the same. I seen that Nash tagged him in the post. I decided to go to his profile and noticed that he had a lot of pics with some girl. I tapped one picture and noticed that they were kissing in the picture.

I was getting mad but then I didn't care. He was his own person and I was my own person. We weren't best friends anymore so I didn't care anymore.

"Baby cakes I've got to get ready to back to work" I heard Terrance say. I looked up to see him already getting up.

"Wait!" I said, making him arching his eyebrow. "I'm coming with you" I said. He still had that same expression on his face.

"I thought you said you didn't want to walk nor talk to me when you got here. You told me you would go into footlocker whenever I was ready to leave. Why  a sudden change?"

"I just changed my mind" I shrugged, seeing him smile.

"Okay then, let's go" He said, grabbing our trash and we both started going back to footlocker.

I don't know what just happened back there, but that picture really just made me feel some type of way.

A/N: I'm sorry guys but here's the update❤️😍👅💙💜💙❤️😂💙😍😫😫😂

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