Forever Yours

By F0rg0tt3nAng3l86

3.7K 53 1

What would it be like if Severus Snape met his wife during school. Even know that Severus is not married in t... More

Hogwarts Start
The Years Go On
Still Friends
Marking his
What next
Another Year
Oh No He's Back.
Wait What
Here it comes
Life goes on

Who could see what's next

243 2 0
By F0rg0tt3nAng3l86

During the summer Severus heard of a fire out at the quidditch World Cup. He had his suspicions on how it could be doing it. He knew there were some followers but, not many. He knows some of them are still into hiding till he is out.

The students arrived in the Great Hall to hear the announcements. Dumbledore made the Triwizard tournaments along with Barty Crouch. A lot of the students were not happy about it as all the students under the 17 mark booed out and Dumbledore quiet them. " One more announcement to all the students there has been a change in last names. Mrs. Elladora Carlile and Professor Snape had gotten married over the summer so know it leaves with great pleasure to introduce Professor and Madam Snape. The teachers has clapped along with the other schools. During the dinner Snape was talking with most of the teachers along with Ella telling them about their story.

During the school year the champions being named and Ella sitting and watching as it had happened. " Harry of all people this shouldn't of happened Severus." Ella said. " I don't think Harry did it I think someone else did but, who would still be here in this school that is still allegiance to the dark lord." Severus said. " Then why let Harry compete you and I both know he wouldn't of be able to handle it if he did." Ella said. " My dear Harry is a lot more stronger than anyone ever thought." Severus said. They laid in bed as they were reading. She laid down and looked at Severus. " What are you thinking about." Ella said. " Lilly, if she were alive and seen that Harry was chosen as a Triwizard Competior she would be petrified right now." Severus said. " That she would but, lets not dwell on it dear let's get to bed my husband." Ella said. " As we will my dear." Severus said. She snuggled up to him as they both fell asleep.

The first task was over the next task was about to begin. Hermione, Ron and Harry walked into the library. " Hello everyone can I help with anything." Ella said to Hermione. " No thank you Mrs. Snape we have everything under control." Hermione said. " Miss Granger you guys are here close to the second task don't you." Ella said. " Yes we know but, we will get it cracked soon." Hermione said. They were working on it then Moody came in and took Hermione and Ron with him. During the contest Harry was waiting for his friends. Ella saw where he was at. " Go Harry you will see them soon." Ella said when she went and sat down. After the contest Harry then went ahead and got back up.

The dance lesson were going before the start of the third task. Snape had to teach the Slytherins. " So some of you already know how to dance and some of you don't so I will be teaching you, Severus come and help me with this please." Ella said looking at him. " Do I have too." Severus said. " Yes know come on." Ella said. He looked over to her and did exactly as he did. " Now everyone grab a girl and dance." Ella said. They practice and practice then as far as they knew was here. Once the number started the teachers were on the floor next Severus and Ella started to dance. Once the number was over that was their cue to go.

Severus took Ella to the room of requirement. " Mrs. Snape" Severus said as he bowed and kissed her hand. " Mr. Snape" Ella said returning the favor. He grabbed her waist and they heard the music coming from a record player in the room. They slowed dance. " I wanted to give your Christmas present before we go to the Malfoy's tommorow. Severus took out a box and pulled out a bracelet. " It's a charm bracelet as you can see some has already been added. The first time we met, Friends forever, our first kiss, our wedding date, so on and so on." Severus said. " I love it thank you." Ella said. She kissed him. " Here is yours." Ella said. She gave him hers. He opened it and saw it was a book he was looking for. " Where did you find this" Severus asked. " I had to travel to different books stores in the muggle world but, found it none of the less." Ella said. He gave her a hug.

They walked back to their quarters and head to bed. They were tired and the third and final task was coming up. Severus was wondering who kept stealing from his stores he ran out of some simple ingredients some to make polyjuice potion. He thought Harry and his friends were doing it. When she caught up with Hermione, Ron and Harry she sat on the table and started to talk. " I have a very serious question Harry I already know your answer did any of yous go into Snape's stores to steal ingredients to make Polyjuice potion. This will stay between all of us if you did but, if you did you nee to make an attempt and put the ingredients back." Ella said looking seriously in their eyes. Hermione stand up. " Madam I can tell you know none of us has not been taking any of the ingredients, we did at one point but, we learned our lesson about Polyjuice potion after I got turned into a cat." Hermione said. " I believe you but, if you do please let me know." Ella said as she walked away.

Ella went down to their quarters and talked to Severus, " It wasn't them." Ella said. "Who" Severus said. "The trio of kids you try and leave out as suspects. Potter,Granger, and Wesley." Ella said. " How do you know that they are not lying." Severus asked. " There body language is completely different when someone lies there body tense up." Ella said.

The last task has been upon them. The four contestants went thru the maze as they walk thru and harry getting the port key to Voldemort. Harry was taking up to Moody's classroom. Severus took Ella's hand and said to come with him. He went and grabbed the Vertisurem and went to Moody's classroom. Dumbledore pushed Moody to the wall and Severus gave the False Moody the potion and then the False Moody gave him everything and while Severus and Ella watch the Barty Crouch Jr. The Aurora's came and got him and they returned to their quarters. Severus rolled up his sleeves hoping what Barty said was not true. The tattoo on his arm came to life. He looked down at cried Ella holding him close. They were both afraid of what was to come.

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