Here it comes

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As the months went on they had found out what they were having. They found out they were having a little girl and named her Eileen Paige. The first name of his mother and then cause they loved books. The night they found out that Ella was pregnant Voldemort found out about the baby and was delighted. He called Severus and talked to him on it. " So I here that you and your wife are expecting your first little one" The dark Lord asked. " Yes we are a strong and healthy baby girl." Severus said. " Well make sure you bring her by. Ella and Severus were staying with the Malfoy's so they can be near his family. One night while laying in bed Ella woke with a shocking pain to her stomach she sat up full belly and all and she sat up in bed then move to the side. She thought she had to go to bed but, once she headed back to bed she felt another. She woke Severus up. He sat up and went to get Narcissa. She sat down with her and timed her contractions. " I am going to get the women who delivered Draco, Narcissa said.

Moments later Ella was on the bed in pain. Severus held her and talked to her thru them. The lady arrived with Narcissa. Severus was bent down holding her hands keep her calm at the best he can. The lady got her on the bed and checked her. She was not progressing quite yet. Severus told her everything she needed to know. It was basically a waiting game. They didn't want to go to St. Mungo's cause with Severus killing Voldemort it was a bad idea. Ella was in tears and screaming as she was in labor. Severus went up to her and held her hands coaching her thru.

The labor progressed a tiny bit it has been an hour and Ella is getting restless as she was in pain. In the last hour she has almost broke Severus hand. Told the doctor to get stuffed. Hexed Wormtail every time he came in checking on people. Severus had took wands from everyone and locked them up so Ella doesn't kill Wormtail. " GET THIS DAMN THING OUT OF ME." Ella screamed as another painful contraction came.

Ella couldn't take it anymore. They were happy when the baby doctor told her that it was time to push. Ella can feel her baby right were her trunk was. Severus sat behind her and Narcissa helped the witch when needed. As she squared down she started to push. She held on to Severus hand. Severus held her up with all his might. She pushed harder every time the lady told her too. After so many pushes , tears, and sweat. Eileen was born. Severus held Ella back up and put her on the bed. They laid her on Ella. She cried sweet tears that the baby was born she. Severus held her in his arm kissing her nose. " My sweet Eileen, My Sweet little Princess." Severus said as he kissed his baby princess.

After the night of pushing and all. The Dark Lord had stopped by for the meeting and then went and see Miss Eileen he looked down at the sleeping baby and smiled that she maybe a future Deatheater in the future. "Congratulation Severus she is a beauty just like her mother." Voldemort said.

The summer was over as Severus was labeled the Headmaster at Hogwarts. They were talking on night about the war. " When this all goes down I want you to take Eileen to your realtives house and make sure she is safe. I also want you there too." Severus said. " No I am going with you." Ella said. " This is not open for discussion." Severus said. " Yes it is I am married to you and your my husband. For better or worse." Ella said. " Ella, please I don't want to argue on this." Severus said " No I am going." Ella said. The night that Harry was spotted Severus plan was in action. Severus kissed Ella and Eileen. " I love you baby and I love you princess." Severus said.

Ella did take Eileen to her realtives some where in London. Then she went back to find Severus. She helped fight the war. Each person she tooked down. She went looking for Severus and came across the boat house. She turned the corner and saw Harry, Hermione, and Ron. " She bent down and looked at her husband. Harry collected the tear and then collected Ella's. " Go Harry and finish him I will stay with Severus." Ella said. Severus looked up into her eyes as she held him. " I thought I told you to stay with your relative." Severus said. Ella smiled as she let tears fall. " Is Eileen safe." Severus said. " Yes" Ella said. " My dear, I love you and just so you know I left everything to you and her." Severus talked as Ella hushed him. " Please lets spend these last few moments together." Ella said. " Tell me a story." Severus said. Ella knew this was a sign that he didn't have long. Ella looked up and then down at him. " Once upon a time a willful little girl meet a little boy in black and a little girl in red. They became friends. One day the little girl in red decided to let go of the boy in black." Ella said as she started to cry. " The little boy in black and the willful girl had determined that they can make this work. They decided after many years of being friends they decided to date." Ella said she looked down and checked for a pulse and Severus was no longer alive.

She laid his body down and started to cry. She took his hand and folded them across his chest. Minerva and Poppy showed up and saw Ella crying. Poppy confirmed and had some people moved his body. Minerva took Ella's hand. The great hall was filled with the dead. Molly and the rest cried over Fred and Harry was alright. They had won the war when they decided to survey the damage and collect the bodies.

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