Still Friends

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As Ella ha and more time on her hands now that she graduated from Hogwarts. She often visit Lilly and Severus. James grew more mature once he realized that Ella was harmless. Ella got a job at the 3 broomstick and helped tom with the things needed. She saw a clad of black figures come into the bar. She didn't recognized them but, she heard their voices. She didn't both them she just did what any waitress would do and get them drinks. The night the black clad wizards came in so did Lilly and the rest of the gang. " Hey what will you guys have." Ella said They told her their drink order and then where talking.

One member of the black came up and asked Lilly to dance and she declined. Once she declined the guy got upset and grabbed her by the arm. Ella saw that and went over there. She took out her wand and put it to his throat. " You heard her she said No, Now return to your seat and keep your hands to yourself before I kick you and your friends out." Ella said. Lilly looked at Ella " Thank you Ella." Lilly said. " No problem" Ella said. The gang left once that had happened. Ella was just getting off work when she saw Severus attacking her friends. " You guys stop, You all need to stop for Lilly sake." Ella said as she looked at a shooken Lilly. Severus looked at Lilly. As she stood up and looked at both of him. " James, I love you but, you need to learn to control that temper. Severus I can't be friends with you if you are a death eater and practicing black magic. Ella took care of him please." Lilly said

As Lilly and the gang appriated Severus kneeled in the street crying. Ella ran to him and kneeled in front of him. " Come on lets get you home." Ella said. She helped him up and they appriated to his house in Spinner's End. She sat him down and took his hand. " Is it true what she said." Ella asked Snape unbutton his sleeve and pulled it up. Ella saw the black tattoo with the slithering snake on his arm. The known mark of the dark lord. " Why Severus Why would you join something like that." Ella said. " I thought it would get Lilly back and thought that maybe James would leave her and be with me." Severus said. " Severus you can't change someone's mind once it's made, It's made for life." Ella said. Severus looked up at her with both their eyes. Her eyes twinkled as he looked at her. As they leaned into kiss each other that's when the dark mark started to hurt. " I have to go I will see you later your more than welcome to stay here if you would like." Severus said. He kissed her cheek and he left.

As the time went on Ella visited Severus more each day. Till eventually she moved in with him as a friend. She helped him with chores and such keeping the house up while he was at Hogwarts. Severus was able to talk to Dumbledore and was able to get Ella a job at the castle as well helping Miss Pince with the books in the library. They would visit each other everyday and go on walks. One night Ella fell asleep in Severus quarters. A loud crack sound woke her up Severus was crying and on the floor. " What's going on." Ella said. " They are going to kill them." Severus said " Who" Ella asked " Lilly, James and their young son Harry." Severus said. She took his hand and they ran to Dumbledore's office. Ella knocked on the door and had Severus by the arm. Severus told them everything. " Hide them, Hide them all please I beg of you." Severus said. He become Dumbledore's spy that night.

At Severus last meeting he heard that Lilly, James, and Harry were all dead. When he head over to the house and went thru. He came across James that was laying on the floor with his eyes opened. He walked up the stairs and saw the door cracked open Severus had his wand out in case. When he opened the door he fell to the floor and saw Lilly on the floor. He went over and hugged her crying seeing the crying baby in his crib he took Harry and went to Hogwarts. Went up to Dumbledore's office and saw Minerva and told him what he saw. Minerva took the baby. " Why didn't you save them, Why didn't you hide them." Severus said as he cried. He didn't hear anymore he just went down into his quarters crying. He slammed the door and Ella woke up. " Severus what's wrong. " Lilly she is gone, She is dead, He killed her," Severus said. She looked up in shock and started to cry. She got down on the floor with him and they both cried. They both held each other as they cried for their friend.

Severus waited in the shadows as did Ella for the funeral of James and Lilly. They both cried as the crowd went away he and Ella came from the shadows and looked at his friend and laid a black rose on to her grave. Ella put her fingers on the grave and closed her eyes and held his hand. Thru there he had said "I will avenge your death my love." Severus said. Ella didn't mind what he said. " Do you think she got my message." Severus said. " I think she did." Ella said. They went back home. " Let's not go home quite yet." Severus said. " Why not," Ella said. " Well I thought we can go for a walk to get our minds off what's going on." Severus said. " Okay" Ella said.

As they went for a walk they saw a park and sat down. " Elladora" Severus said. " Yes, Severus." Ella said. " You have been there for so many years from the time at Hogwarts till now, You have seen me at my best and my worst." Severus said. He took his hand. " Would you go out with me. Be my girlfriend." Severus asked. " I would love to." Ella said. She bent over and kissed Severus.

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