Lies and Roses°nctxbpxrv

By princehendery

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"You've been living a lie your whole life. Don't you want to avenge yourself from the people who kept you fro... More

Trailer + Posters of Main Casts


594 40 55
By princehendery


SUNDAY; 2:42:19 PM

I rubbed my palms together to keep them warm as I look out of the clear-glass window from a distance. I see a lot of people lining up. I couldn't stay still because of how anxious I felt. I can't even stop myself from feeling chilly even though the heater in the room was functioning. My stomach rumbles every now and then and my throat was getting dry.

I scanned the crowd once more to count how many heads I am going to entertain for today. Despite having a few assistants, I'm still worried that we might not be able to accommodate these customers efficiently. It's not that I am questioning the capabilities of my employees, the perturbation just gets right through me, you know. You never know what will happen.

"Miss Park, we're going to do fine. You know, like how we did in our last exhibit," Yeri reassuringly smiled at me, patting my shoulder. "We have been preparing for this day and even if you're not ready, we have your back. Also, Jaehyun will be a little late. He sent me a text message a while ago."

I bit my lower lips as I soughed roughly, trying to release the worry clouding in my head.

"Y-you're, right. We can do it. Thank you, Yeri."

Yeri giggled, the wrinkles around her eyes deepening. "You're still nervous about people getting disappointed with your works?"

I nodded; my eyes still glued at the people outside the studio. "I'm just afraid to be criticized though."

Haechan eavesdropped and decided to pipe in our conversation. "Miss Park, you shouldn't be scared of their criticisms!"

"We learn from our mistakes, don't we?" Yeri flashed a closed-lip smile, her eyes twinkling and oozing with purity.

"I just hope they'll love my works—"

Jungwoo rushed in, panting. He tried to catch his breath before speaking. "We're going to open now, okay? Are we all ready?" The boy asked, waiting for a response from each one of us.

"Yah, can you not scare us like that. I thought something bad happened that's why you were running!" Joy playfully slapped Jungwoo's back to which he winced.

"I was just trying to look legit," Jungwoo answered, pursing his lips together. "Anyways, Miss Park, please do the honors."

We all headed to the front door of the gallery, catching everyone's attention. I inhaled deeply before widely smiling to everyone. I held on the hemlines of my skirt as my fingers slightly quivered.

"Welcome to each and every one of you here. I am Park Ji Seul, your artist for today," I paused whilst the crowd was applauding. When the clapping sounds faded, I continued. "The exhibit is now officially open."

I headed back inside the room, specifically to the front most area where a platform was built and a podium protruding on the right side. I stood there as one by one they all entered the gallery. My eyes were flying everywhere to check their initial reactions.

Joy, Yeri, Haechan, and Jungwoo quickly acted upon the situation and did their assigned tasks.

Hanging on all four walls of the room were paintings of portraits and landscapes; drawings of abstract and symbolic sketches from the figment of my imagination. I also had a portfolio placed in every corner, showing all of the commissions I've had for the past years as an artist. I also had a couple of photographs presented in a slide show, the references and inspirations of my works.

The place itself wasn't that glamorous. I had to admit it was the only art gallery I could possibly afford as of now. But the interior is decent and conducive to hold such event. It's quite spacious but not enough to hold a hundred.

As I inspect the area, my eyes happen to catch someone rather familiar amidst the crowd. A face I have seen once in my life but I just couldn't figure out when and where. My eyes trailed her obscure movement. She apparently came alone as she's been pacing the place all by herself.

What I noticed right away about this woman was the way she dressed: classy and elegant. She didn't look like someone who would be in a place like this. She looked like she belonged to the elite group. She especially stood out.

There was something in her posture and stance, particularly in the way she carries herself whilst walking. My entire focus was drawn to her and all of a sudden, I wasn't feeling nervous about this whole thing.

This woman walked to one side of the room, she stood in front of my painting of a distraught girl crying. That painting of mine was from a dream I had back in America. I this unknown girl in the middle of the street, on the floor, bemoaning in aggravation. I had doubts at that time whether I was hallucinating or actually seeing this person with my very eyes.

Psychotic as it seems but I found ease in the eyes of this girl. When I painted her, it was as if my hands already knew how she looked like in canvas.

The woman froze before the painting, which made me feel strange. She stood so straightly and quietly, not even moving a muscle.

Then, she finally took a step back. She faced me with a sophisticated façade. She glared at me with those blood shot eyes as if she was killing. . .me. . . in . . . her head. . .

A realization sparked in my head.

She was that rich-ass and rude customer I had back at the café.

She squinted her eyes at me before sauntering to my direction. I was baffled and mystified. I managed to keep my composure as she got near me.

She suddenly halted a meter away from me, her face expressionless like the last time we met.

She rose a brow, still narrowing her eyes. "How much for that painting?"

Flabbergasted, my brows furled. "Uhm. . . 80. . .d-dollars." I managed to mutter.

She chuckled at my answer and rolled her eyes. "Just 80?"

"You're expecting something higher?"

"What does it look like?"

Jungwoo stepped in the scene, causing the woman to look exasperated at the boy's flamboyant entrance.

"W-well, Miss Park's rate is not that high since the resources she used in her works are not yet upgraded nor sponsored—"

"I'll take it," She interrupted, pulling out a pen from her purse and what seems to be a cheque. "What's your name again?" She raised both of her brows.

"Park Ji Seul." I immediately replied, earning a snicker from the woman.

"You're good. I believe we'll be meeting each other again." She handed me the piece of paper. As I received it, I took the chance to look for her name. And there it was, on the bottom right corner of the paper where she affixed her signature.

Bae Irene

"I want that delivered to this place," She gave Jungwoo a calling card. He took it and read the citations written in the front. His eyes gaped as he skims the card. He whipped his head back to Irene in amusement, I assume.

"Y-you're . . . a chaebol. . ." Jungwoo mumbled under his breath as Irene cunningly grinned at him.

"Anyways, Park Jiseul, congratulations on your exhibit."

"Thank—" And just like that, Irene strode out of our sight as if she was in a runway. The clacking sounds of her heels resonated in the room despite the muffle murmurs and whispers of the people. She managed to stunningly make an exit and leave us in awe.

Jungwoo and I exchanged knowing looks and were just dumbfounded.

"She's a chaebol, Miss Park. . . That's the first time we had someone like her. . ." Jungwoo delightfully said his eyes glistening. "I'll go. . . attend to my group. Way to go Miss Park."

Relieved, I felt lighter than earlier. It's as if all the negativity in my body vanished. I couldn't contain my emotions. I was just so overwhelmed that a filthy-rich person like Irene would appreciate my work and buy it. I never thought this would happen in my life.

I endlessly smiled by myself to where I was standing. I can't help it. I feel a huge sense of achievement for today. It's another milestone for us, especially for me. This would open to much greater opportunities.

"I hope you're not thinking about me," A disembodied voice emanated. "You seem very happy."

I never realized Taeyong was standing next to me. It made me jolt in surprise.

"Y-you're here." I said, trying not to look at him.

Taeyong lifted a bag and gave it a light shake, making the insides to produce thudding sounds. My attention was drawn to this sweet smell that came from whatever he was holding.

"I brought you coffee and donuts," He said, giving the bag and cup of coffee to me. "I figured you might be too busy to even think about eating."

I opened the sealed bag and found four pieces of chocolate donuts with crushed-peanut toppings. I inhaled the scent and my stomach made this deep grumbling noise. I did forget to eat lunch because I spent the whole morning setting up, practicing, and briefing with the employees.

"You're not on a diet, are you?" Taeyong queried, his eyes filled with disbelief.

I giggled, shaking my head.

Taeyong sighed, flashing a little smile.

"Well, if you were, I'd still force you to eat that because it cost me a lot."

I took out a piece and had bit a medium portion of the donut, savoring the flavor as it melt in my tongue.

"Your paintings are actually like Francis Bacon's. . ." Taeyong's eyes flittered, seemingly studying my works. "Weird. . . scary. . . dark. . ."

"Well, thank you," I chortled, finishing one piece. "I actually want to be as great as him."

Taeyong nodded his head, his hand positioned near his chin as he fondled the tip of his nose with his point finger.

"How do you make all of these without getting terrified though. I mean, most of these are probably from your head. . .and they're somehow horrid in a good sense. You're not afraid of having all of those in there?" He pointed at my forehead.

I knitted my brows together. "Truthfully, these mesmerize me. Maybe because I knew they're just thoughts. . . just my imagination. . . they're not real."

"Can you be my guide for today's art exhibit?" Taeyong straightforwardly asked, looking a little embarrassed afterwards.

"Sure. After all, you brought me these."

I lead him to the most recent painting I made. He eagerly scrutinized the painted canvas. His eyes are slowly moving from top to bottom. He folded his arms across his chest. As he stared at it longer, his lips parted and a quiet gasp escaped. He wasn't like this when I took him to Bacon's art showcase.  This made my heart flutter.

For a moment, I realized he had this aromatic smell radiating from his body. I assume he was especially wearing perfume today. I inhaled the scent, sensing calmness and breeze. The way he smelled felt like summer; fresh as the sea and as bright as the sun. A combination of warmth and breeze. It got me feeling nostalgic. I was too engrossed with how he smelt to the point that I wasn't able to concentrate in the painting before us.

"How can you make something so. . . atrocious yet so beautiful. . .does it come naturally or what. . ."

Taeyong's eyes find their way to mine. I just nodded as my response, unable to find the perfect answer to his query.

"I hope this doesn't offend you or anything but I happen to notice you find hideous things beautiful. It's a strange taste. Like this painting for example. . . A heart, eaten by a. . . a shadow" He doubtfully looked at me.

"An almost anatomically accurate image of a human heart being devoured by what seems to be a black void. . . and as it enters this dark realm, it's being crushed by an invisible force, blood oozing out from here and there. I am trying to depict a heartbreak here; the kind where you don't exactly know how and why things didn't work out. There's an underlying reason, yes. But you're just so unsure of what it is And a black hole of nothingness is where your heart is heading." I replied, gracefully eyeing my painting.

Taeyong let out an abrupt snort. "You really are artistic."

"Well, to correct you, I don't find hideous things beautiful. . . I find beauty in the hideous," I cockily grinned at him, earning a nod. "It's always been like that for my case. I don't romanticize pain. I don't glamorize sadness. I just dig for hidden layers, look for that little light that stays veiled."

"After coming here, I have realized I envy you a lot," Taeyong grimaced. "You're actually good at something. . . good. You're a very kind person. Your heart is pure. You're like an angel."

Bemused, I furled my brows at him. "W-what do you mean?"

He let out a rough exhale and pressed his lips together. "I'm not a good person, Jiseul. I'll tell you that. I don't do good things, like you. I am only good at doing something bad. . ." He answered in a low voice.

"D-don't say that, will you? You're not a bad person, okay?"

Taeyong slowly batted his lashes, pouting afterwards. "If that's what you believe. . ."


I hear Jaehyun's voice not too far from where I stood. I whirled in my place to look for him. When I was able to recognize him, he cheerfully sprinted to our direction.

"I'm sorry I came in a little late," He engulfed me with a warm congratulatory embrace. "I am so proud of you, Jiseul. Jungwoo told me your first buyer for today was a chaebol; a pretty one he claimed."

I drew myself back from the hug and skeptically looked at him.

"Why?" He smiled, his deep dimples showing. "What's the matter?"

I sniffed the pockets of Jaehyun's coat as there was this familiar smell lingering at the tip of my nose. It's itching so bad both literally and figuratively.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He chuckled.

Once I was able to detect the strong scent, I glared at Jaehyun.

"You've been smoking again, have you?" I sternly eyed him, his shoulder shuddering all of a sudden.

He grunted, clearing his throat. "I only did it once, okay?"

"You handle stress so poorly. How many times do I have to tell you to use your nicotine patch?"

"I'm out of it. . ." Jaehyun childishly giggled. "I swear! I only did it once today. Damn, I shouldn't have worn this coat. I thought you wouldn't notice."

"How could I not? I have a great sense of smell."

Jaehyun saw Taeyong standing a little far-flung from me. He knitted his brows together with a nifty expression written all over his face.

"Don't even think about it." I mouthed, making sure it was inaudible for anyone.

"Well, well. Look who it is," Jaehyun stayed beside Taeyong, who was looking a little nervous when their shoulders brushed past each other. Jaehyun looked at him from head to toe and smirked. "If you're hitting on my best friend, you have to at least pass through me. Pretend that this is the screening part of your job interview. I am your interviewer. You have to wow me with your abilities and credibility."

I whacked Jaehyun's bottom with my fist. He grunted but shooed me away instead.

So, I continued to eavesdrop.

"I'm not hitting on her. I am not going to do your silly interview. I don't need to impress anyone," Taeyong replied, appearing to be more sedate than I expected. "If you're afraid that your friend is hanging out with a freak, don't be. This freak knows his boundaries and would rather stay in his line. Otherwise, I would have to deal with you."

Jaehyun snickered, holding back his laughter. "You're good. But not good enough for her."

I quickly stepped in between the boys to break the tension, pretentiously laughing as I hung both of my arms over their shoulders. "You two better stop coming at each other's throats." I said, almost in a whisper.

I glanced to them one by and one with gritted teeth. "If I catch you talking about me, I will somersault my way and whoop your asses, understood?"

"As if you can," Jaehyun uttered profanities under his breath, rolling his eyes afterwards. "You can't whoop any of our asses. You can't even open the lid of your apple jam."

Taeyong seemingly paid attention to what Jaehyun had to say.

"Taeyong, did you know this woman right here fucking called me at two in the morning, crying. I was so scared so I rushed out of the house, drove a couple of blocks away from home—" I slapped Jaehyun's back one more time, causing him to flinch away from us. But it didn't make him stop from blabbering.

"Wearing nothing but your pajamas, sacrificing my beauty sleep and for what? I went there without any clue as to why she was crying in the middle of the night. Imagine what a huge slap in the face it was after finding out she just wanted to eat a sandwich but just can't twist the jar open."

I hurriedly walked out of the scene and hid away from embarrassment. I can't believe Jaehyun told Taeyong that. It's not that I am mad at him for blurting such childish memory of us but I didn't want Taeyong to see me like that.

"Bye, Park Jiseul!" I heard Jaehyun shout from a far.


IRENE WAS ONE OF THE MYSTERY CHARACTERS! ONLY TWO MORE TO GO :>  Well, from the looks of this edit, I bet you can already tell, right?


By the way, I made a character trailer for these people. I will post it once I've finished this story :-------)  It will also serve as an intro for another book :------) Ok bye

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