A Girl With No Emotion(JoyRi)

By Amira_Yurina

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Kang Yerim is the daughter of Kang Seulgi and Bae Joohyun.She always hate her parents because her parents are... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15(Flashback)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17(Final)

Chapter 10

698 40 0
By Amira_Yurina

Wait,why Kang Seulgi is doing here?Especially in Yeri’s room?Is she and Yeri related or are they dating?No...it can’t be.So many thought appeared in Joy’s mind.

She still can’t believe her eyes.Is that really Kang Seulgi?It her first time seeing Seulgi closely.Not only her,but her friends too.

Seulgi smiled at Joy and her friends. “Are you Yerim’s friends?”Seulgi’s smile alone could melt them.

When Seulgi asked Joy and her friends,Joy nodded nervously.Seulgi could see that Joy was nervous,so she gave a slightly chuckled.

“I see....I’m sure you know about me.My name is Kang Seulgi.I’m one of Yerim’s parents.”Seulgi introduced herself.

“Yeri’s parents??”The councillors exclaimed in union.It their first time hearing that Seulgi is Yeri’s parents.Even Soojin and Nayeon who admired Seulgi a lot didn’t know that they were hanging out with her child.Same with Joy too.

So,Yeri’s real name is Kang Yerim,not Kim Yerim.That was Joy thought.

Seulgi then give another her slightly chuckled.She like when someone surprised that Seulgi and Yeri are related to each other and the fact that Yeri is her child.

Seulgi then lead Joy and the others to the room.As they entered the room,they could see that Yeri was reading a book.

‘Still reading as always.’Joy thought as she smiled at Yeri who was serious reading her book.
“Yerim-ah,I bring some guests to you.”Seulgi said.

Yeri put down her book and look up to see who are the guests.She widened her eyes when she see Joy and the others approaching to her.She didn’t know that Seulgi already met them.

Yeri wanted to get out of her here fast.There only one window for her to escape.She was about to walk out the window but Joy was fast enough to stop her by touching her soft hand.


“Yeri,I know that you going to run away,but please don’t.”Joy said as she tightened her grip of Yeri’s hand.Hearing what Joy said,Yeri sighed and leaned down to her bed.

“Yeri,I didn’t know that you are Kang Seulgi’s child.”

“Why are you kept a secret that you are her child?”

Nayeon and Soojin were asking Yeri.Yeri didn’t know what to answer to them.She can’t answer to them especially when Seulgi is here.


“Can you guys please don’t ask that question?Yeri have a reason to keep that as her secret.”Luckily,Joy understood Yeri.Yeri glanced at Joy and smiled at her.Joy did the same.

A few hours later,after Lisa,Nayeon and a few councillors who are in the room chatting with Yeri,the room became quiet.

Seulgi decide to break a silence.She told some stories about her marriage with Irene.How she and Irene met and how they ended up with each other.

Flashback(20 years ago)

Seulgi was a high school student.She just transferred to the school in Seoul.Despite being a new student,she became popular in the school.Even though she is popular,she is nice and friendly.She love to help people.

One day,when she entered her class.She saw a very beautiful girl wearing her glasses and she was reading book.

She is so beautiful that she make Seulgi’s jaw dropped.She was walking toward the direction of the girl.Luckily,the seat next to her was vacant,so she sit on the seat next to the pretty girl.

Seulgi can’t stop staring at that girl.

“Staring is rude.”The girl spoke in a soft tone. “Sorry...my name is Kang Seulgi.”Seulgi introduced to the girl,but the girl didn’t replied,she was reading her book.

“She is Bae Joohyun but we called her Irene.Most people called her Ice Princess because she is cold to people and she is so beutiful like a Goddess.”Suddenly,a girl beside Seulgi spoke.Seulgi turned to the girl and nodded what she said.

“Oh...um...you are...?”

“Sorry for not introduce myself earlier.My name is Yoo Shiah,but people called me Yooa.Nice to meet you.”Yooa introduced herself.

“Likewise.I am Kang Seulgi.”

“Since we introduced ourselves,can we be friends?”Asked Yooa.Seulgi gladly nodded.She glad that she finally make new friend in school.

Irene heard the conversation between Seulgi and Yooa.She don’t know why her heart suddenly felt hurt.It not like she fell in love with Seulgi.She just met her.

Ever since that day when Seulgi and Yooa make friends,both of them became closer.Seulgi realised that Yooa and her became closer,but her feeling is still the same.She have no feeling on Yooa.She treat Yooa as her best friend but not more than that.

Seulgi then saw Irene carrying a few boxes.Irene look like she was struggling carrying it.

Irene slowly walking while carrying the boxes.She know that the boxes was about to fall but she still walking.As she try to walk fast,one of the boxes was about to fall,luckily,someone manage to caught it.

As Irene look at the person that caught the box,it was Seulgi.

“Can I help you?”Asked Seulgi. “It none of your business.Why are you trying to help me?”Asked Irene as she continue walking.The second box was about to fall,but Seulgi quickly caught it before it land on the floor.

“See,you need help after all.”

Irene ignored Seulgi and continue walking.Seulgi then following Irene.She don’t know where to put the box.

Time skip

The teacher handed some worksheet to Seulgi and her classmate.The teacher told the class that there is the project for the class and the class need to form in pairs.Seulgi turned to look at Irene.She found that Irene look lonely and no one dare to ask her become their partner.So Seulgi asked Irene.If it for a school work,Irene accepted,so she nod.Seulgi wanted to jump in an excitement but she need to maintain it.

Yooa who was sitting beside Seulgi was jealous.She was about to ask Seulgi but Seulgi already asked Irene.

Seulgi and Irene planned to meet each other during the holiday.They planned to meet in Irene’s house.

Seulgi has finally arrived to Irene’s house.It was her first time to go to Irene’s house,so she was so nervous.She knocked on the door,suddenly,a woman open the door instead of Irene.

“Are you Seulgi?”The woman asked.Seulgi nodded.The woman intoduced herself as Kim Taeyeon.She asked Seulgi to enter the house and sit on the sofa while she was informing Irene that Seulgi already arrive.

After a few minutes of sitting on the sofa,Seulgi was thinking about Irene.Whenever she see Irene,her heart can’t stop skip fast.She wanted to confess her feeling to Irene,only her.

“Seulgi?”She turned around after she heard a beautiful voice.It was Irene,with her bare face and also without her glasses.She was so beautiful.

Time skip

After the project,Irene and Seulgi became closer and Irene can now open her mind to Seulgi.So whenever Irene have problem,she always told Seulgi about her problems.

But one day.

“Why are you doing this,Yooa?Why are you doing this to Irene!?”Seulgi shouted to Yooa as she wrapped her arm around Irene who was badly wounded.Irene can’t helped but crying onto Seulgi’s chest.

Yooa look at Irene and clicked her tongue.She was thinking what is so good about Irene.Irene have nothing but her visual.

“It is because....it is BECAUSE I LOVE YOU KANG SEULGI.!”Yooa shouted through Seulgi’s ear.Yooa took out her knife and she was intending to commit suiside.

The knife was about to cut her but then Seulgi stop her.She didn’t want her best friend to lose her life.

“You can’t do this,Yooa.You can’t end your life like this.Even though I did not love you as much as I am to Irene.I love you as my best friend.”Seulgi said.Hearing what Seulgi said,Yooa dropped the knife and suddenly she collapse.

A few years later after that incident,Yooa already gave up on Seulgi and she happy that Seulgi and Irene together.And both of them got married happily.

End of flashback

“And that when me and Irene met.”Seulgi said as she smile to Yeri,her child.

‘Staring is rude,eh?No wonder where that words came from.’Joy thoughts,looking at Yeri.She remembered how she and Yeri first met in class.It the same words that Yeri used on her.She didn’t know that Irene,her role model,also use that words.

Tine skip

It was already night time,the councillors already went home and also Seulgi,leaving Joy alone with Yeri.It was really quiet in the room right until the 2 of them decided to break the silence.



Both of them said in unison.


“You know...”

Both of them again said in unison.

“You go first...”

“No...you go first,Joy.”

Joy breathe in and out. She decided to ask something to Yeri.But she can’t ask her.Nothing came up from her mouth.

“Nevermind,you go first,Yeri.I forgot to say something to you.”Joy lied.She wanted to say something but she can’t.

“Okay...well...I’m sorry...”Yeri suddenly apologized,making Joy widened her eyes.She didn’t expect for Yeri to apologized so suddenly.She did not recall that Yeri ever do something bad to her.

“Wae?”Asked Joy.

“About my surname...and also about my parents,I’m sorry for always keeping you a secret....I’m sorry for not telling you that I am Kang Seulgi’s and Bae Joohyun’s daughter.I keep this secret because most people will judge me if they know that I am their daughter.I am untalented.I’m not good at dancing like Seulgi appa and I’m not pretty like Irene eomma.I am nothing but just their daughter.”Yeri said as the tear that formed on Yeri’s eyes stream down through her cheek.

Joy suddenly touched Yeri’s hand,giving her warm smile to Yeri. “It’s okay,Yeri.I don’t care if you not perfect like your parents.You are just you,Yeri.Please love yourself.”Joy said,smiling to Yeri.She then pulled Yeri closer to her and then,she kissed her on her lip.

To Be Continue

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