The Girl Nextdoor

By hoplessromantic143

2.8M 81.3K 163K

Camila Cabello is an average girl. She's not popular, or somewhere in between. She belongs to a group that he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Quick Question
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Important I guess
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Hey guys...
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65: Part 1
Chapter 65: Part 2
Chapter 65: Part 3
Chapter 66
Chapter 67: Part 1
Chapter 67: Part 2
Chapter 67 Part: 3
Chapter 67: Part 4
Chapter 67: Part 5
Chapter 68 Part 1
Chapter 68: Part 2
Chapter 68 Part 3
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71: Part 1
Chapter 71: Part 2
Chapter 72: Part 3
Hey guys!
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Need your help!!
Come say hi
The book cover

Chapter 23

39.5K 1.2K 1.1K
By hoplessromantic143

Narrators POV

In the mere second that Camila still had control over herself, she resisted. But there was something about the way that Lauren's lips moved against hers that persuaded her to stay. And little did she know, it was all she needed to give her self to her. Suddenly nothing mattered anymore. Lauren and Camila could care less of what was outside that bedroom door, all that mattered now was the moment. This moment...that was undeniably inevitable.

Lauren wasted no time in throwing Camila down and pinning her against the mattress. Her lips then traveled from her lips all the way down to her upper chest. Her hands then wandered to Camila's buttocks. She firmly squeezed it and in response, earned a moan from the brown eyed girl.

Lauren thought that it was the sexiest thing in the world when she heard a girl moan for her. But it wasn't like that for Camila. Sure it was sexy but there was something about Camila that meant much more. That something was causing Lauren to loose it, she was beyond her own control now. She instead let her heart take over.

Her hand traveled down Camila's back until she reached the zipper of her dress. Lauren pulled away for a brief second to look into Camila's eyes. The lost of contact instantly caused Camila to open her eyes and look back into Lauren's.

Lauren didn't have to say anything for Camila to understand that she had been asking permission to proceed forward. The smaller brunette nodded her head eagerly, missing their close contact already. Camila's answer caused Lauren to smile lovingly at the girl under her before she closed the gap between them again. Her sneaky hands unzipped Camila's dress slowly, and with one swift move, Lauren helped her remove her dress. Under her, Lauren couldn't help but admire the beautiful girl looking back up at her. Camila was starting to get impatient as the hunger for contact was overwhelming her. She pulled Lauren by her collar to reach her real goal. She pulled on Lauren's jean button and quickly undid it. Lauren knew what this action was asking for, so she undressed her self quickly and threw her clothes to the side. Camila then followed and did the same thing. Both of the girls had slipped off their heels before they could continue anything else. As they were about to proceed, the sight of Lauren's perfect body stopped the brown eyed girl and made her question her worthiness of the woman who straddled her above.

Lauren noticed the sudden change in her behavior and looked deeply into the brunettes eyes to uncover the answer that laid in them. It didn't take Lauren more than a few seconds to know what the girl under her was thinking. So in response to this knowledge, Lauren brought her mouth over her ear and breathed, "Stop it. You're beautiful."

Each word ran chills through Camila's body. But what they did the most was convince her. Those words by themselves were not simply enough to get her to believe them. But it was something about the way that Lauren said it, that did.

In a split second, Camila cupped Lauren's face and crashed their lips together. Lauren smiled in response to the smaller girls dominance. However, she was not going to let her have the upper hand. If it came to sex, Lauren always had to be a top. And that was mainly because she was dominant and possessive over her victims. So even though Camila was not one of her victims this time, she still felt the need to address her power. She did this by pushing her tongue forcefully into Camila's mouth. This sudden action surprised Camila, but it aroused her more. The petite brunette fought back for a while until she gave into Lauren's dominance.

Lauren smirked out of the kiss and started planting sensual kisses around Camila's chest. The brown eyed girl squeezed her legs together in response to the electrifying kisses that Lauren was planting on her body. Lauren noticed her struggle and as teasing as she is, she ran her hand down to Camila's upper thigh and started to rub it. The sudden touch, movement and sensation caused Camila to shut her eyes tightly. Believe it or not, Camila was at her breaking point. She had already surrendered to Lauren but it didn't seem to be enough for her. And Camila was starting to grow impatient. The urges were becoming too strong and began to take over her body.

"Lauren." Camila managed to get out. "Please."

Lauren smiled before she rested her hand above Camila's abdomen. She moved her hand in a sensual motion, until her finger tips reached her front. Camila clenched her sheets as every atom in her body seemed to be throbbing. Lauren stopped briefly, to whisper "Relax..." into Camila's ear.

The smaller girl did what Lauren said before Lauren had slipped a finger inside her. The unfamiliar feeling caused Camila to arch her back in both pain and desire. Lauren started out slow because she knew that this was all new to Camila. But as the smaller girl asked for more, Lauren couldn't help but fulfill her wishes. She had began to thrust and pump her fingers at a faster and faster pace until Camila had eventually climaxed.

Camila had not been the only one who had benefited. Seeing the girl above her so aroused by her caused Lauren to become equally satisfied in pleasure. Meaning that she too, was exhausted. She fell next to Camila on the right side of her bed. As Lauren caught her breath, Camila raised her head to meet Lauren's dark green eyes.

"Lauren..." Camila breathed.


Camila's vision was beginning to get cloudy as slumber was taking over her body.

"F...F..." She breathed.

"Fuck you." She mumbled before her head dropped onto Lauren's chest and she fell into a deep sleep.

'If you break then that means you've loved her all along.' Darren's voice rang through Lauren's head.

Lauren shook her head lightly, before she looked back at the beautiful girl who was hugging her waist and sleeping peacefully on her chest.

"Yeah...fuck me." Lauren smirked to herself before she planted a loving kiss on Camila's head and she too fell into a deep slumber.



One word:D-R-A-M-A

I'll update...soon.

Love you guys,


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