Back in Black // Sirius Black

By SiriuslyBri

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Murderer. Betrayal. Insane. Liar. Those were the words everyone, even her closest friends, used to describe A... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 7

6K 219 176
By SiriuslyBri

<<<Remus Lupin>>>

"Hello?" a familiar and sweet voice spoke as I heard a knock at my office door. "Are you busy? Can I talk to you?"

"Of course, Cassie, come in," I invited. Cassie opened the door and slowly sat in the chair in front of my desk. She had a frown on her pretty face, and I could see the anxiousness in her eyes.

"Are you still concerned about your Boggart? I can assure you, it is normal! In fact, I think there was another third year who feared Sirius Black as well," I revealed.

We had been studying Boggarts in my class, and Cassie's ironically took the form of none other than Sirius Black. She had been too scared to face him herself, so I had stepped in and saved her before the Boggart put his hands around Cassie's throat.

"I didn't come here to talk to Professor Lupin," Cassie stated. "I came here to talk to Uncle Moony."

There was a beat, a sudden silence between us. I could only imagine what she wanted to talk about.

"Yes, my goddaughter?"

Cassie was tugging at a lock of her black hair. She had the same nervous habits Lexi did. Cassie took a deep breath and blurted out the words and the topic I had been avoiding for twelve years.

"Why didn't you tell me Mum dated Sirius Black?"

"Pardon?" I choked. "How did you-"

Cassie's grey eyes flashed with anger and disbelief.

"So she did date him! Why didn't anyone ever tell me?"

I was at a loss for words. Cassie was starting to advance on me, standing with her hands flat on my desk.

"People have always told me Mum was friends with him in school! That you were friends with him too! How could you keep this from me?"

I didn't deny it. Cassie slammed her hands on my desk again. The look in her eyes was a wild one. She resembled her father when he got mad. Her eyes captured the same murderous look Sirius had in his mugshot.

"And, imagine my surprise when I found out Mum was also engaged to Sirius Black!"

I felt like I'd been thrown into the Black Lake.

"Who told you?" I whispered. I'd never seen the young girl more angry.

"The Fat Lady, when I was repairing her painting! I'm sure she could tell me much more about Mum's Hogwarts days with Sirius Black! However, I hoped I would hear the truth from you. But at this point, I don't think I should trust a single word from you!"

I silently cursed. I knew the talented Cassie was employed to repair the painting after Sirius' attack. The professors should have known the Fat Lady had a huge mouth and would tell the young girl the secret her mother tried to cover up.

"The Fat Lady may be confused... Sirius and Regulus looked alike-" I stammered, searching for a way out of the conversation.

"Uncle Moony, when will the lies end?" Cassie roared. Ashamed, I looked at the back of my scar covered hands. "Does Harry know?"


"Does Harry know his parents were friends with Sirius Black too? And that you were friends with him? That Sirius Black helped kill his parents? Merlin, did you help kill the Potters too?!"

I swallowed a lump in my throat. My skin prickled with uncomfortable sweat.

"Cassie, sit down," I commanded. "I must know, how did you find all this information?"

"I can read, Uncle Moony!" Cassie spat. She pulled an old newspaper out of her pocket and tapped her wand on the headline. The article was about Sirius' initial incarceration and his plots with Voldemort. Luckily, I knew, Lexi's name was nowhere to be found in that article.

Cassie's angry looks started to fade, and she started to plead to me. "Please, Uncle Moony, I need the lies to end. Tell me the truth."

I pursed my lips. I knew Lexi would be furious if I said anything without her consent.

"Is what the Fat Lady said true? Was my mother engaged to Sirius Black?"

I couldn't lie to my goddaughter.


Cassie looked like she was going to be sick. I think she knew exactly what that implication meant.

"Then how..." Cassie thought aloud. She was a smart girl. It was only a matter of time before she pieced it all together. "Uncle Moony, what is the story between my mother and Sirius Black?"

"That, my dear, is a love story too long to tell."

"Uncle Moony, tell me everything. Why would you keep this from me my whole life?"

"I think," I swallowed. "I think we need to discuss this with your mother."

Cassie looked horrified.

"And please, Cassiopeia, keep this to yourself. Do not tell this information to Harry Potter, it may put him in great danger. And Regulus... Please wait to tell him as well."

"You can't tell me what to do!" Cassie snarled. "You're not my father!"

With that mocking comment, Cassie stood up and stormed out of my office. She slammed the door, causing the pixies in a bird cage next to my desk to wake up and start chittering. 

"Teenagers," I grumbled to myself and tried to think of a way to tell Lexi of the awkward conversation. It was time for the truth.


Only two days after my argument with Cassie, Lexi contacted me by Floo Network.

"I just got a Howler from my own daughter," Lexi yelled. I didn't think Lexi realized she was screaming after receiving the earsplitting, shrieking letter. 

"I figured, I didn't know what to say to her," I sheepishly replied. Cassie had been ignoring me and wouldn't participate in my classes. I worried she was spreading information to Regulus or even worse, Harry.

"What? Can you speak up?!" Lexi thundered.

"I think it's time for you to tell your children the truth!" I thundered. Lexi pursed her lips.

"I always knew I couldn't keep them safe forever. I should pull Cassie and Regulus from Hogwarts. They would be safer with me... Or maybe we can move to the states, they can go to Ilvermorny, forget this whole life and history here."

Lexi looked distraught. I could see the fear and confusion swimming in her eyes.

"Merlin's beard, why would you do such a thing?" I gasped.

"His attack on the Fat Lady... Remus, can you tell me certainly he wasn't going after Cassie?"

I stared at my hands. I truly had no idea what Sirius Black would do if he met his daughter. And I couldn't imagine what he would do if he met his son. We were still hoping Sirius didn't know about the boy

"They are ready for the truth," I stated. Lexi looked squeamish.

"We will tell them when they are home for the holiday," decided Lexi. "I need your help with this, Rem."

"Of course, Vixen," I sighed. 

Lexi's face frowned within the fireplace. I heard the voice of a young woman call out to Lexi, and before I could ask who was there, Lexi left in a hurry. Her face disappeared from the flames and I sunk back into my chair to continue to prepare a lesson plan on vampires.


<<<Sirius Black>>> 

I sat on my haunches near some bushes by the Quidditch Pitch. Students milled about, excitedly talking about the Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff Quidditch match. Despite the rainy weather and looming storm, everyone seemed to anticipate a great match. I couldn't wait to catch a glimpse of Gryffindor's legendary Seeker, Harry Potter. The students didn't seem to notice me through the rain and gloom, but suddenly, one young witch caught my eye and started to jog over to me.


The girl with black hair whistled at me. My heart rate spiked as none other than Cassie approached me.

"Hey there, again," Cassie whispered as I padded over to her. 

She knelt in front of me, unfazed by the puddle and started to stroke my ears. She brought out her wand and cast a simple spell to dry my fur, filling me with warmth from head to paws. I soaked in her appearance- the way her hair black started to curl more in the rain and how her grey eyes reflected the stormy sky. I smiled at her festive face paint in support for the match. She had somehow painted a red and gold charmed lion on her cheek that kept roaring.

"I hoped I would run into you again. Is it okay if I call you Snuffles?"

As Cassie spoke to me, she pulled a few snacks out from the pockets of her robes. My mouth started to drool at the sight of some Pumpkin Pasties and Liquorice Wands. My stomach started to grumble. Sweets would be a nice change from the rats I'd been eating.

"I know it's not actual food, but you can-" Cassie started to explain before I gobbled down the sweets in her palm, "-have them."

Cassie let out a pure laugh and emptied all of the food from her pockets. My keen nose smelled something foul in one of her pockets and I nudged it curiously. My daughter pulled a bag of Dungbombs from her robes and barked in response. She put a finger to her lips and hid them again.

"I'm going to hide them in the Hufflepuff stands during the match," Cassie stated. I wagged my tail proudly. Cassie continued to stare in my eyes, sending chills across my body. Recognition seemed to cross her face, but suddenly, the booming voice of the announcer interrupted her thoughts. 

"I hope you understand me, Snuffles," sighed Cassie as she stood. "If you do, meet me on the grounds tomorrow by the Black Lake. I will bring you some real food!" 

With one last pat on the head, Cassie darted off towards the stands, meeting up and walking with a young Slytherin boy with black hair. I couldn't wait to watch my daughter pull off a prank worthy of her parents and watch my godson play a game of Quidditch worthy of his father.

The thunder and weather filled me with anxiousness to watch the match. The players slid on the muddy grass as they entered the Pitch and flew shakily through the wind. I watched every play in awe while blinking away raindrops. Harry made me proud and the two Gryffindor Beaters, Fred and George Weasley, would've given Lexi and me a run for our money when we played on the team. I was even prouder when the Hufflepuff stands erupted in protest when Dungbombs suddenly burst under their seats when Gryffindor scored.

Despite Gryffindor's lead, I worried for the safety of my godson as he searched for the Snitch. I thought my worries started to physically manifest as chills. I broke my gaze from the match and looked at my paws, where the grass was suddenly covered in frost and ice. A horrific and familiar feeling started to overcome my body as I started to recall dark memories, like Bellatrix fighting Lexi and learning of James' death. Then, the Dementors started to flood the pitch from all directions.

I bolted from the pitch, longing to feel any sort of happiness. The hopelessness whenever a Dementor neared was one I could go one hundred lifetimes without feeling again. I clung to the hope of seeing my daughter as I approached the Whomping Willow, and finally stopped when I realized the Dementors were not interested in me. I turned just in time to watch Harry Potter fall from his broom, plummeting to what looked like his death. I let out a loud howl until I saw Dumbledore save him at the last moment. His broom smacked the Whomping Willow above my head, and it fell to pieces at my feet.

I tried to catch my breath and calm my nerves. I felt like I watched my own child nearly die. As I turned my back on the Pitch, I prayed both Harry and Cassie made it back to the castle safely.

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