Jay's Queen (Descendants/Jay...

By CarlaBucky

75.8K 1.3K 47

I am a magnet for all kinds of deeper wonderment I am a wunderkind oh oh oh oooooh And I lift the envelope pu... More

Ben's Proclamation
In the castle
Meeting the new kids
Dealing with the Lost Kids and Remedial Goodness 101
Tryouts and a little hug
Fantastic History Class with Jay and Evie
Jay asks me out !
Heart-broken and the Tourney Game
An hour before Family Day
Family Day
The meaning of love before the rejection
You know nothing about them
Back in Narnia
Maleficent is back/Set it Off
Thank you all !!!!!

Back in Auradon and coronation day

3.1K 63 3
By CarlaBucky

Lana'sPOV :

It's been a week that we're back in Auradon. Alex and Evie are dating. I'm so proud of them. And, Jay and I, well, we're not talking. I avoid him as I possibly can. Rayleigh is dating Aziz. I'm so happy for them. Today, it's the coronation day. Ben and Alex are going to be kings. Ben, king of Auradon and Alex, high king of Narnia. He will watch over Narnia with me. Someone knocks on my door. I say ''Come in.'' It's Evie, in her gown. I'm also dressed up. She smiles ''Hey.How are you feeling ?'' I nod ''Better, now. You know after Alex'sand Ben's coronations, I'll be going back to Narnia.'' She gasps ''Huh !? Why ?'' I smile ''Narnia needs their queen.'' She says ''But we need you here too.'' I get up. I grab my cloak and put it ''I knowthat Evie. But, I don't want my people to be in danger again. I wasthere when there was Miraz. And, I thank the one who killed him.Because it would be a disaster if he would be still here.'' She nods.I say ''Come on. Let's go. My brother awaits you.'' She blushes. Ismile and put my crown on. Few moments later, King Adam, his wife, father and I are waiting for the two kings-to-be. Speaking of them,they went in front of us. Mal says to the king and queen ''About the other day, I just...'' King Adam tells her ''I told Ben this wasn't going to be easy.'' Ben says to his father ''You also taught me that a king has to believe in himself. Even when it isn't easy.'' His father says ''I did ? I... how very wise of me.'' Queen Belle says''Ben, we are very proud of you. You keep listening to your heart.''Ben smiles ''Thanks, mom.'' I smile ''You're gonna make a fine king, Benji.'' He chuckles ''Thanks, Lana. Wish us luck.'' Alex smiles''Well, it's time for me to be one of you guys.'' I chuckle ''Yeah.'' Father tells him ''We're so proud of you, son.'' He says ''Thanks, father.''


FG asks Ben ''Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign ?'' Ben smiles ''I do solemnly swear.'' Then, I ask Alex ''Alexander, do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Narnia with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign ?'' Alex nods ''I do solemnly swear.'' FG puts on Ben the king's crown while I put on Alex's head his new crown. FGsays ''Then it is my and Aslana's honor and our joy to our newkings.'' Suddenly, I thought it would be someone else to do it but it was Jane to do it. She just took her mother's magic wand. FG asks in fear ''Child, what are you doing ?!'' Jane tells her ''If you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself ! Bibbbidi-bobbidi-boo !'' She's too dangerous. Father and Alex put me behind them. My power made me weak. It's due to the time I was a lion for several days which I never did that before. I always transform into a lion for a few minutes or an hour. King Adam shouts ''Take cover !'' Mal comes tohelp us. Queen Belle tells her ''Careful, Mal !'' Mal did grab the wand. Oh shit... Ben tells her ''Mal, give me the wand.'' Mal says''Stand back.'' Ben says ''It's okay.'' Mal shouts ''Ben, I said stand back !'' We heard Audrey telling Ben ''I told you so !'' Mal points the wand at her and she cowers behind Chad. Carlos says''Let's go !'' And, Jay says ''Revenge time.'' I ask sadly as I look at Jay ''You really want to do this ?'' He looks down. Mal tells me''We have no choice, Lana ! Our parents...'' I say ''Your parents made their choice. Now you make yours.'' She lowers a bit the wand ''I think I want to be good.'' Ben says ''You are good.'' She points the wand back at him ''How do you know that ?'' He tells her ''Because... Because I'm listening to my heart.'' She lowers the wand completely ''I want to listen to my heart, too.'' She looks at her best friends ''And my heart is telling me that we are not our parents.'' She tells at Jay ''I mean, stealing things doesn't make you happy. Tourney and victory pizza with the team makes you happy. And remember what you told me a few days ago, you told me that you will do anything to prove your love to Lana.'' I blush as Jay smiles at me. She tells Carlos ''And you, scratching dude's belly makes you happy. Who would've thought ?'' Carlos looks at Dude and smiles. Then, Mal tells Evie ''And Evie... You do not have to play dumb to get a guy. You are so smart. And I'm sure that Alex knows that.'' Evie smiles in tears. Then, Mal says ''And I don't want to take over the world with evil. It doesn't make me happy. I want to go to school. And be with Ben.'' I smile as I look at Ben who is shocked by what she said. She shows him the ring he gave her ''Because Ben makes me really happy.'' She turns back to her best friends ''Us being friends makes me really happy. Not destroying things.'' She puts her fist in the middle of the circle they made ''I choose good, you guys.'' Jay did it too ''I choose good too.'' I smile in tears. He winks at me. I look down blushing even more. Evie smiles ''I choose good.'' Alex grabs my hand. We look at each other and smile. Carlos says ''So, just to be clear, we don't have to be worried about how really mad our parents will be ? Because they're gonna be really, really mad.'' Alex says ''Your parents can't reach you here.'' Carlos smiles ''Okay, then. Good.'' Mal looks at us meaning Ben, Alex and I ''Come on.'' We joined us. Ben next to Mal.She puts her head on his shoulder. Alex next to Evie. He wraps hisarm around her waist. And me next to Jay. He hugs me from behind and whispers ''I love you, Lana. Please forgive me.'' I giggle ''Of course I forgive you, silly thief.'' He chuckles and buries his head in my neck ''I love you, my beautiful queen.'' I stroke his cheek ''I love you too, handsome.'' He blushes a little. I look at my father. He nods, smiling *I'm so proud of you, my child.* I nod too*Thanks, dad.*

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