Countryhumans Oneshots [Reque...

By Audra0611

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°•°•°•° Hello! And welcome to my Countryhumans Oneshots, where it contains a lot of rarepairs that sometimes... More

Request [Updated]
Melt Away Breath {Greenland x Antarctica}
Once Enemies {Soviet Union x Fem!Third Reich}
Never let you go {Fem! Third Reich & Soviet Union}
Friends {Fem!Japan & Reader}
Came to An End
I'll Let You Stay {Canada & Jamaica}

Broken Friendship {Indonesia & Netherlands}

915 14 9
By Audra0611

[EDIT]: I've realized that the title didn't synchronize with the plot itself, so I decided to change that. As for the title, it was meant for a draft story, but it was also faced the same problem as this one. Me and my bad title naming XD

Hopefully, this won't happen again.

Also, I've changed a few mistakes and added some lines, hopefully, it doesn't confuse you at all.


This was supposed to be a comic idea, but I decided to make a full oneshot because I want to write longer story lol (Why do I overcomplicate myself)

A quick side notes: There are two Indonesians in this story. One is Indo (Male) and the other is Nesia (Female). They're both twins, okay.

And also there's a scene about sexual harassment. In which I don't condone with this action.

I hope that you enjoy.


In a cold December night, there was a bar. It was mostly visited by people who were stressed out or having a time of their lives. One which was the Dutch or most people called him, Netherlands. He was having a conversation with his close pals Belgium and Germany. He was having his third glass of beer and his speech was beginning to slur. Which no surprised that he was drunk.

Belgium had passed out a few hours ago. He only drank 2 glasses of beer but with more stronger alcohol in it. And then Germany, being the soberest than those two countries, only drank one big glass of beer. Even though he was a bit tipsy, he still managed to remain conscious. He was looking at his watch. It was almost midnight, so he shook Belgium to wake up. Belgium woke up and suddenly winced in pain due to a massive headache he felt. It didn't take long for the Belgian started to stand on his feet. The Belgian's bearing was wobbly at first, but the German helped him by placing his arm around the German's neck. He was starting to get a grip.

"Komm schon, Leute. Gehen wir nach Hause. (Come on, guys. Let's go home.)" Germany said. But the Netherlands shook his head. "You guys go ahead. I wanted to have my last beer." Germany looked at Netherlands with worried and a bit of frustration in his face. "Nein, Niederlande. (No, Netherlands). It's time to go home and you're already drunk." He was pulling the Dutch with his left hand while the other was holding onto Belgium's arm. It was proven to be a challenge for the German.

The Dutch grumbled in annoyance and finally gave into the German's pull. He stood up swaying side to side, trying to keep his balance. When he was able to stand properly, he asked the German to let go of his hand and walked out of the bar, along with Germany and Belgium.

As they walked outside of the bar, the Dutch felt the cold breeze through his skin. He inhaled the cold air as if it would help him to sober. Even if it was just a little bit as he thought. He hiccuped a few times and felt like he was starting to gain his consciousness. "Ik ga de andere kant op. (I'll go the other way). Just to get some fresh air and to sober a bit."

The German was skeptical with the Dutch's choice and he stood there in silence. He was about to say something, but the Belgian, who was sober enough, spoke first. "Are you sure, Nederland? You can barely hold your bearings." The Dutch scoffed as he was slightly offended with that last sentence. "I'll be fine, België. Just a quick walk and then I'll be home in no time. Jullie maakten je teveel zorgen. (You guys worried too much)." Germany and Belgium looked at each other, still looking uncertain. But later on, they gave up trying to convince the Dutch to follow them home.

The German sighed, "Well if that's the case, we won't try to stop you again. Since you're too stubborn." The German turned around while still carrying Belgium and raised his right hand. "Bis spater, Niederlande. (See you later, Netherlands)." With that, Germany and Belgium marched their way home.

The Dutch chuckled a bit. As he took the opposite direction, a very long detour, from where his house was. He was walking on the pavements near a park when he saw someone wearing a red and white striped sweater, blue jeans and high-heeled boots. The person was wearing a light pink veil and a familiar style that the Dutch recognized. He called out to that person. "Hey, Nesia!"

Nesia was minding her own business on her phone, mostly looking at her social media. When someone shouted her name, that made her jumped and popped her bubble. She turned around to see Netherlands waving at her. She looked at the Dutch with a small smile on her face. "Oh. Hi, Belanda. (Netherlands)."

The Dutch walked closer to the petite Indonesian. "What are you doing here?" He tried to sound normal, but the alcohol that he drank didn't help him at all. Nesia noticed the Dutch's weird voice and felt like something wasn't right. But she ignored it. "I was just getting some fresh air once in a while." She said in a bubbly tone.

Then an inkling of desire trickling in the Dutch's mind. A desire that made his lips grin slightly. "Oh really? All by yourself?" His voice was now deeper in a bad way. The Indonesian felt shivers down to her spine. She backed away a bit, feeling uncomfortable at that moment. "I... have to go..." She turned around and was readied to walk away when a hand suddenly grabbed her and pulled her back. "What's wrong?~ Why are you leaving so soon?~" Netherlands had a wicked grin on his face. She was terrified by that and tried to tug her hand, but the Dutch's grip started to tightened and pulled Nesia closer towards him. Nesia was now panicking, as fear was now building up. She tried to push the Dutch away but didn't avail.

Then the Netherlands had the audacity to place his hand on Nesia's waist. She shivered with that touched and she hated it. She kept on struggling, trying to free herself once more. And Netherlands made a move that finally ticked her off. He kissed her. Not in a soft tendered way, but it was filled with lust and a tasted of alcohol in it.

Nesia stomped on the Dutch's foot really hard, until he finally loosened of his grip and was wailing in pain. Nesia took that chance to free herself and pushed the Dutch hard. Netherlands stumbled backward but managed to balance himself. He looked up to see Nesia was standing still. Her body was trembling in fear. "Jangan dekat - dekat. (Don't come any closer.)" Her words were ragged as Netherlands saw that her other hand was holding on to something. He ignored the Indonesian's words and charged towards her.

The next thing he knew was all a blur as pain shot through every nerve in his body. Blood was dripping on his cheek. He winced in pain that finally made his sense running. He looked up to see the person in front of him. His eyes were wider than before as he saw her. Her, the person that he promised himself to never repeat his mistake again. But he broke it and now standing a woman, who was shaking visibly and was holding a pocket knife. Eyes were wide as his with fear with a mixture of anger. But the one thing that made his heart shattered to pieces were tears streaming down to her face.

He wanted to say something, like an apology. But when he opened his mouth, Nesia was pointing the pocket knife and grip it tighter. "Gw nggak akan ragu untuk mencolok mata lu! (I won't hesitate to stab your eye!)" He didn't understand her language but it was enough to understand that it was a threatening sentence. He didn't want to provoke her any longer, so walked away without looking back.

Nesia was in the same position to make sure the Dutch was far away from her sight. When she thought it was safe, she placed her pocket knife back in its place and hurried herself to her house. She unlocked the front door and shut it quickly. That action made her twin brother flinched. Indo looked back to see his distressful sister was shaking. "Hey, are you okay?" He walked towards his sister. Nesia only shook her head and fast walk to her room. Indo was staggered with his sister's behavior, but it was best to leave her alone for now.

On the other hand, Netherlands finally reached his house. He felt a throbbing headache as he stepped into his house. But that pain didn't feel as bad as his aching heart from the event earlier. Thinking about it made his head throb even more. So he went to the kitchen to grab some painkillers and swallowed them with the help of water. He also grabbed an antiseptic, wet tissue and a bandage to take care of a cut that he got earlier. When he was all done, he went to his bedroom and changed into his plain t-shirt and some sweatpants. He flopped himself into bed.

He was pretty exhausted from today so he tried to doze off. However, his mind didn't let him as he was thinking about how he should apologize to Nesia after that event. His mind kept on overdriving until his eyelids were getting heavier each time. And he finally fell asleep.


Morning rolled around at the Indonesian's resident. Nesia was awake but felt like she wanted to just stay in bed after that event happened, so she covered herself into her blanket even further. Suddenly she heard some soft knocks outside the door. She knew who it was, but she wasn't in the mood to get up and opened the door. She pulled the blanket up and yelled, "Masuk aja. (Just come in.)" Then the person, who was her twin brother, opened the door slightly.

Indo looked at his sister's room and found that she was on her bed, just lying there motionless. He thought to himself, Did something happen last night that made her feel this way?

He approached his sister's bed and sat down on the edge of her bed. He looked at his sister with worries written in his face. "Nesia..." He called, but he only received a groan and shifted position. Nesia was trying to avoid him. He knew that it would take a long time for his sister to finally speak her mind out. He tried again. "Nesia, are you feeling well?" No response. "Did something happened last night?" Again, no response.

He sighed in defeat. So he waited for an answer from her, even if she just said one word. He didn't want to bombard his sister with a lot of questions. He knew that that won't make her talk in her condition. It only made things worse.

He kept waiting until Nesia finally sat up while looking cast down. At least it was something. Nesia still didn't say anything after that. He still kept waiting while studying his sister's body posture. One thing that was noticeable was her back was crooked. Which was something that Nesia rarely do, in fact, she hated how it hurt her back. But he guessed that his sister didn't care at this point. He kept looking at Nesia, mostly his gaze was locked on her downcast face.

Until Nesia had the courage to looked at her brother. Fear was printed on her face. Red puffed eyes were pretty noticeable. Her brother could tell that she had been crying her eyes out. Indo stretched his arms wide as a sign that if she wanted a hug. His sister took longer to respond to this affection, but nonetheless, she hugged him. Her arms were wrapped around his torso and clung on his shirt tighter than usual. Her head was facing his chest and sobbed out loud. He then hugged his sister and gently placed his hand on Nesia's head.

When Nesia calmed down, he gave her a reassurance smile. "So, are you ready to talk?" She nodded in response. "What happened last night?" That question alone had made Nesia feel uncomfortable, to which he waited once more. Nesia took a deep breath, but before she answered her brother's question, "Can you promised me not to be mad at this person...?" He responded in a calm tone, "I won't. I promise."

Nesia took another deep breath and finally answered, "Last night when I was taking a night stroll, Netherlands called out to me and..." She was quiet again and hung her head down. "Sexually harassed me..." Even if her voice was quiet, Indo still heard that and made his blood boiled. But he shouldn't display those emotions, for his sister's sake. He tried to calm down his nerves. "Can you explain it further?" In due time, Nesia finally told him about the event. His sister would stay quiet in the middle of the sentence, but he was patient toward her. She even broke down in tears and he hugged his sister dearly.

Soon after his sister told him everything, he gave her one last hug of reassurance. "How about we cook some breakfast together, shall we? We can make your favorite Nasi Goreng." She looked at him in shock. "Wait, you... cook?" She scoffed with the idea of her brother cook. "What? it's not like cooking is hard." He said in disbelieve yet playful at the same time. Nesia couldn't help but chuckle. The last time he cooked, the egg was burnt to crisp.

"Come on, let's go to the kitchen. I'm starving here..." Indo sounded like a child but he didn't care, as long as his sister was in a good mood again. Nesia giggled at her brother's act. "Alright. Alright. You big baby." She got out of bed and they both walked to the kitchen and made some breakfast.


A few days had passed since the incident, Netherlands kept on replaying those scenes in his head and he couldn't get rid of them, even if he wanted to. The next day after the incident, he told his pals about the event. His pals were distraught with his action, which he himself as well. He asked them if they could give him a piece of advice for him. The only rational advice was to leave her be for a few days.

He took a deep breath as he was near the Indonesians resident. He walked over to the door with a bouquet of tulips and a letter on his hand. He knocked on the door, hoping that it would be her. But it turned out to be her brother. Indo looked at the Dutch with a poker face feature and his arms were crossed lazily. "Why are you doing here?" Even though Indo had a laid back posture, his stern, and the slightly pissed off tone was enough for the Dutch to feel surprised.

"Is Nesia at home?" He looked at the interior from outside to find her. "No. She isn't home. And you haven't answered my question." Indo was irritated with the Dutch, then he pushed him out, not wanting him to come inside without permission. Netherlands was slightly annoyed by the petite Indonesian did, but he shouldn't blame Indo for that. He gave a defeated sigh. " I wanted to apologize to Nesia for... what I did a few days ago." He was cast down and looked at the bouquet as guilt slowly crept.

The silence was filling the atmosphere and it didn't help with the Dutch's inner turmoil. Finally, he heard a sigh from the person in front of him. "Fine... I'll make sure that she got the message." He felt relieved wash over him. "Heel erg bedankt, Indo. (Thank you so much, Indo.)" He shook Indo's hand and gave him the bouquet and the letter as well. He thanked the Indonesian again and was about to leave with joy feeling inside.

"Oh. And one more thing, Belanda."

He stopped his tracks and turned his head at Indo with a questioned look. Indo gave him a stern look once more. "Stay away from Nesia. I don't want to see you getting near my sister ever again. I mean it." He felt like his heart was dropped to a cold floor. He looked at the Indonesian, heartbroken hearing those words as his eyes widened. "You've already had your sorry. Now get lost." And just like that, Indo closed the door in a sense of physically and metaphorically.

Netherlands just stood there, motionless. As he stared at the door. Sadness took control of his body. Disheartened, he made his way to his house. As he walked by, he looked at the distance. There were a group of women laughing at something hilarious. Then he saw her, Nesia. She was wearing a beautiful light blue veil with a flower pattern blouse, a pair of dark blue jeans and flat shoes. But the one thing that made his heart glow slightly, was her smile. A smile that made him fall in love with her all over again. And a smile that he would never see it again because of his stupidity.

He looked at her one last time with a sad smile towards her, even if she didn't notice that or even him. He finally made his way back to his house. He whispered to himself and stupidly hoped that she would hear it.

Ik zal je heel erg missen, Nesia...





I will miss you dearly, Nesia...


Words count : 2809

After a few weeks delaying this story, I finally finished it only for a whole day. I had to re-read the draft, redid the story and added some extra lines in the paragraph. Overall, I am satisfied with the result and the ending as well.

Thank you for reading!

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