Red and blue make purple


194 16 20

The red army's growth had slowed and the resistance used it to their advantage. They needed more people on th... Еще



18 1 0

The lights snapping on was what woke him, tord pushing himself up on one arm and blinking his eyes as he waits for them to focus.

He looks over to his cell mate, finding Tom working out as best as he could in the cramped space.

"Stop staring commie." He hisses as he starts doing push-ups. Tord just rolls his eyes and turns his attention to the other two people in the cell ward. Paul and pat were both awake, silently staring at each other, before their eyes turned to tord.

"What happened?" Paul questions as pat licks his lips.

"Christopher drugged us and took us to a new place. He took over the army right below our noses. He took my arm as well." Tord explains and the other two men nod. Paul's eyes stray towards Tom and his eyebrows rise.

"He got Jehovah's Witness too." Tord adds, ignoring the snarled mutterings of the other man. Looking over his shoulder, Tord watches for a moment as Tom starts doing crunches.

"Is there any reason your doing that besides to be annoying?" Tord snarks but Tom doesn't answer, sweat dripping into his eyes.

The cells fall into silence after that.


It's a few hours later that someone else comes in. Tom has finally stopped exercising and was staring at the ceiling of their shared cell. Tord had simply dozed against the wall.

The person who comes in is carrying two gallons of water, one hooked on each hand, and is followed by two other people. The second has another two gallons while the third is armed with a cattle prod.

"Against the wall." The first one commands, stoping in front of Tord and toms cell door. Tom is quick to do as they say but Tord doesn't move, narrowing his eyes at Tom before glaring at the guard.

"Against the wall." He snaps again.

"Commie get your ass over here." He hears Tom snarl but ignores him and instead crosses his arms where he is.

"Fine, no water for either of you." He shrugs and one of the guys with the galloons walks away. The guard and second man move over to Paul and pat. They share a glance, trying to decide whether or not to follow tords image or to move away.

Pat sends a shrug tords way before moving to the wall, steps sluggish and slow. The guard grins and take a gallon from the second man, opening pats cell to throw the gallon at the prisoner. Paul follows pat and the two get a gallon of water. Then the two men leave, the guard smirking at Tord as he passes their cell.

"You motherfUKER!" He hears from Tom before he's tackled.

"Why couldn't you just move!?" Tom snarls, slamming his fists into tords chest. This time when he hears the beep he doesn't stop, continuing to punch and scratch Tord for his idiocy. The electricity comes soon after the beep, causing Tom to stiffen up and fall off of tord, withering on the floor as whoever was in control continued to keep the electricity going.

"Bad, bad Thomas." A voice cackles and then Tom stops withering, breathing heavily as he lays on the floor. He stays like that for a moment before he drags himself onto his elbows and over to his side of the cell.

"Because of... your idiocy! We will be going without water for a week." Tom snarls and Tord rolls his eyes.

"If you can't go without water for a week then your just weak." He snaps back and Tom scoffs, shaking his head.

"You really are stupid huh." He mutters then goes silent, closing his eyes with a sigh. The lights go out and the four prisoners are thrown into darkness.

"Im surprised you hadn't begged the guard to give you your own gallon if you cared so much about having water." Tord snarks, detesting the dark silence that had fallen over them.

"Let me sleep." Tom replies after a moment.

"Sleep? Your ridiculous! Allowing them to control your life?! Your pathetic."  Tord waits for a reply, but when nothing comes he frowns.

"Not going to say anything? Of course you wouldn't." When he still gets no retort he lays down, staring into the darkness. A flash of red catches his attention and they focus on a beeping dot the must represent the hidden camera within the cell.

He doesn't know how long he spends staring at the dot, but at some point he hears movement from either Paul or pat, it was kinda hard to figure out who it was. Then they went quite and a few moments later he hears Paul's familiar snores. A few more blinks of the red dot passes while everything is silent before theirs a slight groan from his cell mate.

His head turns in the direction, was Tom awake? Was something else hurting him? He didn't care he just wanted to enjoy any show he'll put on.

He only hears toms even breathing before another  groan echos within the quite cell. The groan was followed by a whimper, so soft he wasn't sure he heard it at first. The groans start to increase in volume, something obviously paining his cell mate, as well as the whines and whimpers. They continue to get louder as Tom starts to twitch on the blankets he was given. 

This continues for a while, Tord not knowing what to do. On on hand, he didn't care if the Jehovah's Witness suffered a nightmare and he could let him continue to sleep on, on the other hand his pained and fearful noises were annoying since he wasn't the one to cause them and was tempted to wake him, but then again he didn't really care.

With a sigh since he knew if Tom got any louder he would more then likely attract the attention of the guards or would wake Paul and pat from their naps, so Tord props himself up on his elbows, head tilting in the direction of the other man.

"Hey, Jehovah... Jehovah wake up!" The other man continues to whimper, "wake up tom!" He snapped and went silent when he heard a gasp from his cell mate.

He can hear toms shuddering breaths as the man sits up, the sound of his hands rubbing against his cheeks. Tord keeps his breathing slow and even, trying to make sure the man doesn't know he's awake.

"Fuck..." he hears Tom whisper, followed by a bit of soft crying. Then he hears him take a deep death and crack some part of his body before sighing.

"Get it together Thomas. Edd and matt should be here any day now..." he mumbles before sighing again. He shuffled around on his side of the cell, probably laying back down. He doesn't seem to try to nap again and Tord continues to breath evenly, wondering exactly what Tom has been dreaming about.

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