Miss You 3,000

By spideyev

45.7K 1.3K 556

Peter and Morgan. they are proof that Tony Stark has a heart *POST ENDGAME* "i cant even bring myself to lo... More



3.1K 104 14
By spideyev

"Peter!" I roll to my side, coughing and gasping for air

"Hey hey hey, calm down Peter" happy says, holding me down

"Im sorry, I should have gone in after you, it was just so dangerous... if something happened to you, i don't know what id do. I promised tony id look out for you"

"Its okay it was my decision to stay inside and find p- where's pepper" i try to sit up but i can barely move

"They found her, let's make a trip to the hospital, i'll call your aunt" in defeat, I stop struggling and am left thinking, Morgan is still out there


After ive made a "full recovery" May and I head home

"No more being spider-"

"What? May! People need me!"

"Peter, calm down, no more being Spider-Man for a few days, you need to take it easy okay?"

"But i've made a full recovery, i need to find morgan"


As soon as we get home, I close my door and lock it, once im sure May is distracted, i pull on my suit and open my bedroom window

I make my way to the top of the building and sit right on the edge, looking down at the city


"Hello, peter"

"Have you hacked Morgan's smart watch yet"

"Yes, she is 17.5647 miles away"

"Okay, good"

"Are we going to get her back?"

"Yeah, but first we need some... insurance. Call ned"

"Calling 'nEd 🤠' now"

"Peter? Whats up man"

"Hey, come over, i need help with something"

"Okay, yeah be there in a sec-"

"And whatever you do, don't tell May that i need you, okay?"

"Yeah, sure dude"

As soon as Ned walks over, I pull him in, slam the door and lock it

"Dude what's going on"

"Guy in the chair" he smirks

"I'm picking up what you're putting down"

"Good, Karen found Morgan"

"Wait why can't we tell May? I mean i have not helped you with spider-man stuff in a while but like i thought May knew"

"She does, she also banned me from being spider-man for a few days. Because of the fire"

"You started a fire?!"

"What no! I got trapped in a house that was on fire"


"I know right? Okay, Karen connected to your computer, I need you to keep track of Morgan's location"

"Aye aye"

I climb out the window again and start to head east. I'm going to find Morgan... if it kills me

I come to an abandoned warehouse and land lightly on the roof, inside I can see Morgan tied to a chair, and the vulture talking to her

"Karen, I want to hear the conversation"


Vulture gets closer to Morgan and talks in a low growl

"Why hasn't your brother come for you? The only reason I kidnapped you was so he would come get you! Apparently he doesn't love you as much as he claims" he holds a jagged blade to her neck

She squirms around, trying to talk through the rag tied over her mouth

"Oh what? trying to defend him? Well hate to break it to you but he isn't coming... which means ill need to kill" he backs further away and opens his case full of freshly shined knives

"You see, one misconception 'bout me is that im like my uncle, a thief and a criminal but not a murder. I am a murderer. I don't care who has to die as long as i get what i want!" he chucks a knife right above her head and it embeds itself in the wall behind her

"Now, your just a kid so I'll make this quick and painless for you"

I start to pound on the skylight but it won't break

"Karen what do i do?!" she releases a small spider drone

"There is an entrance point on the west side of the building

I crawl around to an open window on the side of the building. When i'm trying to get in, my foot slips and i crash into the glass knocking it and me to the ground

"Spider, how nice of you to join us"

"It wasn't too hard to track you, you never took off her watch"

"Haha, oh did I forget? One thing you'll learn about me spider, nothing I do is on accident" he charges at me with his blades, but when he gets closer, he goes right past me and over to Morgan

I web his feet and pull him back

"Activate instant kill!"

"Uhhh Peter?"

"What Ned?"

"I mean, I know this is a bad guy but like you don't really want to kill him right?"

"No Ned, I won't"

"Just checking you know"

"You're being really distracting right now-"  the vulture delivers a punch to my side and in stumble to the ground

The vulture goes back to his knife box, and while he's turned away, I pick myself up and cut the rope from Morgans hands

By the time he turns back to us, im taking off the gag around her mouth

"Oh spider" then he chucks a knife at me, it cuts the side of my arm and crsahes to the floor

"Peter!" Morgan yells

I wrap my arms around her and sling a web, i need to get out of here now. I can't beat him, but i can save Morgan

To my surprise he doesn't try to follow us and i Bring her back to our apartment in queens

We crawl through the window and I collapse on the floor

"Peter, should I call an ambulance?"

"Im fine, Ned"  i'm not fine. I hold the side of my arm as blood spills between my fingers

Then my door swings open,  May walks in and screams

"Peter what did i tell you?!"

And Morgan, who had been in shock since we got out of the building, finally got back into reality and starts bawling

"Sh sh" she climbs into my lap and holds onto me, her grip gets tighter as I attempt to stand up

Ned takes Morgan out and May follows them

I can gear Morgan crying even louder and yelling my name. Once i'm in actual clothing, my attempt to look less conspicuous besides the giant gash on my arm, I walk out into the living room and call happy

As soon as my door opens, Morgan runs to me and bawls her eyes out until I pick her up

"Happy Hogan"

"Happy um... i-"

"What did you do this time peter?"

"I have Morgan"


"I know we weren't supposed to but Ned tracked-"

"Hey don't pull me into this peter"

"I tracked Morgan's watch and Ned helped me find her. I barely escaped with my own life, let alone hers"

"Get to the upstate avengers facility right now"

"Okay" I turn to May and Ned

"I need to go upstate"

"Waiiiiit, are you going to the avengers headquarters?" Ned asks excitedly


"Im coming!"

"Ned im not sure if they'll be okay with it... but i guess you can come"

"Well let's go" May says

"You can't come May, I can do it myself"

"Mhm, and how are you planning on getting there"

"Right, you drive?" she nods

We all head upstate. Morgan wont let me let go of her hand, i feel so bad for her. I'm just hoping that once she gets to see Pepper, that she gets over this eventually

ok this is the next chapter, yes or no? seriously please be honest i want to know if there is anything i should fix!!

thanks for supporting my book and for all your super nice comments/pms it means so so so much to me!!

- spideyev

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