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"Peter!" I roll to my side, coughing and gasping for air

"Hey hey hey, calm down Peter" happy says, holding me down

"Im sorry, I should have gone in after you, it was just so dangerous... if something happened to you, i don't know what id do. I promised tony id look out for you"

"Its okay it was my decision to stay inside and find p- where's pepper" i try to sit up but i can barely move

"They found her, let's make a trip to the hospital, i'll call your aunt" in defeat, I stop struggling and am left thinking, Morgan is still out there


After ive made a "full recovery" May and I head home

"No more being spider-"

"What? May! People need me!"

"Peter, calm down, no more being Spider-Man for a few days, you need to take it easy okay?"

"But i've made a full recovery, i need to find morgan"


As soon as we get home, I close my door and lock it, once im sure May is distracted, i pull on my suit and open my bedroom window

I make my way to the top of the building and sit right on the edge, looking down at the city


"Hello, peter"

"Have you hacked Morgan's smart watch yet"

"Yes, she is 17.5647 miles away"

"Okay, good"

"Are we going to get her back?"

"Yeah, but first we need some... insurance. Call ned"

"Calling 'nEd 🤠' now"

"Peter? Whats up man"

"Hey, come over, i need help with something"

"Okay, yeah be there in a sec-"

"And whatever you do, don't tell May that i need you, okay?"

"Yeah, sure dude"

As soon as Ned walks over, I pull him in, slam the door and lock it

"Dude what's going on"

"Guy in the chair" he smirks

"I'm picking up what you're putting down"

"Good, Karen found Morgan"

"Wait why can't we tell May? I mean i have not helped you with spider-man stuff in a while but like i thought May knew"

"She does, she also banned me from being spider-man for a few days. Because of the fire"

"You started a fire?!"

"What no! I got trapped in a house that was on fire"


"I know right? Okay, Karen connected to your computer, I need you to keep track of Morgan's location"

"Aye aye"

I climb out the window again and start to head east. I'm going to find Morgan... if it kills me

I come to an abandoned warehouse and land lightly on the roof, inside I can see Morgan tied to a chair, and the vulture talking to her

"Karen, I want to hear the conversation"

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