By InkPrincessMarcia

451K 22.7K 4.7K

Simone's life changes when her best friend Maddison presures her to date the schools senior quarterback. Six... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Second Quarter
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Third Quarter
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Fourth Quarter
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Author's note πŸ“’

Chapter 73

2.8K 179 16
By InkPrincessMarcia




I dropped my taco my eyes slowly rose up looking at  Jonah while everything inside of me shut down. “Did I ask the wrong question” “Jonah your mom hasn’t told me she loves me since we were younger.” My eyes darted to Gavin. “You heard me that night.” I say barely above a whisper.  Jonah looked between us both then spoke. “What happened that night.” Gavin and I locked eyes neither one of us speaking. Moments later Gavin spoke.
“That night your mom was mad at me. I mean pissed off. I got her from her house, I told her mom we had a date she said okay. We got something to eat then went to my parent's pool house. Simone decided to sit in my truck and not get out. I let her sit in my truck about  10 minutes or so then I went got her brought her in the pool house. I apologized for what I did to her.” “What did you do” Jonah interjected.

“After we had sex the first time I was talking and flirting with other women. Kissed some of them, but I never had sex with them. When I apologized she wasn’t buying it then I kissed her and well we had sex again. We were laying in bed,”

Gavin stopped locking eyes with me before he continued. “You thought I was sleep but I was awake just watching you sleep looking at how beautiful you are then I heard you say I love you. I couldn’t form a smile or move. Everything in me crumbled yet got put back together in a matter of minutes. I pulled you closer to me then kissed you gently on the cheek.”    
“Momma” I looked at Jonah. “Yes, baby.” “Did you mean it.” Closing my eyes memories flooded my head like a raging flood. Opening my eyes back I looked at Gavin “Yes I did. I meant when I told him I loved him” While looking in Gavin’s I saw flashes of so many things going through his eyes I couldn’t catch them all. I looked at Jonah then continued. “We never had a relationship, but other things played a factor in me telling him I loved him and it was more than just us having sex. By the way, what do I always tell you.” “Momma I remember.” “Well since you remember what did I say.” “Don’t have sex until marriage. Just because you did it doesn’t mean I should follow in your footsteps.”
“Jonah don’t be like me. Do like your mom says and don’t have sex. Yes it hypocritical coming from me I will admit that, but look at what I went through. Look at what all your mom went through. I was having sex with countless women but none of them filled what was missing in me. I did it because it was what everybody was doing, pushing me to do. The night I took your mom’s virginity I did but I didn’t want to because it is something special so sacred and she trusted it with me. I still, remember the look in her eyes. Its too much stuff out here now to be with this woman and that woman. I don’t even remember who took mine because I was at a party drunk so a girl said come on, after that all I knew I wasn’t a virgin anymore. Don’t be scared to wait, don’t be scared to give the woman you love something more sacred than your trust and your heart.” Jonah looked at Gavin.
“Do you ever wish you would have given your virginity to momma.” “Every day and that’s my fault to a point. Simone is younger than me I was a senior in high school she was just in ninth grade I never knew of her ‘til Allen pointed her out.” “So we need to thank Allen for the love connection even though he did some messed up things he brought yall together.” “He did but it was,” “I know,” Jonah said. “Momma why did your friend Maddison do all of this.” “Baby none of us will ever know.” I saw Gavin looking like the weight of the world was on the shoulder and I guess Jonah saw it as well. “Are you are alright.” Jonah asked looked at Gavin.
“I need to talk to you both about something.” “The NFL called me. They said it’s safe for me to come back and play again, my knee is healed. I can play at almost any team, however, I won’t do it or go if it’s not okay with either of you especially you Jonah.” I instantly became paralyzed in my seat as the sound of my heart begin to break and pump ten times harder and faster than it normally does. Standing up I struggle to get out. “Jonah lets go.” Walking out of the house I rushed getting my car while Jonah took his time. When he got in the car I took off not looking up for worry I would see Gavin.
Driving to the house I was on autopilot while trying to keep my tears at bay. When we got to the house I went in not saying anything just going to my room taking a shower before long everything broke in my I slide down in the shower against the wall as I cried uncontrollably. After a while, I finally got out I put on my PJ went to Jonah room to tell him good night. Crawling in my bed I silently cried to myself until the darkness consumed me.

                     {Next day}

After hearing my mom cry all night it was evident she had feelings for Gavin possibly even love him. Trying to grasp my own feelings my chest tightens and emotions take over. After a quick shower, I text my uncle Odell and ask for a favor approximately 10 minutes later he texts me back with an answer then I wrote momma a note then left the house.
Gong into Denny’s I find an empty booth as the waiter came to my table my guest arrived. “Can we have a few minutes please.” The waitress nodded. “Good morning Jonah.” “Good morning Gwen, thank you for meeting me you didn’t have to,” “Nonsense.” She says waving it off. “You're my nephew.” I nodded. After we ordered Gwen looked at me wanting to know why I asked her to meet me.
“Do you know if Gavin loves my mom.” She stops drinking then looks at me. “Do you want your parents back together again.” “I don’t know. Until some months back I didn’t know about him.” “Jonah none of us knew and please, believe me, I am not minimizing your pain nor your feelings because I would be the same way, but you have to understand.”

“I’m trying and I have told Gavin. That’s all I can do for now.”  “That’s a start. But your parents need to work this out for themselves. Do I believe they have feelings for each other of course I do? Would I love for him and Simone to actually have a chance together of course of I would? Why do I get the feeling you do also.” “I don’t. I just want my mom to be happy.” “With Gavin.” I shrugged my shoulders
“How about this I will set her up on a blind date for next week. This will show if she wants to be with someone else or Gavin.” “Your going to pick a guy who she will hate just to prove a point.” “Fine, we will pick out the guy together and agree on him,” I nodded my head. “Jonah I want Simone happy as well, whether it’s with Gavin or someone else. Nevertheless, I have a strong feeling she won’t go back to Gavin and conceal her own happiness for you.”
I stopped at looked at Gwen. “Now is that something you can live with.” She questioned me.       



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