War of Hearts

By Kopowerbomb88

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Haytham kenway never thought that he had a son, but he never thought his son would become an assassin. Howeve... More

Chapter 1: My Son
Chapter 2: Searching for Church
Chapter 3: Working Together
Chapter 4: Sailing with Father
Chapter 5: How I Met your Mother
Chapter 6: Nightmare
Chapter 7: Trying to Make Things Right
Chapter 8: Am I A Monster
Chapter 9: Dealing with Templars
Chapter 10: It is Over
Chapter 11: Speaking to Achilles
Chapter 13: Doing it Right
Chapter 14: Meeting an enemy from the past
Chapter 15: The Unxpected Attack
Chapter 16: dont leave me
Chapter 17: People of the Homestead
Chapter 18: Drunk Haytham
Chapter 19: Making Amends
Chapter 20: A New Life (The End)
what do u think

Chapter 12: The Last Stand

158 5 1
By Kopowerbomb88

Haytham Point of view
I hear cannons hitting the fort and I sigh, Connor is here. I'm surprised he didn't choose a subtler approach, after all bringing a whole fleet here to destroy the fort is not the way an Assassin should be going after a target. The boy is a madman, that's what I'm getting from it.

I step out of my quarters in hopes of finding Charles, I'm not sure who Connor is here for. But I honestly don't think it's me, I pause and grab my journal as tucked it into my coat. I plan to send Charles away and handle Connor myself, surely I can Calm him down he can't possibly still be mad at me. But if for some reason he is, which honestly isn't impossible... one of us may not walk away alive. If it is me who dies, I want to have my journal on me... hopefully Connor finds it.

I shake my head, I know I outmatch him so why am I preparing to die?
Charles: Master Kenway, there you are.
Charles says
Haytham: Charles thank god, you need to get out of here.
I say
Charles: are you mad? I'm not leaving! We both know who it is on our doorstep.
Haytham: which is why I want you gone, I may be able to talk some sense into him.
I reasoned with him
Charles: you're still on this? He said he would kill you if he saw you again!
Haytham: there's no danger surely he isn't still mad at me. But I know I have a much greater chance of surviving this than you. I'm sure you're the one, he's here for anyway.
Charles: are you really going to bet your life on his sentiment? Who to say he'll hold back?
Haytham: he will he must know, after all we've been through that I am not evil.

Charles: yet here he is!
Haytham: look that's not the point, if anyone is to die today. I would rather it to be me than you, but I will be perfectly fine.
Charles: are you sure?
He asked as he was shocked at the same, time.
Haytham: yes now will you go, before he shows up? I'll find him and stall, so you can make your escape.
Charles:yes sir I will
He leaves quickly and does not look back strange not even a goodbye I take a deep breath I wish I was as confident as I talk.
I head in the direction of the chaos, knowing Connor is using the attack as cover and will therefore be in the heart of it. As I suspect I find him easily enough, he has his back to me and is breathing heavily. He looks awful what was he thinking, deciding to attack this way? I thought. He calls for Charles and I figure there's no better time than now to reveal myself, despite the increasing anxiety I feel.

Connor Point of view
I should have listened to Achilles, I hate when I have to admit that. But there's no denying this is not going the way I planned. I'm badly injured and haven't even found Charles yet, I'm stumble further into the fort ignoring the pain in my side from being hit. Achilles called me a fool, for taking this approach and now I agree.

Connor: where are you Charles?
I call ignoring the scratchiness of my voice, my anger, frustration, exhaustion and pain all are contributing to the dizziness I feel from the cannon shot.
Haytham: gone
My Father says from behind, I refrain a groan as I turn to face him quickly, another unexpected turn.
My father runs up to me and before I can even react, punches me in the face stunning me. He then knees me in the stomach, causing me me to double over. Before I can even recover, he then digs his elbow into the back of my neck knocking me down to my hands and knees.

I go for a cheap shot between his legs, and when my father grunts and stumbles back I get back up to my feet. After exchanging a few punches, I grab my fathers arm and twist it behind his back. He grunts in pain, and before speaking.
Haytham: come now Connor, you cannot hope to match me. As skilled as you are, you're still but yet a boy... with some much left to learn.
He says breathlessly, I shove him away and pull out my tomahawk I whack my father arm destroying his hidden blade. He shouts in pain, I'll admit I wasn't careful about not drawing blood.
Connor: GIVE ME LEE!
I shout
Haytham: impossible he is the promise of a better future, the sheep... needs a Shepard.
My father warps his wrist, and I allowed him to.
Connor: he has been dismissed and censured, he can do nothing for you now.
Haytham: a temporary setback, he will be restored

My father draws his sword out, and I ready my tomahawk I must admit being on this side of fathers blade is slightly intimidating. I've seen it cut through hundreds of men, and I don't dare underestimate him. Still I will give my all in this fight, despite being weak my father is in my way and I cannot let emotional attachment stop me. No not attachment, misplaced sentiment is what Achilles called it. I thought, this time I agree I was wrong all along.

Haytham Point of view
I've seen that look that Connor has in his eye, just not him. Hundreds of soldiers, Assassins and even fellow Templars have had that look but never him. As we circle each other, his eyes tell me he's here for blood. If he cannot have Charles, then he will try for mine. My heart is heavy and it takes, all I have in me to keep my eyes from tearing up. He doesn't want to kill Lee, because he thinks it will better the world he's bloodthirsty.

I attempt banter as we fight, surely I can talk him into calming down to seeing the reason. There is nothing I want to do more than, to protect my own son... yet he may die tonight at my own hands. I need to convince him that I am not the enemy, or I will be forced to kill him.
Haytham: you act as though, you have some right to judge. To declare me and mine wrong for the world.
I say as he parries my attack, he uses the momentum of my attack to throw me into a barrel.. which breaks upon impact I get back up and continue.

Haytham: And yet everything I have shown you, all I said and done, should clearly demonstrate otherwise.
Connor slams me into a table, and I get up and kick his leg. Then I swing my sword, he almost deflects from it. As I managed to slice along his torso, he groans but stands firm.
Haytham: we did not harm your people! We did not support the crown! We work to see this land untied and at peace, under our rule all would be equal!
He then shoves me once more, and smashes a bottle on my head. I stumble back, due to the pain that impacted from my head.
Haytham: do the Patriots offer the same?
I parry his attack and remain quiet, hoping to get him to say something an answer.

Connor: they offer freedom!
He says breathing heavily, I plunge forward and he sidesteps me. Before he uses our surroundings to his advantage again. I regain my posture, and swing at him again it was sloppy but prevented him from making his move.
Haytham: which is why I told you time and time again is dangerous! There will never be consensus son, amongst those you've helped to ascend. They will differ in their views, of what it means to be free. The peace you so desperately seek, does not exist.
He begins to swing his tomahawk, and I move to counter. But then he slashes me, with his hidden blade on his other hand  smart boy I thought.

Connor: no together they will forge something new, something better than what there was before.
Haytham: these men are untied now by a common cause, but when the battle is finished! They will fall to fighting amongst themselves, about how best to ensure control. In time, it will lead to war you will see.
Connor: the Patriot leaders do not seek control, there will be no monarch here. The people will have the power, as they should.
How this I had to laugh, at my son remark.
Haytham: the People never have the power, only the illusion of it! And here's the real secret, they don't want it!
Connor parries my attack once more, and I notice that's all he's been doing. Why aren't there any offensive attacks? I thought.

Haytham: the responsibility is too great to bear, notice how quick people are to fall in line as soon as someone takes in charge? It's because they want to be told what to do, they yearn for it! Little wonder that, since all mankind was built to serve.
Connor: so because we are inclined by nature to be controlled, who better than the Templar's? It is a poor offer.
Haytham: it is the truth! Principle and practice are two different beasts.
Connor does it again, sidesteps me as I plunge then uses my momentum against me. More barrels break beneath me, and though I rise back to my feet. I must admit that manoeuvre is taking its toll, I must be careful.
Connor: no father you have given up, and would have us all do the same!
He rolls on the ground, and I only know what to expect because I've seen him do it before. He swings his tomahawk and I twist to deflect it, but the sudden movement along with the force of his blow knocks me to the ground. He gets up as I did as well, with that ever present scowl he raises his tomahawk. Just before he swings, a cannonball hits a building nearby. The debris files into him, knocking me and Connor to the ground. He gasps in pain, and I take the second to get up very slowly.

Connor: surrender and I will... spare you.
He says, as he crawls towards me slowly trying to get up.
Haytham: brave words for a man, about to die.
I retort he grits his teeth and weakly lunges, and I hear his hidden blade click. But I grab his arm and pin to down with ease, then pin him down the rest of the way with my body weight. I put my free hand, around my son throat.
Connor: you fare no better!
I sigh I will have to kill him, he's too determined. A shame I really like him, no I love him but my son gives me no choice.
Haytham: even when your kind, appears to triumph still we rise again. Do you know why?
Connor: I feel like your going to tell me.
I put pressure on his throat, and immediately I hear his breathing strain.
Haytham: it is because the order is born with a realisation! We require no creed, no indoctrination by desperate old men.
Connor is becoming more weaker, and I feel safe putting my hand on his throat.
Haytham: all we need is that the world be as it is, this is why the Templar's will never be destroyed.

With that I put more pressure on his throat, chocking him. He tries to pull my arms away, even hitting them but he's so weak that it has no effect. I look at him in the eyes, which are slowly closing and becoming more distant. He grimaces and tries kicking me, but his legs don't reach. His eyes close the rest of the way, and I feel a tear escape my eye. My poor boy, he's deserves better, I feel guilty  I thought. His arms fall uselessly to his side, and his face twists into a scowl.
Haytham: I'm sorry
I whisper as I tighten my grip even more.
Connor: you... aren't
My son struggles to say, he thinks I want this? I thought this is where I failed. I've been too hard on him, if I had done better we both wouldn't be here now.

I wish there was a way to end this, without his suffering. But if I move, he is sure to get free easily. Connor opens his eyes wide, and I see pure hate in them. That look alone hurts me more than I can explain, but I see something else, what could it be? Not fear like I saw on his face that night when he had a nightmare, not even defeat like what I saw back at the Church. No something else, could it be determination... confidence?

As that dawns on me, I feel a sharp pain in my right shoulder. I grunt and look to see his hidden blade dig into me, damm that was a forceful blow for someone. I thought on deaths doorstep, I stumble back and I hear Connor gasp for air as I do. But my vision is blurring. I move my hand from my wound and can't help, but scoff at the amount of blood there. I'm going to die, Connor has killed me I put my hand back anyway. As if doing so would stop the bleeding, or even ease the pain of course it does neither.

Haytham: don't think I've any intention, of caressing your cheek and saying I was wrong. I will not weep and wonder what, might've been... I'm sure you understand.
I say then look away from Connor as he rises from his feet, my legs grow weak and I find myself kneeling on the ground.
No I need to show him at least a little kindness, this is it! I sigh then look back at Connor, his face was twisted into a frown. Shouldn't he be happy? This is what he wanted from the start. I push that from my mind, feeling my time slipping he clearly is not going to speak.

Haytham: still... I'm proud of you in a way, you've shown great conviction, strength, courage. All noble qualities, you're an incredible young man Connor... I should have killed you long ago.. I.
I try to continue but my voice falters, I want to say some more but now my attempts to speak are just pathetic grunts so I give up.

With that I fall over, my eyes slowly close and I watch Connor with all the energy I have. I hope to see something there, something that shows that he cares. But he just stands there, clutching a wound watching me die. He doesn't care that I'm dying, he hates me. My heart shatters for the last time, and I close my eyes. I feel so alone wishing I had tried, something more sentimental for my last words. Maybe it would have made him more sympathetic, in the end. I always thought I'd die alone, but to die feeling alone but with someone I love? Much worse my father, mother Ziio and Connor.

Just as I think that, I feel Connor fingertips brush against my hand. I strain to look at him, and see he's squatting next to me, taking my hand into his. It's a small gesture but means so much to me. I see hurt in his eyes, and despite feeling relieved that he does care at least little for me. I feel saddened, I don't want to see my boy hurt I squeeze his hand with that little strength I have then... I close my eyes.
Connor: goodbye father.
I hear him whisper, and it's very faint. It is the last words, I hear before my world goes black and silent.

Oh my god what an end to this chapter, Haytham and Connor had a hard time to kill each other. But now Haytham, is no longer with us, and did you notice that Charles Lee quickly leaves the room without saying goodbye to Haytham... hmmm strange.

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