Falling for Mr Billionaire ||...

By queensofsupreme

524K 17.6K 1.1K

"What?" I shouted dropping the phone as tears stream down my face. He can't be dead, no! The father of my chi... More

Chapter 1 *His back*
Chapter 2 *I still love you*
Chapter 3 *She can't be pregnant*
Chapter 4 *Be my wife please*
Chapter 5*The devil is married*
Chapter 6 *Heartbroken*
Chapter 7*please don't hurt me*
Chapter 8*I didn't want a divorce*
Chapter 9*She isn't married*
Chapter 10*Are you pregnant?*
Chapter 11*She knows about him*
Chapter 12*Last day of italy*
Chapter 13 *Finally he knows*
Chapter 14 *He called me a slut*
Chapter 15*His her father*
Chapter 16*The devil caught me*
Chapter 17*Water problem*
Chapter 18*Game on*
Chapter 19*Game goes wrong*
Chapter 20*On drugs*
Chapter 21*The Surprise*
Chapter 22*The smack*
Chapter 24*You under arrest*
Chapter 25*Jail life*
Chapter 26*broken hearts*
Chapter 27*Friends or family*
Chapter 28*Mother is back*
Chapter 29*Poison*
Chapter 30*Fake it till you make it*
Chapter 31*Its just an illusion*
Chapter 32*Bomb explosion*
Chapter 33*Broken body*
Chapter 34*AWAKE*
Chapter 35*Unconscious*
Chapter 36*behind bars*
Chapter 37*My baby*
Chapter 38*water-breaks*
Chqpter 39*Missing Ex-*
Chapter 40*Caught red handed*
Chapter 41*Suicide*
Chapter 42*Funeral*
Chapter 43*Wedding bells*
Chapter 44*Love is back*
Chapter 45*Engaged*
Chapter 46*Married again*
Chapter 47*Honeymoon*
Chapter 48*Cheater & a liar*
Chapter 49*Im Sorry*
Chapter 50*The end*
Chapter 51*Eli's start*
Chapter 52*Party like there's no tomorrow*
Chapter 53*Game on*
Chapter 54*Birthday wish*
Chapter 55*Revenge*
Chapter 56*Heart-condition*
Chapter 57*Accident*
Chapter 58- Bitter truth
Chapter 59 - Detective Eli
Chapter 60*Award ceremony
Chapter 61*Scars
Chapter 62 - Rule
Chapter 63*Past secrets
Chapter 64* Prom night
Chapter 65*Drinker*
Chapter 66*Future plans*

Chapter 23*Paris Mistake*

6.1K 254 29
By queensofsupreme

Sofia's POV.

A day has passed since I last saw Charlotte. I know I shouldn't have smacked her but honestly she just made me so angry. I wish Benjamin wasn't the reason for our fight.

"You ready to go to Paris?" Anna asked as we got in the airplane and I nod my head. "I'm sure Charlotte will come around, don't stress yourself." She added and I took my seat.

"She hates me Anna, she said it before she left and I know she meant it. Now are you sure Annette and Meghan will be fine with your father?" I questioned and she nod her head.

"It's just two days Sofia. I'll go with you to Paris but I'll come back with the next plane that's going back to New York because I can't leave my children for long." She explained. "And plus if I didn't come with then who would Elijah fight with? Emily is still a baby."

"Elijah fights with strangers now."


The next morning, Anna already left for her flight. Elijah was watching TV as always and I quickly called Benjamin because I seriously need to talk to him. He can't just beat people up because of who they are.

Mr annoying : I got your surprise. Why don't we meet or should I come to house.

I read Nicholas message annoyed because I totally forgot about him and the surprise he owed me months ago.

Me : Fine come over now please cause I'll be busy later.

I quickly send a message and prayed Benjamin calls me as soon as he gets all my missed calls. I seriously need to talk to him about everything. For Charlotte's sake I'll even tell him his the father but I first need him to calm down. The door bell rang and I quickly went to get the door.

"You really want to see your surprise?" Nicholas asked and I nod my head faking a smile, if only he knew how stressed I am. "Okay then, go back in and close your eyes. No peeping." He added and I nod my head and did what he told me.

"Surprise." He shouted and I opened my eyes to see two little boys in front of me. "Meet Lucas and Nate."

"Don't tell me you adopted these two beautiful babies." I smiled at the babies and gave Nate a kiss, Lucas even hide behind his father. "Did you kidnap them or adopt them?"

"Which one does 'I made them' fall under." He asked and I looked at him confused. "They my children Sofia." He added.

"How?" I questioned.

"Well, when a women and man get together they---." He paused as soon as he knew I was serious. "I know I should've told you early but I wanted the kids to be here so you would believe me. Lisa moved out of Paris after we had a fight, the small one, Nate might not be my son that's why we getting a divorce." He explained.

"It's fine Nicholas, I understand." I mumbled and he picked Nate up. "How old is he?"

"Nate is one year and a few months and Lucas is almost three." He replied. "Anyways I wanted to tell you something you will love. So please sit so I can tell you what I wanted to ask."

"Tell me, you scaring me Nicholas." I told him and he nod his head sitting in front of me.

"I have been thinking Sofia. How about I adopt Emily and Elijah. They need a father Sofia and you know how much Emily loves me. She is a girl and she needs someone to protect her. Please let me adopt them, especially Emily." He bit his lips and I looked at him shocked.

"Nick there's something I need to tell you." I said getting up. "You can't adopt my children when they have a father who loves them more than the world. Nick they father is alive. I know I lied to you and told you I'm mourning for him but I didn't mean he was actually dead. Elijah has a father and so does Emily. You know how it feels to have children and you know how Elijah and Emily's father would feel if you wanted to adopt them."

"That's fine." I could hear by the way he was talking that he was very hurt. "Lisa will start shouting me if I don't take the boys back. I'll see you whenever I'm free." He got up and told Luca they are leaving.

"Nick please don't be angry with me. Nick I already have a best fiend who doesn't even care if I'm dead anymore." I shouted as he left the house. "I'm sorry." I added as they got in the car.

How many more people will I hurt?

I sat on the couch confused. I have a best friend who hates me so much, the girl who I once called a sister in law and I have my only close friend in Paris who hates me.

"Mommy." Elijah said coming downstairs. "Daddy is here." He added and I jumped off the couch.

"Where Elijah?" I questioned and he ran to the door. Please god don't let Benjamin be outside.

I quickly ran after Elijah and Benjamin was standing there looking at me angry. "Hi." I mumbled.

"You know you pregnant and yet you want to travel. Sofia don't you care about your child's health?" He asked and I nod my head confused. Since when does he care about the baby he thinks isn't his.

"Why do you care?" I questioned and he just walked passed me with Elijah. "Don't act like you did nothing wrong. Benjamin you beat six guys who I don't even know well. Do you really think I would sleep with a guy I didn't know for long? Do you really believe I would?" I repeated.

"No." He shook his head and I sighed relieved. "But who said you didn't know the father of that child for years or months? What if you were with the guy before we broke up? What if you were cheating on me?" He quickly whispered something in Elijah's ear and Eli went upstairs. "Sofia you don't have to lie to me anymore, you can be honest with me. Did you cheat on me when we were together?" Tears started running down my face as those words left his mouth.

"You just like your sister." I shouted smacking him. "I'm not like you Carson's who think so little of everyone just because you are cheaters. Benjamin I was raised better than you think." I wiped my tears away and he smiled.

"I'll leave before I say something you really cry about." He replied. "By the way next time I see you, you will definitely never forget. Be prepared love, because I'm not someone who is as kind hearted as you are." He touched my face and I quickly took off his hand. "I'll see you soon, maybe today maybe tomorrow but trust me. What I'm about to do is something I never wanted to do, you pushed me Sofia. You pushed me to the point that I lost respect but very soon, you will be back in my arms. I promise you that." He left the house and I just stood there shocked. When did he change so much? Just the other day when we kissed he still seemed like the Benjamin I knew. I just hope he doesn't do something he will regret to anyone.


Benjamin's POV.

I came to Paris to find out who the father of Sofia's child. I know there is a small chance I may be the father but I also know she would've told me if I was the father of the child. I hope she doesn't know the father of the child, so I can raise him as my own.

I sit on the the bed and my phone started ringing. I just wished Sofia would stop calling me. Why the hell did she even travel to Paris. She should think about her children rather than trying to safe her lover. My phone kept ringing but I kept ignoring Sofia's call. I'm sure she is only calling because she wants to ask why I beat all her friends up.

I tried taking a nap but my phone started ringing again. I should probably go to her house because she is definitely not going to stop calling me. I got up and started getting dress. My phone rang again and this time it was my father, God I'm dead.

"Hello father, I'm in a important meeting with an important client, I'll call you later." I quickly said after answering the phone.

"So you want me to come to Paris because I wouldn't mind." My father shouted.

"Listen, you don't need to come to Paris father. Thea is pregnant and she will be giving birth anytime. You know mother wouldn't be happy if you left Thea alone when she's pregnant. Stay with her so mother can also be happy." I replied.

"You always use your mother to get to me but Benjamin why the hell did you ruin your reputation. The only time the media had something bad to say about you was when you used to be a player but now, you beating up people without a reason." My father said.

"I have a reason dad, I swear I didn't go mad. I didn't even hit them that hard. It was just a few punches plus they still alive, that counts right?" I questioned.

"You still the same since you were a kid but Benjamin why did you do it?" He asked.

"Well, Sofia is pregnant." I answered. "Father, she said the baby isn't mine and I know if it isn't mind than it can only be someone in Paris."

"Benjamin you just like your mother, always jumping to conclusions."

"You are the one who always loved jumping to conclusions and not mom. Anyways what does that even have to do with Sofia being pregnant?" I replied.

"Well I never liked Sofia when she first got married to you remember. I thought you were crazy to marry a girl like her. Ben, Sofia seemed like a gold digger to me that's why I hated her. I always wanted her out of your life. I even offered her money and threatened her but she refused to leave you." I didn't even know my own father hated her so much, even though I hated him when I first got married to Sofia. "But then when she left you I figured she was the only girl your mother would accept as her daughter in law. You ruined your life for those months she was gone, your companies where running to the ground and I found out you got married to Carlene. That's when I figured out you loved Sofia and you didn't marry her just because of some silly deal. Ben, Sofia loves you and I accepted that when she refused my money. So I know that baby she is carrying is a Carson, it can never be someone else's baby after all she would never cheat on you." He continued taking. "Benjamin you might think she cheated on you to get back at you but Thea told me when she met Sofia the other day, she actually didn't look her in the eye when she said the baby isn't yours. She actually even left in a hurry after that."

"You offered her money to leave me?" I asked.

"That's all you heard me say?" He questioned. "And don't you dare blame me because you have a reputation for sleeping with gold diggers. Benjamin have you forgotten how many girls claimed to be pregnant with your child?" He asked and I sighed. "Anyways I think Sofia accepting your deal was the only think you---."

"The deal." I shouted and before he could say anything I hang up. Why didn't I even think about that?

Sorry father but I have something important to do.

I quickly dialed the sheriff's number and he answered.

"I need a favor." I started with.



"How can I help you officers?" I asked shaking because there's no way I ever did anything against the law.

"Are you Sofia Valentines?" One of them asked and I nod my head. "You are under---."

"I came to fetch the kids." Benjamin interrupted them coming out of nowhere. "Officers please wait because I don't want my children to see this." He quickly went upstairs.

"I don't understand what's going on? Did I do something wrong?" I asked the officers as I touched my pregnant tummy. My baby always loves kicking whenever Benjamin is around. I really tried telling Benjamin I'm pregnant with his child but he always jumps up to conclusions and assumes the worse of me. I think he will only believe it's his child when the baby is born.

"You can do what you want now." Benjamin told them coming down with Emily and Elijah. "I'll look after them for a while."

"Benjamin where are you taking my children?" I asked. "You can meet them whenever you want but I don't remember agreeing Emily to sleep over when she's not even one."

"Officers, your job please." Benjamin said ignoring me.

"Sofia Valentines, you are under arrest for breach of contract. You have the right to remain silents. Anything you say or do can be used against--."

"What?" I shouted and saw Benjamin winking at me. "I did not break any contract with Benjamin. You must tell them the truth Benjamin, I'm pregnant you asshole. Tell them, the truth." I shouted but he just smiled at me.

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