Out Of My League


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"You're out of my league" This.Is.Just.A.Product.Of.My.Bored.Ass More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 23

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3rd Person's POV

"Unnie you're hurting me" Jennie tried to get out of Jisoo who's been dragging her to room.

As soon as they reached Jennie's room, she let go of Jennie's arm and locked the door.

"What you just did there was not good at all Jennie! Why do you have to out Lisa like that? You don't know what she's been going through right now! Do you think it's easy for her to tell her parents, especially to our parents that she's gay?! Do you think it's easy for her to do that when even you, her bestfriend who needs to be there for her, turned your back when you found out that she's gay? God, Jennie! Why aren't you thinking?!" Jisoo said frustratedly.

"First of all, I was shocked too when she came out earlier!" Jennie yelled.

"Shocked? You were about to tell it if she didn't beat you to do it." Jisoo yelled back.

"I was about to say that she betrayed me okay? That she told me she won't join the dance crew then voila I found out that she's been practicing behind my back. I thought that would be a good excuse, okay." Jennie explained. "It's not my fault that she freaked out." She added.

"Then you should have stopped her!" Jisoo yelled, she was frustrated to herself. This is not her plan, if she just lied earlier it wouldn't turn out to be like this.

"I--I'm sorry... I can't help her at all." Jisoo said, she wants to cry right now.

"Hey unnie, it's okay. It's not your fault, you did your best okay? That's a lot already." Jennie calmed her.

"How? How can you stay calm when you know that one of your bestfriend is out there, probably crying herself out with no one to hold on to? Why Jen, why can't you accept her?" Jisoo asked her that made her silent.

"You know what? I'm not gonna stay here and do nothing." Jisoo said and went out of Jennie's room. Jennie doesn't have the energy to stop her so she stayed there thinking of Jisoo's question repeatedly.

"It wasn't the issue at all Jisoo unnie." She whispered.


Jisoo went home with her shoulders and head down, she didn't know where Lisa went at all. When she reached Lisa's house, only Lisa's parents were there who looked so worried when they can't contact their daughter.

"How's the talk with Jennie?" She heard her father said, she looked around and saw him sitting in the living room.

"I couldn't help them." She answered.

She did not waste any second and ran to her father's arms and cried there. Jisoo Kim never cries, she has a strong personality and her father knows she can handle herself but maybe Jennie is right, you don't really know a person like the back of your hand, because change is constant, and he saw what changed Jisoo, her love for her friends.

"It's okay tough one, it's not your problem so let them fix it okay? Just stay on their side and guide them, they'll realize and learn eventually." Her father said as he rubbed Jisoo's back until the girl fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Chaeyoung was picking all the used tissue that Lisa have thrown out, she doesn't want to leave the place with their wastes.

They have been sitting at the park for three hours now, and Lisa has been crying since then. Lisa told her what happened and she can't helped but be furious when she heard what Jennie did to Lisa.

She was so considerate of Jennie's feelings back then but after what happened earlier, there's a changed of heart for her too.

"Chaeyoung-ah, do you think my parents will accept me?" Lisa asked that made her look at the girl.

She gave her a warm smile and held Lisa's face so she can look at her eyes.

"Trust me, if there's a person or people that won't judge and understand you, it's your parents Lisa." Chaeyoung assured her. Lisa can't help but believe what she said so she pulled Rosé and trapped her in a big hug.

"Thank you so much for coming to my life, Chaeyoung-ah." Lisa said that made Rosé's heart flatter.

"Like what I've told you, I'm going to be with you always, My Giraffe." Chaeyoung answered and hugged her back.

"Let's go home." Jennie said looking out of nowhere.

"Are you sure? Lisa's still there, I can take away Rosé so you can talk to Lisa." Alex said and looked at her girlfriend who look so blank right now.

He was confused earlier when he received a call from Jennie, asking him to help her find Lisa.

The man made his way to his girlfriend's home and can't helped but asked questions so Jennie ended up telling him the truth.

He felt bad for Lisa tho, even him can't understand why Jennie acted that way but he doesn't want to question her more, because he knows that Jennie is hurting too.

So when they finally found Lisa in a park where Lisa and Jennie used to go, he thought Jennie will talk to her but then Jennie just stared at the two figure for a whole hour before she decided to just go home.

"No it's okay, I'll just talk to her some other time. She doesn't need me..for now." She said, the man just sighed and started the engine.

"One more thing, don't tell Jisoo unnie that we looked for Lisa." Jennie added, Alex just nodded because he doesn't want to ask anymore.


"LISA! SWEETIE WE ARE SO WORRIED!" Lisa's mom hugged her as soon as she went in their house.

"I'm sorry mom, dad." She said shyly.

"Hey, look at me and your dad. Why are you apologizing?" Her mother asked.

Lisa's tears started to build up again, "because I'm gay." she said.

"That's bullshit!" Her father yelled that made her and her mom jumped.

"Marco! Don't scare her." Her mother warned him.

Her father went to her and raised his arm, Lisa closed her eyes and waited for a hard, painful slap to land on her face but instead she felt a warm big hug, and when she open her eyes, she saw her father hugging her.

"D-Dad.." Lisa cried.

"Shhh... Look at me, princess. Don't apologize of what you have become, you didn't choose it, you felt it, you realized that it is who you are and who are we to question that? Do you really think that we won't accept you? We are your parents, Lisa. If there are people who would never turn their backs on you, it's us, you are our princess and that will never ever change. We're always here to support you, okay?" Her dad told her which made her cry harder.

Both her parents hugged her and comforted her that night, she did not expect this but one thing's for sure, her parents love for her made her strong enough to accept things that had changed in her life.

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