Chapter 20

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3rd Person's POV

Lisa was patiently waiting for the class to end. Today is Friday and both her and Jennie decided to have their 'bestfriends date' after class.

'Whatever, at least I will have an alone time with my bestfriend later' she thought.

Lisa was also thinking of telling Jennie that she's still part of the dance crew and she will be joining the competition two weeks from now. She couldn't hangout with Jennie because of their dance practices. The other girl was being suspicious now because she always go home late and she's always tired. She's been losing out of alibis.

She's worried, scared and afraid of what reaction might Jennie have when she heard her but the guilt is already killing her, she doesn't want to hide things from Jennie.

*bell rings*

As soon as the bell rang Lisa put her things back on her bag and made her way out of the classroom. She saw Jennie walking out of ther room just in time. Lisa was about to approach her when Seulgi grabbed her hand.

"Hey Lisa, where are you going?" Seulgi asked.

"Uh.. out? Why?" She asked.

"Well Bam said Taeyang oppa will be coming later and wants watch our performance." Seulgi answered.

"What?? I thought we're free today?" Lisa asked in frustration. She doesn't want to cancel her plans with Jennie because it has been two weeks since their last bonding.

"I know it was a late minute notice but it's Taeyang oppa. It would be great if we can hear some advices from him. You know he's a busy person because he's an in demand dancer right now so we really have to grab this chance since he's free." Seulgi explained.

Lisa understands Seulgi, Taeyang was their Senior and he's really a great dancer. Taeyang lifted their Academy's dance crew and achieved four straight championships in his time. She knows that hearing some suggestions from their senior will help them so she needs to stay and perform today even if she needs to cancel on Jennie.

"Okay, I guess I really need to stay." She said at Seulgi which made the girl to squeal.

"Oh my god! Thank you, I'll see you in the practice room." Seulgi said and hugged her playfully before running away from her.

"Ehem.." she heard a fake cough from behind. When she faced the person she almost had a heart attack.

"J-Jennie! You're here!" She said nervously.

"I am..." Jennie said flatly.

"Have you been listening?" She asked nervously, anxiety is slowly eating her.

'Did she hear Seulgi?? Does she know that I'm still  part of the dance crew?? Oh my god!!!' she internally panicked.

"Listen to what?? And why did that girl hugged you?? I told you not to hang out with them." Jennie said while glaring at her.

"I-uh... I don't know why she did that. I think it's part of her personality because I see her around hugging people without a reason." Lisa said awkwardly. She doesn't know why she have to explain.

"Tsk! I'm sure she goes around hugging girls that she likes because she's pervert and she's---" Jennie was cut off by Lisa.

"Woah woah stop right there Nini, don't talk like that to the people you don't personally know." She said because she knows where Jennie was saying is going.

"Yah! Are you siding that gay classmate of yours?!" Jennie yelled thay shocked Lisa. Good thing they are the only students left outside the classroom.

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